[Hints] Voices from the Blätterwald - 2024-08-21

  1. English Videos
    1. Prof. John Mearsheimer on Israel and Iran's Next Moves As Conflict Escalates in the Middle East
  2. English News and Articles
    1. Israel & Yemen
    2. Leeds
    3. Russian oil flow halted through Druzhba pipeline to central Europe
    4. Witnesses at the trial of Cech in Ukraine: "He took off jewelry from the dead"
    5. Greece: LNG Imports Drop, Russian Piped Gas Soars
    6. First transfer of €1.5 billion of proceeds from immobilised Russian assets made available in support of Ukraine today
    7. Hamas political leader Haniyeh assassinated in Iran, plunging Middle East conflict into dangerous new phase
    8. Orbán claims U.S. behind Nord Stream gas pipeline bombings
    9. Southport
  3. Translated News in English
    1. IT Problems
    2. Debt cut for creditors? - Kyiv threatened by credit crash
    3. Sanctions have failed – we pay more without much effect
    4. G20 FINANCE MINISTERS MEETING - Brazil wants global billionaire tax – Finance Ministry rejects
    5. Julian Assange: Did Baerbock undermine his defense? Exclusive documents provide insight
    6. Power outage on Usedom: This is the current status
    7. Power plant strategy: Industry: Government targets for power plants hardly achievable
    8. New allegations in visa affair - Did the Foreign Office allow Pakistani agents into the country?
    9. JUDGMENT OF THE HIGHER ADMINISTRATIVE COURT OF MÜNSTER - Court rejects protection status for Syrians – CDU interior expert calls for deportations
    10. Respond "in a mirror-like manner": Putin threatens to react to US missiles in Germany
    11. Selenskyj wants to cede territories only with the consent of the people
    12. "Luxury smuggling affair": SPD politician Bröker makes confession - gang may have known about raid
    13. The Bundestag remains outside the planned stationing of US missiles
    14. Flood disaster in the Ahr Valley: Report reveals chaos in search for missing people
    15. Surplus of solar power in Germany – taxpayers have to pay
    16. After right-wing meeting in Potsdam, Cologne city should not have thrown Simone Baum out
    17. Due to increased crime: Popular festival in Bremen cancelled
    18. DIW economist on wealth tax: “Up to 17 billion euros”

I. English Videos


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-> Prof. John Mearsheimer on Israel and Iran's Next Moves As Conflict Escalates in the Middle East


II. English News and Articles


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-> At least 6 killed, Houthis say, as Israeli airstrikes hit Yemen day after Tel Aviv drone attack
At least six people were killed and scores more injured in Israeli airstrikes on a Yemeni port, Houthi rebels have said, a day after the Iran-backed group claimed a deadly attack on the Israeli city of Tel Aviv.
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/20/middleeast/yemen-israel-strikes-hodeidah-intl/index.html
-> Israel strikes Yemen for the first time following deadly Houthi drone attack. Here’s what we know
For the first time, Israel has struck inside Yemen, following a deadly drone attack launched by Houthi rebels on Tel Aviv.
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/21/middleeast/israel-strikes-houthi-rebels-explainer-intl/index.html


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-> Bus destroyed and police car flipped in Leeds disorder
Police officers were attacked, missiles thrown and vehicles torched and flipped when trouble broke out in a Leeds suburb.
source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy795we0vngo
-> Leeds riots: Police issue more details on what sparked night of violence
Police have said the riot in Leeds started after social workers dealt with a "child protection matter".
source: https://www.leeds-live.co.uk/news/leeds-news/leeds-riots-police-issue-more-29575319


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-> Russian oil flow halted through Druzhba pipeline to central Europe
Supply to Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary cut off amid row over payments related to EU sanctions against Moscow
source: https://www.ft.com/content/8ed4ccdb-522a-4003-8010-1a786af18bbc
source: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/slovakia-hungary-say-ukraine-has-halted-lukoils-russian-oil-transit-2024-07-18/
-> Hungary, Slovakia Ask for EU Help as Ukraine Targets Lukoil
- Nations threaten legal action if crude transit halt continues
- EU gave Hungary, Slovakia sanctions exemption on Russian crude
source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-22/slovakia-warns-ukraine-on-fuel-after-kyiv-bars-lukoil-transit


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-> Witnesses at the trial of Cech in Ukraine: "He took off jewelry from the dead"
The indictment accuses the man of illegal service in the Ukrainian army and looting at the site of military operations. Cech denies guilt. Witnesses testify in court.
source: https://www-seznamzpravy-cz.translate.goog/clanek/domaci-pokracuje-soud-s-ceskym-dobrovolnikem-ktereho-vini-z-rabovani-na-ukrajine-255371?noredirect=1&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-pokracuje-soud-s-ceskym-dobrovolnikem-ktereho-vini-z-rabovani-na-ukrajine-255371


