[Domestic Policy] Against the Right - How the German Government orchestrates Demonstrations 2024-02-26
On January 10, 2024 and thus only two days after the national demonstrations of farmers in Germany Correctiv published its research on a meeting on deportations and alleged right-wing extremists.
In here the german language offers synonyms for deportations where deportations is a negatively connotated one.
It describes how members of the AfD and the CDU met in November 2023.
In fact a lecture by the Austrian Martin Sellner about the legal deportation of foreigners was held.
In addition the possibilities of an implementation of that were discussed.
Correctiv used the negatively occupied term deportation in its own description. Shortly after the publication it was admitted that the term deportation was not used in the meeting. Furthermore the meeting was compared to the Wannsee Conference of the Nazis just because both took place in Potsdam. [1] [1, 2024-01-10] [2]
It looks like this is a planned campaign. This can be proven by the fact that the Berlin Ensemble has held a scenic reading that supposedly reenacted the meeting. And the theater was informed about the events in December 2023. [3]
Why did Correctiv waited for the release and previously informed others is not public knowledge. But one of the listed authors namely Jean Peters provides an indication of the procedure. The latter acknowledged on his website not to be an impartial journalist but an activist.
Correctiv has an entry with a supposed overview of its own financing. At the moment there are no entries on any financing by the German state. But as of January 12, 2024 it stood on its own side that in 2022 a total of 361,784.69 euros was contributed from the regional fund of North-Rhine-Westphalia and thus from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. And that the city of Halle has contributed 102,176.02 euros. [6] [6, 2024-01-12] [6, 2024-01-30]
As of January 30, 2024 it stood on its own side that in 2023 a total of 431,059.85 euros was contributed from the German federal government. And that the fund of North-Rhine-Westphalia has contributed 145,338.00 euros. The question arises as to why the German State co-financed Correctiv. In addition these entries have now been removed. Correctiv therefore lies about its own financing. [6] [6, 2024-01-30]
Correctiv writes that plans were made to undermine or attack the Basic Law the German constitution. How much truth is in these claims can be seen from the fact that no criminal complaint was filed due to the meeting. It is also claimed that the meeting was secret. Measures to maintain confidentiality that would prove this are not provided anywhere. And in a statement Correctiv itself writes that the invitations were only private. [1] [2] CDU member Ulrich Vosgerau now tries to get an injunction due to its representation by Correctiv. [8] [9]
The plans and the word deportations with its negative connotation are essentially a result of an obvious campaign and not suspicious alone. Correctiv indicates that the specific word deportations were not used by the participants themselves. [2] In addition the SPD and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) repeatedly expressed and agreed with the same. At the end of 2023 the SPD decided that the German passport should be withdrawn if the people are identified as antisemites. [10]
[13] [14]
The demonstrations were similarly natural and instead staged. Throughout January a total of 90 people were interviewed and filmed who are members of the federal government's parties or its foundations but were not identified as such. These include Rolf Lutzke (SPD) Brandenburg, Carsten Peters (The Greens) Hiltrup, Doreen Fragel (The Greens), Lea Fischer (The Greens) and Susanne Stobbe (The Greens). And with Hadija Haruna-Oelker the public broadcaster ARD even interviewed her own employee without identifying her as such. [15] [16]
The reason for this staging could also be found in the loss of trust in the governing parties. Since the beginning of the pandemic confidence in the political institutions has sunk in conversely proportion to income. The lower income layers have lost more trust than the upper income layers. The focus of the problems is the migration policy and its consequences. Migration causes more people to compete for limited resources such as jobs, housing and social welfare. In the process, the equilibrium price for work is falling, living space is becoming scarcer and therefore more expensive and the costs of social assistance are rising. [17] [18]
[1] NEUE RECHTE - Geheimplan gegen Deutschland 2024-01-10
[2] NEUE RECHTE - „Geheimplan“-Recherche: Fragen und Antworten 2024-01-19
[3] Die Methode Böhmermann: Wieso führte Correctiv die Recherche als szenische Lesung auf? 2024-02-06
[4] Jean Peters 2024-02-04
[5] „Correctiv“-Mitarbeiter fiel mit Gewalt gegen AfD-Politikerin auf 2024-01-30
[6] Correctiv - Transparente Finanzen
[7] Wer aus der CDU beim rechtsextremen „Geheimtreffen“ war – und was die Partei dazu sagt 2024-01-12
[8] Correctiv: Staatsrechtler Vosgerau lässt Rechercheportal abmahnen – Bericht 2024-01-31
