[Außenpolitik] #Coup gegen #Morales oder #Demokokratie in #Bolivien - Die Argumente und die Beweise 2019-11-1
Am 10. November 2019 trat der Präsident von Bolivien Juan Evo Morales Ayma von der Bewegung zum Sozialismus (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS) von seinem Amt zurück.
Morales (MAS) Rücktritt folgte zum Teil schweren Demonstrationen und Ausschreitungen.
Bei genauerer Betrachtung offenbaren sich jedoch fragwürdige Argumente und Beweise.
[1] Leaks
[2] Surgen 16 audios que vinculan presuntamente a cívicos, exmilitares y EEUU en planes de agitación 2019-11-03
[3] Oficialismo pide a EEUU no intervenir en Bolivia 2019-11-03
[4] Bolivia. Surgen 16 audios que vinculan a cívicos, exmilitares y EEUU en planes de agitación 2019-11-03
[5] Bolivia: filtran audios de líderes opositores llamando a un golpe de estado contra Evo Morales 2019-11-09
[6] Bolivia: audios leaked from opposition leaders calling for a coup against Evo Morales 2019-11-10
[7] Press Release: As SOA/WHINSEC Graduates Continue Their Legacy of Destabilizing Latin America, Human Rights Activists Return to Fort Benning Where State Agents are Trained
[8] Paz & Reconciliación: #Mundo l @DoDWHINSEC #Whinsec es la misma #EscuelaDeLasAmericas de donde han egresado los militares que han liderado los golpes de Estado en casi toda América Latina. El General Kaliman de Bolivia es uno de sus egresados. #Militarización 2019-11-11
[9] SOA Students and Instructors from Bolivia 1949 - 1996
[10] School of the Americas Watch - Graduados
Die Leaks
Kurz vor dem Regierungswechsel in Bolivien im November 2019 wurden mehrere Audiodateien unfreiwillig veröffentlicht. Sie beinhalten 16 Gespräche zwischen namhaften Politikern und Offizieren aus Bolivien und den USA über einen Regierungswechsel. Nach Angaben der Zeitung Erbol wurden die Aufnahmen in der Botschaft der USA in Bolivien gemacht. Unter den Teilnehmern aus den USA sind unter anderem die Senatoren Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez und Ted Cruz. Und unter den Teilnehmern aus Bolivien ist unter anderem Manfred Reyes Villa der wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen 2009 aus Bolivien in die USA geflüchtet ist und der Oberkommandierende Offizier der bolivianischen Streitkräfte William Kaiman. Damit ist mindestens die Ausnutzung der Ausschreitungen in Bolivien für eigene Zwecke und die Einmischung von außen bewiesen. [1] [1,alt] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]- " This audio illustrates the engagement of American senators such as Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez and Ted Cruz in the coup d'état plan against Evo Morales. "
- " A member of the Bolivian opposition and presumed ex-military, makes a call for an armed uprising. "
- " A member of the Bolivian opposition (yet to be identified) proposes to point out houses of supporters of the President´s political party, in order to infuse fear in the population and influence them later to support the coup. "
- " A member of the Bolivian opposition (yet to be identified), poses the strategy to be followed by the Bolivian opposition, setting up as a premise invalidating the October 20 th elections, generate a military-civil uprising and create a national strike. Further he commented that there are active members of the National Armed Forces and Police that would support these actions. "
- " A conversation between Bolivian opposition members that shows the involvement of Manfred Reyes Villa, another opposition member resident in United States, who has coup d'état plans. It is mentioned the backing that the opposition is getting from the Evangelical Church and the Brazilian government. Stands out, the reference about a presumed man-of-trust for the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who also advises a Bolivian presidential candidate yet to be identified. "
- " Shows the involvement of Manfred Reyes Villa, opposition member with coup d'état plans. The voice of the Bolivian political activist Mauricio Muñoz and Reyes can be heard in the recording. "
- " A former Colonel of Bolivia confirms the coup d'état plans against President Evo Morales, and expresses concerns for the involvement of leaders of the Civic Committees with the opposition related military. "
