Global Compact for Migration , Migration
The promotion of migration is often seen as "leftist", the aid as "humanistic" and the consequences as "cosmopolitan". All these terms are positively occupied and disguise whose interests are served here. It is about supplying the local labor market with cheap workers. In migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries, employers and investors profit on a large scale. Thus labor migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries deserves criticism.
On 11 December, the "Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration" will be signed in Marrakech (Morocco). In doing so, the signatories commit themselves to promoting international migration. This is not about escape or asylum, this is a separate agreement, but to labor migration. Illegal migration is never mentioned in this UN migration agreement and it is not differentiated between them.
On 11 December, the "Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration" will be signed in Marrakech (Morocco). In doing so, the signatories commit themselves to promoting international migration. This is not about escape or asylum, this is a separate agreement, but to labor migration. Illegal migration is never mentioned in this UN migration agreement and it is not differentiated between them. This UN migration agreement tracks migration in the interests of business like the paper "The Business Case for Migration".
The consequences of this labor migration will not be dealt with. Labor migration leads to a lack of workers in the countries of origin. The recruitment of expensive skilled workers leads to the subsidization of the destination countries by the countries of origin and the lack of expensive trained professionals in the countries of origin. In the destination countries, the oversupply of workers leads to increased wage pressure and wage cuts. This brain drain occurs at the expense of the countries of origin and the working class in the destination countries, but serves the companies in the destination countries.
The problems of brain drain as well as wage pressure and wage cuts due to the oversupply in the labor market are concealed throughout the agreement. Out-migration is good for everyone. Basta.
Migrant workers come with education and training paid for by their country of origin. However, a solution for this brain drain is not offered in the UN migration agreement. On the other hand, it is important to be able to hire highly skilled professionals in the target countries.
The Migration Pact thus succeeds in causing damage in both countries through brain drain, wage pressure and wage cuts due to the oversupply in the labor market. It is mainly companies that profit from low wages due to oversupply in the labor market.
In German-speaking countries, there are at least two major and one public petitions to the UN migration agreement:
[1] The Business Case for Migration
[2] Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration
However, according to the UN migration agreement, this is a fallacy. Labor migration is basically good for everyone and doubts are illegitimate. And to achieve this, the states commit themselves to intervene in the media reporting.
Taking criticism seriously means that those who suffer from labor migration are mistaken. So sooner or later one believes that labor migration is good or that one is xenophobic or even racist. In the paper "Making Migration work for all" this requirement sounds like this:
To be against racism is all well and good. However, if this means that labor migration should always and indefinitely be welcomed and all criticisms of labor migration are xenophobic or even racist, then there is no longer any freedom of expression or free reporting.
The UN migration agreement contradicts itself here. On the one hand, the freedom of expression or free reporting should be protected on the other hand, should be intervened in the reporting, if necessary. And there is only one truth, and that is, labor migration is good.
The UN migration agreement contradicts itself here. On the one hand, the freedom of expression or free reporting should be protected on the other hand, should be intervened in the reporting, if necessary. And there is only one truth, and that is, labor migration is good.
In German-speaking countries, there are at least two major and one public petitions to the UN migration agreement:
[1] Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration
[2] Making Migration work for all
The Federal Government is aiming for a political, but not legally binding agreement. The migration pact and its contents are politically obligatory according to the scientific service of the Bundestag. Goals are set and resources are available to regularly review the implementation. The aim is not temporary protection, but a permanent settlement of migrants in Germany. Migrants could invoke the migration pact and sue its contents.
[1] Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration
[2] Rechtsgutachten zum Migrationspakt
To all Members of the CDU/CSU-Caucus in the German Bundestag (Parliament)
Berlin, October 18, 2018
Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Colleagues,
on the occasion of the current discussion in our group on the Global Migration Pact (GCM) I would like to inform you about the current state of the negotiations.