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-> Greece: LNG Imports Drop, Russian Piped Gas Soars
Greek LNG imports dropped by two-thirds year over year in the second quarter of 2024, as imports of pipeline gas from Russia more than doubled, a clear setback for European efforts to reduce dependence on Russian energy amid the Russo-Ukraine war.
source: https://www.energyintel.com/00000190-a6da-daad-a5d9-a7de45f30000


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-> First transfer of €1.5 billion of proceeds from immobilised Russian assets made available in support of Ukraine today
Today, the EU makes available in support of Ukraine the first payment of €1.5 billion generated from immobilised Russian assets. These extraordinary revenues generated by EU operators and held by central securities depositories (CSDs) from immobilised Russian sovereign assets were made available by Euroclear to the Commission as a first instalment on 23 July. The money will now be channelled through the European Peace Facility and to the Ukraine Facility to support Ukraine's military capabilities as well as to support the country's reconstruction.
source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_4029


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-> Hamas political leader Haniyeh assassinated in Iran, plunging Middle East conflict into dangerous new phase
Hamas said its political leader Ismail Haniyeh has been killed in an overnight strike in the Iranian capital Tehran, a major development that throws the war between Israel and the militant group into an unpredictable and dangerous new phase.
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/30/middleeast/hamas-political-leader-ismail-haniyeh-killed-intl-hnk/index.html


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-> Orbán claims U.S. behind Nord Stream gas pipeline bombings
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions “an act of terrorism carried out at the obvious direction of the Americans,” Ukrainian news outlet European Pravda reported on July 27.
source: https://english.nv.ua/nation/orban-blames-u-s-for-nord-stream-explosions-criticizes-europe-s-stance-50438179.html


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-> A third girl has died in the UK after one of the worst attacks on children in decades. Here’s what to know
The United Kingdom was left shaken after three children were stabbed to death and eight others were injured in a knife attack in Southport, in one of the worst assaults against children in the country in decades.
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/30/uk/southport-stabbing-attack-explainer/index.html
-> Violent scenes as far-right protesters ‘hijack’ vigil for 3 girls killed in Southport knife attack
Far-right protesters violently clashed with British police on Tuesday near a mosque in the northwest English town of Southport, a day after three young girls were stabbed to death in one of the worst assaults against children in the country in decades.
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/31/uk/southport-stabbing-vigil-violent-protests-intl-hnk/index.html

III. Translated News in English


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-> "We can no longer escape from this strong dependency"
rbb: Mr. Gaycken, an update that triggers worldwide chaos: Was it foreseeable that the consequences could be so massive?
Sandro Gaycken : Yes, that was foreseeable. We have become very dependent on the cloud infrastructure. And there were two failures at the same time. One was a bit overlooked. But there was also a failure of the Microsoft cloud architecture that preceded the other failure. If you are very dependent on these large cloud monoliths and on the major market leaders in cyber security and one of them fails, then you are also in trouble.
source: https://www-rbb24-de.translate.goog/wirtschaft/beitrag/2024/07/crowdstrike-microsoft-ausfall-interview-cybersecurity.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.rbb24.de/wirtschaft/beitrag/2024/07/crowdstrike-microsoft-ausfall-interview-cybersecurity.html
-> CrowdStrike one of Russiagate’s ‘biggest culprits’: ex-House investigator
Former Congressional investigator Kash Patel, who helped expose the Steele dossier fraud, on the overlooked, suspicious role of another Clinton campaign contractor, CrowdStrike, which accused Russia of hacking the DNC.
source: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/10/30/crowdstrike-one-of-russiagates-biggest-culprits-ex-house-investigator/


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-> Debt cut for creditors? - Kyiv threatened by credit crash
In addition to the relentless attacks by the Russian army, Ukraine now also has to fear a shock on the financial front: a default on government bonds could hit the war chest hard.
source: https://www-n--tv-de.translate.goog/wirtschaft/Kiew-droht-der-Kredit-Crash-article25101351.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.n-tv.de/wirtschaft/Kiew-droht-der-Kredit-Crash-article25101351.html


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-> Sanctions have failed – we pay more without much effect
Whoever is responsible for designing Western sanctions, basic knowledge of economic interrelations seems to be lacking.
source: https://www-handelsblatt-com.translate.goog/meinung/homo-oeconomicus/gastkommentar-beyond-the-obvious-sanktionen-sind-gescheitert-wir-zahlen-mehr-ohne-grossen-effekt-02/100052394.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_hist=true
source: https://www.handelsblatt.com/meinung/homo-oeconomicus/gastkommentar-beyond-the-obvious-sanktionen-sind-gescheitert-wir-zahlen-mehr-ohne-grossen-effekt-02/100052394.html


