[Domestic Policy] BSW Coalition in Thuringia - What is not

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht/BSW) is Germany's youngest party with nationwide visibility. In the three state elections since its foundation it has entered all three federal parliaments. The BSW has now negotiated coalition agreements in two federal states and has already agreed to both internally. These coalition agreements will be examined here in order to enable a forecast of state politics and to measure the young party in comparison to its election program. [1] [2]

According to its own program the BSW wants to invest in public infrastructure and thereby create the conditions for economic growth. The sanctions against Russia are seen as detrimental to Germany and its own energy supply. And sustainable energy is accepted but is not considered sufficient on its own. In domestic politics the government's authoritarian political style is criticized since it threatens freedom and diversity of opinion. And in foreign policy the government wants to be for peace and against escalation. [3]

Economic Policy

Mit einem Energiemix aus Geo-, Bio-, Solar-, Wasser- und Windenergie sowie zukünftig Wasserstoff legen wir den Grundstein für eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige Energieversorgung. Beim Übergang zu einer CO2-neutralen Produktion werden wir die Thüringer Wirtschaft und Industrie unterstützen. Die Sektorenkopplung, Elektrifizierung und Maßnahmen zur Senkung des Energieverbrauchs nehmen dabei eine wesentliche Rolle ein.

With an energy mix of geo-, bio-, solar, water and wind energy as well as hydrogen in the future we are laying the foundation for a sustainable and future-proof energy supply. We will support Thuringia's economy and industry in the transition to CO2-neutral production. Sector coupling, electrification and measures to reduce energy consumption play an important role in this. [4, p.41]

Fossil fuels are fundamentally rejected and energy should be provided exclusively through sustainable energy. Neither the lack of sustainable energy during dunkelflaute nor the lack of installed sustainable energy capacity are addressed. This creates the conditions for repeating the mistakes in energy policy at the federal level and increasing energy prices again.

Fiscal Policy

Wir ermöglichen Investitionen durch Schaffung von Spielräumen unter Einhaltung der grundgesetzlichen Schuldenbremse, unter anderem durch die Verlängerung der Tilgungsfristen für Notlagen-Kredite.

We enable investments by creating scope for manoeuvre while complying with the constitutional debt brake including by extending the repayment periods for emergency loans. [4, p.118]
Umschichtungen im Haushalt und Priorisierungen von Ausgaben werden unverzichtbar sein, um schuldenbremsenkonforme Haushalte aufzustellen.

Restructuring the budget and prioritizing spending will be essential to create budgets that comply with the debt brake. [4, p.119]

The debt brake is accepted uncritically and is to be adhered to. In addition there are even threats of cuts in other areas. A continuation of the recession is therefore inevitable. In addition to the catastrophic economic policy and especially energy policy which has increased energy prices the inadequate investment and demand policy is the other reason for the current recession in Germany. After the collapse of the neglected Carola Bridge in Dresden the next bridge might as well collapse in Thuringia. [5]

Domestic Policy

Eine flächendeckende Versorgung werden wir durch den Erhalt aller Krankenhausstandorte als Orte medizinischer Versorgung sichern und die Rettungsdienstplanung dahingehend anpassen.

We will ensure comprehensive care by maintaining all hospital locations as places of medical care and adapting emergency service planning accordingly. [4, p.61]

At first glance this sounds like hospitals are to be retained. Taken literally this only means that there should be some medical care at all hospital locations but not how much. The fact that emergency services are explicitly mentioned probably means that at least emergency rooms will be cut.

Die Pandemie hat tiefe gesellschaftliche Spaltungen offenbart und viele Menschen durch Einsamkeit und Isolation zutiefst getroffen. Deshalb sehen wir es als unsere Aufgabe, gemeinsame Lösungen zu entwickeln, die das gesellschaftliche Miteinander wieder stärken.

The pandemic has revealed deep social divisions and has deeply affected many people through loneliness and isolation. We therefore see it as our task to develop common solutions that will strengthen social cohesion again. [4, p.74]
Noch offene oder noch anhängige Bußgeldverfahren sollen nicht weiterverfolgt bzw. deren Einstellung angeregt werden. Wir prüfen, ob ein Amnestie-Gesetz in diesem Zusammenhang notwendig ist.

Fine proceedings that are still open or pending should not be pursued further or their discontinuation should be suggested. We are examining whether an amnesty law is necessary in this context. [4, p.74]

The first statement is totally wrong because the pandemic did not occur in a vacuum but was accompanied by government measures. And governments have divided society through these measures. And only closing open cases would be an unequal treatment and is the next division into convicted and not yet convicted ones.

