Environmental Protection , Manufacturing Consent
Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg have achieved great fame and popularity. Their demands have already been repeated and adopted by the press and politicians. In fact there are several people in the background with their own agenda.
On top of that comes the attention Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg get are missing when it comes to the consequences and the scientific backgrounds. On the one hand lower and middle income groups in particular face the costs of driving bans and a possible CO2-tax. On the other hand the debate is missing statistics and scientific backgrounds that show the opposite. As the debates around Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg and the emissions from vehicles converge reviewing the background and dynamics is needed.
On closer examination however there are several people in the background with their own agenda. This background is the story of company executives whose success is rising parallel to the prominence of Greta Thunberg and her useful children.
In 2010 one million trees were reportedly planted in Germany alone. This is how Felix Finkbeiner became an icon in 2009. [6] [7] [8] [9]
And parallels to Greta Thunberg are already obvious. In addition Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation are already behind the Fridays for Future demonstrations. [6] [7] [8] [9] See:
Frithjof Finkbeiner , Plant-for-the-Planet
And on August 20, 2018 Greta Thunberg should then have decided to start with her school strike for the climate (Skolstrejk för Klimatet) in front of the Swedish parliament. So Greta Thunberg is officially the founder of the ongoing school strikes with the name Fridays for Future. It has been proven that Greta Thunberg started to demonstrate on her own officially because other students didn't want to participate. [10] [11] [12]
Striking is that participants of the Fridays for Future demonstrations are almost only children. For the organizers it is certainly easier to use children with less life experience for their own purposes and to convince them. That's why one should be careful with every criticism of the children.
In addition Greta Thunberg demands for people to have fear and to panic but press and politicians do not advise against fear and panic as advisors as usual. The usual rules do not seem to apply to either Fridays for Future or Greta Thunberg. Thus it would would be at least naively to assume that there are no merciless opinion makers and influential stakeholders behind it.
Rentzhog is a Swedish entrepreneur, runs the company "We do not have time" and was named Environmental Influencer of the Year in 2018. "We do not have time" is a social network whose goal is to connect environmental activists with each other. With the claim to have discovered Greta Thunberg Rentzhog was successfuly raised around one million euros in new capital. [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]
Rentzhog continued to contact Greta Thunberg after the meeting in the Swedish Parliament. Rentzhog invited her later to become a counselor for the foundation behind "We do not have time". [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]
It must have been a surreal scene when the professional entrepreneur and environmental influencer by chance came to know the future icon of an environmental movement. Both however repeatedly stated that they had no previous contact. And in February 2019 "We do not have time" announced in a press release that Greta Thunberg had left her seat as advisor to the foundation. [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
However a special role should go to the press. Especially in the context of the accusation of fake news and manufacturing of consent the press should practice self-criticism. The demonstrations may be the perfect projection for green and left journalists. Especially as half of the journalists choose the green and left parties. The task of the press however is to say what is. [24,S.18]
[1] Fridays For Future - Über uns
[2] Potsdamer Schüler streiken für besseren Klimaschutz 2019-01-21
[3] "Eine Bewegung, die nur uns gehört" - Potsdamer Schüler streiken erneut fürs Klima 2019-02-14
[4] Fürstenwalde/Spree - Schülerin verteidigt Demos für Klimaschutz 2019-02-23
[5] Miriam Eichelbaum, Mitorganisatorin "Fridays For Future" in Potsdam 2018-03-11
[6] ENVIRONMENT - Germany's youngest climate campaigner envisions greener future 2009-06-04
[7] Klimaschutz - Klein Finkbeiner rettet die Welt 2009-12-10
[8] FELIX FINKBEINER : Ein Junge für eine Million Bäume 2010-01-04
[9] ENVIRONMENT - A million trees and counting - German boy activist fights climate change 2010-06-21
[10] GRETA THUNBERG : Die Welt, wie sie ihr gefällt 2019-02-12
[11] Interview - Greta Thunberg, schoolgirl climate change warrior: ‘Some people can let things go. I can’t’ 2019-03-11
[12] School Strike for Climate: Meet 15-Year-Old Activist Greta Thunberg, Who Inspired a Global Movement 2018-12-11
[13] In English: Swedish start-up used Greta Thunberg to bring in millions 2019-02-09
[14] Auslandsjournal - Die Sendung vom 6. Februar 2019
[15] Start-up used teen climate activist to raise millions: Swedish paper 2019-02-09
[16] Greta Thunberg kommerziell ausgenutzt - Aktivistin als Werbefigur 2019-02-10
[17] We Don’t Have Time rejects accusations of exploiting Greta Thunberg but apologizes for miscommunication 2019-02-10
[18] Interview - "Es müsste höchste Priorität haben!" 2018-12-02
[19] GRETA THUNBERG : Die Welt, wie sie ihr gefällt 2018-12-02
[20] Sie ist 15 und spricht Klartext in Sachen Klimawandel: Wer ist Greta Thunberg? 2018-12-17
[21] Merinfo: Svante Thunberg
[24] Cool bleiben, nicht kalt 1995-03-27
With the scale and some recurrent protagonists such as Louis Motaal, Luisa Neubauer and of course Greta Thunberg in mind the question arises who and what interests are behind the movement. Ansgar Neuhof of Tichy's Insight (Tichys Einblick) has been able to find out significant parts of the organizers of this campaign. See: Ansgar Neuhof
Fridays for Future is an offshoot planned by the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. In addition both the official Donations account of Fridays for Future and individuals belong to the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. And the demands of Fridays for Future are largely congruent with those of the Club of Rome.
Donation certificates (donation receipts) can only be issued by organizations under German law if they are recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). If Fridays for Future issues donation certificates (donation receipts) then these are recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). Or if Fridays for Future is tied to another tax-privileged (nonprofit) organization. [9] [10]
Fridays for Future does not exist as an independent or registered organization. And Ronja Thein is listed as responsible person in the imprint. And individuals can not issue any donation certificates (donation receipts) under German law. The website of Fridays for Future shows that the account is maintained by the Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. [6]
If Fridays for Future's statement on the management of donations are correct then this could be dangerous for Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. The Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation is unlikely to issue any donation certificates (donation receipts). The Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation may in accordance with its own Articles of Association manage trusts and other special funds in trust. But Fridays for Future is neither. [13]
Fridays for Future was already registered for registration with the German Patent and Trademark Office in February 2019 by Louis Motaal. There are a total of 45 classes for a registration. And the registration for Fridays for Future happened in the classes 16, 25 and 36. Classes 16 and 25 are about printed matter and clothing, while class 26 includes monetary businesses. [15] [16] [17] [17,pdf]
Louis Motaal although born in 1999 has a lot of experience as an activist. According to his vita Motaal has been working for the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation for six years (as of 2018) he spoke at the German Trade Congress, the annual meeting of the German Society of the Club of Rome and at the last German CSR Forum. Motaal also represented the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation at the UN Climate Change Conference and the Global Landscape Forum and is co-organizer of the Fridays for Future Movement. [18]
But Frithjof Finkbeiner is also co-founder and chairman of the Global Marshal Plan Foundation and Global Contract Foundation as well as chairman of the Desertec Foundation. All of these organizations either warn against the anthropogenic (manmade) climate change or earn directly from the state's promotion of sustainable energy. And the Club of Rome has been warning for decades about negative scenarios for the future that never matched reality. [22]
And then at the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation is the proposal for Fridays for Future. The idea of student strike came up at the Global Youth Summit in 2015. At the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation event they expected to make a groundbreaking impression with the school strikes. [23]
Since then the Club of Rome regularly prophesies direct environmental disasters or raw material shortages and writes appropriate programs to save the world. In these, markets, consumption and economic growth are seen as the reason for the problems. On the other hand massive state intervention and new international authorities according to the specifications of the Club of Rome should help. However subsequent reports did not reach the fame of "The Limits of Growth". [24] [25] [25,pdf] [26] [26,pdf]
Meanwhile the press criticizes these prophecies of an approaching doomsday as well. Criticized again and again are the demand for the reduction of the population, the demand for economic growth of not more then 1% and a CO2 tax. Only the occasional warnings of increasing inequality may well be taken seriously. [27] [28] [29] [30]
[1] Fridays For Future - Über uns
[2] Potsdamer Schüler streiken für besseren Klimaschutz 2019-01-21
[3] "Eine Bewegung, die nur uns gehört" - Potsdamer Schüler streiken erneut fürs Klima 2019-02-14
[4] Fürstenwalde/Spree - Schülerin verteidigt Demos für Klimaschutz 2019-02-23
[5] Miriam Eichelbaum, Mitorganisatorin "Fridays For Future" in Potsdam 2018-03-11
[6] Fridays For Future - Spenden
[7] Fridays For Future - FAQ
[8] Fridays For Future - Impressum
[9] „Ihre nächste Spendenquittung schicken wir Ihnen gerne per Mail!“ 2017-02-06
[10] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 52 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[11] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 51 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[12] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 57 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[13] Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation - Information
[15] KLIMASCHUTZBEWEGUNG - Aktivist sichert sich Markenrechte an „Fridays for Future“ 2019-04-25
[16] Auskunft zu einer Markenanmeldung 2019-05-03
[17] Klassifikation von Nizza
[19] Karolin Finkbeiner
[20] Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation - Structure
[21] Unternehmensregister Auszug
[22] Club of Rome - FINKBEINER, FRITHJOF
[23] Climate Strike
[24] Club of Rome - Reports
[25] Club of Rome - The Limits to Growth
[26] Club of Rome - Transformation is Feasible
[27] Club of Rome : Der Weltuntergang zieht sich 2012-05-08
[28] NEUER BERICHT : Die Forderungen des „Club of Rome“ 2016-09-13
[29] Zukunftsbericht - Die verquere Logik des Club of Rome 2016-09-14
[30] ENVIRONMENT - Club of Rome's new book reads like an eco manifesto 2016-09-14
According to Extinction Rebellion the world is at the turning point at which its demands have to be implemented to combat man-made climate change. In public perception Extinction Rebellion is a grass-roots movement. In fact there are backers, profiteers and financiers behind Extinction Rebellion.