In the future, the GCM is to form a - not legally binding - political basis "for a globally controlled and secure migration". It is supposed to form the basis for a globally better regulated and secure migration and the foundation for comprehensive international cooperation. A UN Summit for the adoption of the GCM is planned on December 10,-11, 2018 in Marrakech/Morocco.
The negotiations for the GCM were always the subject of political discussions. Thus the US left the GCM development in 2017. Poland has also made critical statements in the past (most recently a few days ago) but - currently - is still part of the GCM process and has always been active and cooperative at work level.
The Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtige Amt) has been in charge of the negotiations for Germany. From a political or migration policy point of view and despite discussions about the GCM it was important to us that the following German priority principles were anchored in the GCM:
- preservation of national sovereignty in border and security matters including possible criminal liability for illegal entry;
- clear separation between legal and illegal migration;
- demand for already well-managed legal migration without the postulate of an expansion of immigration opportunities;
- recommendations to "regularize" (legalize) the status of migrants who are irregular (in GER: illegal) in the countries of destination of migration at best on a case-by-case basis in the public interest in particular for integration;
- reaffirming the importance of return and cleaning policy as a consequence of the international readmission obligation towards own nationals.
From the point of view of the federal government that text is a solid and substantial compromise. The UN member states commit themselves in the GCM to the implementation of 23 goals and to increased international cooperation. In order to implement this the role of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been sustainably strengthened and the establishment of a United Nations Migration Network ("UN Network on Migration") agreed. Thus the GCM represents an important step towards global cooperation in migration matters. Therefore the Federal Government supports the signing of the GCM in the framework of the summit conference in December.
The petition "Migrant Pact Stopping" (Migrationspakt-Stoppen) referred to by some colleagues calls for the GCM not to be signed. It threatens the "the destruction of the western welfare states". Accompanying this "Leaflets" of the participating politicians are distributed. I would like to point out the following: This petition is characterized by a polemic and unobjective rhetoric. Targeted disinformation about the GCM is intended to spread fears among the population. The initiator is an Austrian political activist who is in close contact with the New Right in Germany. We should use substantive discussions about the GCM to constructively and objectively commence the discourse on migration policy. Therefore I would like to call on you to support the GCM in the future and to oppose the criticism.
Yours sincerely
[1] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dq1W1jOX0AIw7J9.jpg
Global Compact for Migration , Migration
The promotion of migration is often seen as "leftist", the aid as "humanistic" and the consequences as "cosmopolitan". All these terms are positively occupied and disguise whose interests are served here. It is about supplying the local labor market with cheap workers. In migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries, employers and investors profit on a large scale. Thus labor migration from low-wage countries to high-wage countries deserves criticism.
On 11 December, the "Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration" will be signed in Marrakech (Morocco). In doing so, the signatories commit themselves to promoting international migration. This is not about escape or asylum, this is a separate agreement, but to labor migration. Illegal migration is never mentioned in this UN migration agreement and it is not differentiated between them.
- Labor Migration and Brain Drain
- Freedom of Expression and Censorship
- Liability
- CDU-internal speech rule
Labor Migration and Brain Drain
Global corporations and billionaires have great political influence and are well organized. One lobby is the annual World Economic Forum held in Switzerland. Migration is good for business, but companies cautiously approach the issue to avoid criticism. For this the World Economic Forum published the paper "The Business Case for Migration" in 2013. It promotes the facilitation of labor migration and companies' access to workers."Migration was once understood as a relationship between an individual and a state. Today, it is better understood as a relationship between an individual and an employer, mediated by the state. "
On 11 December, the "Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration" will be signed in Marrakech (Morocco). In doing so, the signatories commit themselves to promoting international migration. This is not about escape or asylum, this is a separate agreement, but to labor migration. Illegal migration is never mentioned in this UN migration agreement and it is not differentiated between them. This UN migration agreement tracks migration in the interests of business like the paper "The Business Case for Migration".