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-> G20 FINANCE MINISTERS MEETING - Brazil wants global billionaire tax – Finance Ministry rejects
Brazil is pushing for the super-rich around the world to pay more taxes. Some in the federal government think this is a good thing - and others don't.
source: https://www-wiwo-de.translate.goog/politik/deutschland/g20-treffen-der-finanzminister-brasilien-will-weltweite-milliardaerssteuer-finanzministerium-lehnt-ab/29909624.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.wiwo.de/politik/deutschland/g20-treffen-der-finanzminister-brasilien-will-weltweite-milliardaerssteuer-finanzministerium-lehnt-ab/29909624.html


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-> Julian Assange: Did Baerbock undermine his defense? Exclusive documents provide insight
The Foreign Office has apparently weakened the legal position of the Wikileaks founder. BSW politician De Masi accuses the Foreign Minister of "double standards".
An internal email between ministry employees dated June 28, 2022, states that if Assange were to face trial in an American court, it would be beneficial to be recognized as a journalist. This would increase his chances of release.
However, an email dated May 3, 2023 shows that the Foreign Office urged the Federal Government's Human Rights Commissioner, Luise Amtsberg, not to do just that.
source: https://www-berliner--zeitung-de.translate.goog/politik-gesellschaft/geopolitik/julian-assange-hat-baerbock-seine-verteidigung-hintertrieben-exklusive-dokumente-geben-aufschluss-li.2238696?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_hist=true
source: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/geopolitik/julian-assange-hat-baerbock-seine-verteidigung-hintertrieben-exklusive-dokumente-geben-aufschluss-li.2238696


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-> Power outage on Usedom: This is the current status
There were problems with the energy supply on the holiday island for more than ten hours. The cause is now known - and the supplier has helped those affected.
source: https://www-nordkurier-de.translate.goog/regional/usedom/stromausfall-auf-usedom-das-ist-der-grund-fuer-den-blackout-2731898?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_hist=true
source: https://www.nordkurier.de/regional/usedom/stromausfall-auf-usedom-das-ist-der-grund-fuer-den-blackout-2731898
source: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/mecklenburg-vorpommern/Stromausfall-auf-Usedom-verursachte-offenbar-Millionenschaden,stromausfall514.html


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-> Power plant strategy: Industry: Government targets for power plants hardly achievable
In future, gas-fired power plants will step in to ensure a secure supply during “dark lulls”. That is the federal government’s plan. What the industry president says about the practice.
source: https://www-sueddeutsche-de.translate.goog/wirtschaft/kraftwerkstrategie-industrie-regierungsziele-bei-kraftwerken-kaum-erreichbar-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-240726-930-184786?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/kraftwerkstrategie-industrie-regierungsziele-bei-kraftwerken-kaum-erreichbar-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-240726-930-184786


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-> New allegations in visa affair - Did the Foreign Office allow Pakistani agents into the country?
There are new allegations against the Foreign Ministry in the visa affair. According to a media report, Baerbock's office is said to have enabled suspected Pakistani agents to enter Germany.
source: https://www-n--tv-de.translate.goog/politik/Hat-das-Aussenamt-pakistanische-Agenten-ins-Land-gelassen-article25115231.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Hat-das-Aussenamt-pakistanische-Agenten-ins-Land-gelassen-article25115231.html


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-> JUDGMENT OF THE HIGHER ADMINISTRATIVE COURT OF MÜNSTER - Court rejects protection status for Syrians – CDU interior expert calls for deportations
The Higher Administrative Court in Münster has denied a Syrian protection status and declared that there is no longer a general danger of civil war in Syria. It is the first higher court decision of this kind. CDU interior expert Alexander Throm is now calling for deportations to Syria and Afghanistan on MDR AKTUELL.
source: https://www-mdr-de.translate.goog/nachrichten/deutschland/politik/abschiebung-syrien-afghanistan-schutz-urteil-ovg-muenster100.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/deutschland/politik/abschiebung-syrien-afghanistan-schutz-urteil-ovg-muenster100.html
source: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/oberverwaltungsgericht-muenster-verneint-schutzstatus-fuer-syrer-unterschiedliche-reaktionen-100.html


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-> Respond "in a mirror-like manner": Putin threatens to react to US missiles in Germany
At the large naval parade in St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to react with dozens of warships to the planned stationing of US missiles in Germany in 2026. If the plans are implemented, Russia will respond in a "mirror-like manner" and will no longer feel obliged to an earlier ban on land-based medium-range nuclear weapons.
source: https://www-msn-com.translate.goog/de-de/nachrichten/politik/spiegelgerecht-antworten-putin-droht-mit-reaktion-auf-us-raketen-in-deutschland/ar-BB1qLmst?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.msn.com/de-de/nachrichten/politik/spiegelgerecht-antworten-putin-droht-mit-reaktion-auf-us-raketen-in-deutschland/ar-BB1qLmst


