DITIB is the largest Islamic organization in Germany and maintains about 900 clubs and mosques in Germany.
DITIB is subordinate to the Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi).
The imams sent from Turkey to DITIB are thus de facto civil servants of the Turkish state.
Due to various controversies DITIB was repeatedly considered by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution/domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz).
So far however this never happened.
According to paragraph 11 DITIB has an advisory board made up of five religious commissioners whose task is to advise DITIB on all important matters. And according to paragraph 12 the chairman of this advisory board can only be the President of the Religious Affairs Office of the Republic of Turkey. Thus the statute of the Turkish government grants additional opportunities to interfere in the internal affairs of Germany. [6]
And according to paragraph 13 DITIB has a religious council made up of seven persons with at least two years of theological education and is elected for a two-year term. The tasks of the Religious Council are to assist the teachers of religion in their work, to determine the members and the number of religious advisory boards of the regional associations. The Religious Council may object to resolutions of the Executive Committee if it does not see it as conforming to the principles of Islam and may request a a decision in an extraordinary general meeting. If the members of the religious council or the religious advisory councils of the state associations do not agree then the decisions of the religious council of the presidium of Diyanet must be applied. In this way the Turkish government can provide extensive means to enforce its own will even against the officials in Germany. [6]
In a letter on 20 September 2016, the then head of the foreign department of Diyanet Halife Keskin instructed the diplomatic missions to report on the Gülen movement in their area. Imams of DITIB from several German cities have also written reports on alleged members of the Gülen movement. Here at least one teacher from Germany was denounced as a terrorist and repeatedly interrogated and harassed in Turkey by the domestic intelligence service (Milli Istihbarat Teskilati/MIT). [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
In February 2017 the police then searched the homes of four imams of DITIB in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and secured evidence. Paragraph 99 of the German Penal Code prohibits the gathering of information in Germany "for the secret service of a foreign power". And the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe suspects the defendants of the secret service agent activity. [12] [13]
Between 2nd and 4th January 2019 DITIB invited to the second meeting of European Muslims in Cologne. There Ahmet Dilek was confirmed in the new elections of the Board. Dilek was responsible for the 2016 spy scandal. [14]
DITIB also serves the Turkish government as a means of espionage. Here the Turkish government has interfered with DITIB in the internal affairs of Germany. Both have broken local laws and violated the personal rights of German nationals.
In addition the Turkish government uses Diyanet and DITIB to retain parts of the population in Germany and to promote their policies. For this purpose Diyanet and DITIB have campaigned for the illegal military operation of the Turkish government in Afrin (Syria) in January 2018. At the same time Diyanet and DITIB have proved that they are not concerned with integration, peace, religious or social cohesion. Islam was only a means to an end for Diyanet and DITIB.
[1] http://www.ditib.de/default.php?id=5&lang=de
[2] http://www.ditib.de/default1.php?id=5&sid=8&lang=de
[3] DITIB als verlängerter Arm des Türkischen Präsidenten Erdo?an 2018-04-25
[4] Verfassungsschützer wollen keinen Bruch mit Ditib 2018-11-09
[5] Satzung des Islamverbands DITIB - Türkische Funktionäre haben das Sagen in deutschem Verein 2017-01-05
[6] Umstrittener Moscheeverband: Was Satzungen über Ditib-Agenda in Deutschland verraten 2018-12-25
[7] Türkische Imame spionieren in Deutschland für Erdogan 2016-12-08
[8] Kritik am Moscheeverein Ditib - Dokumente zeigen: Imame in Deutschland spionieren für Erdogan 2016-12-09
[9] Türkischer Geheimdienst - Ditib-Imame spionierten offenbar in Deutschland 2016-12-12
[10] Spionage Spitzel-Skandal um Imame der Ditib zieht weitere Kreise 2017-02-05
[11] Ditib : Heimlicher Besuch aus Ankara 2017-03-13
[12] SPIONAGEVERDACHT - Razzien gegen Ditib-Imame 2017-02-15
[13] Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) - § 99 Geheimdienstliche Agententätigkeit
[14] Wahl bei der Ditib Verantwortlicher für Spionageskandal als Verbands-Vize bestätigt 2019-01-08
- The agenda of DITIB in Germany
- DITIB serves the Turkish Government as a Means of Espionage
- DITIB infiltrates Germany
The agenda of DITIB in Germany
The statutes of DITIB grant the Turkish government tremendous freedom over the local events. Paragraph 4 of DITIB's statutes grants representatives of the Turkish Religious Office in Ankara the right to be admitted to the association. Thus the Turkish government can command by the Turkish religious office DITIB and interfere in the internal affairs of Germany. [5]According to paragraph 11 DITIB has an advisory board made up of five religious commissioners whose task is to advise DITIB on all important matters. And according to paragraph 12 the chairman of this advisory board can only be the President of the Religious Affairs Office of the Republic of Turkey. Thus the statute of the Turkish government grants additional opportunities to interfere in the internal affairs of Germany. [6]
