[Hints] Voices from the Blätterwald - 2019-05-24

  1. English Videos
    1. TAPE: Assange's last video before communications cut at Ecuadorian Embassy in London (FULL) Sep 20, 2018
    2. Yuval Noah Harari on 'The Bright Side of Nationalism', at the Central European University
  2. English News and Articles
    1. Legislation from closed chambers – how (un)democratic is the EU?
    2. Markets - Russian Oil Sales to U.S. ‘on Steroids’ Amid Venezuela Sanctions
    3. “MuellerGate”, A Report Review: Who Cooked Up the “RussiaGate” Conspiracy”?
    4. Footage shows hundreds of migrants occupying French airport terminal
    5. Cyprus
  3. Translated News in English
    1. Youth Organization of the German Social Democrats
    2. Reinhard Hirche - AfD-Mann beim Plakate-Aufhängen mit Messer und Stein angegriffen
    3. Secret Meetings at the UN Migration Pact - Federal Foreign Office admits non-public meetings
    4. Top candidates for the European election in a TV duel - Weber wants duty to clear names in social networks
    5. Media report: Google records user purchases via Gmail
    6. Biggest budget increase in decades - Germany is pushing hard for defense spending
    7. Consultant affair - orders simply signed
    8. Dutch Minister resigns due to controversial report
    9. MORE TABOO SUBJECTS - Majority of Germans express themselves in the public only cautiously
    10. Majority of Germans for a ban on primary schools
    11. Danish Prime Minister for permanent border controls
    12. AfD wants to free low-income workers from social security contributions

I. English Videos


TAPE: Assange's last video before communications cut at Ecuadorian Embassy in London (FULL) Sep 20, 2018


Yuval Noah Harari on 'The Bright Side of Nationalism', at the Central European University

II. English News and Articles


Legislation from closed chambers – how (un)democratic is the EU?
The leaders of the European Union guide democracy in name only. In practice, they constantly override it and violate fundamental democratic norms on a grand scale. The anti-democratic practices in the Council of the EU, also known as the Council of Ministers, are a real scandal. IE-member Harald Schumann is convinced: Anyone who follows the passage of legislation in the EU, and in particular the means by which monetary union is controlled, must come to this conclusion.
source: investigate-europe/HARALD SCHUMANN
EU en , EU de


Markets - Russian Oil Sales to U.S. ‘on Steroids’ Amid Venezuela Sanctions
Petroleum exports from Russia to the U.S. are growing rapidly as the supplier takes advantage of lost deliveries from sanctions-hit Venezuela and supply cuts by OPEC members.
source: bloomberg
... On the grounds that the EU Member States import particularly large quantities of oil (about 30 %) and natural gas (about 40 %) from Russia the US government regularly demands these to be replaced by LNG (liquefied natural gas) from the USA or even the banning the partially completed Nord-Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia. And if the German government reaches a compromise after wich Nord-Stream 2 can be continued on the condition that the operator of the pipeline and the gas supplier must be disconnected then one is inclined to believe that the German government achieved their interests here. However Europe's supply of gas from Russia can not be replaced with liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US yet as there is no infrastructure for such supply. But an alternative supply infrastructure is worked upon in the same way as NATO's 2 % target. [42] [43,p.4] ... , ... Mit der Begründung dass die EU-Mitgliedstaaten besonders große Mengen an Öl (etwa 30 %) und Erdgas (etwa 40 %) aus Russland importieren fordert die US-Regierung regelmäßig diese durch LNG (liquefied natural gas/Flüssig-Erdgas) aus den USA zu ersetzen oder sogar die teilweise fertig gestellte Gaspipeline Nord-Stream 2 aus Russland zu verbieten. Und wenn die deutsche Regierung einen Kompromiss abschließt nach der Nord-Stream 2, unter der Bedingung dass der Betreiber der Pipeline und der Gaslieferant getrennt werden müssen, fortgesetzt werden kann, dann ist man geneigt zu glauben dass die deutsche Regierung hier ihre Interessen durchsetzt. Die komplette Versorgung Europas mit Gas aus Russland kann aber noch nicht mit verflüssigten Erdgas (LNG) aus den USA ersetzt werden, da noch keine Infrastruktur für eine solche Versorgung existiert. An einer Infrastruktur für eine alternative Versorgung wird aber mit der gleichen Vorgehensweise wie beim 2 % Ziel der NATO gearbeitet. [42] [43,p.4] ...


“MuellerGate”, A Report Review: Who Cooked Up the “RussiaGate” Conspiracy”?
We need a bipartisan Muellergate investigation to determine who cooked up the Russiagate conspiracy that has taken over US foreign policy and driven American political discourse from idiotic to imbecilic.
source: cgr


Footage shows hundreds of migrants occupying French airport terminal
Video showed hundreds of illegal immigrants storming a French airport and occupying an entire terminal Sunday, demanding to meet with the country’s prime minister.
source: ny post
source: le parisien


Turkey insists on right to drill for energy reserves off Cyprus
Dispute likely to escalate after Nicosia said it would seek to arrest anyone caught drilling
source: the guardian
source: eu observer

Cyprus calls for U.S. support over Turkey’s violations off its western coast
Cyprus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides sought for Washington’s support against what Nicosia says Turkey’s ongoing violations off Cyprus’ western coast during a phone conversation with U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton, Greek daily Kathimerini reported.
source: ahval news

III. Translated News in English


Heute finden überall Demos für ein geeintes Europa statt. Wir sind um 12:00 Uhr auch bei Ein Europa für Alle - Deine...