Die Landesbehörde kann insbesondere im Kontext der Fachkräfteeinwanderung eine wichtige Rolle im Rahmen der Visaverfahren und der Anerkennung beruflicher Qualifikation übernehmen und dadurch Verfahren beschleunigen. Gleichzeitig sorgen wir für eine Beschleunigung der Asylverfahren sowie die konsequente Durchsetzung des Ausweisungsinteresses bei straffällig gewordenen Ausländerinnen und Ausländern.

The state authority can play an important role in visa procedures and the recognition of professional qualifications, particularly in the context of skilled immigration and thereby speed up procedures. At the same time we ensure that asylum procedures are accelerated and that the interest in deporting foreign nationals who have committed criminal offenses is consistently enforced. [4, p.47]

Despite recession and unemployment, immigration is to be encouraged and a shortage of skilled workers is assumed. This effectively means a low-wage policy is being implemented through oversupply. And deportations of those required to leave the country are limited to those who have committed crimes. All other people required to leave the country are apparently to be allowed to stay.

Wir sorgen für eine aufgabengemäße Ausstattung des Verfassungsschutzes zur Erfüllung seines verfassungsgemäßen Auftrags (Rechtsextremismus, Linksextremismus, religiöser Extremismus, Ausländerextremismus).

We ensure that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is adequately equipped to fulfil its constitutional mandate (right-wing extremism, left-wing extremism, religious extremism, foreign extremism). [4, p.50]

This is an uncritical and unconditional support of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. It is doubtful whether the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution will fulfill this task. The AfD in Thuringia wants to establish a committee of inquiry against Stephan Kramer (SPD, previously FDP, previously CDU) the President of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution who has been in office since 2015. Kramer (SPD) is said to have classified the AfD as an investigation case without consulting the relevant specialist departments and to have personally compiled the collection of materials for the assessment. And when the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the AfD as “certainly right-wing extremist” in March 2021 Kramer (SPD) submitted a 30-page supplementary report in disregard of the indemnity that cast doubt on the classification. Indemnity is the privilege of all MPs to enjoy immunity for statements made as MPs. Kramer (SPD) is said to have threatened one of the authors of the report with physical violence. [6] [7]

In addition the new Prime Minister Mario Voigt (CDU) proposed "withdrawable social media licenses" during the election campaign. These are to be withdrawn if someone spreads alleged "disinformation" and "fake news". [8]

Foreign Policy & Defense Policy

CDU und SPD sehen sich in der Tradition von Westbindung und Ostpolitik. Das BSW steht für einen kompromisslosen Friedenskurs.

The CDU and SPD see themselves in the tradition of Western ties and Eastern policy. The BSW stands for an uncompromising peace policy. [4, p.6]

In effect, this is a clear demarcation and distinction between the transatlantic policy of the SPD and CDU and the BSW's election campaign promises of peace. Bütteler this admission is probably involuntary. It shows that either the Thuringian BSW was unable to stand for itself or that the federal BSW does not have its regional associations under control. The federal BSW in the person of Sahra Wagenknecht has publicly spoken out against the controversial stationing of long-range missiles by the USA in Thuringia. [9]


It is already clear that the Thuringian BSW has hardly included its own party program in the coalition agreement. However it is uncertain how far the Thuringian BSW will grow out of this coalition agreement. The concessions from the BSW are nevertheless only of limited value since the coalition of CDU, SPD and BSW only has 44 of 88 seats in the state parliament. This coalition is therefore dependent on at least one vote from the Left Party or AfD.

[Domestic Policy] BSW Coalition in Brandenburg - What is possible

[1] Thüringer BSW stimmt für Brombeer-Koalition mit CDU und SPD 2024-12-07
[2] Vor Gang in Koalitionen - Das BSW verordnet sich Frieden 2024-12-08
[3] Unser Parteiprogramm
[4] zum Koalitionsvertrag für Thüringen 2024-11-22
[5] Warum die Carolabrücke in Dresden einstürzte 2024-12-11
[6] Der Kramer Komplex 2024-12-09
[7] Schwerer Bruch des journalistischen Ehrenkodex: MDR lieferte Insiderquelle an den Verfassungsschutz aus 2024-12-10
[8] Mario Voigt (CDU) will „verwirkbare Social-Media-Lizenzen“ einführen 2024-04-09
[9] Thüringen: Wagenknecht schießt in den Verhandlungen quer 2024-10-21