Extinction Rebellion has received particular attention in England. In Germany however Extinction Rebellion is overshadowed by Fridays for Future. Fridays for Future primarily focuses on peaceful demonstrations and congresses. Extinction Rebellion on the other hand relies on civil disobedience, blockages on roads or trains for example and also threatens sabotage. For this demonstrators of Extinction Rebellion were also be carried away or arrested by the police. [1] [2] [3]
The goal of the Climate Emergency Fund is a worldwide mobilization to the extent of World War II to combat man-made climate change. The public should be made aware of this by disrupting everyday life. And the Climate Emergency Fund wants to collect money primarily from billionaires to support activists and organizations with a corresponding agenda. [4] [5]
Among the donors are among others Aileen Getty the granddaughter of the oil tycoon Joan Paul Getty, the filmmaker, niece of John F. Kennedy and daughter of Robert Kennedy Rory Kennedy. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] And the founder of the Climate Emergency Fund Neilson has good contacts and an impressive CV. Together with Howard Buffett the grandson of multi-billionaire Warren Buffett Neilson is the head of i (x) investments. And the focus of i(x) investments is into sustainable energies and the reuse of carbon. [15] Neilson was the director of the Global Business Coalition an association of over 200 companies. [16] Neilson was a co-founder and director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [17] And Neilson worked in the White House under President Bill Clinton (D) for the lobby and campaign organization One. [18]
In fact this allegation has already been confirmed. In October 2019 British newspapers reported that Extinction Rebellion's internal documents documented such payments. Accordingly over 70,000 Pound was paid out over a four month period and 200,000 Pound at the start of a group. [19] [20] [21]
Extinction Rebellion confirmed the authenticity of the documents by defending the payments. In it Extinction Rebellion defends the payments that these are just allowances. Furthermore these allowances are to allow the respective people to dedicate themselves to Extinction Rebellion. [19] [20] [21]
In Germany the search queries for "CO2 Bilanz" and "Extinction Rebellion" are just comparable to those for the "Oberliga Niedersachsen". In addition there are only 8 million people in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and 83 million in Germany. [22] In Great Britain the search queries for "CO2 Emissions" and "Extinction Rebellion" are at least comparable to those for the "National League South". And almost 24 million live in the region concerned and 68 million in Great Britain. [23] In Sweden the searches for "CO2-utsläpp" and "Extinction Rebellion" are comparable to those for "Division 1 Södra" and "Division 1 Norra". Division 1 Södra and Division 1 Norra are the third highest division in Swedish football. [24]
In addition to the average search queries for "Extinction Rebellion" individual dates stand out. The first time for Great Britain and Sweden is April 15, 2019 when Extinction Rebellion caused a sensation for the first time and held demonstrations in London at critical transport hubs. The second time for Great Britain only is on July 13, and 14, 2019 when extinction rebellion brought traffic to a standstill in several locations. The third time for Germany, Great Britain and Sweden is from October 11, to 17, 2019 when extinction rebellion came into conflict with one of their actions with commuters. [22] [23] [24]
Much more the measures desired by one side are reinterpreted. Both sides are obviously and primarily interested in having the sovereignty about the interpretation. In doing so they regularly act like children who put their fingers in their ears and do not want to listen anymore. However this does not do justice to the topic or the offices of the politicians involved.
The shortcomings of the debate for the lower and middle income groups weigh particularly heavily. A concept for socially responsible measures which deserves this predicate does not exist. This sheds a bright light on the political will and capabilities of one half of the political spectrum.
In Germany particulate matter emissions have fallen by 50% (PM2.5) and 40% (PM10) since 1995 respectively. [pm25] [pm25,alt] [pm10] [pm10,alt] Nitrogen oxide emissions in Germany have fallen by 60% since 1990. [NOx] [NOx,alt] Since sulfur-containing fuels are increasingly not being used sulfur dioxide emissions in Germany have fallen by 95% since 1990. [SOx] [SOx,alt] See:
[STEM] The Emissions Hysteria Industry - The Basics
With carbon dioxide (CO2) the situation is even more complicated. The current fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth's atmosphere is about 400 ppm (0.04% volume fraction). The historical fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth's atmosphere is controversial, but the assumption that it was about 280 ppm (0.028% volume fraction) (about 1880) is common. In addition to man-made there are also natural emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) such as seas as the solubility of gases in liquids is inversely proportional to the temperature. The man-made share is even more controversial.
The external factors on the climate of the earth are completely neglected. The earth is heated by the sun a fusion reactor that is thousands of times heavier and bigger in size than the earth whose activity is not constant but is described by the Gleißberg cycles. Since the sun is a fusion reactor any experimental setup in which the sun is simulated by a candle, lamp or else is useless because the emission spectrums are different. In addition the distance between the Earth and the Sun is not constant but is described by the Milankovic cycles.
And a presumed scientific consensus of 97% does not change these uncertainties and disturbances. Because science is not a democracy but the search for the truth and not the opinion of the majority. These uncertainties and disturbances in the debate should either be taken serious or be invalidated but should in any case be addressed.
Harmful combustion products such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (CxHy) and fine particles such as soot (C) are hazardous. But only for that people do not die. Epidemiology thus compares the damage to health with an equivalent number of deaths.
However the results can be influenced or even superimposed by different confounding factors. When assessing harmful combustion products other factors such as a significantly different proportion of smokers or weather conditions can affect the incidence of illness or death much more than differences in air quality.
