[Domestic Policy] #Arbeiterwohlfahrt #AWO - How a Welfare Association in Frankfurt was looted 2019-12-10
The Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) is a charitable organization in Germany with about 3,500 local associations organized in a decentralized manner.
Their stated task is to support socially disadvantaged people.
In Frankfurt however several cases of corruption have occurred.
Social Affairs Commissioner Daniela Birkenfeld (CDU) confirmed in July 2019 that irregularities were already known at the beginning of 2018. The irregularities included sports, guarding and external delivery of food. On June 25, 2018 negotiations began behind closed doors with the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) and on December 31, 2018 the contractual relationship were ended. [5]
In addition Zübeyde Feldmann is said to have been hired by none other than Peter Feldmann (SPD). And Peter Feldmann (SPD) has also allegedly commissioned to found the German-Turkish day care center. This happened in 2015 when both already knew each other. In addition Peter Feldmann (SPD) was employed until his election as lord mayor of Frankfurt in various positions at the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt). This should however these allegedly were more or less just pseudo-activities. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Peter Feldmann (SPD) spoke in November 2019 for the first time on the allegations. According to himsslf he had no influence on the organization of employment contracts at the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) including payment and company car regulations. Peter Feldmann (SPD) pointed out that his wife Zübeyde Feldmann had worked in her field of work for more than ten years, completed a vocational training and then completed a double degree study. [10] [11] [12] [13]
In addition a group of 20 people flew at the expense of the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) for a trip to Tel Aviv (Israel). The group stayed for 11 nights at the Hotel Metropolitan, had their own bus with security escort and expense accounts were submitted. The trip costed the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) at least 35,000 Euros. During the trip were among others the city council Dorn (SPD) as well Renate Wolter-Brandecker (SPD) and Peter Feldmann (SPD) was initiated into the journey. And according to official figures the trip was about the medical use of cannabis especially in geriatric care and dementia. [16] [17]
Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) in Frankfurt decided at the beginning of December 2019 to draw consequences from the allegations made against it. The election of a new presidium is now supposed to take place in January 2020 instead of the summer of 2021. In addition the salary structure and the tariff classification are supposed to be critically examined. [18]
[1] AWO: Wir über uns/Zahlen und Fakten
[2] VORPRÜFUNG - Vorwürfe gegen die Arbeiterwohlfahrt 2019-07-01
[3] FINANZIELLE UNREGELMÄSSIGKEITEN - Awo-Affäre um Flüchtlingsheime: Sozialdezernentin wusste Bescheid 2019-07-26
[4] Millionenzahlungen - Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Frankfurter AWO 2019-11-14
[5] JUSTIZ - Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen AWO 2019-11-15
[6] VERDACHT AUF BETRUG : Frankfurter Arbeiterwohlfahrt im Visier der Ermittler 2019-11-20
[7] AWO-SKANDAL - Frau von OB Peter Feldmann startete mit Dienstwagen in die Elternzeit 2019-11-22
[8] KITA-AFFÄRE : Frankfurter OB Feldmann will sich erklären 2019-11-27
[9] Hohes Gehalt für Ehefrau Frankfurts OB wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe der Vetternwirtschaft 2019-11-27
[10] AUFSTIEG IN DER GEHALTSLISTE Frankfurts OB verteidigt seine Frau – „Hat sich richtig reingekniet“ 2019-11-27
[11] Nachfragen in der AWO-Affäre unerwünscht - Wie OB Feldmann ein Gehalt verteidigt, über das er nichts wusste 2019-11-28 https://www.hessenschau.de/politik/wie-ob-feldmann-ein-gehalt-verteidigt-ueber-das-er-nichts-wusste,feldmann-awo-interview-100.html