"... we recognize that it is a source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development in our globalized world, ...
We also must provide all our citizens with access to objective, evidence-based, clear information about the benefits and challenges of migration, with a view to dispelling misleading narratives that generate negative perceptions of migrants. "
The consequences of this labor migration will not be dealt with. Labor migration leads to a lack of workers in the countries of origin. The recruitment of expensive skilled workers leads to the subsidization of the destination countries by the countries of origin and the lack of expensive trained professionals in the countries of origin. In the destination countries, the oversupply of workers leads to increased wage pressure and wage cuts. This brain drain occurs at the expense of the countries of origin and the working class in the destination countries, but serves the companies in the destination countries.
"We commit to adapt options and pathways for regular migration in a manner that facilitates labour mobility ...
... with a view to expanding and diversifying availability of pathways for safe, orderly and regular migration. "
The problems of brain drain as well as wage pressure and wage cuts due to the oversupply in the labor market are concealed throughout the agreement. Out-migration is good for everyone. Basta.
Migrant workers come with education and training paid for by their country of origin. However, a solution for this brain drain is not offered in the UN migration agreement. On the other hand, it is important to be able to hire highly skilled professionals in the target countries.
"Promote effective skills matching in the national economy by involving local authorities and other relevant stakeholders, particularly the private sector and trade unions, in the analysis of the local labour market, identification of skills gaps, definition of required skills profiles, and evaluation of the efficacy of labour migration policies, in order to ensure market-responsive contractual labour mobility through regular pathways. "
The Migration Pact thus succeeds in causing damage in both countries through brain drain, wage pressure and wage cuts due to the oversupply in the labor market. It is mainly companies that profit from low wages due to oversupply in the labor market.
In German-speaking countries, there are at least two major and one public petitions to the UN migration agreement:
[1] The Business Case for Migration
[2] Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration
Freedom of Expression and Censorship
Migration is good for business, but companies cautiously approach the issue to avoid criticism. That's why, in addition to the UN migration agreement, there is also the paper "Making Migration work for all". In wich criticism is already expected."We must also show respect for communities that fear they are 'losing out' because of migration. While there is powerful evidence that migrants are of significant benefit to both their host countries and their countries of origin, we cannot be blind to citizens’ perceptions and concerns. Communities blighted by inequality and economic deprivation frequently blame migration for their troubles. While it is necessary to explain why such views are mistaken, it is essential to address the underlying vulnerabilities and fears of all citizens so that we can make migration work for all. "
However, according to the UN migration agreement, this is a fallacy. Labor migration is basically good for everyone and doubts are illegitimate. And to achieve this, the states commit themselves to intervene in the media reporting.
"... we recognize that it is a source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development in our globalized world, ... We also must provide all our citizens with access to objective, evidence-based, clear information about the benefits and challenges of migration, with a view to dispelling misleading narratives that generate negative perceptions of migrants. "
Taking criticism seriously means that those who suffer from labor migration are mistaken. So sooner or later one believes that labor migration is good or that one is xenophobic or even racist. In the paper "Making Migration work for all" this requirement sounds like this:
"We must sadly acknowledge that xenophobic political narratives about migration are all too widespread today. We must not allow these to distort our agenda. I applaud the New York Declaration adopted by the Member States, and in particular for addressing the issue in positive terms. Progress towards resolving real challenges associated with migration means, in part, dispelling alarmist misrepresentations of its effects. Political leaders must take responsibility for reframing national discourses on the issue, as well as for policy reforms. "
To be against racism is all well and good. However, if this means that labor migration should always and indefinitely be welcomed and all criticisms of labor migration are xenophobic or even racist, then there is no longer any freedom of expression or free reporting.
"Promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets, including internetbased information, including by sensitizing and educating media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology, investing in ethical reporting standards and advertising, and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants, in full respect for the freedom of the media "
The UN migration agreement contradicts itself here. On the one hand, the freedom of expression or free reporting should be protected on the other hand, should be intervened in the reporting, if necessary. And there is only one truth, and that is, labor migration is good.
