[Foreign Policy] Denmark - The Foreign Policy Changes due to Migration 2024-06-03

Like many other European countries Denmark has recently experienced massive migration and the simultaneous rise of at least one right-wing party. But only Denmark has experienced a shrinking of the same right-wing spectrum on this scale. The Danish Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne/S) we're scoring within a narrow range during this time.

2011: 24,8 % 2015: 26,3 % 2019: 25,9 % 2022: 27,6 %

The anti-immigration Danish People's Party (Dansk Folkeparti/DF) on the other hand experienced a steep rise over the same period. What is particularly special is its gradual decline after 2015.

2011: 12,3 % 2015: 21,1 % 2019: 8,7 % 2022: 2,6 %

The peak of asylum applications and admitted refugees was reached in 2015. At the same time 2015 marks the reversal from more accepted asylum applications then rejected to more rejected than accepted asylum applications. And 2016 marked the peak of rejected applications. [1]

In Denmark however the policies that led to this change are being commenced by the Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne/S).

Even though Denmark did not join the Dublin III Agreement in 2013 most EU member states can be compared with Denmark. Crucial with this is that an asylum application must be submitted in the first EU member state that is entered. And assuming that the main routes run through the Mediterranean and the Balkans asylum applications would have to be made mainly in Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece. Excepted from this are unaccompanied asylum seekers with relatives in a specific member state. And as long as asylum is the search for protection rather than a certain standard of living this should only apply to a small proportion. [2]

The population of Denmark grew slightly but steadily from 5.6 to 5.9 million inhabitants from 2011 to 2022. The small country recorded over 20,000 asylum applications and almost 10,000 accepted asylum applications at its peak for both numbers in 2015. This corresponds to around 4 % or around 1.5 % of Denmakrs total population. [1]

As a result of the policy change the Conditions have been created to reduce these numbers. For this purpose and among other things the list of safe countries of origin has been expanded. In the case of Syria parts of the country instead of its entirety were declared safe. As a result asylum seekers migrated to Denmark's neighboring countries. [3] [4] [5]

The foreign policy approach and the conditions for rejecting asylum applications and deporting asylum seekers are often presented as impossible to imitate. The explanation for this is that Denmark has not signed the Dublin III Agreement. However the designation of countries of origin as safe or not is not the subject of this agreement. Such criticism can therefore be rejected. [3] [4] [6]

In addition to the previous conditions Denmark is creating additional ones in cooperation with neighboring countries. In 2023 ministers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland agreed on a common approach. Migration and deportation officers from these states shall meet regularly to agree on how to proceed. Joint flights to the countries of origin are to be organized together with the EU border protection agency Frontex. In addition people stranded in North Africa should be able to voluntarily return to their home countries. This is not a solution at EU level but it is a solution nonetheless. [7]

[1] Asylanträge ausländischer Flüchtlinge in Dänemark
[2] Regulation (EU) No 604/2013
[3] "Dänisches Modell": Warum Deutschland den dänischen Migrationskurs nicht kopieren kann 2023-10-23
[4] Europas strengste Asylpolitik - Wie Dänemark seine Flüchtlingszahlen gesenkt hat 2023-09-23
[5] Dänemark weist syrische Flüchtlinge aus 2021-04-13
[6] Asylpolitik in Dänemark - Harte Gangart mit Signalwirkung 2023-09-28
[7] Strikterer Migrationskurs - Treffen in Kopenhagen – Nordländer wollen Zusammenarbeit bei Abschiebungen stärken 2023-11-01
