[Domestic Policy] BSW Coalition in Brandenburg - What is possible

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht/BSW) is Germany's youngest party with nationwide visibility. In the three state elections since its foundation it has entered all three federal parliaments. The BSW has now negotiated coalition agreements in two federal states and has already agreed to both internally. These coalition agreements will be examined here in order to enable a forecast of state politics and to measure the young party in comparison to its election program. [1] [2]

According to its own program the BSW wants to invest in public infrastructure and thereby create the conditions for economic growth. The sanctions against Russia are seen as detrimental to Germany and its own energy supply. And sustainable energy is accepted but is not considered sufficient on its own. In domestic politics the government's authoritarian political style is criticized since it threatens freedom and diversity of opinion. And in foreign policy the government wants to be for peace and against escalation. [3]

Economic Policy

Brandenburg muss Energie- und Industrieland bleiben. Dafür brauchen wir eine sichere, bezahlbare und umweltfreundliche Energieversorgung. Sinkende Eergiepreise und Versorgungssicherheit sind für die Bevölkerung wie auch für Unternehmen von grundlegender Bedeutung.

Brandenburg must remain an energy and industrial state. To achieve this we need a secure, affordable and environmentally friendly energy supply. Falling energy prices and security of supply are of fundamental importance for the population as well as for companies. [4, p.13]
Wasserstoff kann eine Schlüsselrolle für die Transformation der Industrie spielen, doch er muss zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen zur Verfügung stehen.

Hydrogen can play a key role in the transformation of industry, but it must be available at competitive prices. [4, p.14]

Fossil fuels are not generally rejected. Energy should be safe, affordable and environmentally friendly. In this respect this is promising because since energy policy is the other reason for the current recession in addition to the harmful fiscal policy. The unhindered purchasing policy by the Trading Hub Europe (The) GmbH with which the natural gas price was unnecessarily driven up is exemplary.

Fiscal Policy

Wir wollen die Kommunen bei Neubau und Sanierung von Schulen und Kitas weiter unterstützen. Im Bund setzen wir uns dafür ein, Investitionen für Bildungseinrichtungen aus der Schuldenbremse auszunehmen.

We want to continue to support municipalities in the construction and renovation of schools and daycare centers. At the federal level we are committed to excluding investments in educational institutions from the debt brake. [4, p.22]
Die Schuldenbremse hat im aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld den Realitätscheck nicht bestanden. Wir werden uns daher für ihre Abschaffung einsetzen.

The debt brake has not passed the reality check in the current economic environment. We will therefore campaign for its abolition. [4, p.63]

The debt brake with its wealth and investments hindering effect is openly criticized. And the debt brake should be avoided at least and at best be abolished. This is promising because the fiscal policy is the other reason for the current recession in addition to harmful energy policy. If neither private households nor companies generate demand only the remaining economic sector in the form of the state can generate demand to avoid or reverse a recession.

Domestic Policy

Wir wollen alle Krankenhausstandorte erhalten und die wohnortnahe Gesundheitsversorgung stärken.

We want to maintain all hospital locations and strengthen local healthcare. [4, p.5]
Damit die Krankenhäuser wirtschaften können, ist es wichtig, dass sich Brandenburg auch künftig gegenüber dem Bund für eine auskömmliche Finanzierung der Betriebskosten einsetzt und die weitere Umsetzung der Krankenhausfinanzierungsreform eng begleitet.

In order for hospitals to be able to operate economically it is important that Brandenburg continues to advocate for adequate financing of operating costs with the federal government and closely monitors the further implementation of the hospital financing reform. [4, p.43]

In direct comparison with Thuringia all hospitals should really be preserved here. This promise not only sounds better but good.

Um aus den Maßnahmen zur Abwehr der Corona-Pandemie für die Zukunft die richtigen Schlüsse zu ziehen, setzen wir eine Enquetekommission ein.

In order to draw the right conclusions for the future from the measures taken to combat the corona pandemic we are setting up a commission of inquiry. [4, p.44]
Dazu gehören auch Beratungen über ein Corona-Amnestiegesetz.

