The electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) will be introduced on January 15, 2025. The purpose of the electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) is to function as a digital health folder for those with statutory health insurance. It stores health data such as doctor's letters, medical findings, medication plans, laboratory findings, X-rays and possibly self-entered documents. The use or non-use of the electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) must officially have no negative impact on healthcare. However there are considerable doubts about it and this promise.
Gematik GmbH (Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheitskarte mbH) was originally an association of German statutory health insurance companies. It was founded to support the electronic health card (elektronische Gesundheitskarte/eGK) and its infrastructure in Germany.
In 2013 the contract to set up and operate the central telematics infrastructure (TI/Telematikinfrastruktur) went to arvato Systems, a company in the Bertelsmann Group. This contract has now been extended until 2027. And in 2019 the Federal Ministry of Health under Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) took over 51% of Gematik's shares for €510,000. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV/Spitzenverband Bund der Krankenkassen) accused the Federal Ministry of Health of creating a subordinate agency that is financed by the contributions of those with statutory health insurance. [2] [3] [4]
But the subsequent replacement of the management is explosive. Just a few days after taking over the majority, the Federal Ministry of Health under Health Minister Spahn (CDU) made Markus Leyck Dieken head of Gematik. Spahn (CDU) bought an apartment from Dieken for 980,000 Euros. And the same apartment was for sale in 2021 for 1,585,000 Euros. [5] [6]
The digital infrastructure with which the healthcare providers and recipients are connected is called the telematics infrastructure (TI/Telematikinfrastruktur). According to the law Gematik is responsible for this telematics infrastructure (TI/Telematikinfrastruktur). Access to the electronic patient file (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) is provided via the telematics infrastructure. Gematik designs the technical requirements for this and approves products and services in the digital economy. All ePA apps must pass the Gematik approval process. So far the companies Compu Group Medical, RISE, x-tention GmbH and IBM have been approved as providers of ePA file systems. [1]
However there is a suspicion that this is less about better health promotion than about medical data flows and business models. The EU has initiated the European Health Data Space (EHDS). Its aim is to link the health systems of the member states more closely with one another through the exchange of health data. Here too the bundling of health data is intended to improve health systems. In this way access by and consequently the range of services providers gets expanded. [7]
[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Content 2024-11-20[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Meaning & Risks 2024-12-04
[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Options for Action 2024-12-11
[1] Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA): Digitale Gesundheitsakte für alle kommt 2024-07-01
[2] Zulassungs- und Bestätigungsübersichten
[3] Arvato Systems bleibt IT-Partner der gematik
[4] BMG zahlt 510.000 Euro für gematik-Anteile 2019-06-06
[5] Spahns Mann fürs Digitale: Leyck Dieken wird neuer Gematik-Chef 2019-06-17
[6] Spahn-Wohnung stand für über 1,5 Millionen Euro zum Verkauf 2021-01-15
[7] Europäischer Gesundheitsdatenraum schnell erklärt
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