[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Options for Action

The electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) will be introduced on January 15, 2025. The purpose of the electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) is to function as a digital health folder for those with statutory health insurance. It stores health data such as doctor's letters, medical findings, medication plans, laboratory findings, X-rays and possibly self-entered documents. The use or non-use of the electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) must officially have no negative impact on healthcare. However there are considerable doubts about it and this promise.

An electronic patient file (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) is provided for those with statutory health insurance anyway but not for those with private health insurance. In addition private health insurers are not obliged to offer their health insurance customers an electronic patient file (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte). Private health insurance customers can therefore receive an electronic patient file (ePA) under certain circumstances. On the other hand those with statutory health insurance can object to the electronic patient file (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) in any case. [1]

Statutory health insurance companies are obliged to inform their insured persons in due time about the provision of the electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte). Statutory health insurance holders should be able to object fully and partially before and after the introduction. A partial objection should be able to prevent, for example, the uploading of documents in certain treatment situations, the storage of health insurance data or the forwarding of data from the ePA for research purposes in the public interest. Such restrictions should be able to be withdrawn at any time. [1]

Assuming that an objection to the electronic patient record (ePA/elektronische Patientenakte) is legally equivalent to a termination, this must be done in writing and with a handwritten signature. According to Section 126 of the German Civil Code (BGB) a termination requires the written form and a signature or a notarized signature. [2]

[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Content 2024-11-20
[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Background 2024-11-27
[Domestic Politics] Electronic Patient Record - Meaning & Risks 2024-12-04

[1] Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA): Digitale Gesundheitsakte für alle kommt 2024-07-01
[2] Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) - § 126 Schriftform