Incidentally the vehicles are sold to Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In Romania for example the number of registered used diesel cars increased by more than 31,000 between 2017 and 2018. And according to a market survey of used car dealer AAA Auto 63% of the imported and used cars in the Czech Republic come from Germany and 60% of the imported and used cars have a diesel engine. It are these vehicles that need to be bought new. [4] [5]
A special role is played here by the German Environmental Aid (deutsche Umwelthilfe/DUH). The German environmental aid (deutsche Umwelthilfe/DUH) files legal complains for driving bans regarding the emission limits and has already reached them in several German cities. For one thing it has been recognized as charitable since its foundation which is why it is tax-advantaged. [6] [7] In addition it is financially supported and received a total of 9,717,098 Euros from 2014 to 2019 in tax money. [8,p.33] This collaboration of the German Federal Government with the German Environmental Aid (deutsche Umwelthilfe/DUH) recalls the introduction of the Riester pension. At that time people were sold a product in favor of the insurance industry without need. [9]
In addition the plans to control driving bans are a major extension of surveillance methods. There is still no nationwide control of driving bans. But according to the plans of the German Federal Government at least the number plate and the image of the driver should be recorded and stored. For this purpose the data should be collected automatically. And this would result in surveillance cameras. [10] [11] [12] [13] In December 2019 the Berlin police even explicitly requested the use of license plate scanners to temporarily and automatically monitor the traffic in the designated zones with cameras. [14]
According to a survey however it would be conceivable for only 27.7% to abandon their vehicle for environmental protection. For 63.9% however it would rather not be possible or in no case conceivable to abandon their vehicle for environmental protection. [15] [16]
Fridays for Future
In February 2019 representatives of Fridays for Future published concrete demands on German politics. According to their own statements the demands were worked out in nationwide working groups and in consultation with scientists. The stated goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 ° Celsius. [17] [18] [18,pdf] [19] [20]
At the latest here caution is advised since a general consumption tax hits the small and middle income groups the hardest while the upper income groups can simply buy themselves free of the consequences. Strangely in the debate about a CO2 tax there is no offer for the small and medium-income groups which are the majority of the electorate. Leftists and social democrats also neglect the interests of their electorate. Both neither demand a wealth tax nor a tax reduction of less CO2 intensive energy sources instead of a CO2 tax. Instead the additional burden and its consequences are reinterpreted as good, right and important.
In addition there is little or no debate about the use of the revenue from a CO2-tax. The utmost would be a misappropriation for an increase in defense spending or a reduction in property tax as done in France. This is exactly what triggered the demonstrations of the yellow west (Gilets Jaunes).
In October 2019 the DIW (Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung/German Institute for Economic Research) criticized the ruling coalition's plans. In particular the pricing of CO2 was criticized because it mainly affects lower and middle income groups. And lower and middle income groups are even more burdened than higher income groups. [39]
At least one could argue for new investments in the German energy industry. Germany has to pay regularly to sell its own surplus of electricity abroad. The reason for this is that the power supply from solar and wind energy are simply not constant and this noise only increases with more plants. This means that on days when a lot of energy is generated from solar and wind energy the price drops too much. However these additional costs of the providers are paid by the consumers which is the electorate of the Left and Social Democrats. Therefore it now requires storage methods instead of more solar and wind energy plants. [40] [41]
A general consumption tax in the form of a CO2-tax would hit the lower and middle income groups the most. And alternative options are rarely or not debated. The additional burden and its consequences are instead reinterpreted as good, right and important. And there is little or no debate about the use of revenue from a carbon tax. With their approval driving bans and a CO2 tax are already suitable for making left and social democrats even less popular among their electorate.
[pm25] Emission von Feinstaub der Partikelgröße PM2,5 2018-07-30
[pm10] Emission von Feinstaub der Partikelgröße PM10 2018-07-30
[NOx] Stickstoffoxid-Emissionen 2018-07-30
[SOx] Schwefeldioxid-Emissionen 2018-07-30
[1] Luftverschmutzung tötet jährlich Millionen Menschen 2019-10-20
[2] Zu viel Dreck in Luft und Wasser - 9 Millionen Tote durch Umweltverschmutzung 2019-10-20
[3] Feinstaub verursacht neun Millionen vorzeitige Todesfälle weltweit 2019-01-20
[4] Diesel-Weiterverkauf nach Osteuropa - "Wir fahren hier noch ungestört" 2019-01-28
[5] Viele alte Diesel aus Deutschland landen in Osteuropa 2019-01-28
[6] BGH-Urteil - Vor dem obersten Gericht erringt die Umwelthilfe einen wichtigen Sieg 2019-04-26
[7] Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe – ein "Abmahnverein"? 2019-03-06
[8] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Karlheinz Busen, Frank Sitta, Dr. Gero Clemens Hocker, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion der FDP – Drucksache 19/8870 – 2019-04-29
[9] sr 2008 die rentenluegner rentenangst der kampf um die altersvorsorge
[10] Nach Urteilen zu Fahrverboten - Regierung will Kameraüberwachung: Wie Diesel kontrolliert werden sollen 2018-11-20
[11] Datenschützer alarmiert - Fahrverbote sollen per Videoüberwachung kontrolliert werden 2018-11-17
[12] Fahrverbot-Überwachung im Bundestag: Massive Bedenken und großes Lob 2019-02-20
[13] Tempo-Bremse, Blackbox, CO2-Kontrolle - Wie die EU die Komplettüberwachung aller Autofahrer vorantreibt 2019-05-06
[14] Diesel-Rasterfahndung: Berliner Polizei will Fahrverbot automatisiert überwachen 2019-12-02
[15] Stadtbewohner wollen Verbrenner-Verbot - Umfrage: Fast zwei Drittel wollen nicht aufs Auto verzichten 2019-02-04
[16] Umfrage: Für 27,7 Prozent ist Autoverzicht denkbar 2019-02-04
[18] Fridays for Future - Forderungen
[19] CO2-Steuer und Abschaltung der Kohlekraft - "Fridays for Future" stellt erstmals konkrete Forderungen an die Politik 2019-04-08
[20] "Fridays for Future" - Streikende Schüler nennen ihre Forderungen 2019-04-08
[21] Kohleenergie – Wie schaffen wir den Ausstieg? 2018-09-20
[22] Konzept der Regierungskommission - Das sind die Folgen des Kohleausstiegs 2019-01-26
[23] KLIMASCHUTZ : Bundesregierung lässt CO2-Abgabe prüfen 2019-03-29
[24] Klimaschutz - Europa-Spitzenkandidat Timmermans plädiert für CO2-Steuer 2019-04-29
[25] EU-Wahl: Timmermans fordert europaweite CO2-Steuer 2019-04-29
[26] Klimawandel : EU-Kommissar wirbt für europaweite CO2-Steuer 2019-04-29
[27] EU-Spitzenkandidaten im TV-Duell - Angriffslustiger Timmermans trifft auf moderaten Weber 2019-05-08
[28] IWF spricht sich für weltweite CO2-Steuer aus 2019-05-04
[29] Klimaschutz - Grünenspitze will CO2-Emissionen per Grundgesetz reduzieren 2019-05-08
[30] CSU-Chef Söder fordert europaweite Klima-Maut 2019-06-24
[31] Klimaschutz - Scheuer will zehn Millionen Elektroautos - bis 2030 2019-06-25
[32] CDU-Politiker fordern allgemeine CO?-Abgabe 2019-06-08
[33] Liberale CDU-Mitglieder - „Union der Mitte“ legt eigenes Klimaschutzkonzept vor und fordert CO2-Abgabe 2019-06-08
[34] Heizöl und Kraftstoffe - Umweltbundesamt fordert CO2-Aufschlag 2019-06-30
[35] Mehr Klimaschutz - Kabinett beschließt CO2-Preis auf Sprit und Heizöl 2019-10-23
[36] Grafiken: Alle Ängste im Überblick 2018
[37] ARD-Deutschlandtrend : Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt CO2-Steuer ab 2019-05-02
[38] Vor allem Ältere lehnen eine CO2-Steuer ab 2019-05-10
[39] DIW-Studie - CO2-Preis trifft Geringverdiener 2019-10-17
[40] Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt CO2-Steuer ab 2019-05-10
[41] Infografik der Woche - Bitte, nehmt meinen Strom! Ich zahl auch dafür! 2016-05-13
[42] Negative Strompreise - Deutschland verschenkt Strom-Millionen an Frankreich – auf Kosten der Verbraucher 2018-01-17
Environmental Protection , Manufacturing Consent
Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg have achieved great fame and popularity. Their demands have already been repeated and adopted by the press and politicians. In fact there are several people in the background with their own agenda.
