[Dossier] RKI-Files Corona-Crisis-Team

Corona , Corona-Crisis-Team , Robert Koch Institute

On March 20, 2024 the protocols of the German government's crisis team were published by the website Multipolar. The published protocols cover the period from January 2020 to April 2021. The release of these protocols had to be ordered by a court. Apart from the fact that the protocols were not released voluntarily they had previously been redacted. Even in this state the documents show the dishonest and manipulative approach of the government and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

  1. Masks do not help and this was known
  2. The Health Risks were overestimated
  3. The measures were politically and not scientifically based
  4. Side effects of the vaccination were known
  5. Lockdowns were counterproductive
  6. Vaccination Certificate we're supposed to record long-term Side Effects
  7. The Government deliberately spread Fear

Masks do not help and this was known

From April 2020, there was a requirement in Germany to wear face masks on public transport and when shopping. The aim of this measure was to reduce transmissions. The federal government justified this with the recommendation of the RKI. [1]

Laut Empfehlungen des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI) kann das Tragen sogenannter nicht-medizinischer Alltagsmasken das Risiko von Infektionen reduzieren.

According to recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) wearing so-called non-medical everyday masks can reduce the risk of infection. [2]

This mask requirement was ended along with the other measures in March 2023. The protocols show that the lack of benefit had been known since at least July 2020 and that their use had been repeatedly discouraged. The quality of the material of the masks is not criticized. However the inadequate fit of the masks when used improperly is repeatedly mentioned. [3]

Auf die Frage ob Masken verwendet werden sollen. Die Anwendung von FFP Masken in der allgemeinen Bevölkerung wird nicht empfohlen.

On the question of whether masks should be used. The use of FFP masks in the general population is not recommended. [1, 230 Ergebnisprotokoll 29.07.2020] [1, 230 Ergebnisprotokoll 29.07.2020, P.10]
Stellungnahme zu FFP2-Masken in Allgemeinbevölkerung: Anwendung von FFP2-Masken setzt Schulung voraus, da komplexer in der Anwendung als MNS (Mund-Nasen-Schutz), selbst mit Schulung viel Fehlanwendung u.a. bei med. Personal, Maske muss individuell angepasst werden.

Statement on FFP2 masks in the general population: The use of FFP2 masks requires training as they are more complex to use than MNS (mouth and nose protection). Even with training there is a lot of misuse including by medical staff. The mask must be individually adjusted. [1, 304 Ergebnisprotokoll 23.10.2020] [1, 304 Ergebnisprotokoll 23.10.2020, P.8]
FFP2-Masken sind eine Maßnahme des Arbeitsschutzes Wenn Personen nicht geschult/qualifiziertes Personal sind, haben FFP2 Masken bei nicht korrekter Anpassung und Benutzung keinen Mehrwert.

FFP2 masks are a safety measure for the work-place If people are not trained/qualified personnel, FFP2 masks have no added value if they are not fitted and used correctly. [1, 310 Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020] [1, 310 Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020, P.10]
Es gibt keine Evidenz für die Nutzung von FFP2-Masken außerhalb des Arbeitsschutzes, dies könnte auch für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden.

There is no evidence for the use of FFP2 masks outside of occupational safety, this could also be made available to the public. [1, 310 Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020] [1, 310 Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020, P.10]
Bisherige Studien zur Wirksamkeit von FFP2-Masken sind daran gescheitert, dass Masken nicht oder nicht korrekt getragen wurden, ihr Nutzen sollte auf Arbeitsschutz von Personen die mit infektiösen Patienten arbeiten begrenzt bleiben.

Previous studies on the effectiveness of FFP2 masks have failed because masks were not worn or were not worn correctly; their use should be limited to the work place protection of people who work with infectious patients. [1, 310 Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020] [1, 310 Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020, P.10]
Überprüfung Maskenempfehlung (Bayern Pflicht FFP2-Masken im ÖPNV & Einzelhandel): Es gibt keine Änderung der bereits bekannten Evidenz zum Tragen von FF2 in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Die Passform/der Dichtsitz um eine Eindämmung zirkulierender respiratorische Erreger zu gewährleisten muss sichergestellt werden. Bei nicht korrekter Anwendung ist ein Eigenschutz, der über einen Effekt eines korrekt getragenen MNS hinausgeht nicht vorhanden.

