[Domestic Policy] Who is behind #ExtinctionRebellion 2020-01-18

In the beginning was Greta Thunberg. But shortly afterwards other organizations with comparable agendas also attracted public attention. One of them is Extinction Rebellion.

According to Extinction Rebellion the world is at the turning point at which its demands have to be implemented to combat man-made climate change. In public perception Extinction Rebellion is a grass-roots movement. In fact there are backers, profiteers and financiers behind Extinction Rebellion.
  1. What is Extinction Rebellion
  2. Who funds Extinction Rebellion
  3. Were Demonstrators paid by Extinction Rebellion
  4. What is the actual Reach and Popularity of Extinction Rebellion

What is Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion was founded in late October 2018. In the first year sub-organizations were formed in several countries. Extinction rebellion are calling for governments to declare a state of emergency because of man-made climate change, all designated emissions to be stopped by 2025 and a special council to be assembled that can order governments to take further action. [1] [2] [3]

Extinction Rebellion has received particular attention in England. In Germany however Extinction Rebellion is overshadowed by Fridays for Future. Fridays for Future primarily focuses on peaceful demonstrations and congresses. Extinction Rebellion on the other hand relies on civil disobedience, blockages on roads or trains for example and also threatens sabotage. For this demonstrators of Extinction Rebellion were also be carried away or arrested by the police. [1] [2] [3]

Who funds Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion is also backed by profiteers and financiers. One of the financiers is the organization called Climate Emergency Fund which was founded in the USA in 2019. Just like Extinction Rebellion the Climate Emergency Fund sees the world in existential danger and calls for drastic measures. [4] [5]

The goal of the Climate Emergency Fund is a worldwide mobilization to the extent of World War II to combat man-made climate change. The public should be made aware of this by disrupting everyday life. And the Climate Emergency Fund wants to collect money primarily from billionaires to support activists and organizations with a corresponding agenda. [4] [5]
" CEF recognizes that this is a critical moment to support activist movements to demand change. We believe that only a peaceful planet-wide mobilization on the scale of World War II will give us a chance to avoid the worst-case scenarios and restore a safe climate. We believe this moment requires large scale disruption through the legal expression of first amendment rights and non-violent direct action. The disruption of everyday life and perceived normal reality is necessary to create a conversation on the climate and ecological crisis. It is not convenient, but it is necessary. "

Climate Emergency Fund []n-hoecke-holocaust-mahnmal-100.html">[2]
And this Climate Emergency Fund is funding Extinction Rebellion. This Climate Emergency Fund has already donated 500,000 Pound to Extinction Rebellion and the Climate Mobilization organization. Climate Mobilization also practices the comparisons with World War II. And the founder of the Climate Emergency Fund Trevor Neilson announced in 2019 that he wants to collect hundreds of times that money within weeks or months. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Among the donors are among others Aileen Getty the granddaughter of the oil tycoon Joan Paul Getty, the filmmaker, niece of John F. Kennedy and daughter of Robert Kennedy Rory Kennedy. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] And the founder of the Climate Emergency Fund Neilson has good contacts and an impressive CV. Together with Howard Buffett the grandson of multi-billionaire Warren Buffett Neilson is the head of i (x) investments. And the focus of i(x) investments is into sustainable energies and the reuse of carbon. [15] Neilson was the director of the Global Business Coalition an association of over 200 companies. [16] Neilson was a co-founder and director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [17] And Neilson worked in the White House under President Bill Clinton (D) for the lobby and campaign organization One. [18]

Were Demonstrators paid by Extinction Rebellion

It is striking that at Extinction Rebellion demonstrators who have time even during rush hour and financially strong donors come together. This combination raises the question of whether the second presupposes the first. As a result there was an allegation that Extinction Rebellion paid demonstrators.