On top of that comes the attention Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg get are missing when it comes to the consequences and the scientific backgrounds. On the one hand lower and middle income groups in particular face the costs of driving bans and a possible CO2-tax. On the other hand the debate is missing statistics and scientific backgrounds that show the opposite. As the debates around Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg and the emissions from vehicles converge reviewing the background and dynamics is needed.
- Who is behind Greta Thunberg
- What is behind Fridays for Future
- Fridays for Future and the Donations
- Fridays for Future, Ronja Thein, Louis Motaal and Plant-for-the-Planet
- Fridays for Future, Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Club of Rome
- Club of Rome
- Conclusion
- Who is behind Extinction Rebellion
- What is Extinction Rebellion
- Who funds Extinction Rebellion
- Were Demonstrators paid by Extinction Rebellion
- What is the actual Reach and Popularity of Extinction Rebellion
- The Emissions Hysteria Industry
Who is behind Greta Thunberg
According their own account and according to the co-organizer Miriam Eichelbaum Fridays for Future is independent and independent. Fridays for Future was born out of nothing, is independent and not tied to any organization. In fact the movement has received a lot of attention within a very short time and not least because of the quality and quantity of its coverage. In addition Fridays for Future enjoys great support from the press and praise from various politicians. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]On closer examination however there are several people in the background with their own agenda. This background is the story of company executives whose success is rising parallel to the prominence of Greta Thunberg and her useful children.
Felix Finkbeiner
Felix Finkbeiner was just 12 years old when he promoted the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation with great support from his father Frithjof Finkbeiner. Felix Finkbeiner traveled around the world and kept talking in which he advertised the planting of trees. The idea is that trees bind CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. [6] [7] [8] [9]In 2010 one million trees were reportedly planted in Germany alone. This is how Felix Finkbeiner became an icon in 2009. [6] [7] [8] [9]
And parallels to Greta Thunberg are already obvious. In addition Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation are already behind the Fridays for Future demonstrations. [6] [7] [8] [9] See:
Frithjof Finkbeiner , Plant-for-the-Planet
The Dynamic
And just as Felix Finkbeiner became famous as a child as skillfully Greta Thunberg is currently in the media coverage. In May 2018 Greta Thunberg won a competition on environmental policy articles by the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. And after her text was published several people contacted her and then at least one person proposed a school strike. [10] [11] [12]And on August 20, 2018 Greta Thunberg should then have decided to start with her school strike for the climate (Skolstrejk för Klimatet) in front of the Swedish parliament. So Greta Thunberg is officially the founder of the ongoing school strikes with the name Fridays for Future. It has been proven that Greta Thunberg started to demonstrate on her own officially because other students didn't want to participate. [10] [11] [12]
Striking is that participants of the Fridays for Future demonstrations are almost only children. For the organizers it is certainly easier to use children with less life experience for their own purposes and to convince them. That's why one should be careful with every criticism of the children.
In addition Greta Thunberg demands for people to have fear and to panic but press and politicians do not advise against fear and panic as advisors as usual. The usual rules do not seem to apply to either Fridays for Future or Greta Thunberg. Thus it would would be at least naively to assume that there are no merciless opinion makers and influential stakeholders behind it.
Ingmar Rentzhog
After Greta Thunberg won the competition for environmental policy articles of the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet in May 2018 she was contacted by Ingmar Rentzhog. After Greta Thunberg demonstrated just a week before the Swedish parliament Rentzhog photographed them and spread the image via Facebook. Thus Rentzhog Greta Thunberg has helped to raise awareness. [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]Rentzhog is a Swedish entrepreneur, runs the company "We do not have time" and was named Environmental Influencer of the Year in 2018. "We do not have time" is a social network whose goal is to connect environmental activists with each other. With the claim to have discovered Greta Thunberg Rentzhog was successfuly raised around one million euros in new capital. [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]
Rentzhog continued to contact Greta Thunberg after the meeting in the Swedish Parliament. Rentzhog invited her later to become a counselor for the foundation behind "We do not have time". [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]
It must have been a surreal scene when the professional entrepreneur and environmental influencer by chance came to know the future icon of an environmental movement. Both however repeatedly stated that they had no previous contact. And in February 2019 "We do not have time" announced in a press release that Greta Thunberg had left her seat as advisor to the foundation. [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
The Thunbergs and the Money
With her behavior Greta Thunberg became prominent and has found at least thousands of imitators. But she also has prominent parents herself. Her mother is the opera singer Malena Ernman. Malena Ernman also published the book "Scener ur hjärtat" (Scenes from the Heart) in which she describes the situation with her two daughters with autism diagnosis and is selling increasingly better. Greta Thunberg herself says that she can devote hours and days to a special interest and in her case is called man-made climate change. [11] [18] [19] [20] Her father is the entrepreneur actor and producer Svante Thunberg. Svante Thunberg is chairman of the two joint stock companies Ernman Production AB and Northern Grace AB. Interestingly share prices of the two companies are skyrocketing parallel to the prominence of Greta Thunberg. [18] [19] [20] [21]Conclusion
It turns out that at least several people are in the background and have their own agenda. So one should be careful before binding one to the fate of Fridays for Future or Greta Thunberg or falling into the commanded fear or panic. Greta Thunberg plays the intended role almost perfectly. How much she herself understands about the scientific background can be observed by listening to her talk about the transparent and colorless gas carbon dioxide (CO2) that is more dense than air.Greta gehört zu den wenigen, die unsere Kohlendioxide mit bloßem Auge erkennen können. Sie sieht, wie die Treibhausgase aus unseren Schornsteinen strömen, mit dem Wind in den Himmel steigen und die Atmosphäre in eine gigantische unsichtbare Müllhalde verwandeln. Sie ist das Kind, wir sind der Kaiser. Und wir sind alle nackt. [22]Furthermore one should not ignore the special dynamics. The special dynamics of a movement full of children and adolescents with overwhelming media support. The participants deserve different degrees of compassion for their fear and panic. And they deserve to be treated according to their parental care.
Greta is one of the few who can detect our carbon dioxide with the naked eye. She sees the greenhouse gases pouring out of our chimneys, rising to the sky with the wind and transforming the atmosphere into a gigantic invisible rubbish dump. She is the child, we are the emperor. And we are all naked.
However a special role should go to the press. Especially in the context of the accusation of fake news and manufacturing of consent the press should practice self-criticism. The demonstrations may be the perfect projection for green and left journalists. Especially as half of the journalists choose the green and left parties. The task of the press however is to say what is. [24,S.18]
Das hab’ ich in meinen fünf Jahren bei der BBC in London gelernt: Distanz halten, sich nicht gemein machen mit einer Sache, auch nicht mit einer guten, nicht in öffentliche Betroffenheit versinken, im Umgang mit Katastrophen cool bleiben, ohne kalt zu sein. Nur so schaffst du es, dass die Zuschauer dir vertrauen, dich zu einem Familienmitglied machen, dich jeden Abend einschalten und dir zuhören. [24]
That I learned during my five years at the BBC in London: Keeping a distance, not to ally with one thing, not even with a good one, not to sink into affliction in public, stay cool in dealing with disasters without being cold. That's the only way you can get viewers to trust you, to make you a family member, so they look at you at every night and listen to you.
[1] Fridays For Future - Über uns
[2] Potsdamer Schüler streiken für besseren Klimaschutz 2019-01-21
[3] "Eine Bewegung, die nur uns gehört" - Potsdamer Schüler streiken erneut fürs Klima 2019-02-14
[4] Fürstenwalde/Spree - Schülerin verteidigt Demos für Klimaschutz 2019-02-23
[5] Miriam Eichelbaum, Mitorganisatorin "Fridays For Future" in Potsdam 2018-03-11
[6] ENVIRONMENT - Germany's youngest climate campaigner envisions greener future 2009-06-04
[7] Klimaschutz - Klein Finkbeiner rettet die Welt 2009-12-10
[8] FELIX FINKBEINER : Ein Junge für eine Million Bäume 2010-01-04
[9] ENVIRONMENT - A million trees and counting - German boy activist fights climate change 2010-06-21
[10] GRETA THUNBERG : Die Welt, wie sie ihr gefällt 2019-02-12
[11] Interview - Greta Thunberg, schoolgirl climate change warrior: ‘Some people can let things go. I can’t’ 2019-03-11
[12] School Strike for Climate: Meet 15-Year-Old Activist Greta Thunberg, Who Inspired a Global Movement 2018-12-11
[13] In English: Swedish start-up used Greta Thunberg to bring in millions 2019-02-09
[14] Auslandsjournal - Die Sendung vom 6. Februar 2019
[15] Start-up used teen climate activist to raise millions: Swedish paper 2019-02-09
[16] Greta Thunberg kommerziell ausgenutzt - Aktivistin als Werbefigur 2019-02-10
[17] We Don’t Have Time rejects accusations of exploiting Greta Thunberg but apologizes for miscommunication 2019-02-10
[18] Interview - "Es müsste höchste Priorität haben!" 2018-12-02
[19] GRETA THUNBERG : Die Welt, wie sie ihr gefällt 2018-12-02
[20] Sie ist 15 und spricht Klartext in Sachen Klimawandel: Wer ist Greta Thunberg? 2018-12-17
[21] Merinfo: Svante Thunberg
[24] Cool bleiben, nicht kalt 1995-03-27
What is behind Fridays for Future
According their own account and according to the co-organizer Miriam Eichelbaum Fridays for Future is independent and independent. Fridays for Future was born out of nothing, is independent and not tied to any organization. In fact the movement has received a lot of attention within a very short time and not least because of the quality and quantity of its coverage. In addition Fridays for Future enjoys great support from the press and praise from various politicians. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]With the scale and some recurrent protagonists such as Louis Motaal, Luisa Neubauer and of course Greta Thunberg in mind the question arises who and what interests are behind the movement. Ansgar Neuhof of Tichy's Insight (Tichys Einblick) has been able to find out significant parts of the organizers of this campaign. See: Ansgar Neuhof
Fridays for Future is an offshoot planned by the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. In addition both the official Donations account of Fridays for Future and individuals belong to the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. And the demands of Fridays for Future are largely congruent with those of the Club of Rome.
- Fridays for Future and the Donations
- Fridays for Future, Ronja Thein, Louis Motaal and Plant-for-the-Planet
- Fridays for Future, Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Club of Rome
- Club of Rome
- Conclusion
Fridays for Future and the Donations
Fridays for Future relies on donations for their promotional efforts and equipment for their events. For this purpose a donation account and a dedicated donation page have been set up on the website of Fridays for Future. In addition donation certificates (donation receipts) can be issued for the donations via a contact form so that the donations can also be deducted for tax purposes. [6] [7] [8]Donation certificates (donation receipts) can only be issued by organizations under German law if they are recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). If Fridays for Future issues donation certificates (donation receipts) then these are recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). Or if Fridays for Future is tied to another tax-privileged (nonprofit) organization. [9] [10]
Fridays for Future does not exist as an independent or registered organization. And Ronja Thein is listed as responsible person in the imprint. And individuals can not issue any donation certificates (donation receipts) under German law. The website of Fridays for Future shows that the account is maintained by the Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. [6]
Das Konto wird von einer befreundeten Organisation, der Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation, betreut. So können wir sicherstellen, dass alle finanziellen Dinge vollkommen professionell erledigt werden. Dazu gehört, dass Geld nur gegen ordnungsgemäße Abrechnung ausgezahlt wird.
The account is maintained by a friendly organization the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. So we can make sure that all financial things are done in a completely professional way. This includes that money is paid only against proper billing. [6]
Fridays for Future, Ronja Thein, Louis Motaal and Plant-for-the-Planet
The donations for Fridays for Future thus go to an account of the Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. Organizations recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit) must use their donations themselves for their statutory purposes or transfer them to other organizations that are also recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). [11] The transfer of donations to private individuals would be taxpayer-funded fraud and is explicitly prohibited. [12] However it is not assumed that any violations of law exist. Fridays for Future must therefore be a separate project of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation and take place within the framework of its own Articles of Association.If Fridays for Future's statement on the management of donations are correct then this could be dangerous for Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. The Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation is unlikely to issue any donation certificates (donation receipts). The Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation may in accordance with its own Articles of Association manage trusts and other special funds in trust. But Fridays for Future is neither. [13]
Die Stiftung darf treuhänderisch Stiftungen und andere Zweckvermögen verwalten.A legal form, address, manager or spmething similar are not listed on the Fridays for Future website. The name Ronja Thein am Lorentzendamm 6-8 in Kiel is listed as a responsible person according to § 5 tele-media-law (Telemediengesetz) and § 55 broadcasting-state-law (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag). The responsible person according to § 5 tele-media-law (Telemediengesetz) and § 55 broadcasting-state-law (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag) is responsible for monitoring the content and must correct misinformation or remove illegal content. The responsible person according to § 5 tele-media-law (Telemediengesetz) and § 55 broadcasting-state-law (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag) does not have to be the managing director or responsible person of that organization. Ronja Thein could be part Fridays for Future but she does not have to. And at the address Lorentzendamm 6-8 in Kiel a cultural center named Alte Mu is located in which various projects from the left-wing spectrum but no individuals are located. [8] [14]
The foundation may manage trusts and other special funds in trust. [13]
Fridays for Future was already registered for registration with the German Patent and Trademark Office in February 2019 by Louis Motaal. There are a total of 45 classes for a registration. And the registration for Fridays for Future happened in the classes 16, 25 and 36. Classes 16 and 25 are about printed matter and clothing, while class 26 includes monetary businesses. [15] [16] [17] [17,pdf]
Louis Motaal although born in 1999 has a lot of experience as an activist. According to his vita Motaal has been working for the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation for six years (as of 2018) he spoke at the German Trade Congress, the annual meeting of the German Society of the Club of Rome and at the last German CSR Forum. Motaal also represented the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation at the UN Climate Change Conference and the Global Landscape Forum and is co-organizer of the Fridays for Future Movement. [18]
Louis Motaal, Jahrgang 1999, ist seit sechs Jahren Botschafter für Klimagerechtigkeit bei der Kinder- und Jugendinitiative Plant-for-the-Planet. Als Redner sprach er unter anderem bereits beim Deutschen Handelskongress, beim Jahrestreffen der Deutschen Gesellschaft des Club of Rome und beim vergangenen Deutschen CSR-Forum. Er vertrat Plant-for-the-Planet bei der UN-Klimakonferenz und dem Global Landscape Forum und ist Mitorganisator der Fridays for Future Bewegung.
Louis Motaal born in 1999, has been Climate Justice's ambassador to the Plant-for-the-Planet children's and youth initiative for six years. As a speaker he spoke among other things already at the German Trade Congress, the annual meeting of the German Society of the Club of Rome and the last German CSR Forum. He represented Plant-for-the-Planet at the UN Climate Change Conference and the Global Landscape Forum and is co-organizer of the Fridays for Future Movement. [18]
Fridays for Future, Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Club of Rome
The Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation includes both Karolin and Frithjof Finkbeiner. Frithjof Finkbeiner is the founder and CEO of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. [19] [20] [21]But Frithjof Finkbeiner is also co-founder and chairman of the Global Marshal Plan Foundation and Global Contract Foundation as well as chairman of the Desertec Foundation. All of these organizations either warn against the anthropogenic (manmade) climate change or earn directly from the state's promotion of sustainable energy. And the Club of Rome has been warning for decades about negative scenarios for the future that never matched reality. [22]
And then at the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation is the proposal for Fridays for Future. The idea of student strike came up at the Global Youth Summit in 2015. At the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation event they expected to make a groundbreaking impression with the school strikes. [23]
Nach ein paar Treffen mit Teilnehmern aus fünf Kontinenten wurde klar, dass ein weltweiter “Schulstreik” einen bahnbrechenden Eindruck hinterlassen wird, wenn wir Tausende – oder sogar Millionen – in ein kräftiges globales Netzwerk bringen.
After a few meetings with participants from five continents, it became clear that a worldwide "school strike" would have a groundbreaking impression, if we bring thousands - or even millions - into a strong global network. [23]
Club of Rome
The Club of Rome is an organization that includes several experts from various disciplines and claims to be committed to the sustainable future of humanity. The Club of Rome suddenly gained worldwide fame with the first report "The Limits to Growth". The report predicted a global disaster after the turn of the millennium that all important raw materials would run out or become extremely scarce as well as expensive and that humanity would perish from overpopulation lack of food and pollution. However the prices of most commodities (oil, gas and ores) have become neither extremely scarce nor unattainable and instead of starving as threatened, developing countries are experiencing a population explosion and at least in the developed world, pollution has decreased. [25] [25,pdf]Since then the Club of Rome regularly prophesies direct environmental disasters or raw material shortages and writes appropriate programs to save the world. In these, markets, consumption and economic growth are seen as the reason for the problems. On the other hand massive state intervention and new international authorities according to the specifications of the Club of Rome should help. However subsequent reports did not reach the fame of "The Limits of Growth". [24] [25] [25,pdf] [26] [26,pdf]
Meanwhile the press criticizes these prophecies of an approaching doomsday as well. Criticized again and again are the demand for the reduction of the population, the demand for economic growth of not more then 1% and a CO2 tax. Only the occasional warnings of increasing inequality may well be taken seriously. [27] [28] [29] [30]
Fridays for Future is neither self-employed nor independent. Fridays for Future was started by members of the Club of Rome and will continue to be organized by them. Parties that do not understand or deliberately hide the dynamic behind Fridays for Future do not or at least do not completely fulfill their task. And parties that blindly follow this dynamic and act against the interests of their electorate do not deserve to be elected.[1] Fridays For Future - Über uns
[2] Potsdamer Schüler streiken für besseren Klimaschutz 2019-01-21
[3] "Eine Bewegung, die nur uns gehört" - Potsdamer Schüler streiken erneut fürs Klima 2019-02-14
[4] Fürstenwalde/Spree - Schülerin verteidigt Demos für Klimaschutz 2019-02-23
[5] Miriam Eichelbaum, Mitorganisatorin "Fridays For Future" in Potsdam 2018-03-11
[6] Fridays For Future - Spenden
[7] Fridays For Future - FAQ
[8] Fridays For Future - Impressum
[9] „Ihre nächste Spendenquittung schicken wir Ihnen gerne per Mail!“ 2017-02-06
[10] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 52 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[11] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 51 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[12] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 57 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[13] Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation - Information
[15] KLIMASCHUTZBEWEGUNG - Aktivist sichert sich Markenrechte an „Fridays for Future“ 2019-04-25
[16] Auskunft zu einer Markenanmeldung 2019-05-03
[17] Klassifikation von Nizza
[19] Karolin Finkbeiner
[20] Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation - Structure
[21] Unternehmensregister Auszug
[22] Club of Rome - FINKBEINER, FRITHJOF
[23] Climate Strike
[24] Club of Rome - Reports
[25] Club of Rome - The Limits to Growth
[26] Club of Rome - Transformation is Feasible
[27] Club of Rome : Der Weltuntergang zieht sich 2012-05-08
[28] NEUER BERICHT : Die Forderungen des „Club of Rome“ 2016-09-13
[29] Zukunftsbericht - Die verquere Logik des Club of Rome 2016-09-14
[30] ENVIRONMENT - Club of Rome's new book reads like an eco manifesto 2016-09-14
Who is behind Extinction Rebellion
In the beginning was Greta Thunberg. But shortly afterwards other organizations with comparable agendas also attracted public attention. One of them is Extinction Rebellion.According to Extinction Rebellion the world is at the turning point at which its demands have to be implemented to combat man-made climate change. In public perception Extinction Rebellion is a grass-roots movement. In fact there are backers, profiteers and financiers behind Extinction Rebellion.
- What is Extinction Rebellion
- Who funds Extinction Rebellion
- Were Demonstrators paid by Extinction Rebellion
- What is the actual Reach and Popularity of Extinction Rebellion
What is Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion was founded in late October 2018. In the first year sub-organizations were formed in several countries. Extinction rebellion are calling for governments to declare a state of emergency because of man-made climate change, all designated emissions to be stopped by 2025 and a special council to be assembled that can order governments to take further action. [1] [2] [3]Extinction Rebellion has received particular attention in England. In Germany however Extinction Rebellion is overshadowed by Fridays for Future. Fridays for Future primarily focuses on peaceful demonstrations and congresses. Extinction Rebellion on the other hand relies on civil disobedience, blockages on roads or trains for example and also threatens sabotage. For this demonstrators of Extinction Rebellion were also be carried away or arrested by the police. [1] [2] [3]
Who funds Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is also backed by profiteers and financiers. One of the financiers is the organization called Climate Emergency Fund which was founded in the USA in 2019. Just like Extinction Rebellion the Climate Emergency Fund sees the world in existential danger and calls for drastic measures. [4] [5]The goal of the Climate Emergency Fund is a worldwide mobilization to the extent of World War II to combat man-made climate change. The public should be made aware of this by disrupting everyday life. And the Climate Emergency Fund wants to collect money primarily from billionaires to support activists and organizations with a corresponding agenda. [4] [5]
" CEF recognizes that this is a critical moment to support activist movements to demand change. We believe that only a peaceful planet-wide mobilization on the scale of World War II will give us a chance to avoid the worst-case scenarios and restore a safe climate. We believe this moment requires large scale disruption through the legal expression of first amendment rights and non-violent direct action. The disruption of everyday life and perceived normal reality is necessary to create a conversation on the climate and ecological crisis. It is not convenient, but it is necessary. "And this Climate Emergency Fund is funding Extinction Rebellion. This Climate Emergency Fund has already donated 500,000 Pound to Extinction Rebellion and the Climate Mobilization organization. Climate Mobilization also practices the comparisons with World War II. And the founder of the Climate Emergency Fund Trevor Neilson announced in 2019 that he wants to collect hundreds of times that money within weeks or months. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
Climate Emergency Fund []n-hoecke-holocaust-mahnmal-100.html">[2]
Among the donors are among others Aileen Getty the granddaughter of the oil tycoon Joan Paul Getty, the filmmaker, niece of John F. Kennedy and daughter of Robert Kennedy Rory Kennedy. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] And the founder of the Climate Emergency Fund Neilson has good contacts and an impressive CV. Together with Howard Buffett the grandson of multi-billionaire Warren Buffett Neilson is the head of i (x) investments. And the focus of i(x) investments is into sustainable energies and the reuse of carbon. [15] Neilson was the director of the Global Business Coalition an association of over 200 companies. [16] Neilson was a co-founder and director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [17] And Neilson worked in the White House under President Bill Clinton (D) for the lobby and campaign organization One. [18]
Were Demonstrators paid by Extinction Rebellion
It is striking that at Extinction Rebellion demonstrators who have time even during rush hour and financially strong donors come together. This combination raises the question of whether the second presupposes the first. As a result there was an allegation that Extinction Rebellion paid demonstrators.In fact this allegation has already been confirmed. In October 2019 British newspapers reported that Extinction Rebellion's internal documents documented such payments. Accordingly over 70,000 Pound was paid out over a four month period and 200,000 Pound at the start of a group. [19] [20] [21]
Extinction Rebellion confirmed the authenticity of the documents by defending the payments. In it Extinction Rebellion defends the payments that these are just allowances. Furthermore these allowances are to allow the respective people to dedicate themselves to Extinction Rebellion. [19] [20] [21]
What is the actual Reach and Popularity of Extinction Rebellion
Any demonstration and financial support for a public campaign must be measured against the reach and popularity achieved. Indeed Extinction Rebellion has made it into the media. In addition the reporting is largely benevolent. In order to check whether this also reaches the population the searches for Extinction Rebellion and those for CO2 were compared with the searches for local soccer associations.In Germany the search queries for "CO2 Bilanz" and "Extinction Rebellion" are just comparable to those for the "Oberliga Niedersachsen". In addition there are only 8 million people in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and 83 million in Germany. [22] In Great Britain the search queries for "CO2 Emissions" and "Extinction Rebellion" are at least comparable to those for the "National League South". And almost 24 million live in the region concerned and 68 million in Great Britain. [23] In Sweden the searches for "CO2-utsläpp" and "Extinction Rebellion" are comparable to those for "Division 1 Södra" and "Division 1 Norra". Division 1 Södra and Division 1 Norra are the third highest division in Swedish football. [24]
In addition to the average search queries for "Extinction Rebellion" individual dates stand out. The first time for Great Britain and Sweden is April 15, 2019 when Extinction Rebellion caused a sensation for the first time and held demonstrations in London at critical transport hubs. The second time for Great Britain only is on July 13, and 14, 2019 when extinction rebellion brought traffic to a standstill in several locations. The third time for Germany, Great Britain and Sweden is from October 11, to 17, 2019 when extinction rebellion came into conflict with one of their actions with commuters. [22] [23] [24]
The Emissions Hysteria Industry
The Deadlock
Greta Thunberg and her German equivalent Luisa Neubauer have gained great fame and popularity. But the public debate is in a loop in which anxiety and panic are preached. Questions on environmental and energy policy deal less and less that and more and more when action is to be taken. The quiet opposition to this formed as complete rejection and competition for the best ideas does not come about.Much more the measures desired by one side are reinterpreted. Both sides are obviously and primarily interested in having the sovereignty about the interpretation. In doing so they regularly act like children who put their fingers in their ears and do not want to listen anymore. However this does not do justice to the topic or the offices of the politicians involved.
