The promotion of migration is often seen as "leftist", the aid as "humanistic" and the consequences as "cosmopolitan". All these terms are positively occupied and disguise whose interests are served here. It is about supplying the local labor market with cheap workers. In migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries, employers and investors profit on a large scale. Thus labor migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries deserves criticism like recently with study of the Bertelsmann-Foundation that is close to employers. [1] [2] [3] [3,pdf]
But migration causes more people to compete for limited resources such as jobs, housing and social welfare. In the process, the equilibrium price for work is falling, living space is becoming scarcer and therefore more expensive and the costs of social assistance are rising. Thus companies benefit from lower wages can get lucrative orders for care and employers' organizations can use sentiment through migration to cut social assistance and thus lower the implicit minimum wage.
Meanwhile the left and employers' organizations seem to have agreed on a joint program. But this way the left has degraded itself programmatically. While employers' organizations demand immigration leftists are make do with managing the resulting society. And instead of fighting for higher incomes and a better standard of living they complement the demands of employers' organizations. See also:
[Commentary] The left is looking for a replacement proletariat [4] [5] [6] [7]
[1] Rückgang und Alterung sind nicht mehr aufzuhalten 2011/16
[2] Ohne Zuwanderung ist Deutschlands Stärke in Gefahr 2017-09-27
[3] Deutscher Arbeitsmarkt auf außereuropäische Zuwanderung angewiesen 2019-02-12
[4] Wer die Kanakisierung unserer Gesellschaft zurückdrängen will, ist in der Sache rechts 2018-06-07 https://www.woz.ch/-8d1c
[5] Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes – Grundrechte für alle 2018-11-19 http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/19/058/1905860.pdf
[6] "Deutschland ist eine Einwanderungsgesellschaft" 2018-11-30 https://www.die-linke.de/start/nachrichten/detail/deutschland-ist-eine-einwanderungsgesellschaft/
[7] "Die Bundesregierung steht bei den Leuten in der Schuld" 2019-03-10 https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Die-Bundesregierung-steht-bei-den-Leuten-in-der-Schuld-4325869.html
The claim that as a result of increased labor productivity through digitization work is running out is old and widespread among so-called futurists. However the entry date is repeatedly postponed and now it has the name "Economy 4.0".
An increase in labor productivity is therefore positive and means that more goods and services are created with equal labor input. However in order to be able to consume the additional goods and services wages in the same country must increase accordingly. Or the working time is decreased to compensate for the increase in labor productivity.
The demand side of labor are employers and determine today the price in the form of wage level. However when one site dictates conditions it is right to speak of a market failure. And when wage levels stagnate permanently it also reduces the incentives for employers to increase labor productivity through investment. Stagnating wages thus hinder technological progress and labor productivity growth.
And in the study of the Bertelsmann Foundation of 2019 which demands migration demands accordingly to stagnating labor productivity. And stagnating labor productivity fits the scenario where higher wages and potential investment are prevented by an over-supply of workers.
[1] Deutscher Arbeitsmarkt auf außereuropäische Zuwanderung angewiesen 2019-02-12
According to the BAMF (Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees) in Germany this phenomenon is also visible. According to this only 8 % of asylum seekers have visited a vocational training institution and have only 6 % completed it. And only 17 % of asylum seekers have embarked on university studies and only 11 % completed it. In contrast in 2017 in Germany 59 % had graduate degrees and a further 18 % had university degrees. In addition information about asylum seekers is based on their own accounts and there are no sanctions for false information. It must therefore be assumed that these informations are partly made up. [1,p.9]
This is one of the reasons why above-average numbers of migrants work for low-skilled occupations in Germany. In the European Union and in the countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) about 25 % of the jobs for low-skills are occupied by migrants. In Germany on the other hand about 40 % of jobs for low-skills are occupied out by migrants. Of the 33.2 million migrants in the OECD who are considered highly educated 8.1 million work in occupations for which they are overqualified. And of the 11 million migrants in the EU who are considered highly educated 2.9 million work in occupations for which they are overqualified. [2]
On the one hand this is a setback for those affected and these people are also needed in their countries of origin. It is also questionable if these people who were educated and trained in and with the taxes from their countries of origin emigrate to other countries. Such behavior is extremely damaging to the countries of origin.
However information on asylum seekers is based on their own accounts and there are no sanctions for false informations and there is no distinction between participation and graduation. It must therefore be again assumed that this information is partly made up.
Another consequence is that migrants fail to establish themselves on the labor market. In Germany this is shown by the above-average lower employment rates.
But even in the case of vocational training and state support the rates of dropouts are above average.
In the crafting business the quota of dropouts as of 2019 is about 14 %.
However in the case of vocational training of migrants from the nine main countries of origin the drop-out rate is at 27 %.
In Stuttgart as of 2019 more than a third of refugees and migrants of the first generation with a training contract can't speak enough or no German at all.
And for a support program for nurses of Diakonie Essen 25 refugees were recruited.
Of these only five completed an intensive language course and started a training in the care sector, another participant has received the recognition of their foreign nursing care and two more are waiting for this recognition.
