[Commentary] Walter #Lübcke - In Germany Terrorism has no Religion but one Party 2019-06-21

In Germany the politician Walter Lübcke (CDU) was murdered and the suspect is a man who was convicted in the past for right-wing extremist crimes. The case is a tragedy and his relatives deserve condolences. But the quality of the debate and what is not debated exemplifies the debate culture in Germany.

On the night of June 2, to 3, 2019 the Kassel district president Walter Lübcke (CDU) was murdered. Lübcke (CDU) was found the same night by a relative on the terrace of his house in Wolfhagen (Hessen). [1] [2] The suspect is the 45-year-old Stephan E. and in the following it is also assumed that he is the perpetrator. [3] [4] [5] According a press research Stephan E. was sentenced in 1993 at the age of 20 years to a prison sentence without probation because he has attacked an asylum shelter in Hohenstein-Steckenroth (Hesse) with a pipe bomb whose fire could be extinguished in time. In addition Stephan E. attacked and seriously injured a man with a knife allegedly from a xenophobic motive in November 1992 in Wiesbaden (Hesse). [6] [7] [8]

Suspicious but largely unnoticed is that Lübcke (CDU) had Andreas Temme for some time as an employee. Temme was an employee of the domestic intelligence service (Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz) and was at the scene of the murder of Halit Yozgat in the Kassel Internet Cafe in 2006. The murder of Yozgat was the last murder in Kassel (Hesse) which was attributed to the NSU (neo-Nazi terrorist group). Temme made several contradictory and implausible statements. [9]

Lübcke (CDU) was criticized at the time when in 2015 at a town meeting Lohfelden (Hesse) he has rebuffed critics of the migration policy at that time. To critics of the former migration policy he replied that who does agree that Germany took in people is free to leave the country. Just a few days after the murder and even before Stephan E. was suspected left-wing blogs blamed the right-wing blog PI News (Politically Incorrect) among them the Amadeu Antonio Foundation website. The reason for this is that in 2015 the address of Lübcke (CDU) was revealed in the comment section. [10] [11] See:
Amadeu Antonio Foundation

After Stephen E. became a suspect politicians including Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (Federal Chairwomen CDU) and Peter Tauber (Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense, CDU) blamed the AfD for the murder and attributed complicity. Both claim that the AfD has lowered thresholds with their dissolution of language, hatred and hate speech. [12] [13] The former Secretary General of the CDU Tauber pleaded in a guest article in the newspaper Stern for a harder crackdown on enemies of democracy and proposed the Article 18 of the German Basic Law without explanation on how he imagines an application. This allows the Federal Constitutional Court to restrict the fundamental rights of persons who abuse fundamental rights against the free democratic basic order. [14]
Wer die Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung, insbesondere die Pressefreiheit (Artikel 5 Abs. 1), die Lehrfreiheit (Artikel 5 Abs. 3), die Versammlungsfreiheit (Artikel 8), die Vereinigungsfreiheit (Artikel 9), das Brief-, Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnis (Artikel 10), das Eigentum (Artikel 14) oder das Asylrecht (Artikel 16a) zum Kampfe gegen die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung mißbraucht, verwirkt diese Grundrechte. Die Verwirkung und ihr Ausmaß werden durch das Bundesverfassungsgericht ausgesprochen.

Who is against the freedom of expression, in particular freedom of the press (Article 5 (1)), freedom to teach (Article 5 (3)), freedom of assembly (Article 8), freedom of association (Article 9), secrecy of letters, telecommunications and telecommunications ( Article 10), which abuses property (Article 14) or asylum (Article 16a) on the fight against the liberal democratic basic order, forfeits these fundamental rights. The forfeiture and its extent are pronounced by the Federal Constitutional Court. [15]
Article 18 dates from 1949 a time when fascism had just been overcome and the quality of democracy in Germany did not yet meet the desired requirements. And a restriction of freedom of expression threatens a deradicalization dialogue and the visibility of illegal expressions. Neither side may have an interest in an escalation as proposed by Tauber (CDU). On the one hand because the same reasoning is to be expected in future crimes and terrorist attacks with other motives. On the other hand since members of the AfD themselves regularly become victims of violence. See:
Me Ne Frego

One does not do justice to the meaning of the free democratic basic order and the possibility of free exchange without freedom of expression. And the rules of this exchange are determined by the legislature. For this Article 5 requires freedom of expression. In addition there is already a paragraph in the Penal Code against the public call for crimes. [16] [17]
  1. Everyone has the right to freely express and disseminate their opinions in speech, writing and pictures and to be free to teach from generally accessible sources. The freedom of the press and the freedom of reporting by radio and film are guaranteed. Censorship does not take place.
  2. These rights find their limitations in the regulations of the general laws the legal provisions for the protection of the youth and in the right to personal honor.
  3. Art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not absolve faithfulness from the Constitution.