[12] FRANKFURTS OBERBÜRGERMEISTER : „Meine Ehefrau schuldet mir keine Rechenschaft“ 2019-11-27 https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/frankfurts-oberbuergermeister-aeussert-sich-zur-kita-affaere-16506673.html
[13] Nachfragen in der AWO-Affäre unerwünscht Wie OB Feldmann ein Gehalt verteidigt, über das er nichts wusste 2019-11-28 https://www.hessenschau.de/politik/wie-ob-feldmann-ein-gehalt-verteidigt-von-dem-er-nichts-wusste,feldmann-awo-interview-100.html
[14] ANHALTENDES SCHWEIGEN : „Feldmann fördert Politikverdrossenheit“ 2019-11-25
[15] Knapp über 30 und schon 100.000 Euro - Wie SPD-Jungpolitiker bei der AWO Spitzengehälter erhalten 2019-11-27
[16] SCHWERE KRISE - Der Awo-Komplex: Ein Geflecht aus undurchsichtigen Geschäften 2019-08-24
[17] KRITIK AN ARBEITERWOHLFAHRT IN FRANKFURT - Bei Awo-Reise nach Israel ging es um „medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis“ 2019-10-11
[18] FELDMANN-AFFÄRE : Frankfurter Awo zieht Neuwahlen vor 2019-12-05
Refugee Shelters
The public prosecutors office of Frankfurt investigates against the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) in Frankfurt due to misappropriation of funds. The money was supposed to facilities sport offers in refugee shelters in the city center with 380 seats and in Niederrad with 211 seats, which the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) ran until the end of 2018. In addition both refugee shelters were to be guarded by AWO Protect, a wholly-owned subsidiary. For this at least about 200,000 Euros for the sports offers and more than 7 million Euros for the guard from 2015 to 2018 for the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) are in the focus. The suspicion however is that the services were only partially or not at all provided and the city of Frankfurt came to harm. [2] [3] [4]Social Affairs Commissioner Daniela Birkenfeld (CDU) confirmed in July 2019 that irregularities were already known at the beginning of 2018. The irregularities included sports, guarding and external delivery of food. On June 25, 2018 negotiations began behind closed doors with the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) and on December 31, 2018 the contractual relationship were ended. [5]
In addition the Lord Mayor of Frankfurt Peter Feldmann (SPD) and his wife Zübeyde Feldmann are suspected of enriching themselves through the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt). Zübeyde Feldmann was hired as the leader of a German-Turkish day care center which is maintained by the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) and receives municipal grants. For this Zübeyde Feldmann receives a higher salary than it is usual for employees in a similar position, length of service and is granted a service vehicle which is completely unusual. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]In addition Zübeyde Feldmann is said to have been hired by none other than Peter Feldmann (SPD). And Peter Feldmann (SPD) has also allegedly commissioned to found the German-Turkish day care center. This happened in 2015 when both already knew each other. In addition Peter Feldmann (SPD) was employed until his election as lord mayor of Frankfurt in various positions at the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt). This should however these allegedly were more or less just pseudo-activities. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Peter Feldmann (SPD) spoke in November 2019 for the first time on the allegations. According to himsslf he had no influence on the organization of employment contracts at the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) including payment and company car regulations. Peter Feldmann (SPD) pointed out that his wife Zübeyde Feldmann had worked in her field of work for more than ten years, completed a vocational training and then completed a double degree study. [10] [11] [12] [13]
Social Democrats
