[Domestic Policy] The potential for an Italian scenario in Spain 2019-03-31

  1. Ceuta
  2. The Ships
  3. The Reaction
Migration causes more people to compete for limited resources such as jobs, housing and social welfare. In the process, the equilibrium price for work is falling, living space is becoming scarcer and therefore more expensive and the costs of social assistance are rising. Thus companies benefit from lower wages can get lucrative orders for care and employers' organizations can use sentiment through migration to cut social assistance and thus lower the implicit minimum wage. And the south of Europe has particularly high unemployment rates and thus low resources and has become the target of migration to varying degrees.

However politicians often portray migration as positive or completely inevitable. But while a party is established in Italy that challenges this narrative the dynamic in Spain begins to resemble that from Italy.

Spain is increasingly becoming one of the new main destinations of the migration crisis since 2015. In July 2017 the Spanish police warned that more and more people in Africa are preparing to enter Spain. At that time it assumed that about 50,000 people were ready. And after Pedro Sanchez of the Spanish Social Democrats (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol/PSOE) took the office of Prime Minister on June 2, 2018 exactly this development took place. [1] [2]



Ceuta is a Spanish city and an exclave on the North African coast and at the Strait of Gibraltar. On the border of Ceuta there were several violent incidents since June 2018. In June 2018 an incident occurred in which 400 people tried to storm the border fence of Ceuta. They tried to climb over the border fence. [4]

In July 2018 another incident occurred in which 600 people stormed the border fence of Ceuta. For this they have used simple bats and stabbing weapons. In addition they have thrown corrosive liquids and excrement on the Spanish police in which 22 police officers were injured. [5] [6] [7]

And in August 2018 there was another incident in which 100 people successfully stormed the border fence of Ceuta. Corrosive liquids and excrement were again thrown on the Spanish police in which 7 police officers were injured. This time they gained access by cutting the border fence. [8] [9] [10] [11]

The Ships

Ships regularly request access to Italian ports to land people picked up in the Mediterranean. Since the inauguration of the new government of Lega and MoVimento 5 however the Italian government has repeatedly denied access to these vessels. And it is still questionable why these ships do not drive people to the nearby coast, if they do not collect people directly in the Mediterranean but directly off the coast. Thus these ships behave effectively like human smugglers. And it begs the question of how many people were lured into certain death by this behavior because they ran out of water, food or fuel on the open sea. [12]

In June 2018 the Aquarius was rejected with 629 by the Italian government. The people aboard the Aquarius were then brought to Spain at the behest of the local government under Pedro Sanchez (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol/PSOE). [13] [14] [15]

In July 2018 the Open Arms with 60 people was rejected first by the Maltese and then by the Italian government. The people aboard the Open Arms were then brought to Spain just as with the Aquarius. [16] [17]

And in March 2019 the Mare Jonio with 49 people was denied access by the Italian government and confiscated. Then the prosecutor of Agrigento in Sicily began the investigation against unknown because of illegally transportin migration. [18] [19] [20]

The Reaction

In December 2018 the anseer then came in the regional election in Andalusia. The southernmost region of Spain was particularly affected by the increased migration. And there the immigration-critical party Vox got 11 % although the party has barely played a role before. It also broke the four-decade Spanish Social Democrat government (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol/PSOE) in Andalusia. [21]

The Lega from Italy also received less than 5 % of the vote in 2013. Today it governs together with the MoVimento 5 Stelle and leads in the polls for the EU elections with 33 %. And according to the latest polls Vox could become the kingmaker in the coming parliamentary elections in 2019. [22] [23] [24] [25]

The government of the Spanish Social Democrats (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol/PSOE) seems to be busy with damage control. After Spain has become the most important European entry point for people from Africa the number for 2019 is supposed to be reduced to half with 30,000. In addition the Spanish government is working on a repatriation agreement. So far boats were picked up directly off the Moroccan coast and then brought to Andalusia by the Spanish patrol boats. [26] [27]

[1] EUROPE - How far will southern Spain's resources for refugees go? 2018-07-17
[2] INMIGRACIÓN - Alarma por los más de 50.000 subsaharianos que esperan en Marruecos para cruzar a España 2018-07-27
[3] Asylum and first time asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)
[4] NOTICIAS - Unos 400 inmigrantes intentan saltar la frontera de Ceuta y tres resultan heridos 2018-06-06
[5] INMIGRACIÓN - Más de 600 inmigrantes entran en Ceuta tras saltar la valla: 22 guardias civiles heridos, varios por cal viva 2018-07-26
[6] MÁS DE 600 INMIGRANTES HAN PASADO LA FRONTERA - Más de 20 guardias civiles heridos, algunos por cal viva, tras el salto a la valla de Ceuta 2018-07-26
[7] POLÍTICA - El Gobierno usa un acuerdo de 1992 para expulsar a los 116 inmigrantes que saltaron ayer la valla de Ceuta 2018-08-23
[8] More than 100 migrants storm border of North African Spanish enclave 2018-08-22
[9] POLITIK - DFer kritiseres for opfordring til at skyde migranter: »Nu må det være nok« 2018-08-27
[10] INTERNATIONALT - Migranter udvist til Marokko efter at have stormet enklave 2018-08-23
[11] Spain returns to Morocco migrants who stormed enclave fence 2018-08-23
[12] people trafficking 2016-12-03
[13] Italy's Matteo Salvini shuts ports to migrant rescue ship 2018-06-11
[14] Spain offers to take in Aquarius ship carrying over 600 refugees 2018-06-11
[15] NEWS - Spain will accept migrant ship Aquarius after Italy and Malta refuse entry 2018-06-11
[16] IMMIGRATION - Second migrant ship arrives in Spain after being rejected by Italy, Malta 2018-07-04
[17] WORLD NEWS - ‘Open Arms’ migrant rescue boat heads for Spain amid row with Italy 2018-07-19
[18] Italiens Polizei beschlagnahmt Flüchtlingsschiff 2019-03-19
[19] Italienische Polizei eskortiert Rettungsschiff nach Lampedusa 2019-03-20
[20] Flüchtlingsschiff "Mare Jonio" - Salvini will Strafen für Retter 2019-03-20
[21] RESULTADOS ELECCIONES ANDALUZAS - La hecatombe del PSOE abre la puerta a un gobierno de la derecha en Andalucía 2018-12-02
[22] POPULISM - Brussels fears Italy’s instability and populism could spread to Spain 2019-02-18
[23] Sondaggi elettorali Noto: Pd e Movimento 5 Stelle divisi da un punto 2019-03-06
[24] Ultimi sondaggi politici oggi | Lega al 34,1 per cento, M5s al 23,2 e Pd al 19 2019-03-15
[25] Ultimi sondaggi: il Pd ha sorpassato il M5S 2019-03-18
[26] Spanien vollzieht Kehrtwende bei der Migrationspolitik 2019-02-27
[27] Spain's Socialists, far-right seen gaining support ahead of April election: El Pais 2019-03-13