The UN migration agreement contradicts itself here. On the one hand, the freedom of expression or free reporting should be protected on the other hand, should be intervened in the reporting, if necessary. And there is only one truth, and that is, labor migration is good.
In German-speaking countries, there are at least two major and one public petitions to the UN migration agreement:
[1] Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration
[2] Making Migration work for all
Throughout the text of the UN Migration Agreement, the word mandatory is on each page and about 300 times in the entire document. So the question is whether the UN migration agreement is legally binding. The scientific service of the German Bundestag has therefore had a legal assesment drawn up.The Federal Government is aiming for a political, but not legally binding agreement. The migration pact and its contents are politically obligatory according to the scientific service of the Bundestag. Goals are set and resources are available to regularly review the implementation. The aim is not temporary protection, but a permanent settlement of migrants in Germany. Migrants could invoke the migration pact and sue its contents.
[1] Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration
[2] Rechtsgutachten zum Migrationspakt
CDU-internal speech rule
Federal Ministry of Interior, Building and Home (Bundesministerium des Inneren, für Bau und Heimat) Stephan Mayer, MP Parliamentary UndersecretaryTo all Members of the CDU/CSU-Caucus in the German Bundestag (Parliament)
Berlin, October 18, 2018
Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Colleagues,
on the occasion of the current discussion in our group on the Global Migration Pact (GCM) I would like to inform you about the current state of the negotiations.
In the future, the GCM is to form a - not legally binding - political basis "for a globally controlled and secure migration". It is supposed to form the basis for a globally better regulated and secure migration and the foundation for comprehensive international cooperation. A UN Summit for the adoption of the GCM is planned on December 10,-11, 2018 in Marrakech/Morocco.
The negotiations for the GCM were always the subject of political discussions. Thus the US left the GCM development in 2017. Poland has also made critical statements in the past (most recently a few days ago) but - currently - is still part of the GCM process and has always been active and cooperative at work level.
The Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtige Amt) has been in charge of the negotiations for Germany. From a political or migration policy point of view and despite discussions about the GCM it was important to us that the following German priority principles were anchored in the GCM:
- preservation of national sovereignty in border and security matters including possible criminal liability for illegal entry;
- clear separation between legal and illegal migration;
- demand for already well-managed legal migration without the postulate of an expansion of immigration opportunities;
- recommendations to "regularize" (legalize) the status of migrants who are irregular (in GER: illegal) in the countries of destination of migration at best on a case-by-case basis in the public interest in particular for integration;
- reaffirming the importance of return and cleaning policy as a consequence of the international readmission obligation towards own nationals.
From the point of view of the federal government that text is a solid and substantial compromise. The UN member states commit themselves in the GCM to the implementation of 23 goals and to increased international cooperation. In order to implement this the role of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been sustainably strengthened and the establishment of a United Nations Migration Network ("UN Network on Migration") agreed. Thus the GCM represents an important step towards global cooperation in migration matters. Therefore the Federal Government supports the signing of the GCM in the framework of the summit conference in December.
The petition "Migrant Pact Stopping" (Migrationspakt-Stoppen) referred to by some colleagues calls for the GCM not to be signed. It threatens the "the destruction of the western welfare states". Accompanying this "Leaflets" of the participating politicians are distributed. I would like to point out the following: This petition is characterized by a polemic and unobjective rhetoric. Targeted disinformation about the GCM is intended to spread fears among the population. The initiator is an Austrian political activist who is in close contact with the New Right in Germany. We should use substantive discussions about the GCM to constructively and objectively commence the discourse on migration policy. Therefore I would like to call on you to support the GCM in the future and to oppose the criticism.
Yours sincerely
[1] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dq1W1jOX0AIw7J9.jpg