[9] Hamburger Gericht befasst sich mit "Correctiv"-Artikel zu Potsdam 2024-02-15
[10] Bis zu zehn Jahre rückwirkend: SPD will Antisemiten deutschen Pass nachträglich entziehen 2023-11-15
[11] Kanzler Scholz zur Asylpolitik - "Wir müssen schneller abschieben" 2023-10-20
[12] Jessica Kordouni 2024-01-15
[13] Zehntausende protestieren gegen Rechtsextremismus 2024-01-27
[14] Neue Demos gegen Rechtsextremismus 2024-02-04
[15] ARD und ZDF bei Demos gegen rechts: So viele Politiker wurden im Januar „zufällig“ befragt 2024-01-31
[16] Eigene Mitarbeiterin von ARD-Sender interviewt – jetzt spricht Haruna-Oelker: „Ich wurde Mittel zum Zweck“ 2024-01-26
[17] Das Vertrauen der Deutschen in die Politik erodiert 2024-02-07
[18] Regierungskoalition verliert Arbeiter und bürgerliche Mitte 2024-02-05
Correctiv used the negatively occupied term deportation in its own description. Shortly after the publication it was admitted that the term deportation was not used in the meeting. Furthermore the meeting was compared to the Wannsee Conference of the Nazis just because both took place in Potsdam. [1] [1, 2024-01-10] [2]
The Timing
It is striking that Correctiv published its research in January 2024 although the events took place in November 2023. But the release fits in with the protests of farmers against the federal government that started on January 8, 2024. And the triggered reporting has pushed away a lot of the reporting on the farmers.It looks like this is a planned campaign. This can be proven by the fact that the Berlin Ensemble has held a scenic reading that supposedly reenacted the meeting. And the theater was informed about the events in December 2023. [3]
Why did Correctiv waited for the release and previously informed others is not public knowledge. But one of the listed authors namely Jean Peters provides an indication of the procedure. The latter acknowledged on his website not to be an impartial journalist but an activist.
Ich entwickele Aktionen und erfinde Geschichten, mit denen ich in das politische und ökonomische Geschehen interveniere.In addition Jean Peters is already known by the police because he threw a cake in the face of the politician Beatrix von Storch (AfD) in 2016. [5]
I develop actions and invent stories with which I intervene in the political and economic events.
Jean Peters [4]
Follow the Money
According to its own statements Correctiv is financed by donations and contributions from the broader society. Yet two things stand out when considering the financing of Correctiv. Correctiv is financed to a significant level by the German state. And Correctiv obviously falsifies his own information about its own financing.Correctiv has an entry with a supposed overview of its own financing. At the moment there are no entries on any financing by the German state. But as of January 12, 2024 it stood on its own side that in 2022 a total of 361,784.69 euros was contributed from the regional fund of North-Rhine-Westphalia and thus from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. And that the city of Halle has contributed 102,176.02 euros. [6] [6, 2024-01-12] [6, 2024-01-30]
As of January 30, 2024 it stood on its own side that in 2023 a total of 431,059.85 euros was contributed from the German federal government. And that the fund of North-Rhine-Westphalia has contributed 145,338.00 euros. The question arises as to why the German State co-financed Correctiv. In addition these entries have now been removed. Correctiv therefore lies about its own financing. [6] [6, 2024-01-30]
The Facts
The publication of Correctiv and the triggered reporting is demonstrably tendentious. At the beginning it is already noticeable that the reporting focuses on the AfD and its participants in Potsdam. Although Correctiv itself admitted that four members of the CDU were also present. In the article from Correctiv you can see this trend since "CDU" appears four times but "AfD" appeared forty-three times. [1] [2] [7]Correctiv writes that plans were made to undermine or attack the Basic Law the German constitution. How much truth is in these claims can be seen from the fact that no criminal complaint was filed due to the meeting. It is also claimed that the meeting was secret. Measures to maintain confidentiality that would prove this are not provided anywhere. And in a statement Correctiv itself writes that the invitations were only private. [1] [2] CDU member Ulrich Vosgerau now tries to get an injunction due to its representation by Correctiv. [8] [9]
The plans and the word deportations with its negative connotation are essentially a result of an obvious campaign and not suspicious alone. Correctiv indicates that the specific word deportations were not used by the participants themselves. [2] In addition the SPD and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) repeatedly expressed and agreed with the same. At the end of 2023 the SPD decided that the German passport should be withdrawn if the people are identified as antisemites. [10]
Wir müssen endlich im großen Stil diejenigen abschieben, die kein Recht haben, in Deutschland zu bleiben.