Review of mask recommendation (Bavaria makes FFP2 masks mandatory on public transport and in retail stores): There is no change in the already known evidence for wearing FF2 in the general population. The fit/tightness to ensure containment of circulating respiratory pathogens must be ensured. If not used correctly there is no self-protection beyond the effect of a correctly worn MNS. [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021] [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021, P.6]
Das Tragen von FFP2 benötigt eine arbeitsmedizinische Einschätzung (gesundheitsmedizinische Risikoprüfung) und kann mit Risiken (Dermatosen etc) einhergehen.“ (Anm. d. Red.: Dermatosen sind Hauterkrankungen, die nicht durch infektiöse Erreger wie Bakterien oder Viren ausgelöst werden, sondern durch eine Fehlsteuerung des Immunsystems Entzündungsvorgänge in der Haut verursachen.)

Wearing FFP2 requires an work medical assessment (health and medical risk assessment) and can be associated with risks (dermatoses, etc.)" (Editor's note: Dermatoses are skin diseases that are not caused by infectious pathogens such as bacteria or viruses, but cause inflammatory processes in the skin due to a malfunction of the immune system.) [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021] [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021, P.6]
Das RKI empfiehlt weiterhin FFP2 prioritär für medizinisches Personal. Keine explizite Empfehlung/Verbot für das Tragen in anderen Bevölkerungsgruppen.

The RKI continues to recommend FFP2 as a priority for medical personnel. There is no explicit recommendation/prohibition for wearing it in other population groups. [1, 373 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021] [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021, P.7]
Keine fachliche Grundlage zur Empfehlung FFP2-Maske für die Bevölkerung vorhanden, daher Warnung vor unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen hinzufügen.

There is no technical basis for recommending FFP2 masks for the population, therefore add a warning about undesirable side effects. [1, 374 Ergebnisprotokoll 18.01.2021] [1, 374 Ergebnisprotokoll 18.01.2021, P.5]

Additionally the use of masks was explicitly discouraged for groups of people at risk. It was also noted that international recommendations speak against such a mask requirement.

Falls Fragen zu FFP2-Masken für Risikogruppen kommen: diese können den Risikogruppen nicht auf Dauer zugemutet werden. Sind nur für die unmittelbare, medizinische Arbeit vor Ort und für einen begrenzten Zeitraum gedacht (nach 75 Minuten Tragen sollte eine 30-minütige Pause eingelegt werden).

If there are any questions about FFP2 masks for groups of people at risk: These cannot be expected to be worn by groups of people at risk on a permanent basis. They are only intended for immediate and on-site medical work and for a limited period of time (after 75 minutes of wear, a 30-minute break should be taken). [1, 312 Ergebnisprotokoll 02.11.2020] [1, 312 Ergebnisprotokoll 02.11.2020, P.5]
Internationale Empfehlungen sehen das Tragen von FFP2 in der Allgemeinbevölkerung nicht vor bzw. sprechen sich explizit dagegen aus. WHO: Überarbeitung der Empfehlung z.Zt. nicht vorgesehen.

International recommendations do not provide for the wearing of FFP2 in the general population or explicitly speak out against it. WHO: Revision of the recommendation is not currently planned. [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021] [1, 372 Ergebnisprotokoll 15.01.2021, P.6]

These excerpts prove that politicians have rejected any scientifically based recommendations regarding the mask requirement. But why exactly the mask requirement was introduced and maintained is still unclear.

The unnecessary introduction of masks alone is already worrying. What makes matters worse is that politicians have enriched themselves from this demand. In Germany the Federal Ministry of Health bought FFP2 masks early on through Jens Spahn (CDU). This was arranged among others by Andrea Tandler the daughter of the former CSU General Secretary Gerold Tandler (CSU). What is explosive is that Andrea Tandler sold these masks and made money from them. And in December 2023 Andrea Tandler was sentenced to four years and five months in prison for this mask affair but only for tax evasion and not for corruption. [4] [5]

[1] RKI Files
[2] Ab dieser Woche - Maskenpflicht in ganz Deutschland
[3] Infektionsschutzgesetz - Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen sind ausgelaufen
[4] Anklage in Maskenaffäre - Andrea Tandler soll 23,5 Millionen Euro an Steuern hinterzogen haben 2023-05-23
[5] Urteil für Politiker-Tochter: Tandler: Über vier Jahre Haft für Maskendeals 2023-12-15

The Health Risks were overestimated

As a crisis staff it should support the government's decision-making. As a research institution the RKI should work on the basis of scientific findings. And in fact the RKI initially classified the risk as low to moderate.