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-> Selenskyj wants to cede territories only with the consent of the people
After two and a half years of bloodshed in Ukraine, there are no signs of peace. The Ukrainian president now says that territorial cessions are only conceivable if the people want them. Meanwhile, there is speculation about the arrival of the first F-16 fighter jets.
source: https://www-welt-de.translate.goog/politik/ausland/article252793190/Ukraine-Selenskyj-will-Gebiete-nur-mit-Zustimmung-des-Volkes-abtreten.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article252793190/Ukraine-Selenskyj-will-Gebiete-nur-mit-Zustimmung-des-Volkes-abtreten.html


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-> Luxury smugglers: 117 new cases, other cities and districts affected
The luxury smuggling affair involving purchased residence permits is spreading further and further. New figures show: It extends far beyond Düren.
source: https://www1-wdr-de.translate.goog/nachrichten/landespolitik/luxus-schleuser-bande-mehr-faelle--mehr-stadte-100.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/landespolitik/luxus-schleuser-bande-mehr-faelle--mehr-stadte-100.html
-> "Luxury smuggling affair": SPD politician Bröker makes confession - gang may have known about raid
source: https://www-presseportal-de.translate.goog/pm/66749/5836143?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/66749/5836143


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-> The Bundestag remains outside the planned stationing of US missiles
Berlin and Washington have agreed to station medium-range missiles in Germany from 2026. The Bundestag will probably have no say in the matter.
source: https://www-spiegel-de.translate.goog/panorama/bundestag-aussen-vor-a-4aedcb30-e57b-4c86-a934-269182cdba29?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/bundestag-aussen-vor-a-4aedcb30-e57b-4c86-a934-269182cdba29


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-> Flood disaster in the Ahr Valley: Report reveals chaos in search for missing people
More than 4,000 missing people - and no plan. The investigation report into the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley reveals how poorly prepared authorities and helpers are to search for missing people in the event of a disaster. An analysis by missing persons specialist Peter Jamin.
source: https://m-focus-de.translate.goog/experts/flutkatastrophe-im-ahrtal-bericht-enthuellt-chaos-bei-suche-nach-vermissten_id_260196860.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://m.focus.de/experts/flutkatastrophe-im-ahrtal-bericht-enthuellt-chaos-bei-suche-nach-vermissten_id_260196860.html


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-> Surplus of solar power in Germany – taxpayers have to pay
The energy transition in Germany is accelerating, but the growth of renewable energies is not without problems. Too much solar power puts a strain on the market and taxpayers.
source: https://www-fr-de.translate.goog/wirtschaft/ueberschuss-an-solarstrom-in-deutschland-steuerzahler-muessen-blechen-93227898.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.fr.de/wirtschaft/ueberschuss-an-solarstrom-in-deutschland-steuerzahler-muessen-blechen-93227898.html


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-> After right-wing meeting in Potsdam, Cologne city should not have thrown Simone Baum out
When radical right-wingers spoke about the "remigration" of millions of people last winter, an employee of the city of Cologne was among them. Her employer promptly responded by firing her. Now it turns out that the reaction went too far.
source: https://www-n--tv-de.translate.goog/panorama/Stadt-Koeln-haette-Simone-Baum-nicht-rausschmeissen-duerfen-article25059704.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Stadt-Koeln-haette-Simone-Baum-nicht-rausschmeissen-duerfen-article25059704.html
source: https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/cdu-beschliesst-parteiausschluss-in-obk-100.html


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-> Due to increased crime: Popular festival in Bremen cancelled
The “Wine Summer” was planned in Bremen between August 29th and September 1st . However, the organizers have now announced that the wine festival in Bremen has to be cancelled. The reason for this is safety concerns.
source: https://www-kreiszeitung-de.translate.goog/lokales/bremen/zu-viel-kriminalitaet-beliebtes-fest-in-bremen-weinsommer-hillmannplatz-innenstadt-faellt-aus-93231524.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://www.kreiszeitung.de/lokales/bremen/zu-viel-kriminalitaet-beliebtes-fest-in-bremen-weinsommer-hillmannplatz-innenstadt-faellt-aus-93231524.html
source: https://www.weser-kurier.de/bremen/hillmannplatz-zu-unsicher-bremer-weinsommer-faellt-aus-doc7wmx98x49e917b2fejnt


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-> DIW economist on wealth tax: “Up to 17 billion euros”
A tax on wealth could plug many budget holes – even if it only applies to the super-rich, says expert Stefan Bach.
source: https://taz.de/DIW-Oekonom-ueber-Vermoegensteuer/!6027802;moby/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
source: https://taz.de/DIW-Oekonom-ueber-Vermoegensteuer/!6027802/