The shortcomings of the debate for the lower and middle income groups weigh particularly heavily. A concept for socially responsible measures which deserves this predicate does not exist. This sheds a bright light on the political will and capabilities of one half of the political spectrum.
What is Missing
Because of the debate about emissions from internal combustion engines decisions such as driving bans have already been taken. Incineration of hydrocarbons (CxHy) inevitably produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are natural products of that combustion. Depending on the fuel, the process and the treatment of the exhaust gases harmful combustion products such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (CxHy) and fine particles are produced.In Germany particulate matter emissions have fallen by 50% (PM2.5) and 40% (PM10) since 1995 respectively. [pm25] [pm25,alt] [pm10] [pm10,alt] Nitrogen oxide emissions in Germany have fallen by 60% since 1990. [NOx] [NOx,alt] Since sulfur-containing fuels are increasingly not being used sulfur dioxide emissions in Germany have fallen by 95% since 1990. [SOx] [SOx,alt] See:
[STEM] The Emissions Hysteria Industry - The Basics
With carbon dioxide (CO2) the situation is even more complicated. The current fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth's atmosphere is about 400 ppm (0.04% volume fraction). The historical fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth's atmosphere is controversial, but the assumption that it was about 280 ppm (0.028% volume fraction) (about 1880) is common. In addition to man-made there are also natural emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) such as seas as the solubility of gases in liquids is inversely proportional to the temperature. The man-made share is even more controversial.
The external factors on the climate of the earth are completely neglected. The earth is heated by the sun a fusion reactor that is thousands of times heavier and bigger in size than the earth whose activity is not constant but is described by the Gleißberg cycles. Since the sun is a fusion reactor any experimental setup in which the sun is simulated by a candle, lamp or else is useless because the emission spectrums are different. In addition the distance between the Earth and the Sun is not constant but is described by the Milankovic cycles.
And a presumed scientific consensus of 97% does not change these uncertainties and disturbances. Because science is not a democracy but the search for the truth and not the opinion of the majority. These uncertainties and disturbances in the debate should either be taken serious or be invalidated but should in any case be addressed.
Completely detached from facts do work the news. The news read like prophecies of an incoming doomsday. This exemplifies the media failure in the preparation of scientific topics.- "Air pollution kills millions of people every year" (Luftverschmutzung tötet jährlich Millionen Menschen) [1]
- "Too much dirt in the air and water - 9 million deaths from pollution" (Zu viel Dreck in Luft und Wasser - 9 Millionen Tote durch Umweltverschmutzung) [2]
- "Particulate matter causes nine million premature deaths worldwide" (Feinstaub verursacht neun Millionen vorzeitige Todesfälle weltweit) [3]
Harmful combustion products such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (CxHy) and fine particles such as soot (C) are hazardous. But only for that people do not die. Epidemiology thus compares the damage to health with an equivalent number of deaths.
However the results can be influenced or even superimposed by different confounding factors. When assessing harmful combustion products other factors such as a significantly different proportion of smokers or weather conditions can affect the incidence of illness or death much more than differences in air quality.
Driving Bans
Although emissions of particulate matter nitrous oxide (SO2) and sulfur dioxide (NO2) have fallen driving bans were and are imposed on vehicles with a specific emissions standard. It inevitably raises the question of who has an interest in preventing already sold vehicles from driving. But company cars and vehicles of persons who depend on them for personal or professional reason must be purchased again in order to meet the required emission standards. Driving bans on vehicles with a specific emission standard are thus de facto a buying incentive for new vehicles.Incidentally the vehicles are sold to Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In Romania for example the number of registered used diesel cars increased by more than 31,000 between 2017 and 2018. And according to a market survey of used car dealer AAA Auto 63% of the imported and used cars in the Czech Republic come from Germany and 60% of the imported and used cars have a diesel engine. It are these vehicles that need to be bought new. [4] [5]
A special role is played here by the German Environmental Aid (deutsche Umwelthilfe/DUH). The German environmental aid (deutsche Umwelthilfe/DUH) files legal complains for driving bans regarding the emission limits and has already reached them in several German cities. For one thing it has been recognized as charitable since its foundation which is why it is tax-advantaged. [6] [7] In addition it is financially supported and received a total of 9,717,098 Euros from 2014 to 2019 in tax money. [8,p.33] This collaboration of the German Federal Government with the German Environmental Aid (deutsche Umwelthilfe/DUH) recalls the introduction of the Riester pension. At that time people were sold a product in favor of the insurance industry without need. [9]
In addition the plans to control driving bans are a major extension of surveillance methods. There is still no nationwide control of driving bans. But according to the plans of the German Federal Government at least the number plate and the image of the driver should be recorded and stored. For this purpose the data should be collected automatically. And this would result in surveillance cameras. [10] [11] [12] [13] In December 2019 the Berlin police even explicitly requested the use of license plate scanners to temporarily and automatically monitor the traffic in the designated zones with cameras. [14]
According to a survey however it would be conceivable for only 27.7% to abandon their vehicle for environmental protection. For 63.9% however it would rather not be possible or in no case conceivable to abandon their vehicle for environmental protection. [15] [16]
Fridays for Future
Fridays for Future is an offshoot planned by the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. In addition both the official Donations account of Fridays for Future and individuals belong to the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. And the demands of Fridays for Future are largely congruent with those of the Club of Rome. See:Fridays for Future
In February 2019 representatives of Fridays for Future published concrete demands on German politics. According to their own statements the demands were worked out in nationwide working groups and in consultation with scientists. The stated goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 ° Celsius. [17] [18] [18,pdf] [19] [20]
- Germany should achieve a net zero in the greenhouse gas balance by 2035. (release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as absorbed)
- Germany should get out of coal energy by 2030.
- Germany is to be 100% supplied with sustainable energy by 2035.
- Germany should end subsidies for fossil fuels by the end of 2019.
- Germany is to be shut down by the end of 2019 a quarter of all coal-fired power plants.
- In addition Germany is to be introduced a CO2 tax by the end of 2019.
