[Domestic Policy] How the Workers-Samaritan-Federation has earned money with refugees welcome 2019-03-13
The promotion of migration is often seen as "leftist", the aid as "humanistic" and the consequences as "cosmopolitan".
All these terms are positively occupied and disguise whose interests are served here.
Behind the migration especially behind the migration from low-wage countries are business interests.
In October 2018 the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) refused to conduct a first aid course for the AfD. The Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) affirmed that it is committed to humanity, an open society and a solidarity with each other and was itself a victim of right-wing extremism since it was expropriated and crushed in 1933 by the National Socialists. [1]
In October 2015 the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony Stephan Weil (SPD) praised the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) for the cooperation. According to Minister President Weil (SPD) the supply of adequate accommodation has been an enormous challenge. And during a visit to a Hildesheim emergency shelter he praised the help from the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) and its managing director Mohamed Abou-Taam. [2]
In February 2019 Mohamed Abou-Taam the director of the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) was arrested and detained for investigative custody after after the headquarters of the welfare association was searched through by investigators. He is accused to have issued made bogus bills for never performed services and so misappropriated public funds in 2016 and 2017 together with the head of a security company which was commissioned to guard several accommodation shelters. According to prosecutors the two are said to have made a total of 3 million euros this way. The prosecutor's office of Hanover investigates for embezzlement while Abou-Taam denies the allegations against him. [3] [4] [5]
During the high phase around 2,000 asylum seekers came to Niedersachsen every day. Between September 2015 and October 2016 more than 100 million euros went to the relief organizations in a relatively uncontrolled manner to ensure their accommodation. [3] [4] [5]
[1] Pressemitteilung - Stellungnahme des ASB zur Verweigerung eines Erste-Hilfe-Kurses für die AfD
[2] Flüchtlinge: Weil lobt Hildesheimer Helfer 2015-10-19
[3] Hat ASB-Geschäftsführer Millionen veruntreut? 2019-02-28
[4] Festnahme und Schock beim ASB Hannover: Chef soll 3 Millionen Euro Flüchtlings-Gelder veruntreut haben 2019-02-28
[5] Hat er Millionen veruntreut? ASB-Geschäftsführer in U-Haft 2019-02-28
In October 2018 the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) refused to conduct a first aid course for the AfD. The Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) affirmed that it is committed to humanity, an open society and a solidarity with each other and was itself a victim of right-wing extremism since it was expropriated and crushed in 1933 by the National Socialists. [1]
Diese Verweigerungshaltung des ASB ist nicht zuletzt in der Geschichte und dem Wertekodex des Verbandes begründet. Der Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund war selbst Opfer von Rechtextremismus und wurde 1933 von den Nationalsozialisten enteignet und zerschlagen.
Heute ist der ASB eine Hilfs- und Wohlfahrtsorganisation mit über 1,3 Millionen Mitgliedern, die sich für Menschlichkeit, eine offene Gesellschaft und ein solidarisches Miteinander einsetzt und auch 130 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung eine klare Haltung gegen rechtspopulistische und rechtsextreme Politik vertritt.
This denial attitude of the ASB (Workers-Samaritan-Federation/Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) is justified not least in the history and the value code of the federation. The Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (Workers-Samaritan-Federation) itself was a victim of right-wing extremism and was expropriated and crushed in 1933 by the National Socialists.
Today, the ASB is an aid and welfare organization with more than 1.3 million members, committed to humanity, an open society and a solidarity with each other, and also 130 years after its founding a clear position against right-wing populist and right-wing extremist politics. [1]
In October 2015 the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony Stephan Weil (SPD) praised the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) for the cooperation. According to Minister President Weil (SPD) the supply of adequate accommodation has been an enormous challenge. And during a visit to a Hildesheim emergency shelter he praised the help from the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) and its managing director Mohamed Abou-Taam. [2]
In February 2019 Mohamed Abou-Taam the director of the Workers-Samaritan-Federation (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund) was arrested and detained for investigative custody after after the headquarters of the welfare association was searched through by investigators. He is accused to have issued made bogus bills for never performed services and so misappropriated public funds in 2016 and 2017 together with the head of a security company which was commissioned to guard several accommodation shelters. According to prosecutors the two are said to have made a total of 3 million euros this way. The prosecutor's office of Hanover investigates for embezzlement while Abou-Taam denies the allegations against him. [3] [4] [5]
During the high phase around 2,000 asylum seekers came to Niedersachsen every day. Between September 2015 and October 2016 more than 100 million euros went to the relief organizations in a relatively uncontrolled manner to ensure their accommodation. [3] [4] [5]
[1] Pressemitteilung - Stellungnahme des ASB zur Verweigerung eines Erste-Hilfe-Kurses für die AfD
[2] Flüchtlinge: Weil lobt Hildesheimer Helfer 2015-10-19
[3] Hat ASB-Geschäftsführer Millionen veruntreut? 2019-02-28
[4] Festnahme und Schock beim ASB Hannover: Chef soll 3 Millionen Euro Flüchtlings-Gelder veruntreut haben 2019-02-28
[5] Hat er Millionen veruntreut? ASB-Geschäftsführer in U-Haft 2019-02-28