In fact this allegation has already been confirmed. In October 2019 British newspapers reported that Extinction Rebellion's internal documents documented such payments. Accordingly over 70,000 Pound was paid out over a four month period and 200,000 Pound at the start of a group. [19] [20] [21]

Extinction Rebellion confirmed the authenticity of the documents by defending the payments. In it Extinction Rebellion defends the payments that these are just allowances. Furthermore these allowances are to allow the respective people to dedicate themselves to Extinction Rebellion. [19] [20] [21]

What is the actual Reach and Popularity of Extinction Rebellion

Any demonstration and financial support for a public campaign must be measured against the reach and popularity achieved. Indeed Extinction Rebellion has made it into the media. In addition the reporting is largely benevolent. In order to check whether this also reaches the population the searches for Extinction Rebellion and those for CO2 were compared with the searches for local soccer associations.

In Germany the search queries for "CO2 Bilanz" and "Extinction Rebellion" are just comparable to those for the "Oberliga Niedersachsen". In addition there are only 8 million people in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and 83 million in Germany. [22] In Great Britain the search queries for "CO2 Emissions" and "Extinction Rebellion" are at least comparable to those for the "National League South". And almost 24 million live in the region concerned and 68 million in Great Britain. [23] In Sweden the searches for "CO2-utsläpp" and "Extinction Rebellion" are comparable to those for "Division 1 Södra" and "Division 1 Norra". Division 1 Södra and Division 1 Norra are the third highest division in Swedish football. [24]

In addition to the average search queries for "Extinction Rebellion" individual dates stand out. The first time for Great Britain and Sweden is April 15, 2019 when Extinction Rebellion caused a sensation for the first time and held demonstrations in London at critical transport hubs. The second time for Great Britain only is on July 13, and 14, 2019 when extinction rebellion brought traffic to a standstill in several locations. The third time for Germany, Great Britain and Sweden is from October 11, to 17, 2019 when extinction rebellion came into conflict with one of their actions with commuters. [22] [23] [24]

[1] Rebellion Earth
[2] "Extinction Rebellion"-Protest - Blockaden, Festnahmen und Kritik 2019-10-07
[3] Who are Extinction Rebellion and what do they want? 2019-10-15
[4] Climate Emergency Fund
[5] Climate Emergency Fund - The Response
[6] US philanthropists vow to raise millions for climate activists 2019-07-12
[7] The Energy 202: Cash, banners and bullhorns: Big philanthropists throw weight behind disruptive climate activists 2019-07-12
[8] Climate activists including Extinction Rebellion to receive £500,000 from US philanthropists 2019-07-12
[9] Expect Disruption As U.S. Millionaires Start Backing Extinction Rebellion Activists 2019-07-22
[10] Meet the Millionaires Helping to Pay for Climate Protests 2019-09-29
[11] The Climate Mobilization
[12] The Climate Mobilization - Overview and Team
[13] The faces behind the climate change chaos: From the 'neo-pagan' mother who became an activist after taking psychedelic drugs, to failed organic farmer and a baronet's granddaughter 2019-04-16
[14] Climate Emergency Fund - About Us
[15] Buffett’s Grandson Seeks Own Investment Route: Social Change 2015-11-19
[16] Global Philanthropy Group - TEAM
[17] Bill and Melinda Gates to Have Baby 2002-04-04
[18] The celeb's do-good friend 2010-05-19
[19] Extinction Rebellion earn £40,000 a DAY in donations during protests that have seen 580 arrests and paralysed central London - as police SURRENDER and give up trying to turf eco-mob out of Trafalgar Square 2019-10-09
[20] How Extinction Rebellion climate change zealots - including a baronet's Cambridge-educated granddaughter - are paid £400 a week to bring mayhem to our streets 2019-10-12
[21] Extinction Rebellion PAYING protestors £200,000 to cause chaos and grind London to a halt 2019-10-13
[22] Google Trends: Germany, CO2 Bilanz vs Extinction Rebellion vs Niedersachsen
[23] Google Trends: United Kingdom, CO2 Emissions vs Extinction Rebellion vs National League South
[24] Google Trends: Sweden, CO2-utsläpp vs Extinction Rebellion vs Division 1 Södra vs Division 1 Norra
