In Germany two acts of violence took place on New Year's Eve from 2018 to 2019 which were reported nationwide.
A German has probably attacked several people with his vehicle due to xenophobic motives and four asylum seekers have attacked and injured several people.
In the New Year's Eve from 2018 to 2019 a man drove his vehicle in Bottrop specifically on pedestrians to hit them with the vehicle. Five people were injured partly seriously. The perpetrator deliberately attacked foreigners. The alleged perpetrator is a German. Investigators have evidence of a mental illness of the perpetrator but no information about contact to the right-wing extremist scene. Many allegedly speaks for it being a spontaneous act. [1] [2] [3]
On December 29, 2018, several pedestrians were attacked by four asylum seekers in the East Bavarian town of Amberg. The perpetrators have attacked and injured a total number of twelve people from the station to the adjacent old town. The public prosecutor's office asked for detention of the four perpetrators for dangerous assault among others. The perpetrators are 17 to 19 years old and are Afghan, Syrian and Iranian nationals. One of the perpetrators attacked and insulted police officers during the arrest. And two of the culprits are rejected asylum seekers. [4] [5]
The German press was outraged. The obviously xenophobic crime from Bottrop has been criticized several times. Germany has supposedly a racism problem and the xenophobia allegedly creeps from everywhere. On the other hand little was reported about the crime from Amberg and if it was reported then only relativizing. Germany would put pressure on asylum seekers with allegedly sharp deportations and discrimination. About time to clarify the facts and figures. [6] [7] [8]
A deportation of the perpetrators from Amberg is legally not possible in all case. Two of the perpetrators are adult Afghans whose asylum procedure is still ongoing so deportation is currently not legally possible. The third perpetrator is a rejected and since December 30, adult asylum seeker from Iran. After refusing his asylum application he has been obliged to leave the country since February 2018. So far deportations to Iran however often failed due to missing passport or passport replacement papers. Whether this also applies to the Iranian asylum seeker is still open. Deportations to Syria still do not take place. Federal Interior Minister Seehofer (CSU) opposes deportations to Syria. None of the four perpetrators can be deported. Sharp deportation regulations do not apply here. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
As far as the representation of non-German crime suspects the numbers are clear. Non-German suspects are highly over-represented in criminal offenses. In murder the proportion of non-German suspects is at 37.3 percent and in homicide and assisted suicide at 44.5 percent. [14,S.19ff] The proportion of non-German suspects in general offenses against the right of sexual self-determination is at 28.7 percent. In the case of sexual harassment (§ 184i StGB) the proportion of non-German suspects is at 45.9 percent and for offenses from groups (§184J StGB) 82.1 percent. [14,S. 12]
Among the total of 95,148 victims of crimes with non-German suspects 41 percent were German and 33 percent were non-German asylum seekers or refugees. If a non-German asylum seeker or refugee was the victim of a crime then in only 15 percent of the cases Germans were suspects. [15,S.55]
Why Germany is supposed to rehabilitate criminal people from Syria, Afghanistan or Iran is still open. Germany is not responsible for the cultures in Syria, Afghanistan or Iran.
The accusation of the takeover of Germany by right-wing extremist can also be put in the realm of myths and legends. The right-wing extremist violence decreased from 1,600 incidents in 2016 to 1,054 in 2017. Of them 774 had a xenophobic background and 98 were directed against left-wing extremists or alleged left-wing extremists. [16,S.24] [16,S.26] [16,S.27]
By contrast left-wing extremist violence increased from 1,201 incidents in 2016 to 1,648 in 2017. Of them 264 were directed against right-wing extremists or alleged right-wing extremists and 1,135 were directed against police or security agencies. [16,S.31] [16,S.33] [16,S.34]
Whoever is silent about these numbers is suspicious of manipulation. And whoever reports on one event but is silent about the other does not want to report but to teach.
