It's not pretty but it's no secret.
The left has lost the struggle for higher incomes and a better standard of living.
This becomes particularly clear in many European countries.
Wages are stagnating and the proportion of employees in precarious jobs is steadily rising.
The lack of success of leftists and social-democrats questioned and questions their legitimacy. A party that does not live up to its promises must expect to disappear. And indeed the social-democrats in Europe are on the decline. Meanwhile leftists and social democrats increasingly represent other demands.
Jürgen Habermas is considered a great source of ideas for the left in Germany. In July 2018 he received the German-French Journalist Award. There he advocated in the circle of like-minded that Angela Merkel should finally agree with the demands of Emmanuel Macron reforms. [1] In October 2018 Jürgen Habermas published for that a public-letter in the Newspaper Handelsblatt together with Hans Eichel, Roland Koch, Friedrich Merz, Bert Rürup and Brigitte Zypries. [2] Like many leftists he equals the EU with Europe and conceals the trail of destruction that the Troika (EU Commission, ECB and IMF) has wrought in Greece. In his acceptance speech he warned against a renaissance of nation states as if there were no right to self-determination of the people. For the misery of the world capitalism is to blame. However he does not talk about the economic success of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, South Korea and the former Warsaw Pact countries. And if capitalism is not enough only the West is to blame for the misery of poor countries. However he does not mention the famine caused by the expropriation of white peasants in Zimbabwe under Mugabe and soon in South Africa, the foreign debt due to export deficits under Erdogan or the mismanagement of various Arab countries. He was completely silent on Islamism or Islamic terrorism which also affects the neutral NATO outsiders Austria, Sweden and Finland.
Belgian political scientist Chantal Mouffe realizes that the Left is on the decline. She also says that populist parties are currently successful. That's why she wants to use the so-called populist momentum. She wants to occupy the term populism positively with a left-wing populism to win better election results. However she does not want to concentrate on higher incomes and a better standard of living. She claims to focus on the fact that migrants are more than just revolutionary subjects. For her migrants are mainly persecuted, disadvantaged or oppressed. Why this is so she does not tell. [3] [4] [5]
In Germany there is the institute solidaric modernity (Institut solidarische Moderne). The Institute is a think tank with the self-declared goal "to develop concrete and feasible political alternatives to neoliberalism across party lines". On the board are among others Axel Troost, Katja Kipping and Sabine Leidig from the Left Party (Die Linke), the Social Democrats (SPD) Andrea Ypsilanti, Ulrike Breth, Franziska Drohsel, Annika Klose, Volker C. Koehnen and Hilde Mattheis and Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, Katharina Beck, Ricarda Lang and Erik Marquardt from the Green party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). [6] In an interview Thomas Seibert nonchalantly revealed what the goal is. The society should increasingly and everywhere consist of migrants here Seibert uses insulting expressions for migrants. Why this is necessary, what benefit this has or who has justified him remains open. He also acknowledges that the big question of the left is how to politicize it. He was against the so-called neoliberalism but obviously does not see the increased wage pressure via immigration. He sees himself as leftist and humanist. However he serves the interests of employers and investors by providing low wage earners while pretending to fight them. [7]
On November 19, 2018 the German Left Party submitted a proposal for a bill. This should change the Basic Law of Germany so that it applies to all people. The Articles 8, 9, 11 and 12 are to be amended so that the rights enshrined in them shall apply to all people. Germans are German citizens under German legislation. Under current legislation German citizens are entitled to live, work, vote and receive social benefits throughout Germany. People are all human beings in the world according to German legislation. With this proposal all people in the world would be entitled to live, work, vote and receive benefits throughout Germany. [8,S.3]
The students and demonstrators of the '68 are now grown up. However, they have escaped the class struggle of the poor against the rich. They have long since become part of the wealthy bourgeoise. However, they no longer speak the same language with the working class. Their language and ideas can not explain the global layer of winners to globalization losers. Their claim to interpretation sovereignty over all discourses has remained. And they advertise for a new proletariat with the thinkers and institutes of the left. Instead of understanding the struggle for higher incomes and a better standard of living as a class struggle, the Left sees a struggle of oppressed cultures against oppressive cultures.
[1] Die Mitveranwortung linker Denker am Rechtsruck in Deutschland 2018-07-05:
[2] Für ein solidarisches Europa – Machen wir Ernst mit dem Willen unseres Grundgesetzes, jetzt! 2018-10-21:
[3] Es braucht einen linken Populismus 2018-10-07:
[4] Von Thatcher lernen 2018-10-31:
[5] Populists are on the rise but this can be a moment for progressives too 2018-09-10:
[6] Der Vorstand des Instituts:
[7] Wer die Kanakisierung unserer Gesellschaft zurückdrängen will, ist in der Sache rechts 2018-06-07:
[8] Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes – Grundrechte für alle| 2018-11-19:
The lack of success of leftists and social-democrats questioned and questions their legitimacy. A party that does not live up to its promises must expect to disappear. And indeed the social-democrats in Europe are on the decline. Meanwhile leftists and social democrats increasingly represent other demands.
