[Domestic Policy] The first manhunt in Chemnitz

On August 25, 2018 a murder took place in the German city of Chemnitz. Three German nationals were attacked nearby a city festival. The 35-year-old Daniel H. died as a result of a stabbing attack. Daniel H. leaves behind a wife and her 7-year-old son. His companions were injured but survived. According to the police there was a dispute between the three victims and another group. After the dispute was resolved the group of attackers came back and attacked the victims without any need for self-defense. [1] [2]

It is being investigated against the three asylum seekers Farhad A., Alaa S. and Yousif A. from Iraq. Farhad A. is a criminal convicted of theft, drug trafficking and assault. [3] In addition Farhad A. was supposed to leave and should have been deported. [4] Yousif A. presented fake documents and Alaa S. was recognized unchecked as a refugee. [5] After this murder the situation in Chemnitz was tense. Several days after the murder there were demonstrations and the federal government spoke of manhunts on foreigners and gatherings (Zusammenrottungen) that were not to be tolerated. [6]

But why exactly was demonstrated or why did went so fast and why where there so many people on the streets? Even after almost 30 years the economic situation in the states of the former East-German-State is still inferior than in the rest of Germany. The people in Chemnitz have reason to be angered. But there is more. Of the 247,422 people with their primary residence in Chemnitz only 18,721 (7.6 %) were non-German nationals as of December 31, 2017. [8] In Chemnitz in 2017 from 618 suspects for violent crimes 281 (45.5 %) were non-German citizens. [7,R13995] Thus non-German nationals are overrepresented by a factor of 6. The number of acts of violence among right-wing extremist criminals in Chemnitz was 6 in 2017. [9,S.106] And the accusation of rioting by the federal government should have fueled the mood even more. The word Zusammenrottung was used in the constitution of the East-German-State to ban demonstrations. The citizens of the former East-German-State are therefore confronted with old prohibitions almost 30 years after the reunification. Statistically speaking there is little that can be blamed on the Chemnitzers.

Nevertheless an entry-free concert was held at the expense of the taxpayer. [10] The goal was to fight the alleged right-wingers with music. However the texts that were performed at the concert were questionable.
Ich ramm die Messerklinge in die Journalistenfresse [11]
I ram the knife blade into the journalist's mouth [11]
For this concert even the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) advocated personally. [12]

But even after the concert the federal government and the press persistet on the allegation of manhunts. Both accused the citizens of Chemnitz to have staged manhunts on foreigners. Proof of this was a 19 second video from an anonymous Twitter user named Antifa Zeckenbiss (Antifa tick bite). The video shows one group following another for a few meters. Who the persons are or how it came to the situation is still unclear. [13]

On September 1, Saxony's Attorney General's office objected.
After all material available to us there was no manhunt in Chemnitz. [14]
On September 5, Saxony's prime minister Michael Kretschmer disagreed.
There was no mob no hunt and no pogroms. [15] [16]
And on September 7, the president of the domestic intelligence service (Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz) Hans-Georg Maaßen objected.
No information about manunts on foreigners in Chemnitz [17]
Maaßen was then questioned by various politicians. [18] Later he was accused of having held illegitimate meetings or consultations with the AfD. Maaßen was assumed to have had a closeness and solidarity with the AfD. [19] All these allegations are still unproven. The AfD was founded in February 2013. And Hans-Georg Maaßen has been president of the domestic intelligence service (Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz) since August 2012. During his time Maaßen has met 121 times with the CDU/CSU, 69 times with the SPD, 23 times with the Greens, 14 times with the Left Party and 5 times with the FDP. Maaßen met with the AfD only 5 times. [20]

On September 18, it was announced that Maassen should be dismissed as president of the domestic intelligence service (Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz). Maaßen was previously and repeatedly criticized for his non-constructive role in the investigation of the NSU murders. However he was never questioned as president by the government. So it's even weirder that he was dropped that much faster. First Maaßen was supposed to become secretary of state in the Federal Ministry of the Interior. [21] On November 5, 2018 however he put into intermediate retirement. [22] The first manhunt that took place in Chemnitz was directed against dissidents in the government against Hans-Georg Maassen as he challenged the statements of the government. He was chased out of office after questioning the statements of the government.

[1] Faktencheck zu Chemnitzer Todesfall: Täter handelten nicht in Notwehr 2018-08-28:
[2] Tatverdächtige der Messerattacke in Chemnitz beantragen Haftprüfung 2018-09-14:
[3] Dritter Verdächtiger weiterhin flüchtig 2018-09-07:
[4] Dritter Tatverdächtiger von Chemnitz: Klage gegen Abschiebung 2018-09-13:
[5] Tatverdächtige in Chemnitz – Dokumentation des Versagens 2018-09-04:
[6] Der schwarze Sonntag von Chemnitz: Messerstecherei, Hetzjagd, Kontrollverlust 2018-08-28:
[7] Grundtabelle - Kreise - ausgewählte Straftaten/-gruppen 2018-05-08:
[8] Bevölkerung der Stadt wächst auch im Jahr 2017 2018-01-23:
[9] Sächsischer Verfassungsschutzbericht 2017:
http://www.verfassungsschutz.sachsen.de/download/VSB2017_webversion.pdf [10] CHEMNITZ: SO VIEL HAT DAS KONZERT #WIRSINDMEHR GEKOSTET 2018-11-02:
https://www.tag24.de/nachrichten/chemnitz-konzert-wir-sind-mehr-wirsindmehr-tote-hosen-geld-kosten-cwe-848396?fbclid=IwAR0bPIkJNCoTZG2YlaVMcMfaitQSwqC_wiLCdkhARrF_FGSTYYrH69UKFG4 [11] K.I.Z. - Ein Affe und ein Pferd:
[12] Steinmeier verteidigt Empfehlung für Konzert gegen rechts in Chemnitz 2018-09-27:
[13] https://twitter.com/AZeckenbiss/status/1033790392037199873
[14] Sachsens Generalstaatsanwaltschaft widerspricht Merkel 2018-09-01:
[15] Hass und die Verfolgung unschuldiger Menschen 2018-09-05:
[16] Es gab keinen Mob, keine Hetzjagd und keine Pogrome 2018-09-05:
[17] Maaßen sieht keine Beweise für Hetzjagd in Chemnitz 2018-09-07:
[18] Keine Informationen über Hetzjagden auf Ausländer in Chemnitz 2018-09-07:
[19] Innenministerium bestätigt Treffen Maaßens mit Frauke Petry 2018-08-10:
[20] Maaßen sprach 237 Mal mit Politikern - lediglich fünf Treffen mit der AfD 2018-09-13:
[21] Maaßen muss als Verfassungsschutzchef gehen - und wird zum Staatssekretär befördert 2018-09-18:
[22] Seehofer schickt Maaßen in den Ruhestand 2018-11-05:
