[Domestic Policy] #DITIB and its closeness to Violence, #Islamism and #Jihadism 2019-11-05

DITIB is the largest Islamic organization in Germany and maintains about 900 clubs and mosques in Germany. DITIB is subordinate to the Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet Isleri Baskanligi). The imams sent from Turkey to DITIB are thus de facto civil servants of the Turkish state. Due to various controversies DITIB was repeatedly considered by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution/domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz). So far however this never happened. [1] [2] [3] [4]
  1. DITIB and Commemorative Events
  2. DITIB spreads Agitation against other Faithfuls
  3. DITIB glorifies Martyrdom and Violence
  4. DITIB Board Members sympathize with Jihadists

DITIB and Commemorative Events

After the terrorist attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in France a commemorative event with politicians and several Islamic associations as well as DITIB took place. The event took place on January 13, 2015 in front of the Brandenburg Gate (Berlin) and under the name "Mahnwache für Toleranz und gegen Extremismus" (Vigilance for Tolerance and against Extremism). The event was supposed to be a powerful sign against terrorism and that Islam belongs to Germany. [5] [6]

In fact the idea for the event came from an employee from the Federal Chancellery who worked for the then Minister of State for Integration Aydan Özoguz (SPD). The costs for the event were not borne by the Islamic associations as well as DITIB but by the political parties. And for the participation in the event pressure had to be exerted on the Islamic associations as well as DITIB. The event was thus not a demonstration of Islamic associations but a state organized play. [7] [8]

DITIB spreads Agitation against other Faithfuls

In November 2015 a local DITIB association distributed anti-Jewish texts. In addition to information about religious events the local DITIB association in Melsungen (Hesse) has spread a collection of anti-Jewish statements. The statements are based on typical anti-Jewish ideas. [9] [11]
The Jews preach good things but do not stop doing evil things.
The Jews are mean.
Jews have killed their own prophets.
Jews are stingy.
Jews are weak fighters.

DITIB, Melsungen (Hessen) [9]
In a statement the state board of DITIB in Hesse distanced itself from the statements. In addition DITIB defends itself that the author has acted independently and that each local association is legally and factually responsible for itself and independent. [10]

DITIB glorifies Martyrdom and Violence

In April 2016 the Turkish religious authority Diyanet of which DITIB is subordinated published a comic book thaat glorified martyrdom. The comic appeared in the April 2016 edition of Diyanet's youth magazine. In the comic parents explain to their children how honorable and desirable the martyr's death is. The children reply is that they then wish to die as martyrs. [12] [13]

The Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia demanded a statement from DITIB the offshoot of Diyanet in Germany. The then Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia Thomas Kutschaty (SPD) has then terminated the cooperation with DITIB in the prevention program against Salafism called "Wegweiser" (Guide). Furthermore all preachers of DITIB should then be checked by the domestic intelligence service (Verfassungsschutz). According to DITIB the decision was politically motivated and only a means of profiling in the election campaign. [14]

In April 2018 recordings were made that show how preschoolers pretended to play war in military uniforms and Turkish flags. In the plays the children march in soldier's uniforms, playing that they are hit by bullets and go to the ground. Then the children are covered with Turkish flags and girls sing about their martyr's death. The performance is supposed to commemorate the Battle of Gallipoli of the Ottoman Empire against France and Great Britain in 1915. [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

The war scenes with children took place at least in DITIB mosques in Herford, Mönchengladbach (North Rhine-Westphalia) and Ulm (Baden-Württemberg) as well as in mosques of ATIB the equivalent of DITIB in Austria. According to research by WDR (public broadcaster in Germany) such events took place in more than 80 locations. According to the Integration Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Joachim Stamp (FDP) the event has confirmed the suspicion that DITIB acts in the political interests of the Turkish government. [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

In January 2018 during the illegal military operation of the Turkish government in Afrin (Syria) DITIB mosques held prayers for the operation and glorified the operation. For this prayers were held in mosques from DITIB and in social networks recordings of the operation were spread. In addition it was called that children should take part in the prayers as well. And the Turkish religious attache in Germany Ahmet Fuat Candir demanded unity from the believers for Erdogans war in Syria. [22] [23] [24]

As a result DITIB has been promoting journey for young adults to Turkey. To conclude these trips talks were supposed to be held with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (AKP). And for this Erdogan (AKP) was praised as "our supreme army commander". [25] [26]

Following the events there were attacks on 12 clubs and 26 Turkish mosques in Germany of which 18 belonged to the DITIB. According to the German government the attacks were a consequence of the Turkish-Kurdish conflict in and around Afrin (Syria). [23] [27]