With this mind one should then also see the announcement that Hessian (Germany) schools should in future decide for themselves whether these students will still receive grades in the future or will instead issued written reviews. After a decision in the state of Hesse (Germany) schools should be able to decide to abolish grades if they present an alternative concept. For the time being it is only possible abandon grades if there is no change to a secondary school or a school leaving certificate. What you can not measure does not show up negative. [4] [5] [6] [7]
[1] Geflüchtete machen Fortschritte bei Sprache und Beschäftigung 2019-01-25
[2] Settling In 2018 - Indicators of Immigrant Integration
[3] Stuttgarter Berufsschulen schlagen Alarm - Massives Sprachdefizit bremst Azubis aus 2019-02-25
[4] Viele junge Flüchtlinge brechen Pflege-Ausbildung ab 2019-01-15
[5] Viele hessische Schulen dürfen künftig auf Noten verzichten 2019-01-31
[6] Streit über Zensuren - Hessen weicht Notenzwang auf 2019-01-31
[7] Grüne setzen sich mit Forderung durch - Hessische Schulen dürfen künftig auf Noten verzichten 2019-02-01
[8] Heinz-Peter Meidinger im Gespräch - Oberster Lehrer sauer nach Hessen-Vorstoß: „Schüler haben ein Recht auf Noten!“ 2019-02-04
However the demand for migration due to demographic change has a different purpose. Not least because of the European Union nation states with their own economies have been transformed into a transnational economy with competing locations. After all as a result of free trade in the EU's common market high-wage countries such as Germany compete with low-wage countries such as Romania. And because of the euro monetary union countries have lost the possibility of devaluing their currency to even out their foreign trade balance. This attitude can be clearly seen in the Bertelsmann Foundation's 2019 study.
[1] Deutscher Arbeitsmarkt auf außereuropäische Zuwanderung angewiesen 2019-02-12
[2] Japans Bevölkerung stirbt langsam aus 2013-06-24
[3] Hohe Lebenserwartung, kaum Geburten - Alt, älter, Japan 2018-10-25
[4] Südkorea kämpft gegen sinkende Geburtenrate 2018-12-07
[5] Südkorea: Südkorea kämpft gegen sinkende Geburtenrate 2018-12-07
[6] Prime Minister Beata Szyd?o: Family 500 plus program success to be owed to Polish families 2016-03-14
[7] Summary of “Family 500+” programme and changes in the government programme 2017-04-04
[8] First results of Poland’s Family 500+ programme released 2018-05-16
[9] TOP STORIES - Hungary pays couples who pledge to have babies 2017-02-17
[10] NEWS - Hungary gives tax breaks to boost population, stop immigration 2019-02-10
[11] Orban offers financial incentives to boost Hungary's birth rate 2019-02-10
[12] Orban Encourages Mothers in Hungary to Have 4 or More Babies 2019-02-11
In the wake of the migration crisis several people have decided to guarantee for the living-costs and other costs. For this they have signed commitments to guarantee for all living expenses of the person taken in. However according to many guarantors they were unaware that the obligations they had undertaken also apply after the persons taken in obtained the protection status. See also:
[Domestic Policy] Refugees-Guarantors - who in the end pays for the culture of a few guarantors of refugees welcome
In February 2019 Mohamed Abou-Taam the director of the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) was arrested and detained for investigative custody after after the headquarters of the welfare association was searched through by investigators. He is accused to have issued made bogus bills for never performed services and so misappropriated public funds in 2016 and 2017 together with the head of a security company which was commissioned to guard several accommodation shelters. According to prosecutors the two are said to have made a total of 3 million euros this way. See also:
[Domestic Policy] How the Workers-Samaritan-Federation has earned money with refugees welcome
In fact the prosecutor investigates against the associations "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) and "Gesellschaft für Familien und Gender Mainstreaming" (Society for Families and Gender Mainstreaming) in Bremerhaven and both the MP in Bremen Patrick Öztürk (formerly SPD) and his father Selim Öztürk regarding 1,000 fictitious employment relationships in order to receive unlawful claims to social benefits. In 724 cases Bulgarians of whom the vast majority belong to the Turkish minority in Bulgaria have received fictitious employment contracts through the associations. With these employment contracts they then received social benefits. And a part of these payments went then in cash to Patrick Öztürk (SPD) and Selim Öztürk. According to senior public prosecutor Janhenning Kuhn the damage amounts to 5.5 million euros. See also:
[Domestic Policy] How money was made in Bremerhaven with refugees welcome
[1] 50.000 Euro pro unbegleitetem jungen Flüchtling 2018-02-11
[2] Junge Migranten kosten Deutschland vier Milliarden 2017-02-22
[3] Migration: Milliardenkosten für junge Migranten 2017-02-22
However parties can exploit a shift in political majorities through migration. Parties can bind themselves to a political majority that is growing by migration in order to increase their electoral success. This is questionable at the least when this happens for the sake of itself and serves only to preserve or gain power. Here however parties should be warned. If parties believe they can use people for their own ends then in the end they could be used themself by the migrants for their own purposes.