In addition to Zübeyde and Peter Feldmann (SPD) other members of the SPD are under suspicion of taking advantage. The SPD faction leader in the city council Myrella Dorn and Federal Chairman of the Association of Lesbians and Gays in the SPD Ansgar Dittmar were employed at the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt). According to herself Dorn (SPD) was hired in November 2015 as a Trainee in the refugee aid of the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt). Although Dorn (SPD) can prove neither a completed study nor long-term professional practice she received from January 2019 at he Arbeiter Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) the executive function as head of youth and responsibility for almost 40 employees. Dittmar (SPD) comes to an annual salary of almost 100,000 euros, his monthly earnings amounted to 7,608 Euros gross in September 2017, in September 2018 7,825 Euros gross and received a company car. [11] [13] [14] [15]In addition a group of 20 people flew at the expense of the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) for a trip to Tel Aviv (Israel). The group stayed for 11 nights at the Hotel Metropolitan, had their own bus with security escort and expense accounts were submitted. The trip costed the Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) at least 35,000 Euros. During the trip were among others the city council Dorn (SPD) as well Renate Wolter-Brandecker (SPD) and Peter Feldmann (SPD) was initiated into the journey. And according to official figures the trip was about the medical use of cannabis especially in geriatric care and dementia. [16] [17]
Workers' Welfare (AWO/Arbeiterwohlfahrt) in Frankfurt decided at the beginning of December 2019 to draw consequences from the allegations made against it. The election of a new presidium is now supposed to take place in January 2020 instead of the summer of 2021. In addition the salary structure and the tariff classification are supposed to be critically examined. [18]
[1] AWO: Wir über uns/Zahlen und Fakten
[2] VORPRÜFUNG - Vorwürfe gegen die Arbeiterwohlfahrt 2019-07-01
[3] FINANZIELLE UNREGELMÄSSIGKEITEN - Awo-Affäre um Flüchtlingsheime: Sozialdezernentin wusste Bescheid 2019-07-26
[4] Millionenzahlungen - Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Frankfurter AWO 2019-11-14
[5] JUSTIZ - Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen AWO 2019-11-15
[6] VERDACHT AUF BETRUG : Frankfurter Arbeiterwohlfahrt im Visier der Ermittler 2019-11-20
[7] AWO-SKANDAL - Frau von OB Peter Feldmann startete mit Dienstwagen in die Elternzeit 2019-11-22
[8] KITA-AFFÄRE : Frankfurter OB Feldmann will sich erklären 2019-11-27
[9] Hohes Gehalt für Ehefrau Frankfurts OB wehrt sich gegen Vorwürfe der Vetternwirtschaft 2019-11-27
[10] AUFSTIEG IN DER GEHALTSLISTE Frankfurts OB verteidigt seine Frau – „Hat sich richtig reingekniet“ 2019-11-27
[11] Nachfragen in der AWO-Affäre unerwünscht - Wie OB Feldmann ein Gehalt verteidigt, über das er nichts wusste 2019-11-28 https://www.hessenschau.de/politik/wie-ob-feldmann-ein-gehalt-verteidigt-ueber-das-er-nichts-wusste,feldmann-awo-interview-100.html
[12] FRANKFURTS OBERBÜRGERMEISTER : „Meine Ehefrau schuldet mir keine Rechenschaft“ 2019-11-27 https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/frankfurts-oberbuergermeister-aeussert-sich-zur-kita-affaere-16506673.html
[13] Nachfragen in der AWO-Affäre unerwünscht Wie OB Feldmann ein Gehalt verteidigt, über das er nichts wusste 2019-11-28 https://www.hessenschau.de/politik/wie-ob-feldmann-ein-gehalt-verteidigt-von-dem-er-nichts-wusste,feldmann-awo-interview-100.html
[14] ANHALTENDES SCHWEIGEN : „Feldmann fördert Politikverdrossenheit“ 2019-11-25
[15] Knapp über 30 und schon 100.000 Euro - Wie SPD-Jungpolitiker bei der AWO Spitzengehälter erhalten 2019-11-27
[16] SCHWERE KRISE - Der Awo-Komplex: Ein Geflecht aus undurchsichtigen Geschäften 2019-08-24
[17] KRITIK AN ARBEITERWOHLFAHRT IN FRANKFURT - Bei Awo-Reise nach Israel ging es um „medizinische Anwendung von Cannabis“ 2019-10-11
[18] FELDMANN-AFFÄRE : Frankfurter Awo zieht Neuwahlen vor 2019-12-05
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