[Domestic Policy] What is behind Fridays for Future 2019-05-22

According their own account and according to the co-organizer Miriam Eichelbaum Fridays for Future is independent and independent. Fridays for Future was born out of nothing, is independent and not tied to any organization. In fact the movement has received a lot of attention within a very short time and not least because of the quality and quantity of its coverage. In addition Fridays for Future enjoys great support from the press and praise from various politicians. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

With the scale and some recurrent protagonists such as Louis Motaal, Luisa Neubauer and of course Greta Thunberg in mind the question arises who and what interests are behind the movement. Ansgar Neuhof of Tichy's Insight (Tichys Einblick) has been able to find out significant parts of the organizers of this campaign. See: Ansgar Neuhof

Fridays for Future is an offshoot planned by the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. In addition both the official Donations account of Fridays for Future and individuals belong to the Club of Rome and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. And the demands of Fridays for Future are largely congruent with those of the Club of Rome.
  1. Fridays for Future and the Donations
  2. Fridays for Future, Ronja Thein, Louis Motaal and Plant-for-the-Planet
  3. Fridays for Future, Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Club of Rome
  4. Club of Rome
  5. Conclusion

Fridays for Future and the Donations

Fridays for Future relies on donations for their promotional efforts and equipment for their events. For this purpose a donation account and a dedicated donation page have been set up on the website of Fridays for Future. In addition donation certificates (donation receipts) can be issued for the donations via a contact form so that the donations can also be deducted for tax purposes. [6] [7] [8]

Donation certificates (donation receipts) can only be issued by organizations under German law if they are recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). If Fridays for Future issues donation certificates (donation receipts) then these are recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). Or if Fridays for Future is tied to another tax-privileged (nonprofit) organization. [9] [10]

Fridays for Future does not exist as an independent or registered organization. And Ronja Thein is listed as responsible person in the imprint. And individuals can not issue any donation certificates (donation receipts) under German law. The website of Fridays for Future shows that the account is maintained by the Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. [6]
Das Konto wird von einer befreundeten Organisation, der Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation, betreut. So können wir sicherstellen, dass alle finanziellen Dinge vollkommen professionell erledigt werden. Dazu gehört, dass Geld nur gegen ordnungsgemäße Abrechnung ausgezahlt wird.

The account is maintained by a friendly organization the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. So we can make sure that all financial things are done in a completely professional way. This includes that money is paid only against proper billing. [6]

Fridays for Future, Ronja Thein, Louis Motaal and Plant-for-the-Planet

The donations for Fridays for Future thus go to an account of the Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. Organizations recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit) must use their donations themselves for their statutory purposes or transfer them to other organizations that are also recognized as tax-privileged (nonprofit). [11] The transfer of donations to private individuals would be taxpayer-funded fraud and is explicitly prohibited. [12] However it is not assumed that any violations of law exist. Fridays for Future must therefore be a separate project of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation and take place within the framework of its own Articles of Association.

If Fridays for Future's statement on the management of donations are correct then this could be dangerous for Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation. The Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation is unlikely to issue any donation certificates (donation receipts). The Plant-for-the-Planet Fonundation may in accordance with its own Articles of Association manage trusts and other special funds in trust. But Fridays for Future is neither. [13]
Die Stiftung darf treuhänderisch Stiftungen und andere Zweckvermögen verwalten.

The foundation may manage trusts and other special funds in trust. [13]
A legal form, address, manager or spmething similar are not listed on the Fridays for Future website. The name Ronja Thein am Lorentzendamm 6-8 in Kiel is listed as a responsible person according to § 5 tele-media-law (Telemediengesetz) and § 55 broadcasting-state-law (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag). The responsible person according to § 5 tele-media-law (Telemediengesetz) and § 55 broadcasting-state-law (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag) is responsible for monitoring the content and must correct misinformation or remove illegal content. The responsible person according to § 5 tele-media-law (Telemediengesetz) and § 55 broadcasting-state-law (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag) does not have to be the managing director or responsible person of that organization. Ronja Thein could be part Fridays for Future but she does not have to. And at the address Lorentzendamm 6-8 in Kiel a cultural center named Alte Mu is located in which various projects from the left-wing spectrum but no individuals are located. [8] [14]

Fridays for Future was already registered for registration with the German Patent and Trademark Office in February 2019 by Louis Motaal. There are a total of 45 classes for a registration. And the registration for Fridays for Future happened in the classes 16, 25 and 36. Classes 16 and 25 are about printed matter and clothing, while class 26 includes monetary businesses. [15] [16] [17] [17,pdf]

Louis Motaal although born in 1999 has a lot of experience as an activist. According to his vita Motaal has been working for the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation for six years (as of 2018) he spoke at the German Trade Congress, the annual meeting of the German Society of the Club of Rome and at the last German CSR Forum. Motaal also represented the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation at the UN Climate Change Conference and the Global Landscape Forum and is co-organizer of the Fridays for Future Movement. [18]
Louis Motaal, Jahrgang 1999, ist seit sechs Jahren Botschafter für Klimagerechtigkeit bei der Kinder- und Jugendinitiative Plant-for-the-Planet. Als Redner sprach er unter anderem bereits beim Deutschen Handelskongress, beim Jahrestreffen der Deutschen Gesellschaft des Club of Rome und beim vergangenen Deutschen CSR-Forum. Er vertrat Plant-for-the-Planet bei der UN-Klimakonferenz und dem Global Landscape Forum und ist Mitorganisator der Fridays for Future Bewegung.