The strategy paper seems to have paid off. Parties with a conservative profile or those who are critical of immigration could come into distress due to immigration. In July 2014 the strategy paper Recovering the big cities (Die großen Städte zurückerobern) was published by CDU politician Kai Wegner. In it the CDU is attested declining attractiveness as a result of demographic change. Wegner describes big cities (metropolises) that are changing as a result of migration and advocates so called metropolitan politicians who can win more voters in such cities. [1]
The result of such dynamics is visible in Germany.
In the USA the dynamics looks the other way around.
[3] [4]
[1] Die großen Städte zurückerobern 2014-06-18
[2] CDU und CSU sind erstmals die beliebtesten Parteien bei Zuwanderinnen und Zuwanderern 2018-09-27
[3] Trumped: The 2016 Election That Broke All the Rules
[4] Another Look Back at 2016
Two groups of people stand out in particular. People with an expensive education and academics such as doctors, lawyers, engineers and architects as they are necessary for the management of the processes of a country. They are more easily accepted abroad because of their educational background and their valuable education. The majority of young and healthy workers are needed for the implementation and future reconstruction of homes and infrastructure. As a rule they are less mobile and less in demanded from abroad due to lack of valuable training. But both need each other. As Julian Assange has explained in an interview such an approach takes place towards Syria.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) relies almost entirely on voluntary third-party payments to cover expenditure. The UNHCR has to cover its own costs mainly through donations. However from January to September 2015 and in the wake of the migration crisis UNHCR financial assistance was much lower than necessary and much lower than in the previous year. [2] [2,archive] [3] [4]
In November 2015 the then head Antonio Guterres reported that the resources of the UNHCR were no longer sufficient. By November 2015 only 37% of the money requested for care had been transferred. As a result food vouchers for 211,000 people in Jordan and 638,000 in Lebanon were halved. According to Guterres that is how the migration crisis of 2015 was triggered by the lack of humanitarian money. [5] [6] [7] [8] [8,archive] [9]
In addition to this came that the German federal government terminated the Dublin agreement with special trains. According to the Dublin agreement asylum seekers must apply for asylum in the EU member state where they enter the EU for the first time. In 2015 the German Federal Government used special trains to bring asylum seekers from other EU member states to Germany. Thus the German federal government has terminated the existing order. In addition the German government has signaled to people who have not yet come to Europe that they do not have to stay in the first EU member state. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
In a report the scientific service of the Bundestag stated that the opening of the border in 2015 was legally wise not flawless. The report states that the Federal Government has not stated on which legal basis it had decided at that time and that the Bundestag probably would have had to vote on it. [21,p.4ff] [21,p.8] It also states that the persons coming from the safe third country Austria at the border should have been turned away according to the Dublin agreement. [21,p.10ff]
[1] Kostas Ephemeros - Meeting with Julian Assange 2015-10-25
[2] Deutschland stellte Rekordsumme für UNHCR-Hilfsprogramme bereit 2015-01-30
[3] Funding shortage leaves Syrian refugees in danger of missing vital support 2015-06-25
[4] UN agency forced to cut food aid to 229,000 Syrian refugees 2015-09-04
[5] UN alarmed by Swedish development aid cuts 2015-09-12
[6] Im Nahen Osten fehlen die Mittel 2015-09-17
[7] U.N. Funding Shortfalls and Cuts in Refugee Aid Fuel Exodus to Europe 2015-09-19
[8] Guterres - Mangel an humanitären Mitteln hat Flüchtlingskrise ausgelöst 2015-11-04
[9] UN alarmed by Denmark development aid cuts 2015-11-12
[10] ÜBEREINKOMMEN - über die Bestimmung des zuständigen Staates für die Prüfung eines in einem Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Gemeinschaften gestellten Asylantrags
[11] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Art 16a
[12] Dublin-Verfahren ausgesetzt - Syrien-Flüchtlinge dürfen in Deutschland bleiben 2015-08-25
[13] Plan der Bundesregierung - Sonderzüge sollen Flüchtlinge aus Österreich abholen 2015-09-28
[14] Passau - Über 100.000 Flüchtlinge in drei Wochen eingereist 2015-10-19
[15] Seehofer gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien 2018-11-23
[16] Deutsche Botschaft Damaskus
[17] Aengus Carroll, Lucas Paoli Itaborahy - State-Sponsored Homophobia May 2015
[18] Pleas for condemned Saudi 'witch' 2008-02-14
[19] 'Sorcerer' faces imminent death in Saudi Arabia 2010-04-01
[21] Einreiseverweigerung und Einreisegestattung nach § 18 Asylgesetz
On the other hand in the high-wage- or countries of destination there are usually more against than for more immigration. And in a survey by Pew Research in half of high-wage- or countries of destination the majorities of the people who were asked are against more immigration.
In many countries in Europe there is even a majority to stop migration from Muslim countries.
