[Hints] Voices from the Blätterwald 2018-11-28

Der Fall Magnizki (English Audio)

source: youtube

"British-American financier Bill Browder was Russia's largest financial investor in the 1990s. In the crisis of 1998, his fund almost lost about one billion dollars overnight. In 2005 he was expelled as a "security risk" of the country. In 2009, the "Magnitsky case" occurred.

According to Browder, his company was stolen by Russian officials and criminals and abused for 230 Dollar million in tax fraud. His lawyer Magnitsky discovered this, was arrested and tortured and murdered in a Moscow prison.

Browder subsequently lobbied for the US Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned Russian officials in 2012. The Council of Europe adopted a report - written by a Swiss politician, backed by a German MP - who condemned Russia.

Director Andrei Nekrasov, a well-known Putin critic, wanted to film this story. But during the filming he was in doubt, because: Magnitsky was not a lawyer, but Browders accountant, and he was arrested not as a whistleblower, but as a suspect in the tax fraud case, which Browder is said to have organized with the help of the mafia itself.

The final film traces this surprising turnaround. ARTE, who had commissioned the original film, did not want to broadcast the finished film anymore. A screening in the European Parliament, on Press Freedom Day 2016, was canceled at short notice, and a book on the Amazon case censored. This summer the movie has been leaked unnoticed.

Why did Magnitsky really die in the Moscow prison, and where did the stolen tax money go? Through an aluminum poison on behalf of Browder, and among other things in the election campaign of Hillary Clinton - claims the Putin government. Russian propaganda?

The film is - on the meta-level - also interesting because it shows impressively, with which techniques and effects the opposite narratives dramaturgically implemented.  " via

Indonesia's new 'heresy app' draws fire

JAKARTA (AFP) - A new Indonesian government app that lets the public report suspected cases of religious heresy is drawing fire as rights groups warn it could aggravate persecution of minorities in the world's biggest Muslim-majority nation.
Users of the app can report groups practicing unrecognised faiths or unorthodox interpretations of Indonesia's six officially recognised religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism.
"Smart Pakem", which was launched Sunday and is available for free in the Google Play store, was created by the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, which said it would help educate the public and modernise the current reporting process.
The app will also list religious edicts and blacklisted organisations and will allow users to file complaints instantaneously, instead going through the often cumbersome process of submitting a written accusation to a government office.

source: france24

DGB (German trade-uniuon) no longer wants to rent rooms to Antifa

At the Federal Congress in Berlin stressed DGB boss Hoffmann, that you will no longer rent premises to the Antifa.
Berlin . Yesterday Tuesday, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) went a long way to the far-left Antifa. On the Twitter profile of the Press Office of the Union of Police (GdP) is to be read that in future no DGB houses will be rented to violent groups.

source: tagesstimme

That is - and I say this very clearly: we are not the ANTIFA!

source: deutscher gewerkschaftsbund (German trade-uniuon)

Domestic Security Service in Germany observes mosque

Because in the Kassel Al Huda mosque democratic anti-Salafism should be supported, the mosque association is observed by the protection of the constitution. What many now criticize: The chairman is tax-financed refugee advisers.

source: hessenschau

Request from the Left - Federal Government is reviewing the withdrawal of German IS members from Syria

The Attorney General is currently investigating 14 Germans in Syria who should be members of the IS. The Federal Government wants to bring her back now.
According to a newspaper report, the federal government is checking to bring German IS supporters back to Germany. This report the newspapers of the Funke media group, citing the response of the Foreign Office to a request from the left. "The Federal Government is carefully examining all options for a possible return of German nationals to Germany," the newspapers quote from this response.
According to this, the Attorney General currently investigates 14 Germans in Syria accused of membership in the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (IS) , including 13 men and one woman. According to the report, at least 35 suspected German IS supporters are currently being held captive by the Kurds in Syria, including 10 men, 10 women and 15 children. (AP)

source: tegesspiegel