Louis Motaal born in 1999, has been Climate Justice's ambassador to the Plant-for-the-Planet children's and youth initiative for six years. As a speaker he spoke among other things already at the German Trade Congress, the annual meeting of the German Society of the Club of Rome and the last German CSR Forum. He represented Plant-for-the-Planet at the UN Climate Change Conference and the Global Landscape Forum and is co-organizer of the Fridays for Future Movement. [18]

Fridays for Future, Frithjof Finkbeiner and the Club of Rome

The Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation includes both Karolin and Frithjof Finkbeiner. Frithjof Finkbeiner is the founder and CEO of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. [19] [20] [21]

But Frithjof Finkbeiner is also co-founder and chairman of the Global Marshal Plan Foundation and Global Contract Foundation as well as chairman of the Desertec Foundation. All of these organizations either warn against the anthropogenic (manmade) climate change or earn directly from the state's promotion of sustainable energy. And the Club of Rome has been warning for decades about negative scenarios for the future that never matched reality. [22]

And then at the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation is the proposal for Fridays for Future. The idea of student strike came up at the Global Youth Summit in 2015. At the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation event they expected to make a groundbreaking impression with the school strikes. [23]
Nach ein paar Treffen mit Teilnehmern aus fünf Kontinenten wurde klar, dass ein weltweiter “Schulstreik” einen bahnbrechenden Eindruck hinterlassen wird, wenn wir Tausende – oder sogar Millionen – in ein kräftiges globales Netzwerk bringen.

After a few meetings with participants from five continents, it became clear that a worldwide "school strike" would have a groundbreaking impression, if we bring thousands - or even millions - into a strong global network. [23]

Club of Rome

The Club of Rome is an organization that includes several experts from various disciplines and claims to be committed to the sustainable future of humanity. The Club of Rome suddenly gained worldwide fame with the first report "The Limits to Growth". The report predicted a global disaster after the turn of the millennium that all important raw materials would run out or become extremely scarce as well as expensive and that humanity would perish from overpopulation lack of food and pollution. However the prices of most commodities (oil, gas and ores) have become neither extremely scarce nor unattainable and instead of starving as threatened, developing countries are experiencing a population explosion and at least in the developed world, pollution has decreased. [25] [25,pdf]

Since then the Club of Rome regularly prophesies direct environmental disasters or raw material shortages and writes appropriate programs to save the world. In these, markets, consumption and economic growth are seen as the reason for the problems. On the other hand massive state intervention and new international authorities according to the specifications of the Club of Rome should help. However subsequent reports did not reach the fame of "The Limits of Growth". [24] [25] [25,pdf] [26] [26,pdf]

Meanwhile the press criticizes these prophecies of an approaching doomsday as well. Criticized again and again are the demand for the reduction of the population, the demand for economic growth of not more then 1% and a CO2 tax. Only the occasional warnings of increasing inequality may well be taken seriously. [27] [28] [29] [30]


Fridays for Future is neither self-employed nor independent. Fridays for Future was started by members of the Club of Rome and will continue to be organized by them. Parties that do not understand or deliberately hide the dynamic behind Fridays for Future do not or at least do not completely fulfill their task. And parties that blindly follow this dynamic and act against the interests of their electorate do not deserve to be elected.

[1] Fridays For Future - Über uns
[2] Potsdamer Schüler streiken für besseren Klimaschutz 2019-01-21
[3] "Eine Bewegung, die nur uns gehört" - Potsdamer Schüler streiken erneut fürs Klima 2019-02-14
[4] Fürstenwalde/Spree - Schülerin verteidigt Demos für Klimaschutz 2019-02-23
[5] Miriam Eichelbaum, Mitorganisatorin "Fridays For Future" in Potsdam 2018-03-11
[6] Fridays For Future - Spenden
[7] Fridays For Future - FAQ
[8] Fridays For Future - Impressum
[9] „Ih­re nächs­te Spen­den­quit­tung schi­cken wir Ih­nen ger­ne per Mail!“ 2017-02-06
[10] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 52 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[11] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 51 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[12] Abgabenordnung (AO) - § 57 Gemeinnützige Zwecke
[13] Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation - Information
[15] KLIMASCHUTZBEWEGUNG - Aktivist sichert sich Markenrechte an „Fridays for Future“ 2019-04-25
[16] Auskunft zu einer Markenanmeldung 2019-05-03
[17] Klassifikation von Nizza
[19] Karolin Finkbeiner
[20] Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation - Structure
[21] Unternehmensregister Auszug
[22] Club of Rome - FINKBEINER, FRITHJOF
[23] Climate Strike
[24] Club of Rome - Reports
[25] Club of Rome - The Limits to Growth
[26] Club of Rome - Transformation is Feasible
[27] Club of Rome : Der Weltuntergang zieht sich 2012-05-08
[28] NEUER BERICHT : Die Forderungen des „Club of Rome“ 2016-09-13
[29] Zukunftsbericht - Die verquere Logik des Club of Rome 2016-09-14
[30] ENVIRONMENT - Club of Rome's new book reads like an eco manifesto 2016-09-14