[1] Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries 2018-01-01
[2] What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration? 2017-02-07
The promotion of migration is often seen as "leftist", the aid as "humanistic" and the consequences as "cosmopolitan". All these terms are positively occupied and disguise whose interests are served here. It is about supplying the local labor market with cheap workers. In migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries, employers and investors profit on a large scale. Thus labor migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries deserves criticism like recently with study of the Bertelsmann-Foundation that is close to employers. [1] [2] [3] [3,pdf]
But migration causes more people to compete for limited resources such as jobs, housing and social welfare. In the process, the equilibrium price for work is falling, living space is becoming scarcer and therefore more expensive and the costs of social assistance are rising. Thus companies benefit from lower wages can get lucrative orders for care and employers' organizations can use sentiment through migration to cut social assistance and thus lower the implicit minimum wage.
Meanwhile the left and employers' organizations seem to have agreed on a joint program. But this way the left has degraded itself programmatically. While employers' organizations demand immigration leftists are make do with managing the resulting society. And instead of fighting for higher incomes and a better standard of living they complement the demands of employers' organizations. See also:
[Commentary] The left is looking for a replacement proletariat [4] [5] [6] [7]
[1] Rückgang und Alterung sind nicht mehr aufzuhalten 2011/16
[2] Ohne Zuwanderung ist Deutschlands Stärke in Gefahr 2017-09-27
[3] Deutscher Arbeitsmarkt auf außereuropäische Zuwanderung angewiesen 2019-02-12
[4] Wer die Kanakisierung unserer Gesellschaft zurückdrängen will, ist in der Sache rechts 2018-06-07 https://www.woz.ch/-8d1c
[5] Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes – Grundrechte für alle 2018-11-19 http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/19/058/1905860.pdf
[6] "Deutschland ist eine Einwanderungsgesellschaft" 2018-11-30 https://www.die-linke.de/start/nachrichten/detail/deutschland-ist-eine-einwanderungsgesellschaft/
[7] "Die Bundesregierung steht bei den Leuten in der Schuld" 2019-03-10 https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Die-Bundesregierung-steht-bei-den-Leuten-in-der-Schuld-4325869.html
- Skilled labor shortage vs Digitization
- The wage level and the low wage sector vs productivity
- demographic change
- Consumers or Recipients
- The Voting Behavior
- Denying them their own Population
- Opinion Polls
Skilled labor shortage vs Digitization
Time and again it is said that because of digitization very soon millions of people will be unemployed. At the same time there is a warning against demographic change, the aging of society and the alleged shortage of skilled workers. Therefore unemployment could soon be a thing of the past and it would be essential to recruit workers from abroad. Both claims are exorbitant and contradict each other. All the more impressive is that both claims are still in circulation.The claim that as a result of increased labor productivity through digitization work is running out is old and widespread among so-called futurists. However the entry date is repeatedly postponed and now it has the name "Economy 4.0".
However an increase in labor productivity is the norm and a leap forward in development as predicted by so-called futurists has not yet been observed in any country. Labor productivity is the amount of goods or services that comes from a given amount of labor input.An increase in labor productivity is therefore positive and means that more goods and services are created with equal labor input. However in order to be able to consume the additional goods and services wages in the same country must increase accordingly. Or the working time is decreased to compensate for the increase in labor productivity.
Skilled Labor Shortages
The credibility of claiming a shortage of skilled employers is inversely proportional to unemployment and the rise in wage levels. In certain fields it can happen that the demand for employees can not cover the supply of jobs. In such a case in a functioning market either the equilibrium price in the form of the wage level would increase. However wages are currently stagnating in much of Europe and the industrialized world. If one is unwilling to pay a reasonable price for a good or service then one can not complain about a shortage at this price. Or employers would resort to training young workers or retraining other workers with a different education.The demand side of labor are employers and determine today the price in the form of wage level. However when one site dictates conditions it is right to speak of a market failure. And when wage levels stagnate permanently it also reduces the incentives for employers to increase labor productivity through investment. Stagnating wages thus hinder technological progress and labor productivity growth.
And in the study of the Bertelsmann Foundation of 2019 which demands migration demands accordingly to stagnating labor productivity. And stagnating labor productivity fits the scenario where higher wages and potential investment are prevented by an over-supply of workers.
Annahme 14:
Die Arbeitsproduktivität nimmt bis 2025 um insgesamt weitere 0,23 Prozent zu.