- " Former Bolivian Colonel Julio Cesar Maldonado Leoni, President of the National Military Committee, gives orders to implement all kinds of actions against the Cuban Embassy and its diplomats, infuse fear and hate towards the Cubans to get them to leave the country. "
- " This audio is related to a meeting among former Bolivian military members celebrated in Cochabamba city. Former Colonel Julio César Maldonado Leoni, President of the National Military Committee refers to the creation of a political-military power. "
- " Former Bolivian Colonel Teobaldo Cardoso, comments that all is prepared and they are a large group of former and active military members ready to wage war. "
- " Illustrates the commitment of politician and opposition member Manfred Reyes Villa, with the plans to overthrow the president. The voice of Manfred Reyes is heard in conversation with the political activist and opposition member Miriam Pereira and journalists Carlos and Chanet Blacut. "
- " The voice of former Army General Remberto Siles is heard, who makes reference to the existence of a big plan against the Bolivian government. "
- " Strategy and actions of the Civic Committee La Paz, in the context of the National Strike of August 21st. The voice of its president, politician Jaime Antonio Alarcón Daza can be heard. "
- " It can be heard the voice of former Colonel Oscar Pacello Aguirre, Representative of National Military Coordinator. He mentions a secret plan against the government of President Evo Morales and the actions forecasted for October 10 th. "
- " Private meeting between opposition member Jaime Antonio Alarcón Daza, Iván Arias and other members of the civic committees, in which the agreement was to obtain rapid voting equipment for the next presidential elections, in order to use them to manipulate public opinion about electoral results and declare fraud. There´s a reference of Jubileo Foundation, European Union, the US Embassy and the Evangelical Church. "
- " Political activist Miriam Pereira, links the opposition member and American resident Carlos Sanchez Berzain with the plan to overthrow against President Morales. She comments that Sanchez wants to incite a civil war in Bolivia and that they count with a funding of half a million dollars. "
Die Strippenzieher
Die veröffentlichten Aufnahmen beweisen unter anderem die Beteiligung von Reyes und Kaiman. Reyes und Kaiman sind Absolventen des WHINSEC (Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) das vorher School of the Americas hieß und ein Trainingscamp des Verteidigungsministerium der USA ist. Nach den Audiodateien war Reyes an der Planung beteiligt und Kaiman hat als Oberkommandierender Offizier der bolivianischen Streitkräfte den Regierungswechsel forciert. [7] [8] Weitere Personen aus den Aufnahmen die sowohl Absolventen des WHINSEC (Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) und aus Bolivien kommen sind General Remberto Siles Vasquez, Colonel Julio César Maldonado Leoni, Colonel Oscar Pacello Aguirre und Colonel Teobaldo Cardozo Guevara. [9] [10][1] Leaks
[2] Surgen 16 audios que vinculan presuntamente a cívicos, exmilitares y EEUU en planes de agitación 2019-11-03
[3] Oficialismo pide a EEUU no intervenir en Bolivia 2019-11-03
[4] Bolivia. Surgen 16 audios que vinculan a cívicos, exmilitares y EEUU en planes de agitación 2019-11-03
[5] Bolivia: filtran audios de líderes opositores llamando a un golpe de estado contra Evo Morales 2019-11-09
[6] Bolivia: audios leaked from opposition leaders calling for a coup against Evo Morales 2019-11-10
[7] Press Release: As SOA/WHINSEC Graduates Continue Their Legacy of Destabilizing Latin America, Human Rights Activists Return to Fort Benning Where State Agents are Trained
[8] Paz & Reconciliación: #Mundo l @DoDWHINSEC #Whinsec es la misma #EscuelaDeLasAmericas de donde han egresado los militares que han liderado los golpes de Estado en casi toda América Latina. El General Kaliman de Bolivia es uno de sus egresados. #Militarización 2019-11-11
[9] SOA Students and Instructors from Bolivia 1949 - 1996
[10] School of the Americas Watch - Graduados
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