Homepage aktualisiert, jetzt Risiko für Allgemeinbevölkerung alle in Deutschland “niedrig bis mäßig”, passt besser zu aktueller Einschätzung.

Homepage updated now risk for general population in Germany “low to moderate” fits better with current assessment. [1, 54 Ergebnisprotokoll 26.02.2020] [1, 54 Ergebnisprotokoll 26.02.2020, P.6]

Shortly afterwards the assessment of the situation changes but without mentioning any change of the influencing factors. After an agreed announcement but without any hints in the previous protocols the result of the assessment of the situation is to change. This proves that it is a political and not a scientifically based assessment.

Es soll diese Woche hochskaliert werden. Die Risikobewertung wird veröffentlicht, sobald [geschwärzt] ein Signal dafür gibt.

It is scheduled to be scaled up this week. The risk assessment will be published as soon as [redacted] gives a signal for it. [1, 80 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.03.2020] [1, 80 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.03.2020, P.6]

It is striking that corresponding numbers were generated during this period. As the number of tests were increased or scaled up. According to the RKI situation report 127,457 tests were carried out in calendar weeks 11 and 348,619 in 12. This is the period from March 9th to 22nd 2020. And inevitably the total number of positive test results has increased. According to the RKI situation report 7,582 were positive in calendar weeks 11 and 23,820 in 12. The nominal increase is obvious. But in relation to the total number of tests the positive results remained almost constant at 5.9% and 6.8%. [2, P.6]

About a year later there seems to be a preliminary agreement on the assessment. A risk is immediately suspected. However no evidence for this is provided.

COVID-19 sollte nicht mit Influenza verglichen werden, bei normaler Influenzawelle versterben mehr Leute, jedoch ist COVID-19 aus anderen Gründen bedenklich(er).

COVID-19 should not be compared to influenza more people die during a normal influenza wave but COVID-19 is more concerning for other reasons. [1, 86 Ergebnisprotokoll 19.03.2021] [1, 86 Ergebnisprotokoll 19.03.2021, P.3-4]

With these findings it is obvious that the evidence for the situation assessment was manipulated. And the protocols of the Corona crisis team prove that the risk assessment was deliberately overestimated during that time.

[1] RKI Files
[2] Täglicher Lagebericht des RKI zur Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19) 26.03.2020

The measures were politically and not scientifically based

The crisis team should support the federal government in making decisions. And the federal government should take measures to protect the population. For this contact and access restrictions for certain spaces were introduced.

Certain public spaces and means of transport were only allowed to be entered by people who had been proven to be vaccinated, had recovered or tested negative. Anyone who could not show a vaccination, evidence of recovery or a negative test was not allowed to enter. However the protocols show that the escalation of the risk assessment was changed without any corresponding influencing factors.

Es soll diese Woche hochskaliert werden. Die Risikobewertung wird veröffentlicht, sobald [geschwärzt] ein Signal dafür gibt.

It is scheduled to be scaled up this week. The risk assessment will be published as soon as [redacted] gives a signal for it. [1, 80 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.03.2020] [1, 80 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.03.2020, P.6]

This assessment of the situation is also not credible because the number of cases remained unchanged in real terms during the corresponding period. Although the number of positive test results has increased this was due to a corresponding increase or upscaling of the total number of tests. Measured against the total number of tests the positive results remained almost constant at 5.9% and 6.8%. [2, P.6]

A year later the protocols also discussed the lack of benefit of these measures.

Hohe Dunkelziffer, es ist fachlich nicht begründbar und nicht sinnvoll, ein „opportunity sample“ (die Getesteten, die eine Infektion nachweisen können) mit Privilegien denen gegenüber, die es nicht oder nicht mehr (abhängig von AK-Test und Zeitspanne, die vergangen ist) nachweisen können.