And according to paragraph 13 DITIB has a religious council made up of seven persons with at least two years of theological education and is elected for a two-year term. The tasks of the Religious Council are to assist the teachers of religion in their work, to determine the members and the number of religious advisory boards of the regional associations. The Religious Council may object to resolutions of the Executive Committee if it does not see it as conforming to the principles of Islam and may request a a decision in an extraordinary general meeting. If the members of the religious council or the religious advisory councils of the state associations do not agree then the decisions of the religious council of the presidium of Diyanet must be applied. In this way the Turkish government can provide extensive means to enforce its own will even against the officials in Germany. [6]
DITIB serves the Turkish Government as a Means of Espionage
The Turkish government accuses the Gülen movement of Fethullah Gülen of being responsible for the coup attempt from July 15, 2016. And in search of members of the Gülen movement imitators from DITIB in Germany helped to spy on people. A commission from the Turkish parliament to investigate the coup attempt received reports from 50 diplomatic missions from 38 countries. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]In a letter on 20 September 2016, the then head of the foreign department of Diyanet Halife Keskin instructed the diplomatic missions to report on the Gülen movement in their area. Imams of DITIB from several German cities have also written reports on alleged members of the Gülen movement. Here at least one teacher from Germany was denounced as a terrorist and repeatedly interrogated and harassed in Turkey by the domestic intelligence service (Milli Istihbarat Teskilati/MIT). [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
In February 2017 the police then searched the homes of four imams of DITIB in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and secured evidence. Paragraph 99 of the German Penal Code prohibits the gathering of information in Germany "for the secret service of a foreign power". And the federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe suspects the defendants of the secret service agent activity. [12] [13]
Between 2nd and 4th January 2019 DITIB invited to the second meeting of European Muslims in Cologne. There Ahmet Dilek was confirmed in the new elections of the Board. Dilek was responsible for the 2016 spy scandal. [14]
DITIB infiltrates Germany
According to the already known evidence DITIB serves the Turkish government as a means of influencing. When the Turkish Republic was founded the state and religions were supposed to be separated. In fact the Turkish government has the authority to give instructions to Turkish Islam as well as its diplomatic missions and uses this for their own benefit. With increasing duration the Turkish government at least under the AKP and Recep Tayyip Erdogan (AKP) uses Diyanet and DITIB to pursue their own interests. The boundaries of Islamists, Jihadists and DITIB are increasingly vanishing.DITIB also serves the Turkish government as a means of espionage. Here the Turkish government has interfered with DITIB in the internal affairs of Germany. Both have broken local laws and violated the personal rights of German nationals.
In addition the Turkish government uses Diyanet and DITIB to retain parts of the population in Germany and to promote their policies. For this purpose Diyanet and DITIB have campaigned for the illegal military operation of the Turkish government in Afrin (Syria) in January 2018. At the same time Diyanet and DITIB have proved that they are not concerned with integration, peace, religious or social cohesion. Islam was only a means to an end for Diyanet and DITIB.
[1] http://www.ditib.de/default.php?id=5&lang=de
[2] http://www.ditib.de/default1.php?id=5&sid=8&lang=de
[3] DITIB als verlängerter Arm des Türkischen Präsidenten Erdo?an 2018-04-25
[4] Verfassungsschützer wollen keinen Bruch mit Ditib 2018-11-09
[5] Satzung des Islamverbands DITIB - Türkische Funktionäre haben das Sagen in deutschem Verein 2017-01-05
[6] Umstrittener Moscheeverband: Was Satzungen über Ditib-Agenda in Deutschland verraten 2018-12-25
[7] Türkische Imame spionieren in Deutschland für Erdogan 2016-12-08
[8] Kritik am Moscheeverein Ditib - Dokumente zeigen: Imame in Deutschland spionieren für Erdogan 2016-12-09
[9] Türkischer Geheimdienst - Ditib-Imame spionierten offenbar in Deutschland 2016-12-12
[10] Spionage Spitzel-Skandal um Imame der Ditib zieht weitere Kreise 2017-02-05
[11] Ditib : Heimlicher Besuch aus Ankara 2017-03-13
[12] SPIONAGEVERDACHT - Razzien gegen Ditib-Imame 2017-02-15
[13] Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) - § 99 Geheimdienstliche Agententätigkeit
[14] Wahl bei der Ditib Verantwortlicher für Spionageskandal als Verbands-Vize bestätigt 2019-01-08
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