DITIB Board Members sympathize with Jihadists

In Dinslaken-Lohberg (North Rhine-Westphalia) there were declarations of sympathy and connections to jihadists. In 2013 more than 20 men from Dinslaken traveled to Syria and joined the IS. The group called itself Lohberger Brigade and at least one person was also active at DITIB. At least four of them died in Syria. [28]

And in July 2015 it was announced that a local board member of DITIB has posed with outstretched index finger. The outstretched index finger is considered to be a distinguishing sign of Salafists and members of the IS. The gesture represents the unity and uniqueness of God (Tauhid) and that there is no God but Allah. The responsible board member then resigned from office. [29]

And in February 2017 it became known that the chairman of DITIB in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg Ishak Kocaman sympathizes with Islamists and Jihadists. Kocaman also posed with his outstretched index finger (Tauhid) and in social networks he spread the slogans "Democracy is not binding on us ... We are bound by Allah's book, the Koran." as well as "I spit in the face of the Turks and Kurds who do not live islamic. What value do they have, if they are not Muslims. ". In addition, he took part in a pilgrimage in which the fight against non-Muslims was promoted. On request Kocaman claimed that the allegations against him were groundless, DITIB asserted that it was an isolated incident and Kocaman resigned. [30] [31] [1] http://www.ditib.de/default.php?id=5&lang=de
[2] http://www.ditib.de/default1.php?id=5&sid=8&lang=de
[3] DITIB als verlängerter Arm des Türkischen Präsidenten Erdo?an 2018-04-25
[4] Verfassungsschützer wollen keinen Bruch mit Ditib 2018-11-09
[5] ?Euer Hass ist unser Ansporn? 2015-01-13
[6] Mahnwache in Berlin : Wenn Vielfalt zu Stärke wird 2015-01-13
[7] Mahnwache : Parteien sollen für Demo gegen Islamismus zahlen 2015-07-26
[8] Wie die Politik den Anti-Terror-Islam inszeniert 2017-07-26
[9] Ditib-Gemeinde stellt antisemitische Hetze ins Netz 2015-11-24
[10] Stellungnahme des DITIB-Landesvorstands Hessen zum Ortsverein DITIB-Melsungen 2015-11-24
[11] defacto deckt auf: DITIB-Hetze gegen Juden und Christen? 2017-01-30
[12] Diyanet çocuklara seslendi: ?ehit olun 2016-03-28
[13] Religionshüter Diyanet - Türkische Behörde animiert Kinder zum Märtyrertod 2016-04-01
[14] Umstrittener Islamverband - Verfassungsschutz überprüft Imame der Ditib 2016-09-22
[15] Kinder in Soldatenuniform: Neue Aufnahmen aus weiteren Ditib-Moscheen 2018-04-18
[16] DITIB-KOMMENTAR : Kleine Märtyrer 2018-04-28
[17] Dieses Video zeigt: Ditib-Moschee in Mönchengladbach lässt kleine Kinder Krieg spielen 2018-04-17
[18] Ditib-Feiern in Deutschland - Gedenken oder Kriegspropaganda? 2018-04-20
[19] Kinder in Ditib Moscheen für Kriegshetze instrumentalisiert 2018-04-27
[20] Die kleinen Ditib-Krieger in NRW sind keine Einzelfälle 2018-06-06
[21] Kinder übten in Tarnuniformen in Moschee 2018-04-17
[22] Einmarsch in Syrien Ditib - lässt in Deutschland für türkischen Sieg beten 2018-01-22
[23] Gebete für türkischen Sieg in Nordsyrien? Ditib streitet alles ab 2018-01-23
[24] Ditib und die türkische Offensive in Syrien - „Plumpe Kriegspropaganda“ 2018-01-25
[25] KRITIK VON VOLKER BECK : Ditib organisiert Jugend-Reise zum „Heerführer“ Erdogan 2018-03-12
[26] Moscheeverein Ditib in Deutschland - "U-Boot des türkischen Staates" 2018-03-17
[27] „Die Brandanschläge zeigen, welches Eskalationspotenzial der Konflikt birgt“ 2018-03-16
[28] BETEN FÜR DIE TÜRKEI - „Allah, führe unsere glorreiche Armee zum Sieg!“ 2019-10-14
[29] DSCHIHADISTEN IN DINSLAKEN : Mit dem Gestus der Salafisten 2015-07-13
[30] Dinslaken : Lohberger Moschee-Vorstand tritt zurück 2015-07-17
[31] Spalten statt integrieren: Einblick bei DITIB u.a. in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg | Panorama 3 | NDR 2017-02-22
[32] Was tut DITIB gegen Hetze? | Panorama 3 | NDR 2017-03-29