Particular importance comes to a possible CO2-tax. The demand for a CO2 tax and the like gained more and more momentum with Fridays for Future. There was a veritable competition for the harshest sanctions and laws. And until the EU election in May 2019 The Green-Party offered to be the panacea. However the time of the demise of the world is always the same date as the date of the next election.- March 2019: The German federal government considers a CO2 pricing for fuel for example. [23]
- April 2019: The top candidate of the Social Democrats in the European Parliament Frans Timmermans calls for a Europe-wide CO2 tax. [24] [25] [26] [27]
- May 2019: The directors of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Christine Lagarde consider a worldwide CO2-tax necessary. [28]
- May 2019: The party leader of The Green-Party Annalena Baerbock wants to reduce CO2 emissions with the constitution. For this purpose each new law is to be checked for its CO2 emissions. [29]
- June 2019: The party leader of the CSU Markus Söder calls for a Europe-wide toll to reduce CO2 emissions and for ten million registered electric cars in Germany by 2030. [30] [31]
- June 2019: The Union of the Middle within the CDU calls for a general CO2-tax because of the loss to the The Green-Party in the EU election. [32] [33]
- June 2019: The Federal Environment Agency demands a CO2-tax for heating oil and fuels. [34]
- October 2019: A bill has been passed for a new price for CO2 to make heating and fuel more expensive. From 2021 to 2025 the price per ton of CO2 is to rise from 10 to 35 Euros. This would mean that diesel and heating oil would be about 4 to 15 cents per liter and petrol 4 to 14 cents per liter more expensive. [35]
At the latest here caution is advised since a general consumption tax hits the small and middle income groups the hardest while the upper income groups can simply buy themselves free of the consequences. Strangely in the debate about a CO2 tax there is no offer for the small and medium-income groups which are the majority of the electorate. Leftists and social democrats also neglect the interests of their electorate. Both neither demand a wealth tax nor a tax reduction of less CO2 intensive energy sources instead of a CO2 tax. Instead the additional burden and its consequences are reinterpreted as good, right and important.
In addition there is little or no debate about the use of the revenue from a CO2-tax. The utmost would be a misappropriation for an increase in defense spending or a reduction in property tax as done in France. This is exactly what triggered the demonstrations of the yellow west (Gilets Jaunes).
In October 2019 the DIW (Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung/German Institute for Economic Research) criticized the ruling coalition's plans. In particular the pricing of CO2 was criticized because it mainly affects lower and middle income groups. And lower and middle income groups are even more burdened than higher income groups. [39]
At least one could argue for new investments in the German energy industry. Germany has to pay regularly to sell its own surplus of electricity abroad. The reason for this is that the power supply from solar and wind energy are simply not constant and this noise only increases with more plants. This means that on days when a lot of energy is generated from solar and wind energy the price drops too much. However these additional costs of the providers are paid by the consumers which is the electorate of the Left and Social Democrats. Therefore it now requires storage methods instead of more solar and wind energy plants. [40] [41]
In the background of Fridays for Future and Greta Thunberg are several people with their own agenda. At least driving bans and a CO2-tax are provoked by this manufacturing of consent but without giving the scientific backgrounds space in the public debate. On the one hand the driving bans cause additional surveillance measures to enforce and control of the driving bans. On the other hand driving bans enforce new purchases at least for those who rely on their vehicles for personal or professional reasons.A general consumption tax in the form of a CO2-tax would hit the lower and middle income groups the most. And alternative options are rarely or not debated. The additional burden and its consequences are instead reinterpreted as good, right and important. And there is little or no debate about the use of revenue from a carbon tax. With their approval driving bans and a CO2 tax are already suitable for making left and social democrats even less popular among their electorate.
[pm25] Emission von Feinstaub der Partikelgröße PM2,5 2018-07-30
[pm10] Emission von Feinstaub der Partikelgröße PM10 2018-07-30
[NOx] Stickstoffoxid-Emissionen 2018-07-30
[SOx] Schwefeldioxid-Emissionen 2018-07-30
[1] Luftverschmutzung tötet jährlich Millionen Menschen 2019-10-20
[2] Zu viel Dreck in Luft und Wasser - 9 Millionen Tote durch Umweltverschmutzung 2019-10-20
[3] Feinstaub verursacht neun Millionen vorzeitige Todesfälle weltweit 2019-01-20
[4] Diesel-Weiterverkauf nach Osteuropa - "Wir fahren hier noch ungestört" 2019-01-28
[5] Viele alte Diesel aus Deutschland landen in Osteuropa 2019-01-28
[6] BGH-Urteil - Vor dem obersten Gericht erringt die Umwelthilfe einen wichtigen Sieg 2019-04-26
[7] Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe – ein "Abmahnverein"? 2019-03-06
[8] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Karlheinz Busen, Frank Sitta, Dr. Gero Clemens Hocker, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion der FDP – Drucksache 19/8870 – 2019-04-29
[9] sr 2008 die rentenluegner rentenangst der kampf um die altersvorsorge
[10] Nach Urteilen zu Fahrverboten - Regierung will Kameraüberwachung: Wie Diesel kontrolliert werden sollen 2018-11-20
[11] Datenschützer alarmiert - Fahrverbote sollen per Videoüberwachung kontrolliert werden 2018-11-17
[12] Fahrverbot-Überwachung im Bundestag: Massive Bedenken und großes Lob 2019-02-20
[13] Tempo-Bremse, Blackbox, CO2-Kontrolle - Wie die EU die Komplettüberwachung aller Autofahrer vorantreibt 2019-05-06
[14] Diesel-Rasterfahndung: Berliner Polizei will Fahrverbot automatisiert überwachen 2019-12-02
[15] Stadtbewohner wollen Verbrenner-Verbot - Umfrage: Fast zwei Drittel wollen nicht aufs Auto verzichten 2019-02-04
[16] Umfrage: Für 27,7 Prozent ist Autoverzicht denkbar 2019-02-04
[18] Fridays for Future - Forderungen
[19] CO2-Steuer und Abschaltung der Kohlekraft - "Fridays for Future" stellt erstmals konkrete Forderungen an die Politik 2019-04-08
[20] "Fridays for Future" - Streikende Schüler nennen ihre Forderungen 2019-04-08
[21] Kohleenergie – Wie schaffen wir den Ausstieg? 2018-09-20
[22] Konzept der Regierungskommission - Das sind die Folgen des Kohleausstiegs 2019-01-26
[23] KLIMASCHUTZ : Bundesregierung lässt CO2-Abgabe prüfen 2019-03-29
[24] Klimaschutz - Europa-Spitzenkandidat Timmermans plädiert für CO2-Steuer 2019-04-29
[25] EU-Wahl: Timmermans fordert europaweite CO2-Steuer 2019-04-29
[26] Klimawandel : EU-Kommissar wirbt für europaweite CO2-Steuer 2019-04-29
[27] EU-Spitzenkandidaten im TV-Duell - Angriffslustiger Timmermans trifft auf moderaten Weber 2019-05-08
[28] IWF spricht sich für weltweite CO2-Steuer aus 2019-05-04
[29] Klimaschutz - Grünenspitze will CO2-Emissionen per Grundgesetz reduzieren 2019-05-08
[30] CSU-Chef Söder fordert europaweite Klima-Maut 2019-06-24
[31] Klimaschutz - Scheuer will zehn Millionen Elektroautos - bis 2030 2019-06-25
[32] CDU-Politiker fordern allgemeine CO?-Abgabe 2019-06-08
[33] Liberale CDU-Mitglieder - „Union der Mitte“ legt eigenes Klimaschutzkonzept vor und fordert CO2-Abgabe 2019-06-08
[34] Heizöl und Kraftstoffe - Umweltbundesamt fordert CO2-Aufschlag 2019-06-30
[35] Mehr Klimaschutz - Kabinett beschließt CO2-Preis auf Sprit und Heizöl 2019-10-23
[36] Grafiken: Alle Ängste im Überblick 2018
[37] ARD-Deutschlandtrend : Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt CO2-Steuer ab 2019-05-02
[38] Vor allem Ältere lehnen eine CO2-Steuer ab 2019-05-10
[39] DIW-Studie - CO2-Preis trifft Geringverdiener 2019-10-17
[40] Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt CO2-Steuer ab 2019-05-10
[41] Infografik der Woche - Bitte, nehmt meinen Strom! Ich zahl auch dafür! 2016-05-13
[42] Negative Strompreise - Deutschland verschenkt Strom-Millionen an Frankreich – auf Kosten der Verbraucher 2018-01-17
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