High number of unreported cases it is not technically justifiable and does not make sense to have an "opportunity sample" (those tested who can prove an infection) with privileges over those who cannot or can no longer prove it (depending on the antibody test and the amount of time that has passed). [1, 414 Ergebnisprotokoll 05.03.2021] [1, 414 Ergebnisprotokoll 05.03.2021, P.7]

The measures to restrict contact and access appeared to be politically based rather than scientifically based. Furthermore the type and quality of these measures were similar worldwide. It can therefore be assumed that there was an overarching leadership above the governments of the states.

[1] RKI Files
[2] Täglicher Lagebericht des RKI zur Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19) 26.03.2020

Side effects of the vaccination were known

The measures taken by the German federal government also included the introduction of several vaccination requirements. In December 2021 the Bundestag passed the so-called facility-based vaccination requirement. According to this employees of clinics, nursing homes and similar facilities had to provide proof of being vaccinated or having recovered. [2] However in November 2022 this vaccination requirement was suspended with effect from January 2023. [3] And in the German armed forces the obligation to tolerate the corona vaccination still applies. [4]

Even before these vaccination requirements were passed the Corona crisis team was aware of side effects. In February about ten months earlier it was admitted that side effects were to be expected.

Medien berichten vermehrt Nebenwirkungen (NW), dies ist nicht ganz überraschend, NW-Profil ist bekannt. Es werden mehr jüngere Erwachsene geimpft, diese sind häufig reaktogener als ältere Menschen.

The media is increasingly reporting side effects which is not entirely surprising as the side effects profile is known. More younger adults are being vaccinated and they are often more reactogenic than older people. [1, 402 Ergebnisprotokoll 19.02.2021] [1, 402 Ergebnisprotokoll 19.02.2021, P.8]

In addition the sections relating to vaccination are also noticeably redacted in the other protocols. [1, 424 Ergebnisprotokoll 19. März 2021, P.6] [1, 438 Ergebnisprotokoll 9. April 2021, P.6]

At the start of January 2024, 467 health damage were officially recognized due to a corona vaccination. And around 5,000 applications were rejected and 5,597 were still open at this point. [5] [6]

[1] RKI Files
[2] Täglicher Lagebericht des RKI zur Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19) 26.03.2020
[3] Corona-Auflage für Pflege endet : Impfpflicht: Lauterbachs seltsame Erklärung 2022-11-23
[4] Bundeswehr - Impfungen und Duldungspflicht
[5] 467 Corona-Impfschäden bislang anerkannt 2024-01-22
[6] Bislang 467 Impfschäden anerkannt 2024-01-22

Lockdowns were counterproductive

The German government's measurements included regular lockdowns. The first lockdown came into effect in March 2020. And the last lockdown in Germany ended in May 2021. The protocols show that the escalation of the first lockdown was a political decision. [2]

Es soll diese Woche hochskaliert werden. Die Risikobewertung wird veröffentlicht, sobald [geschwärzt] ein Signal dafür gibt.

It is scheduled to be scaled up this week. The risk assessment will be published as soon as [redacted] gives a signal for it. [1, 80 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.03.2020] [1, 80 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.03.2020, P.6]

This decision is also questionable because the number of cases remained unchanged in real terms at the beginning of the first lockdown. Although the number of positive test results has increased this was due to a corresponding increase or upscaling of the total number of tests. Measured against the total number of tests the positive results remained almost constant at 5.9% and 6.8%. [2, P.6]

In addition the negative consequences of lockdowns were known to the Corona crisis team. In December 2020 after sufficient experience with lockdowns but before the last one it was noticed that lockdowns sometimes have more serious consequences than COVID itself. This is probably an assessment of the situation in Africa. But the Corona crisis team can be trusted to consider transferring such a dynamic to Germany as well.

Indirekte negative Effekte des Lockdowns durch Lücken bei der Behandlung von Tuberkulose, Aussetzung von Routineimpfprogrammen. Steigende Kindersterblichkeit zu erwarten. Konsequenzen des Lockdowns haben zum Teil schwerere Konsequenzen als COVID selbst.

Indirect negative effects of the lockdown due to gaps in tuberculosis treatment, suspension of routine vaccination programs. Increasing child mortality to be expected. Consequences of the lockdown have in some cases more serious consequences than COVID itself. [1, 350 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.12.2020] [1, 350 Ergebnisprotokoll 16.12.2020, P.5]

With these findings it is clear that at least the introduction of lockdowns was a political and not a scientifically based decision. It is also clear that the serious consequences of lockdowns were known.