We finally have to deport on a large scale those who have no right to stay in Germany.
Olaf Scholz (SPD) [11]
The Staging
The reporting on the publication of Correctiv has not arisen naturally but are a product of a campaign. Apart from the prior knowledge of the Berlin Ensemble and the shortages of the reporting it all was even demanded by politicians. On January 15, 2024 Jessica Kordouni (The Greens) complained on social media that the public broadcasting reports too little about demonstrations against the AfD. Furthermore she announced to complain about this at the program committee of the public broadcasting. [12] And in fact the public broadcasting then massively reported about the demonstrations.[13] [14]
The demonstrations were similarly natural and instead staged. Throughout January a total of 90 people were interviewed and filmed who are members of the federal government's parties or its foundations but were not identified as such. These include Rolf Lutzke (SPD) Brandenburg, Carsten Peters (The Greens) Hiltrup, Doreen Fragel (The Greens), Lea Fischer (The Greens) and Susanne Stobbe (The Greens). And with Hadija Haruna-Oelker the public broadcaster ARD even interviewed her own employee without identifying her as such. [15] [16]
The reason for this staging could also be found in the loss of trust in the governing parties. Since the beginning of the pandemic confidence in the political institutions has sunk in conversely proportion to income. The lower income layers have lost more trust than the upper income layers. The focus of the problems is the migration policy and its consequences. Migration causes more people to compete for limited resources such as jobs, housing and social welfare. In the process, the equilibrium price for work is falling, living space is becoming scarcer and therefore more expensive and the costs of social assistance are rising. [17] [18]
The tactic behind the entire staging could hardly be easier. The more dirt is thrown the more gets stuck. And other parties thus look better.[1] NEUE RECHTE - Geheimplan gegen Deutschland 2024-01-10
[2] NEUE RECHTE - „Geheimplan“-Recherche: Fragen und Antworten 2024-01-19
[3] Die Methode Böhmermann: Wieso führte Correctiv die Recherche als szenische Lesung auf? 2024-02-06
[4] Jean Peters 2024-02-04
[5] „Correctiv“-Mitarbeiter fiel mit Gewalt gegen AfD-Politikerin auf 2024-01-30
[6] Correctiv - Transparente Finanzen
[7] Wer aus der CDU beim rechtsextremen „Geheimtreffen“ war – und was die Partei dazu sagt 2024-01-12
[8] Correctiv: Staatsrechtler Vosgerau lässt Rechercheportal abmahnen – Bericht 2024-01-31
[9] Hamburger Gericht befasst sich mit "Correctiv"-Artikel zu Potsdam 2024-02-15
[10] Bis zu zehn Jahre rückwirkend: SPD will Antisemiten deutschen Pass nachträglich entziehen 2023-11-15
[11] Kanzler Scholz zur Asylpolitik - "Wir müssen schneller abschieben" 2023-10-20
[12] Jessica Kordouni 2024-01-15
[13] Zehntausende protestieren gegen Rechtsextremismus 2024-01-27
[14] Neue Demos gegen Rechtsextremismus 2024-02-04
[15] ARD und ZDF bei Demos gegen rechts: So viele Politiker wurden im Januar „zufällig“ befragt 2024-01-31
[16] Eigene Mitarbeiterin von ARD-Sender interviewt – jetzt spricht Haruna-Oelker: „Ich wurde Mittel zum Zweck“ 2024-01-26
[17] Das Vertrauen der Deutschen in die Politik erodiert 2024-02-07
[18] Regierungskoalition verliert Arbeiter und bürgerliche Mitte 2024-02-05
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