Assumption 14:
Labor productivity will increase by a further 0.23 percent by 2025. [1,p.105]
So again when employers' organizations talk about the need for migration or a shortage of skilled employers they mean something different. They want to avoid higher wages as well as the necessity and the associated costs of education, training and investments. However they are depriving the countries of origin of their resources in the form of skilled employers. And to lure trained workers from low-wage and developing countries should not be represented by leftists.[1] Deutscher Arbeitsmarkt auf außereuropäische Zuwanderung angewiesen 2019-02-12
The wage level and the low wage sector vs productivity
Wage Pressure
One side of labor migration is the increase in wage pressure due to an oversupply of applicants. Here the demand side of labor that is employers is deliberately over-advantaged by an oversupply of employees. In such a scenario employers can then dictate conditions and the price in the form of wages. And in order to achieve this the Bertelsmann Foundation's 2019 study explicitly calls for labor migration from outside Europe. Thus the Bertelsmann Foundation calls for labor migration from countries that almost always have a lower wage level than Germany. [3] [3,pdf]Education & Low-Wage-Sector
Another side of labor migration is the deliberate migration into the low paid sector. The recognition of educational qualifications does not always work. In addition countries with lower wages often also have lower levels of education and training. The Bertelsmann Foundation's 2019 study explicitly calls for labor migration from outside of Europe.According to the BAMF (Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees) in Germany this phenomenon is also visible. According to this only 8 % of asylum seekers have visited a vocational training institution and have only 6 % completed it. And only 17 % of asylum seekers have embarked on university studies and only 11 % completed it. In contrast in 2017 in Germany 59 % had graduate degrees and a further 18 % had university degrees. In addition information about asylum seekers is based on their own accounts and there are no sanctions for false information. It must therefore be assumed that these informations are partly made up. [1,p.9]
This is one of the reasons why above-average numbers of migrants work for low-skilled occupations in Germany. In the European Union and in the countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) about 25 % of the jobs for low-skills are occupied by migrants. In Germany on the other hand about 40 % of jobs for low-skills are occupied out by migrants. Of the 33.2 million migrants in the OECD who are considered highly educated 8.1 million work in occupations for which they are overqualified. And of the 11 million migrants in the EU who are considered highly educated 2.9 million work in occupations for which they are overqualified. [2]
On the one hand this is a setback for those affected and these people are also needed in their countries of origin. It is also questionable if these people who were educated and trained in and with the taxes from their countries of origin emigrate to other countries. Such behavior is extremely damaging to the countries of origin.
A policy that consciously imports people with lower education and training levels inevitably leads to failures. One consequence is extensive language programs. According to the BAMF (Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees) in Germany just under 75 % of all respondents in 2017 participated in or completed at least one language-course. In addition 50 % of all respondents in 2017 participated in or completed state-supplied language support programs for refugees. And 9 % of all respondents in 2017 have participated in or completed further language programs that also provide job-specific vocabulary. [1,p.5]However information on asylum seekers is based on their own accounts and there are no sanctions for false informations and there is no distinction between participation and graduation. It must therefore be again assumed that this information is partly made up.
Another consequence is that migrants fail to establish themselves on the labor market. In Germany this is shown by the above-average lower employment rates.
Average employment rate of the refugees, after the year of entry | |
2013 | 36 % |
2014 | 36 % |
2015 | 19 % |
2016 | 9 % |
2017 | 21 % |
With this mind one should then also see the announcement that Hessian (Germany) schools should in future decide for themselves whether these students will still receive grades in the future or will instead issued written reviews. After a decision in the state of Hesse (Germany) schools should be able to decide to abolish grades if they present an alternative concept. For the time being it is only possible abandon grades if there is no change to a secondary school or a school leaving certificate. What you can not measure does not show up negative. [4] [5] [6] [7]
[1] Geflüchtete machen Fortschritte bei Sprache und Beschäftigung 2019-01-25
[2] Settling In 2018 - Indicators of Immigrant Integration
[3] Stuttgarter Berufsschulen schlagen Alarm - Massives Sprachdefizit bremst Azubis aus 2019-02-25
[4] Viele junge Flüchtlinge brechen Pflege-Ausbildung ab 2019-01-15
[5] Viele hessische Schulen dürfen künftig auf Noten verzichten 2019-01-31
[6] Streit über Zensuren - Hessen weicht Notenzwang auf 2019-01-31
[7] Grüne setzen sich mit Forderung durch - Hessische Schulen dürfen künftig auf Noten verzichten 2019-02-01
[8] Heinz-Peter Meidinger im Gespräch - Oberster Lehrer sauer nach Hessen-Vorstoß: „Schüler haben ein Recht auf Noten!“ 2019-02-04
demographic change
A special role is played by the threat that demographic change endangers prosperity. On the one hand it is peculiar to complain that the increased standard of living in a country allows people to grow older than in previous generations. And complaints about a supposedly low birth rate only make sense if shown that they are not compensated by the steadily rising labor productivity. Because constant modernization requires fewer and fewer employees to provide the same amount of goods and services.However the demand for migration due to demographic change has a different purpose. Not least because of the European Union nation states with their own economies have been transformed into a transnational economy with competing locations. After all as a result of free trade in the EU's common market high-wage countries such as Germany compete with low-wage countries such as Romania. And because of the euro monetary union countries have lost the possibility of devaluing their currency to even out their foreign trade balance. This attitude can be clearly seen in the Bertelsmann Foundation's 2019 study.
Annahme 18:Employers' associations essentially have their own interest in mind. And the proximity to employers' organizations can be seen in the study of the Bertelsmann Foundation in 2019 on the demand to meet labor migration.
Deutschland hat bei der Umstellung auf eine Wirtschaft 4.0 weltweit eine Vorreiterrolle inne und das Ausland reagiert mit einer Verzögerung von fünf Jahren. Ferner wird angenommen, dass nicht nur in Deutschland die Nachfrage nach neuen Gütern und Dienstleistungen steigt, sondern weltweit und dementsprechend auch die deutschen Exporte ansteigen.
Assumption 18:
Germany is playing a pioneering role worldwide in the transition to an economy 4.0 and foreign countries are reacting with a delay of five years. It is also assumed that the demand for new goods and services will increase not only in Germany but worldwide and accordingly also German exports will increase. [1,p.105]
Aus Sicht des Arbeitsmarktes dürfte ein Rückgang des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials verkraftbar sein, solange der Bedarf an Arbeitskräften gedeckt wird, das heißt, solange alle Arbeitsplätze besetzbar sind.But when all jobs can be occupied with workers then effectively wage pressure is avoided. And that effectively pushes for a or strengthens a low-wage sector.
From the point of view of the labor market, a decline in the labor force potential is acceptable as long as the demand for labor is covered that is as long as all jobs can be occupied with workers. [1,p.18]
The Ressources
How far a demographic change with a falling birth rate can go show Japan and South Korea. Both are industrialized countries with a corresponding standard of living. In Japan in 2018 every woman gave birth to an average of 1.4 children. [2] [3] And in South Korea in 2018 the fertility rate dropped to just 0.95 a child for the first time in the third quarter. [4] [5] In both countries however productivity growth and existing productivity equals falling birth rates.The Alternatives
Should it again be expected or necessary to increase the birth rate governments can actively work on it. Poland and Hungary have now started such birth programs. The Polish government of the PIS party launched the 500+ program in 2016. Here parents receive 500 Polish zlotys (about 120 Euros 130 US Dollars) per month for a second child. [6] [7] [8] And Hungarian government has adopted a program under Viktor Orban and the Fidesz party. This includes the financial support of families with at least two children when buying houses, vehicles and others. And women under 40 who marry for the first time can receive a substituted loan of 10 million Hungarian forints (about 33,000 Euros or 36,000 US-Dollars). For a second child one-third of the debt can be paid by the state and for a third child the entire amount. [9] [10] [11] [12][1] Deutscher Arbeitsmarkt auf außereuropäische Zuwanderung angewiesen 2019-02-12
[2] Japans Bevölkerung stirbt langsam aus 2013-06-24
[3] Hohe Lebenserwartung, kaum Geburten - Alt, älter, Japan 2018-10-25
[4] Südkorea kämpft gegen sinkende Geburtenrate 2018-12-07
[5] Südkorea: Südkorea kämpft gegen sinkende Geburtenrate 2018-12-07
[6] Prime Minister Beata Szyd?o: Family 500 plus program success to be owed to Polish families 2016-03-14
[7] Summary of “Family 500+” programme and changes in the government programme 2017-04-04
[8] First results of Poland’s Family 500+ programme released 2018-05-16
[9] TOP STORIES - Hungary pays couples who pledge to have babies 2017-02-17
[10] NEWS - Hungary gives tax breaks to boost population, stop immigration 2019-02-10
[11] Orban offers financial incentives to boost Hungary's birth rate 2019-02-10
[12] Orban Encourages Mothers in Hungary to Have 4 or More Babies 2019-02-11
Consumers or Recipients
However migration can also be business for making money beyond labor migration. In a state with a welfare system people are provided with a subsistence level albeit to varying degrees. On the one hand you can earn money by caring for people in a social system. In addition as a result of migration employers' organizations and politicians can question welfare systems and then reduce the welfare benefits and thus the implicit minimum wage.Examples
In Germany the cost of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers is about 50,000 euros and more per person. In the state of Schleswig-Holstein the costs of housing and providing care for 1,795 unaccompanied minor asylum seekers amounted to 105.2 million Euros in 2017. Also with such costs in mind it would be necessary to accurately determine one's age by a doctor. But if the supervisors and youth welfare offices determine a special need for the affected persons they can remain in the youth welfare if they are older than 18. In Germany in 2017 this applied to 43 % of those affected. [1] [2] [3]In the wake of the migration crisis several people have decided to guarantee for the living-costs and other costs. For this they have signed commitments to guarantee for all living expenses of the person taken in. However according to many guarantors they were unaware that the obligations they had undertaken also apply after the persons taken in obtained the protection status. See also:
[Domestic Policy] Refugees-Guarantors - who in the end pays for the culture of a few guarantors of refugees welcome
In February 2019 Mohamed Abou-Taam the director of the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) was arrested and detained for investigative custody after after the headquarters of the welfare association was searched through by investigators. He is accused to have issued made bogus bills for never performed services and so misappropriated public funds in 2016 and 2017 together with the head of a security company which was commissioned to guard several accommodation shelters. According to prosecutors the two are said to have made a total of 3 million euros this way. See also:
[Domestic Policy] How the Workers-Samaritan-Federation has earned money with refugees welcome
In fact the prosecutor investigates against the associations "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) and "Gesellschaft für Familien und Gender Mainstreaming" (Society for Families and Gender Mainstreaming) in Bremerhaven and both the MP in Bremen Patrick Öztürk (formerly SPD) and his father Selim Öztürk regarding 1,000 fictitious employment relationships in order to receive unlawful claims to social benefits. In 724 cases Bulgarians of whom the vast majority belong to the Turkish minority in Bulgaria have received fictitious employment contracts through the associations. With these employment contracts they then received social benefits. And a part of these payments went then in cash to Patrick Öztürk (SPD) and Selim Öztürk. According to senior public prosecutor Janhenning Kuhn the damage amounts to 5.5 million euros. See also:
[Domestic Policy] How money was made in Bremerhaven with refugees welcome
[1] 50.000 Euro pro unbegleitetem jungen Flüchtling 2018-02-11
[2] Junge Migranten kosten Deutschland vier Milliarden 2017-02-22
[3] Migration: Milliardenkosten für junge Migranten 2017-02-22
The Voting Behavior
In addition to the economic motivation there are also domestic political motivations. And one of them is the conscious immigration to exploit the different voting behavior of people. People have different interests and world views depending on the identity. That is legitimate.However parties can exploit a shift in political majorities through migration. Parties can bind themselves to a political majority that is growing by migration in order to increase their electoral success. This is questionable at the least when this happens for the sake of itself and serves only to preserve or gain power. Here however parties should be warned. If parties believe they can use people for their own ends then in the end they could be used themself by the migrants for their own purposes.
The strategy paper seems to have paid off. Parties with a conservative profile or those who are critical of immigration could come into distress due to immigration. In July 2014 the strategy paper Recovering the big cities (Die großen Städte zurückerobern) was published by CDU politician Kai Wegner. In it the CDU is attested declining attractiveness as a result of demographic change. Wegner describes big cities (metropolises) that are changing as a result of migration and advocates so called metropolitan politicians who can win more voters in such cities. [1]
The result of such dynamics is visible in Germany.
In the USA the dynamics looks the other way around.
[3] [4]
[1] Die großen Städte zurückerobern 2014-06-18
[2] CDU und CSU sind erstmals die beliebtesten Parteien bei Zuwanderinnen und Zuwanderern 2018-09-27
[3] Trumped: The 2016 Election That Broke All the Rules
[4] Another Look Back at 2016
Denying them their own Population
In addition to the economic motivation there are also foreign policy motivations. And one of them is the deliberate depopulation of a country to achieve political goals. Such a destabilization can be the sanctioning of a country that depends on outside help and or the subsidization of people who want to leave a country.Two groups of people stand out in particular. People with an expensive education and academics such as doctors, lawyers, engineers and architects as they are necessary for the management of the processes of a country. They are more easily accepted abroad because of their educational background and their valuable education. The majority of young and healthy workers are needed for the implementation and future reconstruction of homes and infrastructure. As a rule they are less mobile and less in demanded from abroad due to lack of valuable training. But both need each other. As Julian Assange has explained in an interview such an approach takes place towards Syria.
In fact we have an interesting theory about the movement of refugees. We looked at the telegrams we had in our hands and we have the following theory: Sometimes some countries are subjected to a strategic depopulation in order to reduce the power of a government trying to make people leave the country. In the case of Syria, those fleeing come mainly from the middle class, because they are easier to leave, have money in their suitcases. Those who leave are engineers, doctors, bureaucrats. They just need a government to keep going.
And thus encouraging people to leave their own country, for example. with Germany announcing that it will accept many refugees and Turkey already has nearly 2 million weaken the Syrian government.
Julian Assange [1] [1,22m0s]
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) relies almost entirely on voluntary third-party payments to cover expenditure. The UNHCR has to cover its own costs mainly through donations. However from January to September 2015 and in the wake of the migration crisis UNHCR financial assistance was much lower than necessary and much lower than in the previous year. [2] [2,archive] [3] [4]
In November 2015 the then head Antonio Guterres reported that the resources of the UNHCR were no longer sufficient. By November 2015 only 37% of the money requested for care had been transferred. As a result food vouchers for 211,000 people in Jordan and 638,000 in Lebanon were halved. According to Guterres that is how the migration crisis of 2015 was triggered by the lack of humanitarian money. [5] [6] [7] [8] [8,archive] [9]
In addition to this came that the German federal government terminated the Dublin agreement with special trains. According to the Dublin agreement asylum seekers must apply for asylum in the EU member state where they enter the EU for the first time. In 2015 the German Federal Government used special trains to bring asylum seekers from other EU member states to Germany. Thus the German federal government has terminated the existing order. In addition the German government has signaled to people who have not yet come to Europe that they do not have to stay in the first EU member state. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany - Art 16aThis policy continues even after that since no deportations to Syria take place. The German Federal Government is still opposed to deportations to Syria. This is justified by the situation of human rights in Syria. However the same German government has no reservations towards Saudi Arabia where the death penalty is executed in public by decapitation and stoning. And the death penalty is imposed on for example for homosexuality and sorcery. Humanitarian reasons are thus no general basis for decisions about deportations. [15] [16] [17,p.81] [18] [19] [20][11]
- Politically persecuted people enjoy asylum rights.
