Is Canada's 'Left' Marching To The Beat of America's Imperial Drum? (1/2)
Is Canada's 'Left' Marching To The Beat of America's Imperial Drum? (2/2)
Europe, a continent being transformed into a desolate German model
Many in Germany can hardly hide their schadenfreude at the conflict in Britain concerning Brexit. But be careful, the real loser sits east of the Elbe. ...
flassbeck economics
Venezuela has the dubious fortune of being located on the continent of South America, which the United States has treated under the so-called “Monroe Doctrine” as its exclusive zone of political, economic, and military influence. In practical terms it meant that whenever a Latin American government pursued a policy at odds with Washington’s preferences, it would be subjected to measures ranging from economic sanctions to outright military invasion. ...
Despite criticism: Land continues to cooperate with Ditib
The mosque association Ditib is due to its proximity to Turkey nationwide in the criticism. In November, the entire Ditib state executive committee for Lower Saxony and Bremen including the chairman Yilmaz Kilic was out Protest against increasing influence from Turkey resigned. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) expressed fears that the association had been brought in line. The country announced to review the cooperation with Ditib. Now the decision has been made: As the State Chancellery announced on Friday, Lower Saxony will continue to work with Ditib. Almost all ministries had said they would continue to cooperate, they said. ...
ndr translate
"REFUGEE BUREAU" - State pays guarantor part of the cost of living for refugees
"Refugee citizens" have undertaken to cover the cost of living of refugees. Many are now overwhelmed with the costs. ...
handelsblatt translate
handelsblatt Video: NRW Minister of Integration Stamp: All clear for persons who have vouched for refugees
In the dispute over the costs that the employment agency wants to collect from the persons who have vouched for refugees, the federal and state governments have agreed to cover the costs, said NRW Minister of Integration Joachim Stamp (FDP). Many guarantors have apparently not been sufficiently informed about their obligations.
Is Canada's 'Left' Marching To The Beat of America's Imperial Drum? (2/2)
Europe, a continent being transformed into a desolate German model
Many in Germany can hardly hide their schadenfreude at the conflict in Britain concerning Brexit. But be careful, the real loser sits east of the Elbe. ...
flassbeck economics
Venezuela has the dubious fortune of being located on the continent of South America, which the United States has treated under the so-called “Monroe Doctrine” as its exclusive zone of political, economic, and military influence. In practical terms it meant that whenever a Latin American government pursued a policy at odds with Washington’s preferences, it would be subjected to measures ranging from economic sanctions to outright military invasion. ...
Despite criticism: Land continues to cooperate with Ditib
The mosque association Ditib is due to its proximity to Turkey nationwide in the criticism. In November, the entire Ditib state executive committee for Lower Saxony and Bremen including the chairman Yilmaz Kilic was out Protest against increasing influence from Turkey resigned. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) expressed fears that the association had been brought in line. The country announced to review the cooperation with Ditib. Now the decision has been made: As the State Chancellery announced on Friday, Lower Saxony will continue to work with Ditib. Almost all ministries had said they would continue to cooperate, they said. ...
ndr translate
"REFUGEE BUREAU" - State pays guarantor part of the cost of living for refugees
"Refugee citizens" have undertaken to cover the cost of living of refugees. Many are now overwhelmed with the costs. ...
handelsblatt translate
handelsblatt Video: NRW Minister of Integration Stamp: All clear for persons who have vouched for refugees
In the dispute over the costs that the employment agency wants to collect from the persons who have vouched for refugees, the federal and state governments have agreed to cover the costs, said NRW Minister of Integration Joachim Stamp (FDP). Many guarantors have apparently not been sufficiently informed about their obligations.
Ihr seid noch nicht verheiratet? Vielleicht verliebt Ihr Euch zufällig in einen Menschen, der*die hier noch kein Bleiberecht hat. Könnte passieren, oder? Bleibt offen! ?
You are not married yet? Maybe you happen to fall in love with someone who does not have the right to stay here. Could happen, right? Stays open!
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