Posted by Jusos Berlin on Saturday, May 18, 2019
Finishing Nationalism Ice Cold

Youth Organization of the German Social Democrats

Vor 74 Jahren wurde Deutschland vom Nazi-Terror befreit. Unser tiefer und inniger Dank gilt den Alliierten, die das für...

Posted by NRW Jusos on Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Smash right-wing structures

Our us, needs you

Youth Organization of the German Social Democrats

Me Ne Frego


Reinhard Hirche - AfD-Mann beim Plakate-Aufhängen mit Messer und Stein angegriffen
The deputy AfD leader of the Hanover City Council, Reinhard Hirche, is said to have been attacked by a stranger on Friday hanging up election posters. The police confirmed that she was called after that and searched unsuccessfully for a culprit.
source: focus translate
source: focus
source: t-online
Me Ne Frego


Secret Meetings at the UN Migration Pact - Federal Foreign Office admits non-public meetings
After a contradiction procedure of the Tagesspiegels had to confirm the foreign office that the migration pact was partly secretly negotiated.
source: tagesspiegel translate
source: tagesspiegel
[Dossier] Global Compact for Migration , Global Compact for Migration


Top candidates for the European election in a TV duel - Weber wants duty to clear names in social networks
It was the third meeting of the top candidates Weber and Timmermans within ten days. And again they were clearly differentiated from each other.
source: tagesspiegel translate
source: tagesspiegel
source: standard

Wolfgang Schäuble demands clear names in the internet
"Anyone who expresses his opinion, should also be able to stand," said Bundestag President Schäuble the SPIEGEL. He advocates a declaration of duty on the Internet. Earlier attempts, however, were mixed.
source: spiegel translate
source: spiegel


Media report: Google records user purchases via Gmail
According to a report on Gmail messages, Google also tracks purchases that did not go through Google. The company refers to the possibility of deletion.
source: heise translate
source: heise


Biggest budget increase in decades - Germany is pushing hard for defense spending
In the current year, the Bundeswehr will spend five billion euros more on tasks within the NATO alliance. The Federal Government emphasizes that this is a record and thus reacts to criticism from the USA.
In the current year, the federal government expects expenditure relevant to the alliance of a good 47 billion euros. That would be a plus of more than five billion euros compared to 2018 and a share of gross domestic product in the amount of 1.35 percent. Such an increase did not exist at least since the end of the Cold War.
source: spiegel translate
source: spiegel
source: welt ... However this is sold to the public as taking on responsibility or even as an increase of sovereignty. It is then pretende as if one can no longer rely on the US government. To pretend as if one acts against the US government while following its orders is clever because it undermines established patterns of thinking. But in fact the development is larger. As early as 2012 then-President Barack Obama announced a pivot to Asia and thus sent the message to the NATO member states in Europe that in the future they have to count on fewer resources from the USA. However in 2014 NATO also stated in Wales that the unification of Crimea with Russia requires a strong stance from NATO. [10] [11] [12] [13] ...


Consultant affair - orders simply signed
- Defense Minister von der Leyen is under pressure in the consultant affair.
- A senior Procurement official accuses the Ministry of having virtually passed decisions on behalf of a particular consultancy firm in his office.
- So far, the Ministry had mainly made the Procurement Office responsible for the fact that, in many cases, external orders had been issued to public procurement law.
source: sz translate
source: sz


Dutch Minister resigns due to controversial report
Shortly before the European elections, the Dutch Minister for Immigration, Mark Harbers, has lost his position. His ministry had published a controversial report on refugee crime.
In the dispute over a report on refugee crime, the Dutch Minister for Immigration, Mark Harbers, has lost his position. Harbers resigned in the face of criticism of the report on Tuesday. The report had caused displeasure, because in the statistics comparatively harmless offenses such as shoplifting were specifically identified; on the other hand, serious crimes committed by asylum-seekers, such as sexual assault, murder or manslaughter, were grouped together in a category "Other", with no breakdown of individual acts.
source: welt translate
source: welt
source: faz


MORE TABOO SUBJECTS - Majority of Germans express themselves in the public only cautiously
Only about one in five Germans feels free to express their opinions in public.
- The reason given for this low value is the rude forms of conflict.
- Taboo subjects are refugees and Islam.
source: welt translate
source: welt


Majority of Germans for a ban on primary schools
According to a survey, 57 percent of German citizens favor a headscarf ban at primary schools. For voters of the CDU, FDP and AfD the approval is even greater. It is questionable whether a ban would be permitted at all.
source: welt translate
source: welt


Danish Prime Minister for permanent border controls
Copenhagen (dpa / lno) - Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen is in favor of permanent controls on the border with Germany. Even if significantly fewer asylum seekers came to Denmark, the threat of terrorism was high and cross-border organized crime a problem, said Løkke on Monday during a visit to Kruså on the German-Danish border immediately north of Flensburg .
source: welt translate
source: welt
source: welt archive


AfD wants to free low-income workers from social security contributions
According to a report by the dpa, the AfD has launched an initiative on Wednesday to completely exempt low-income people from social security contributions.
source: sputnik translate
source: sputnik
source: bundestag pdf