[1] Vier Tatorte, fünf Verletzte – „Klare Absicht, Ausländer zu töten“ 2019-01-01
[2] Zahl der Verletzten in Bottrop und Essen erhöht sich 2019-01-02
[3] NRW-Minister Reul: Autofahrer hatte „klare Absicht, Ausländer zu töten“ 2019-01-02
[4] Personengruppe nach mehreren Körperverletzungsdelikten in Amberg in Haft 2018-12-30
[5] Angriffe auf Passanten in Amberg: Was bisher bekannt ist 2019-01-03,RE5DSgJ
[6] Der Fremdenhass kriecht aus allen Ritzen 2019-01-02
[7] Amberg und Bottrop – wie Äpfel und Birnen 2019-01-02
[8] Nach Amberg und Bottrop: Das Elend des Aufrechnens 2019-01-06
[9] Zwei der Täter von Amberg waren abgelehnte Asylbewerber 2019-01-02
[10] Ausländische Straftäter: Konsequenter abschieben? 2019-01-03
[11] Unter einer Bedingung können abgelehnte Asylbewerber bleiben 2016-07-08
[12] Seehofer gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien 2018-11-23
[13] Deutsche Botschaft Damaskus
[14] "PKS 2017 - Jahrbuch Band 4 - Einzelne Straftaten
[15] Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung Bundeslagebild 2017
[16] Verfassungsschutzbericht 2017
In the New Year's Eve from 2018 to 2019 a man drove his vehicle in Bottrop specifically on pedestrians to hit them with the vehicle. Five people were injured partly seriously. The perpetrator deliberately attacked foreigners. The alleged perpetrator is a German. Investigators have evidence of a mental illness of the perpetrator but no information about contact to the right-wing extremist scene. Many allegedly speaks for it being a spontaneous act. [1] [2] [3]
On December 29, 2018, several pedestrians were attacked by four asylum seekers in the East Bavarian town of Amberg. The perpetrators have attacked and injured a total number of twelve people from the station to the adjacent old town. The public prosecutor's office asked for detention of the four perpetrators for dangerous assault among others. The perpetrators are 17 to 19 years old and are Afghan, Syrian and Iranian nationals. One of the perpetrators attacked and insulted police officers during the arrest. And two of the culprits are rejected asylum seekers. [4] [5]
The German press was outraged. The obviously xenophobic crime from Bottrop has been criticized several times. Germany has supposedly a racism problem and the xenophobia allegedly creeps from everywhere. On the other hand little was reported about the crime from Amberg and if it was reported then only relativizing. Germany would put pressure on asylum seekers with allegedly sharp deportations and discrimination. About time to clarify the facts and figures. [6] [7] [8]
A deportation of the perpetrators from Amberg is legally not possible in all case. Two of the perpetrators are adult Afghans whose asylum procedure is still ongoing so deportation is currently not legally possible. The third perpetrator is a rejected and since December 30, adult asylum seeker from Iran. After refusing his asylum application he has been obliged to leave the country since February 2018. So far deportations to Iran however often failed due to missing passport or passport replacement papers. Whether this also applies to the Iranian asylum seeker is still open. Deportations to Syria still do not take place. Federal Interior Minister Seehofer (CSU) opposes deportations to Syria. None of the four perpetrators can be deported. Sharp deportation regulations do not apply here. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
As far as the representation of non-German crime suspects the numbers are clear. Non-German suspects are highly over-represented in criminal offenses. In murder the proportion of non-German suspects is at 37.3 percent and in homicide and assisted suicide at 44.5 percent. [14,S.19ff] The proportion of non-German suspects in general offenses against the right of sexual self-determination is at 28.7 percent. In the case of sexual harassment (§ 184i StGB) the proportion of non-German suspects is at 45.9 percent and for offenses from groups (§184J StGB) 82.1 percent. [14,S. 12]
Among the total of 95,148 victims of crimes with non-German suspects 41 percent were German and 33 percent were non-German asylum seekers or refugees. If a non-German asylum seeker or refugee was the victim of a crime then in only 15 percent of the cases Germans were suspects. [15,S.55]
Why Germany is supposed to rehabilitate criminal people from Syria, Afghanistan or Iran is still open. Germany is not responsible for the cultures in Syria, Afghanistan or Iran.
The accusation of the takeover of Germany by right-wing extremist can also be put in the realm of myths and legends. The right-wing extremist violence decreased from 1,600 incidents in 2016 to 1,054 in 2017. Of them 774 had a xenophobic background and 98 were directed against left-wing extremists or alleged left-wing extremists. [16,S.24] [16,S.26] [16,S.27]
By contrast left-wing extremist violence increased from 1,201 incidents in 2016 to 1,648 in 2017. Of them 264 were directed against right-wing extremists or alleged right-wing extremists and 1,135 were directed against police or security agencies. [16,S.31] [16,S.33] [16,S.34]
Whoever is silent about these numbers is suspicious of manipulation. And whoever reports on one event but is silent about the other does not want to report but to teach.
[1] Vier Tatorte, fünf Verletzte – „Klare Absicht, Ausländer zu töten“ 2019-01-01
[2] Zahl der Verletzten in Bottrop und Essen erhöht sich 2019-01-02
[3] NRW-Minister Reul: Autofahrer hatte „klare Absicht, Ausländer zu töten“ 2019-01-02
[4] Personengruppe nach mehreren Körperverletzungsdelikten in Amberg in Haft 2018-12-30
[5] Angriffe auf Passanten in Amberg: Was bisher bekannt ist 2019-01-03,RE5DSgJ
[6] Der Fremdenhass kriecht aus allen Ritzen 2019-01-02
[7] Amberg und Bottrop – wie Äpfel und Birnen 2019-01-02
[8] Nach Amberg und Bottrop: Das Elend des Aufrechnens 2019-01-06
[9] Zwei der Täter von Amberg waren abgelehnte Asylbewerber 2019-01-02
[10] Ausländische Straftäter: Konsequenter abschieben? 2019-01-03
[11] Unter einer Bedingung können abgelehnte Asylbewerber bleiben 2016-07-08
[12] Seehofer gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien 2018-11-23
[13] Deutsche Botschaft Damaskus
[14] "PKS 2017 - Jahrbuch Band 4 - Einzelne Straftaten
[15] Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung Bundeslagebild 2017
[16] Verfassungsschutzbericht 2017
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