[1] RKI Files
[2] Corona-Chronik 2021-12-06
[3] Täglicher Lagebericht des RKI zur Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19) 26.03.2020

Vaccination Certificate we're supposed to record long-term Side Effects

In order to be able to enforce the contact restrictions that had been decided upon a vaccination certificate and an associated mobile phone app were introduced. Due to the contact restrictions the vaccination certificate had to be shown to enter certain public spaces. The vaccination certificate in turn could be applied for after vaccination or recovery. However the protocols show that these contact restrictions were politically and not scientifically based. [2] [3]

Hohe Dunkelziffer, es ist fachlich nicht begründbar und nicht sinnvoll, ein „opportunity sample“ (die Getesteten, die eine Infektion nachweisen können) mit Privilegien denen gegenüber, die es nicht oder nicht mehr (abhängig von AK-Test und Zeitspanne, die vergangen ist) nachweisen können.

High number of unreported cases it is not technically justifiable and does not make sense to have an "opportunity sample" (those tested who can prove an infection) with privileges over those who cannot or can no longer prove it (depending on the antibody test and the amount of time that has passed). [1, 414 Ergebnisprotokoll 05.03.2021] [1, 414 Ergebnisprotokoll 05.03.2021, P.7]

The vaccination certificate that was introduced was in fact a necessity for many people and many things. This created the conditions for widespread distribution. But the protocols show that the vaccination certificate is intended to enable the recording of vaccination effects and long-term side effects.

- Das Impfzertifikat soll die Erfassung von Impfwirkung, Spätfolgen etc. ermöglichen, nicht Grundlage für Kategorien und Vorrechte sein.
- WHO befürwortet die Zertifikate nicht: Lack of data, keine Fälschungssicherheit, ethische Gründe (Diskriminierung).

- The vaccination certificate should enable the recording of vaccination effects, long-term side effects, etc., and should not be the basis for categories and privileges.
- WHO does not support the certificates: lack of data, no protection against forgery, ethical reasons (discrimination). [1, - Ergebnisprotokoll 05.03.2021] [1, Ergebnisprotokoll 05.03.2021, P.7]

This is dishonest because this was kept secret. In addition there were officially no side effects.

[1] RKI Files
[2] Digitales COVID-Zertifikat der EU
[3] Zertifikat über Corona-Impfung - So funktioniert der digitale Impfpass 2021-08-07

The Government deliberately spread Fear

After the first summer and in the autumn there were already indications of a reduction in the risk level. This is early and not really to be expected as colds and similar illnesses increase in the colder autumn. It is noteworthy that the government did not want to make the improvement in the situation public. It seemed that fear among the population was preferred.

Aktuell ein leichtes Indiz für eine Verlangsamung der Dynamik, dies sollte jedoch nicht so vermittelt werden um die neuen Maßnahmen nicht in Frage zu stellen, zumal wir uns nicht sicher sein können, wie die Tendenz sich weiterentwickelt.

Currently there is a slight indication of a slowdown in the dynamics but this should not be conveyed in such a way as not to question the new measures especially since we cannot be sure how the trend will develop. [1, Ergebnisprotokoll 30.10.2020]

This intention can be confirmed from the spring. Immediately at the beginning of the pandemic and before the above-mentioned excerpts measures were already being discussed. In addition to medical measures propaganda was also discussed. The intention to publicly expose people (public shaming) is emerging here.

Andere Länder haben aus der Vergangenheit schon Erfahrungen gehabt (China mit SARS, Südkorea mit MERS). Dort durchgeführte Maßnahmen sind bspw. eine frühe Isolierung von Fällen, einen weit verbreitete gute Risikokommunikation (Public Shaming) sowie die Trennung der Gesundheitseinrichtungen (Krankenhaus für COVID-19 Patienten) und eine staatliche Quarantäne (nicht zuhause) für milde Fälle. Es gibt Strafen für die Nichteinhaltung.

Other countries have had experience in the past (China with SARS, South Korea with MERS). Measures implemented there include early isolation of cases, good and widespread risk communication (public shaming) as well as the separation of health facilities (hospital for COVID-19 patients) and state quarantine (not at home) for mild cases. There are penalties for non-compliance. [1, Ergebnisprotokoll 23.03.2020]

[1] RKI Files