This also includes discussions on a Corona amnesty law. [4, p.44]

An inquiry commission is an instrument of legislative to determine information as the basis for future decisions. But only closing open cases would be an unequal treatment and is the next division into convicted and not yet convicted ones.

Die Koalition wird darauf achten, dass Anwerbeprogramme von ausländischen Fachkräften nicht zu einer Schwächung von strukturschwachen Herkunftsländern führen. Zudem bildet die Aus- und Fortbildung der erwerbslosen Brandenburgerinnen und Brandenburger einen Schwerpunkt.

The coalition will ensure that recruitment programs for foreign skilled workers do not lead to a weakening of structurally weak countries of origin. In addition the training and further education of unemployed Brandenburg residents is a priority. [4, p.12]
Wir unterstützen die lageangepasste Fortsetzung der Kontrollen an der Grenze zu Polen und die stetige Fortschreibung der Liste sicherer Herkunftsstaaten. Wir treten für die Ausweitung von Rückführungsabkommen ein. Wer kein Bleiberecht besitzt, muss Deutschland verlassen.

We support the continuation of controls at the border with Poland as appropriate and the continuous updating of the list of safe countries of origin. We support the expansion of repatriation agreements. Anyone who does not have the right to remain must leave Germany. [4, p.47]

It is expedient not to force immigration in the presence of unemployment and a recession. Otherwise a low-wage policy would be pursued by creating an oversupply. Returns as a euphemism for deportations also correspond to the election program from the BSW. In direct comparison to Thuringia the enforcement of law is preferred and an active low-wage policy is rejected.

Der Verfassungsschutz verteidigt unabhängig und durch das Parlament kontrolliert die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung. Die verfassungsgemäßen Kernaufgaben des Verfassungsschutzes sind ausschließlich die Beobachtung und Bekämpfung verfassungsfeindlicher Bestrebungen, die Spionageabwehr, der Wirtschaftsschutz, die Prävention, die Begleitung von Extremisten bei ihrem Szeneausstieg und die Unterrichtung der Öffentlichkeit sowie zuständiger Stellen über seine Erkenntnisse im Bereich des politischen oder religiösen Extremismus. Er wird sich auf seine Kernaufgaben konzentrieren. Dazu statten wir ihn unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Sicherheitslage personell und sachlich angemessen aus.

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution defends the free democratic basic order independently and under parliamentary control. The constitutional core tasks of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are exclusively the observation and combating of anti-constitutional activities, counter-espionage, economic protection, prevention, accompanying extremists as they leave the scene and informing the public and the relevant authorities about its findings in the area of ??political or religious extremism. It will concentrate on its core tasks. To this end we will equip it with the appropriate personnel and material resources taking into account the respective security situation. [4, p.32]

This is an uncritical and unconditional support of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. In contrast to Thuringia there is no scandal of the type and quality in Brandenburg as around Stephan Kramer.

Foreign Policy & Defense Policy

Wir nehmen die Sorgen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger ernst, dass sich der Krieg ausweitet und damit das Risiko besteht, dass auch Deutschland in eine sich immer schneller drehende Kriegsspirale hineingezogen wird. Der Krieg wird nicht durch weitere Waffenlieferungen beendet werden können.

We take seriously the concerns of citizens that the war is spreading and that there is a risk that Germany will be drawn into an ever faster spiral of war. The war will not be able to be ended by further arms deliveries. [4, p.4]

Here too both could agree on a common position compared to Thuringia. Furthermore both agreed on the election promise from the election program from the BSW. This is also significant because the coalition partner SPD pursues the opposite policy in the Bundestag.


It is already clear that the Brandenburger BSW has clearly brought its own party program into the coalition agreement. However it is uncertain how far the Brandenburger BSW will implement this coalition agreement. For now this coalition is clearly preferable by the BSW electorate.

[Domestic Policy] BSW Coalition in Thuringia - What is not

[1] Thüringer BSW stimmt für Brombeer-Koalition mit CDU und SPD 2024-12-07
[2] Vor Gang in Koalitionen - Das BSW verordnet sich Frieden 2024-12-08
[3] Unser Parteiprogramm
[4] SPD und BSW einigen sich auf Koalitionsvertrag 2024-11-27