Jürgen Habermas is considered a great source of ideas for the left in Germany. In July 2018 he received the German-French Journalist Award. There he advocated in the circle of like-minded that Angela Merkel should finally agree with the demands of Emmanuel Macron reforms. [1] In October 2018 Jürgen Habermas published for that a public-letter in the Newspaper Handelsblatt together with Hans Eichel, Roland Koch, Friedrich Merz, Bert Rürup and Brigitte Zypries. [2] Like many leftists he equals the EU with Europe and conceals the trail of destruction that the Troika (EU Commission, ECB and IMF) has wrought in Greece. In his acceptance speech he warned against a renaissance of nation states as if there were no right to self-determination of the people. For the misery of the world capitalism is to blame. However he does not talk about the economic success of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, South Korea and the former Warsaw Pact countries. And if capitalism is not enough only the West is to blame for the misery of poor countries. However he does not mention the famine caused by the expropriation of white peasants in Zimbabwe under Mugabe and soon in South Africa, the foreign debt due to export deficits under Erdogan or the mismanagement of various Arab countries. He was completely silent on Islamism or Islamic terrorism which also affects the neutral NATO outsiders Austria, Sweden and Finland.
Belgian political scientist Chantal Mouffe realizes that the Left is on the decline. She also says that populist parties are currently successful. That's why she wants to use the so-called populist momentum. She wants to occupy the term populism positively with a left-wing populism to win better election results. However she does not want to concentrate on higher incomes and a better standard of living. She claims to focus on the fact that migrants are more than just revolutionary subjects. For her migrants are mainly persecuted, disadvantaged or oppressed. Why this is so she does not tell. [3] [4] [5]
In Germany there is the institute solidaric modernity (Institut solidarische Moderne). The Institute is a think tank with the self-declared goal "to develop concrete and feasible political alternatives to neoliberalism across party lines". On the board are among others Axel Troost, Katja Kipping and Sabine Leidig from the Left Party (Die Linke), the Social Democrats (SPD) Andrea Ypsilanti, Ulrike Breth, Franziska Drohsel, Annika Klose, Volker C. Koehnen and Hilde Mattheis and Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, Katharina Beck, Ricarda Lang and Erik Marquardt from the Green party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). [6] In an interview Thomas Seibert nonchalantly revealed what the goal is. The society should increasingly and everywhere consist of migrants here Seibert uses insulting expressions for migrants. Why this is necessary, what benefit this has or who has justified him remains open. He also acknowledges that the big question of the left is how to politicize it. He was against the so-called neoliberalism but obviously does not see the increased wage pressure via immigration. He sees himself as leftist and humanist. However he serves the interests of employers and investors by providing low wage earners while pretending to fight them. [7]
On November 19, 2018 the German Left Party submitted a proposal for a bill. This should change the Basic Law of Germany so that it applies to all people. The Articles 8, 9, 11 and 12 are to be amended so that the rights enshrined in them shall apply to all people. Germans are German citizens under German legislation. Under current legislation German citizens are entitled to live, work, vote and receive social benefits throughout Germany. People are all human beings in the world according to German legislation. With this proposal all people in the world would be entitled to live, work, vote and receive benefits throughout Germany. [8,S.3]
The students and demonstrators of the '68 are now grown up. However, they have escaped the class struggle of the poor against the rich. They have long since become part of the wealthy bourgeoise. However, they no longer speak the same language with the working class. Their language and ideas can not explain the global layer of winners to globalization losers. Their claim to interpretation sovereignty over all discourses has remained. And they advertise for a new proletariat with the thinkers and institutes of the left. Instead of understanding the struggle for higher incomes and a better standard of living as a class struggle, the Left sees a struggle of oppressed cultures against oppressive cultures.
[1] Die Mitveranwortung linker Denker am Rechtsruck in Deutschland 2018-07-05:
[2] Für ein solidarisches Europa – Machen wir Ernst mit dem Willen unseres Grundgesetzes, jetzt! 2018-10-21:
[3] Es braucht einen linken Populismus 2018-10-07:
[4] Von Thatcher lernen 2018-10-31:
[5] Populists are on the rise but this can be a moment for progressives too 2018-09-10:
[6] Der Vorstand des Instituts:
[7] Wer die Kanakisierung unserer Gesellschaft zurückdrängen will, ist in der Sache rechts 2018-06-07:
[8] Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Grundgesetzes – Grundrechte für alle| 2018-11-19:
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