[Hints] Voices from the Blätterwald 2018-11-30

Vote by name - Global Pact for Migration

Proposal by the CDU/CSU and SPD Groups: to strengthen international cooperation in migration policy and better regulate and manage migration through the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Ja/Yes: 229
Nein/No: 4
Enthalten/No Vote: 2
Abwesend/Absent: 11

Ja/Yes: 143
Nein/No: 0
Enthalten/No Vote: 0
Abwesend/Absent: 9

Ja/Yes: 0
Nein/No: 85
Enthalten/No Vote: 0
Abwesend/Absent: 7

Ja/Yes: 0
Nein/No: 0
Enthalten/No Vote: 77
Abwesend/Absent: 3

Linke (Left)
Ja/Yes: 0
Nein/No: 62
Enthalten/No Vote: 0
Abwesend/Absent: 7

Grüne (Green-Party)
Ja/Yes: 0
Nein/No: 63
Enthalten/No Vote: 61
Abwesend/Absent: 6

Fraktionslos (No Party)
Ja/Yes: 0
Nein/No: 2
Enthalten/No Vote: 1
Abwesend/Absent: 0

source: bundestag (federal parliament)

Turkish secret service considerably expands espionage in Germany

The Turkish MIT apparently expands its illegal operations in Germany considerably.
- In the past ten years, the Attorney General has handled 23 cases, 17 of which were in 2017 and 2018.
- The Attorney General has four cases on suspicion of acting as an agent for Turkey in Germany.
It's almost routine - German investigators hunt Turkish agents. Which sometimes leads to preliminary proceedings, but rarely to convictions. Currently, the Federal Attorney General (GBA) has four proceedings pending on suspicion of intelligence service activity for the Turkish intelligence service MIT.
The Federal Government has informed the FDP parliamentary group on their small request: "At present, four preliminary investigations are pending at the GBA, which have a possible intelligence background related to Turkey." A spokesman for the Federal Prosecutor wanted to call upon request from WELT no details to the investigations "not to endanger".
Vice-faction leader Stephan Thomae had demanded from the government information about the "activities of the Turkish secret service on German soil". The process comprises 13 pages, it will soon be published as a printed matter 19/5726 and WELT is exclusive.
From the presentation of the government shows that the Turkish MIT has apparently recently significantly expanded its illegal operations in Germany. "In the last ten years, the Attorney General has led 23 cases," it says in the response of the federal government. For only 17 of these 23 cases were attributable to the years 2018 and 2017.
It does not even include other crimes, possibly including MIT. As the countries are "originally responsible" for their persecution, the Federal Government sees itself unable to make reliable statements. She cites "suspicions such as threats" in which police investigations were often in vain and suspects were usually not located.
According to experts, there is no other foreign intelligence service, which is in a similar way in the focus of German law enforcement agencies as the MIT. It is true that the Federal Government makes it clear that foreign services on German soil "are not entitled to independent powers". Their response to the FDP inquiry, however, shows that the NATO partner Turkey takes little consideration for this.

source: welt

Ditib "Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs" is one of the largest Islamic organizations in Germany. Ditib is under the permanent leadership, control and supervision of the Turkish government.

"Germany trend" of the ARD - SPD in election poll only fourth strongest party

If next Sunday Bundestag election, the SPD would come to a poll, according to a 14 percent. Thus the AfD would have overtaken the Social Democrats.
The crisis of the Social Democrats under the leadership of party leader Andrea Nahles and Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz solidifies. In the current German trend of Infratest Dimap for the ARD morning magazine, the SPD remains at 14 percent and is overtaken by the AfD.
Compared to the survey in mid-November, the right-wing populists can increase by one percentage point to 15 percent and now occupy third place. If next Sunday's Bundestag election, the Union would be the best with 28 percent (plus two points), followed by the Greens (21 percent, minus two points). The FDP would come to nine percent (plus one point), the left to eight percent (minus one point). (Tsp)

source: tagesspiegel

6.63 million people live on unemployment benefits or Hartz IV benefits

There were just 2.26 million unemployed in September 2018. But at around 6.63 million, almost three times as many people in Germany were living on unemployment benefits or Hartz IV benefits, including more than two million children and adolescents. Because only a part of those who need state support, is also considered unemployed in the sense of statistics.
In September (in some cases the latest available values ??due to waiting periods in statistics) there were just under 2.26 million unemployed according to the statistics of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). At the same time, over 6.63 million people were living on unemployment benefits and / or Hartz IV benefits. About 728,000 people received unemployment benefits and around 5.97 million people lived in a Hartz IV household, a so-called need community, including more than 2 million children and adolescents under the age of 18 (August 2018). 68,000 (rounded value from July, current figures are only available with a waiting period) of them were double beneficiaries of unemployment benefits and Hartz IV benefits.

