In recent times the international media, including many who promised to “resist” the dangerous commander-in-chief Donald Trump, have been awash with stories about Nicolas Maduro blocking US “humanitarian aid” reaching Venezuela. Maduro is said to have even blocked a bridge in his desperation to starve his own people (see, for example, CNN, CBC, Associated Press, BBC, NPR, ABC, Bloomberg, The Guardian). A constant flow of stories such as this have served to establish a narrative of a dictator blocking a benevolent US government from helping its desperate people. Something must be done!
source: american herald tribune
Venezuela en %Venezuela de
The day after the signature of NATO’s membership protocol with North Macedonia as its 30th member, Ukraine did something without precedent: it included in its Constitution the engagement to enter officially into NATO and the European Union at the same time.
source: off guardian/Manlio Dinucci
US President Donald Trump is demanding European allies repatriate foreign "Islamic State" fighters captured in Syria. The call has sparked a heated debate about taking back German citizens who fought for IS.
source: dw
Ein Deutscher, der auf Grund freiwilliger Verpflichtung ohne eine Zustimmung des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung oder der von ihm bezeichneten Stelle in die Streitkräfte oder einen vergleichbaren bewaffneten Verband eines ausländischen Staates, dessen Staatsangehörigkeit er besitzt, eintritt, verliert die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit. Dies gilt nicht, wenn er auf Grund eines zwischenstaatlichen Vertrages dazu berechtigt ist.
A German who enters voluntary service without the consent of the Federal Ministry of Defense or the body designated by him into the armed forces or a comparable armed association of a foreign state of which he is a national loses German citizenship. This does not apply if he is entitled to do so on the basis of an interstate contract. [Citizen Law (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz/StAG) § 28]
The police in Dresden arrested two men. In their car, investigators had previously discovered 17 hand grenades - hidden behind the trunk lining.
source: spiegel translate
source: spiegel
Again burned in Leipzig, a politician car. This time around, it hit an off-road vehicle owned by event manager Gert Pasemann. The perpetrators are so far unknown. The state protection determined.
source: lvz translate
source: lvz
Me Ne Frego
- By 2020, new identity cards in the EU will not only contain a photo but also fingerprints of the cardholder.
- The EU wants to prevent terrorists or criminals from forging documents or stealing identities.
- Parliament and Member States still need to confirm the agreed compromise of EU negotiators.
- The SPD criticizes the storage of fingerprints as "disproportionate and unnecessary". The Greens speak of a "placebo that lures security".
source: faz translate
source: faz
For a long time, Germany and France were arguing over export rules for jointly developed armaments. According to SPIEGEL information, the German government is making many concessions in a secret pact.
source: spiegel translate
source: spiegel
According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, the number of intensive offenders is particularly high among young men from North Africa. BKA President Holger Münch wants the police to take special care of these immigrants.
source: welt translate
source: welt
Nigeria is currently the third most important country of origin of asylum seekers. Most applications are rejected. But only about two percent of those rejected are deported. There are several reasons.
source: welt translate
The AfD defends itself against being called publicly by the protection of the constitution as a test case. An opinion confirms the party.
source: tagesspiegel translate
source: tagesspiegel
Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
People who move usually have to pay much more than before. But even with current contracts, rents are rising faster and faster, as a new Mietspiegel investigation shows - especially in the lower price segment.
source: welt translate
source: welt