  1. Who publicly in a meeting or by spreading of writings (§ 11 Abs. 3) to an illegal act, will be punished like an instigator (§ 26).
  2. If the request is unsuccessful the sentence is imprisonment for up to five years or a fine. The sentence must not be more severe than that which is threatened in the event that the request succeeds (paragraph 1); § 49 para. 1 no. 2 is applicable.
How much room the free exchange offered not so long ago and how much the opinion corridor has narrowed can be easily seen. The statements the AfD is accused of today could be heard in 2010 by the incumbent Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on the Deutschlandtag (Germany Day) of the youth organization of the CDU.
Und der leichte Ruf, es soll mal ganz viel Zuwanderung kommen, diesem leichten Ruf dürfen wir nicht nachgeben, bevor wir nicht alles daran gesetzt haben, unsere eigenen Menschen im Lande zu qualifizieren und ihnen eine Chance zu geben. [18,26m40s]

And the slight call that there should be a great deal of immigration we must not give in to this easy call until we have made every effort to qualify our own people in the country and gave them a chance.

Das Thema Integration ist ein zentrales Thema und daher, die Anzahl von jungen Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund wird zunehmen und nicht abnehmen. In Frankfurt am Main, ist bei den Kindern unter 5 Jahren, von drei Kindern haben zwei einen Migrationshintergrund. Und wir sind ein Land das im übrigen Anfang der sechziger Jahre die Gastarbeiter nach Deutschland geholt hat. Und jetzt leben sie bei uns. Wir haben uns eine Weile lang in die Tasche gelogen, wir haben gesagt, die werden schon nicht bleiben, irgendwann werden sie weg sein, das ist nicht die Realität. Und natürlich war der Ansatz, zu sagen, jetzt machen wir hier Mal Multikulti und leben so nebeneinander her und freuen uns übereinander. Dieser Ansatz ist gescheitert, absolut gescheitert. [18,38m45s]

The topic of integration is a central theme and therefore, the number of young people with a migrant background will increase and not decrease. In Frankfurt am Main three of two children under 5 years of age have a migration background. And we are a country that brought the guest workers to Germany at the beginning of the sixties. And now they live with us. We lied to us for a while we said they will not stay they'll be gone someday that's not the reality. And of course the approach was to say now we're doing multiculturalism here and living side by side and looking towards each other. This approach has failed absolutely failed.

Wir brauchen keine Zuwanderung, die unsere Sozialsysteme belastet. [18,42m10s]

We do not need immigration, which burdens our social systems.

The murder of Walter Lübcke (CDU) is a terrible tragedy and his relatives deserve condolences. However this is not the time to lose ones head. Those who always say that terrorism and violence have no religion or nothing to do with the left now say that terrorism has one party. And those who always say that it is more likely to die from a traffic accident rather than die from a terrorist attack now accept the accusation of exploiting the murder of Walter Lübcke (CDU). In Germany a behavior has apparently established that condemns violations of one and the same principle depending on the identity of the perpetrators.

[1] Todesfall Walter Lübcke - Kassels Regierungspräsident wurde aus kurzer Distanz erschossen 2019-06-03
[2] Bisher keine Hinweise auf den Täter - Kassels Regierungspräsident Dr. Walter Lübcke erschossen: Ermittlungen laufen 2019-06-03
[3] GETÖTETER REGIERUNGSPRÄSIDENT : Dringender Tatverdacht gegen Rechtsextremisten im Mordfall Lübcke 2019-06-16
[4] Haftbefehl gegen Verdächtigen - Festnahme im Fall des erschossenen Regierungspräsidenten Lübcke 2019-06-16
[5] DNA-SPURENTREFFER - Dringend Tatverdächtiger im Fall Lübcke festgenommen 2019-06-16
[6] Kassel : Verdächtiger im Fall Lübcke hat Asylbewerberheim angegriffen 2019-06-17
[7] Mord an CDU-Politiker Lübcke: Verdächtiger soll Asylheim-Anschlag verübt haben 2019-06-17
[8] Fall Lübcke - Ermittler gehen von „rechtsextremistischem Hintergrund“ aus 2019-06-17
[9] Wegen Fall Halit Yozgat: Suspendierung von Temme beim RP Kassel gefordert 2017-09-20
[12] CDU-Vorsitzende : Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer gibt AfD Mitschuld am Tod von Walter Lübcke 2019-06-19
[13] Kramp-Karrenbauer zu Lübcke-Mord: AfD für "Hass" mitverantwortlich 2019-06-19
[14] Dieser Feind steht rechts 2019-06-19
[15] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Art 18
[16] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Art 5
[17] Strafgesetzbuch Art 111
[18] Deutschlandtag 2010: Rede Angela Merkel 2010-10-31