Compensation is not equal to unemployment
The large number of beneficiaries is not included in the monthly number of unemployed, because they are not statistically considered unemployed. This is the case if they are looking for work, but participated in a labor market policy measure at the last registration date, were over 58 years old and did not receive a job offer or were on sick leave within one year. The Federal Employment Agency then no longer leads them as unemployed but as so-called underemployed. In September 2018, the "unemployed" from the underemployment statistics summed up (here in the strict sense, ie without people who built themselves out of unemployment self-employment and thereby received financial support, people in partial retirement and short-time workers) and the "officially" unemployed from the unemployment statistics to just under 3.15 million people ( original sound reported ).
In addition to being unemployed, persons who are not seeking employment and are not available to the employment services, for example raising children, caring for family members, taking early retirement or training. The Aufstocker belong to this group, which have work, but in addition Hartz IV achievements received. In the Hartz IV system more than half of the recipients of working age are considered not unemployed ( O-Ton reported ).

source: o-ton arbeitsmarkt

What the official number of unemployed keeps silent: 3.11 million people without work

In November, the Federal Employment Agency reports nearly 2.2 million unemployed. The total extent of people without work, however, does not reflect the official figure. Because around 927,000 de facto unemployed are not included in the unemployment, but in the separate underemployment statistics.
In November 2018 there were officially 2.2 million unemployed. That is almost 18,000 fewer people than in the previous month.
Not included in the official number of unemployed, however, are about 927,000 also virtually unemployed, including
- around 688,000 people who took part in labor market policies,
- just under 69,000 on the day of the collection
- just under 170,000 over 58-year-olds who did not receive a job offer within the last 12 months.
Overall, this results in an actual number of unemployed of over 3.11 million people. Compared to the previous month, the number of "unofficially unemployed" has increased by almost 11,000 people ( O-Ton reported ).
The placement of people without work (underemployed workers in the strict sense) does not take into account the persons who have built up a self-employment out of unemployment and received financial support (just under 22,000) and short-time workers (just under 10,000 in September 2018, data only available with waiting time).

source: o-ton arbeitsmarkt

Migration in times of demographic change

In addition to aging, migration is one of the biggest challenges of our time. While demographic aging is a relatively new phenomenon, migration has a millennial history. It has shaped contemporary societies and contributed to their transformation.
Since German unification, 7.5 million people have immigrated to Germany on balance. Of these, 1.1 million were German citizens and 6.4 million foreign citizens. As immigrants are on average younger than the resident population of Germany, net migration counteracts aging and steadily rejuvenates the age structure of the population. Although immigration will not reverse aging, it slows it down.
As a result of the migration, people today live in Germany with many different nationalities. In 2016, 9.2 million people or 11.2% of the population had a foreign nationality. Most foreigners came from Europe (70%) and Asia (21%). Among them were Turkish (15%), Polish (8%), Syrian (6%), Italian (6%) and Romanian (5%) nationals.
The total number of people with a migrant background (including Germans with foreign roots) was around 18.6 million in 2016. Here, too, Europe continues to be the most important region of origin. However, the importance of other continents has risen in the last five years. By now, 2.3 million people in Germany have their roots in the Near and Middle East. Around 740,000 people are of African descent.

source: statistisches bundesamt

An Army of the Europeans

BERLIN (Own report) - The program of the Berlin Security Conference, which ended yesterday, included discussions on new steps toward creating an "army of the Europeans," concerns over the possible erosion of the West’s "margin in defense capabilities" vis à vis Russia and China, as well as the role of artificial intelligence in future wars. Unlike the Munich Security Conference, this conference is not oriented on foreign policy but specifically on military policy and the arms industry, with more than a thousand military and business representatives, state officials, and politicians participating. Germany's Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen used the platform to launch a debate on steps toward limiting parliamentary reservations concerning an "army of the Europeans." In the future, "Europe may have to provide for its own security, perhaps even completely independently" from US support, according to experts. This calls for rapidly enhancement of the use of artificial intelligence in warfare and a "European narrative" to legitimize EU wars.

source: german foreign policy

Note also that the US has an above-average number of military bases and troops stationed in Europe.
President Obama however has announced a pivot to Asia in US foreign policy.
The European partners of the USA will therefore be able to count on fewer resources from the USA.
Whether the European partners of the US will therefore make their own decisions or simply continue the agenda of the US remains open.
