The promotion of migration is often seen as "leftist", the aid as "humanistic" and the consequences as "cosmopolitan".
All these terms are positively occupied and disguise whose interests are served here.
Behind the migration especially behind the migration from low-wage countries are business interests.
The associations "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) and "Gesellschaft für Familien und Gender Mainstreaming" (Society for Families and Gender Mainstreaming) in Bremerhaven were commissioned by the state government of Bremen for integration work. Chairman of the Association "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) is Selim Öztürk the father of the MP in Bremen Patrick Öztürk (SPD). The association "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) named four supporters until 2016, among others the "Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband" (Parity Welfare Association) and the "Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge" (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) and mainly supported Bulgarian migrants with tutoring for the children. While only 174 Bulgarians lived in Bremerhaven in 2010 there were 2779 in 2015. [1] [2] [3]
In fact the prosecutor investigates against both associations and both Öztürks regarding 1,000 fictitious employment relationships in order to receive unlawful claims to social benefits. In 724 cases Bulgarians of whom the vast majority belong to the Turkish minority in Bulgaria have received fictitious employment contracts through the associations. With these employment contracts they then received social benefits. And a part of these payments went then in cash to Patrick Öztürk (SPD) and Selim Öztürk. According to senior public prosecutor Janhenning Kuhn the damage amounts to 5.5 million euros. And according to the association "Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband" (Parity Welfare Association) excluded the association "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) in 2015. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
As a result of the investigation the MP in Bremen Patrick Öztürk (SPD) resigned from the caucus and was then excluded from the party by a decision from an internal party committee. However Patrick Öztürk refuses to give up his mandate and continues to receive his parliamentary salary. According to the prosecutor Selim Öztürk organized the fraud while Patrick Öztürk only benefited. [5] [6] [7]
And in August 2018 Dataport confirmed that highly sensitive data had been stolen in connection with the process. The company Dataport had received the order to prepare the material. The accused woman is a member of the Greens-Party and had allegedly no political motives. According to herself she wanted to look into the data later out of interest for the case. [8] [9] [10] [11]
[1] Betrugsverdacht - Herr Öztürk schweigt 2016-04-21!5294558/
[2] Verdacht auf Sozialversicherungsbetrug - Wohnungsdurchsuchung bei SPD-Bürgerschaftsabgeordnetem 2016-08-12,-Wohnungsdurchsuchung-bei-SPDBuergerschaftsabgeordnetem-_arid,1435371.html
[3] SOZIALBETRUG: So angelt sich ein Politiker Millionen 2018-06-04
[4] "Organisierte Kriminalität" - Millionenschaden! Behörden entdecken massenhaften Sozialbetrug in Jobcentern 2016-09-11
[5] SPD wirft Patrick Öztürk aus der Partei 2017-02-07
[6] Keine Anklage gegen Patrick Öztürk erhoben 2018-08-06
[7] Hochsensible Daten gestohlen - Die Affäre in der Öztürk-Affäre 2018-08-27,-die-affaere-in-der-oeztuerkaffaere-_arid,1762348.html
[8] Hochsensible Daten gestohlen - Die Affäre in der Öztürk-Affäre 2018-08-27,-die-affaere-in-der-oeztuerkaffaere-_arid,1762348.html
[9] Leck bei Dataport - Datenklau in Öztürk-Affäre schlägt Wellen 2018-08-28,-datenklau-in-oeztuerkaffaere-schlaegt-wellen-_arid,1762652.html
[10] Brisanter Datenklau - Öztürk-Affäre: Grüne gehen aus der Deckung 2018-08-29,-oeztuerkaffaere-gruene-gehen-aus-der-deckung-_arid,1762997.html
[11] Dataport in Bremen - Daten-Affäre wegen Öztürk-Verfahren schwelt weiter 2019-02-11,-datenaffaere-wegen-oeztuerkverfahren-schwelt-weiter-_arid,1805692.html
The associations "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) and "Gesellschaft für Familien und Gender Mainstreaming" (Society for Families and Gender Mainstreaming) in Bremerhaven were commissioned by the state government of Bremen for integration work. Chairman of the Association "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) is Selim Öztürk the father of the MP in Bremen Patrick Öztürk (SPD). The association "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) named four supporters until 2016, among others the "Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband" (Parity Welfare Association) and the "Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge" (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) and mainly supported Bulgarian migrants with tutoring for the children. While only 174 Bulgarians lived in Bremerhaven in 2010 there were 2779 in 2015. [1] [2] [3]
In fact the prosecutor investigates against both associations and both Öztürks regarding 1,000 fictitious employment relationships in order to receive unlawful claims to social benefits. In 724 cases Bulgarians of whom the vast majority belong to the Turkish minority in Bulgaria have received fictitious employment contracts through the associations. With these employment contracts they then received social benefits. And a part of these payments went then in cash to Patrick Öztürk (SPD) and Selim Öztürk. According to senior public prosecutor Janhenning Kuhn the damage amounts to 5.5 million euros. And according to the association "Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband" (Parity Welfare Association) excluded the association "Agentur für Beschäftigung und Integration" (Agency for Employment and Integration) in 2015. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
As a result of the investigation the MP in Bremen Patrick Öztürk (SPD) resigned from the caucus and was then excluded from the party by a decision from an internal party committee. However Patrick Öztürk refuses to give up his mandate and continues to receive his parliamentary salary. According to the prosecutor Selim Öztürk organized the fraud while Patrick Öztürk only benefited. [5] [6] [7]
And in August 2018 Dataport confirmed that highly sensitive data had been stolen in connection with the process. The company Dataport had received the order to prepare the material. The accused woman is a member of the Greens-Party and had allegedly no political motives. According to herself she wanted to look into the data later out of interest for the case. [8] [9] [10] [11]
[1] Betrugsverdacht - Herr Öztürk schweigt 2016-04-21!5294558/
[2] Verdacht auf Sozialversicherungsbetrug - Wohnungsdurchsuchung bei SPD-Bürgerschaftsabgeordnetem 2016-08-12,-Wohnungsdurchsuchung-bei-SPDBuergerschaftsabgeordnetem-_arid,1435371.html
[3] SOZIALBETRUG: So angelt sich ein Politiker Millionen 2018-06-04
[4] "Organisierte Kriminalität" - Millionenschaden! Behörden entdecken massenhaften Sozialbetrug in Jobcentern 2016-09-11
[5] SPD wirft Patrick Öztürk aus der Partei 2017-02-07
[6] Keine Anklage gegen Patrick Öztürk erhoben 2018-08-06
[7] Hochsensible Daten gestohlen - Die Affäre in der Öztürk-Affäre 2018-08-27,-die-affaere-in-der-oeztuerkaffaere-_arid,1762348.html
[8] Hochsensible Daten gestohlen - Die Affäre in der Öztürk-Affäre 2018-08-27,-die-affaere-in-der-oeztuerkaffaere-_arid,1762348.html
[9] Leck bei Dataport - Datenklau in Öztürk-Affäre schlägt Wellen 2018-08-28,-datenklau-in-oeztuerkaffaere-schlaegt-wellen-_arid,1762652.html
[10] Brisanter Datenklau - Öztürk-Affäre: Grüne gehen aus der Deckung 2018-08-29,-oeztuerkaffaere-gruene-gehen-aus-der-deckung-_arid,1762997.html
[11] Dataport in Bremen - Daten-Affäre wegen Öztürk-Verfahren schwelt weiter 2019-02-11,-datenaffaere-wegen-oeztuerkverfahren-schwelt-weiter-_arid,1805692.html