[Domestic Policy] Hackers and the ghosts I called

In December 2018 personal data of politicians, artists and comedians were leaked. The general public only became aware of this on January 4,. Striking is that all parties from the German Bundestag are represented except the AfD and that the artists and comedians belong to the left-liberal spectrum. The press could have again remain silent about the leaks or could once again praise them. Instead the publications were consistently criticized.

On May 1, 2016 cellphone numbers, addresses and dates of birth of participants of the AfD party congress in Stuttgart were leaked on the website Linksunten Indymedia (Left-Beneath Indymedia). The AfD criticized the leaks. But this was not the first time. In 2015 personal data of 3,000 participants of the AfD party congress in Bremen were also leaked. In the comments the leak was controversially discussed as one comment reads: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Wenn wir diese 2000 Menschen beseitigt haben, dann können wir endlich in Frieden leben. [2] [3] [4]
Once we have eliminated these 2,000 people, then we can finally live in peace. [2] [3] [4]
On December 3, 2018 the Center for Political Beauty (Zentrum für politische Schönheit/ZPS) published the project Soko Chemnitz. The goal was to identify those who demonstrated in Chemnitz after the murder of Daniel H. and to report them to their employers. The goal was to make the suspects lose their jobs. The ZPS demanded directly to denounce colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances. [5] [6] The ZPS justifies its actions by saying that criticism of immigration is illegitimate and that the AfD is undemocratic. Unspoken it is assumed that the demonstrators are voters of the AfD. Thus the ZPS builds up an oversized straw man to justify his own deeds. [7]

However a media scandal did not took place. The mainstrem media have mentioned the events completely uncritically or even praised them. The newspapers taz and Tagesspiegel wrote that the actions were morally justified. For this they also use the straw man that all demonstrators are Nazis and dangerous. [8] [9] The public broadcaster MDR even assumes that the demonstrators have broken the law. However they do not provide any evidence. [10] Dangerous and inhumane however were only the ZPS and those from the left who defended the ZPS for their actions.

In December 2018 personal data of politicians, artists and comedians were leaked over several days. Among the data are chats, mails, identity card data, phone numbers, addresses and photos of children. Affected are all parties from the German Bundestag except for the AfD and the artists and comedians from the current leak belong to the left-liberal spectrum. The general public heard about this on January 4,. The Parliament Managing Director from the Green party Britta Haßelmann described the publications as an attack on our democracy. [11] [12] [13]

The Federal Minister of Justice Katarina Barley considers new stricter legal requirements software developers and social media providers due to the leak. Barley says the authors are damaging the trust in our democracy and its institutions. According to one of the affected celebrities the hackers had gained access via a comparatively weak password. And after the first access they fished for more data via fake emails. So if insufficient security measures were the reason for the leak then this might be the reason for the biased selection of the victims. The AfD members in the Bundestag are above average educated and have certainly drawn consequences from the publications of 2015 and 2016. [14] [15] [16] [17]

It is striking that there was little to no criticism after the publications of 2015 and 2016 or the SOKO Chemnitz. On the other hand there has been criticism from the press for the recent leak and the German government has promptly announced stricter laws. The partisan selection could also have been a form of revenge from those who sympathize with the AfD. The intention could have been a backlash of the publications of 2015 and 2016 or the SOKO Chemnitz. Whoever accepts the publication of data from one side of the political spectrum doesn't need be surprised if the counter-reaction hits the other side.

[1] Stuttgart - Teilnehmerliste von AfD-Parteitag im Netz veröffentlicht 2016-05-01
[2] Linke stellen Adressen von 2000 AfD-Mitgliedern ins Netz 2016-05-01
[3] Linke Seite stellt Daten der AfD-Parteitagsbesucher ins Netz 2016-05-01
[4] Linke Seite stellt Daten der AfD-Parteitagsbesucher ins Netz 2016-05-01
[5] Online-Pranger zum Mitmachen 2018-12-03
[6] Heftiger Streit um Online-Pranger 2018-12-04
[7] Wo der Staat versagt, muss die Zivilgesellschaft ran 2018-12-04
[8] Neue Aktion von Politische Schönheit - Wanted: Nazis! 2018-12-03
[9] "Darf man das?" - ist die falsche Frage 2018-12-05
[10] Nicht die Aktion spaltet die Gesellschaft, sondern kriminelles Verhalten von Mitbürgern 2018-12-04
[11] Dieser Angriff gilt der ganzen Gesellschaft 2019-01-04
[12] Datendiebstahl eines Einzelnen? - Gehackt, gekapert, gepostet 2019-01-04
[13] BKA wurde erst spät über Datendiebstahl informiert 2019-01-05
[14] Bundesamt für IT-Sicherheit will erst im Januar vom Leak gewusst haben 2019-01-05
[15] Alles außer AfD: Was wir über das große Datenleck wissen 2019-01-05
[16] +++ Angriff fiel durch Anrufe bei Schulz auf +++ 2019-01-04
[17] Die AfD ist eine Partei der Besserverdiener und Gebildeten 2016-04-30