- Paragraph 1 shall not apply to anyone entering from a Member State of the European Union or from another third State which ensures the application of the Convention on the Status of Refugees and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. States outside the European Communities to which the conditions of sentence 1 apply are determined by law requiring the approval of the Bundesrat. In the cases of sentence 1 termination measures may be taken independently of an appeal made against them.
- By law, which requires the approval of the Bundesrat states can be determined in which on the basis of the legal situation the application of the law and the general political conditions it appears that there is neither political persecution nor inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment. It is assumed that a foreigner from such a state will not be prosecuted unless he presents facts that justify the assumption that he is being prosecuted contrary to this presumption.
- The execution of residence-termination measures in the cases referred to in paragraph 3 and in other cases which are manifestly unfounded or manifestly unfounded shall be suspended by the Court only if there are serious doubts as to the lawfulness of the measure; the scope of the audit may be limited and any late-filed submissions may be disregarded. The details are to be determined by law.
- Paragraphs 1 to 4 shall not preclude international treaties between Member States of the European Communities and between third States which, having regard to the obligations arising from the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, ensure their application in the Contracting States must have jurisdictional rules for the examination of asylum applications, including the mutual recognition of asylum decisions.
In a report the scientific service of the Bundestag stated that the opening of the border in 2015 was legally wise not flawless. The report states that the Federal Government has not stated on which legal basis it had decided at that time and that the Bundestag probably would have had to vote on it. [21,p.4ff] [21,p.8] It also states that the persons coming from the safe third country Austria at the border should have been turned away according to the Dublin agreement. [21,p.10ff]
[1] Kostas Ephemeros - Meeting with Julian Assange 2015-10-25
[2] Deutschland stellte Rekordsumme für UNHCR-Hilfsprogramme bereit 2015-01-30
[3] Funding shortage leaves Syrian refugees in danger of missing vital support 2015-06-25
[4] UN agency forced to cut food aid to 229,000 Syrian refugees 2015-09-04
[5] UN alarmed by Swedish development aid cuts 2015-09-12
[6] Im Nahen Osten fehlen die Mittel 2015-09-17
[7] U.N. Funding Shortfalls and Cuts in Refugee Aid Fuel Exodus to Europe 2015-09-19
[8] Guterres - Mangel an humanitären Mitteln hat Flüchtlingskrise ausgelöst 2015-11-04
[9] UN alarmed by Denmark development aid cuts 2015-11-12
[10] ÜBEREINKOMMEN - über die Bestimmung des zuständigen Staates für die Prüfung eines in einem Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Gemeinschaften gestellten Asylantrags
[11] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Art 16a
[12] Dublin-Verfahren ausgesetzt - Syrien-Flüchtlinge dürfen in Deutschland bleiben 2015-08-25
[13] Plan der Bundesregierung - Sonderzüge sollen Flüchtlinge aus Österreich abholen 2015-09-28
[14] Passau - Über 100.000 Flüchtlinge in drei Wochen eingereist 2015-10-19
[15] Seehofer gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien 2018-11-23
[16] Deutsche Botschaft Damaskus
[17] Aengus Carroll, Lucas Paoli Itaborahy - State-Sponsored Homophobia May 2015
[18] Pleas for condemned Saudi 'witch' 2008-02-14
[19] 'Sorcerer' faces imminent death in Saudi Arabia 2010-04-01
[21] Einreiseverweigerung und Einreisegestattung nach § 18 Asylgesetz
Opinion Polls
However this development does not leave the popular population unscathed. On the one hand the countries of origin consider the migration from low-wage- to high-wage countries to be a problem.Majorities in many countries think outmigration is a big problem | |
Greece | 89 % |
Spain | 88 % |
Italy | 80 % |
Hungary | 80 % |
Poland | 68 % |
Russia | 71 % |
India | 64 % |
Kenia | 72 % |
Nigeria | 68 % |
Tunisia | 81 % |
Mexico | 79 % |
On the other hand in the high-wage- or countries of destination there are usually more against than for more immigration. And in a survey by Pew Research in half of high-wage- or countries of destination the majorities of the people who were asked are against more immigration.
Around the world, few want more immigration | ||
weniger oder gar keine | mehr | |
Greece | 82 % | 2 % |
Italy | 71 % | 5 % |
Germany | 58 % | 10 % |
Sweden | 52 % | 14 % |
Median | 51 % | 10 % |
Spain | 30 % | 28 % |
In many countries in Europe there is even a majority to stop migration from Muslim countries.
All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped | ||
Ja | Nein | |
Spain | 41 % | 32 % |
Great-Britain | 47 % | 23 % |
Total | 55 % | 20 % |
Italy | 51 % | 23 % |
Poland | 71 % | 9 % |
[1] Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries 2018-01-01
[2] What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration? 2017-02-07
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