- The Coming Coalition
- The EU Elections
- The Voting Age
- The Useful Quota
- The Useless Quota
- The Test-Case Case
- The Court Verdict
- The Consequences
- Conclusion
And an extensive campaign is already under way against the expected election results. It started with the fact that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution/domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz) classified the AfD publicly as a test case and declared the youth organization of the Junge Alternative as well as the sub-organization Der Flüger (The Wing) as suspected cases. With this they not only interfered with the equal opportunities of the parties but also admitted that according to the current state of knowledge the conditions for the observation of the AfD are not met. [3] [4]
The Coming Coalition
In addition the grand coalition of the Federal Government shows more and more cracks and discrepancies. And after Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was elected Federal Chairwomen of the CDU she is already in talks with the Greens. This is particularly interesting because the Greens have overtaken the previous coalition partner SPD in the polls. [5]In a joint interview with Katrin Göring-Eckardt (The Greens) both regret the failed coalition negotiations after the federal election in 2017 between the CDU, the Greens and the FDP and emphasized their similarities and their good understanding. So a new coalition for the federal government is in the works. The only question is whether it comes to too early federal elections. [6] [7]
The EU Elections
For a long time the EU Parliament was considered a final repository for certain politicians. Günther Oettinger (CDU) has called Chinese Schlitzaugen (slits eyes: derogatory term) in 2016 while being Commissioner for the Digital Society and Economy and Jean-Claude Juncker's relationship with alcohol is well known. However the CDU has started to tidy up its list of candidates. Her most famous victim so far is the long-time MEP Elmar Brok, who will no longer stand for election. And because of the constant dispute over the distribution of refugees it was decided that the comprehensive EU asylum reform previously planned for May will no longer be passed. [8] [9] [10] [11]The Voting Age
Meanwhile the Federal Minister of Justice Katarina Barley (SPD) praises the "Friday is for Future" protesters. The fact that young people take to the streets during their school time shows that young people are politically involved. Barley (SPD) thus pleads for this to allow the right to vote from 16 years instead of 18 years. [12] [13] [14]The Federal Minister of Justice Barley (SPD) does not have the public opinion on her side with her proposal. 11.2 % agree with the proposal and 10.2 % tend to agree while 58.0 % disagree with the proposal and 17.4 % tend to disagree with it while only 3.2 % are undecided. The Federal Minister of Justice Barley (SPD) however has the electoral votes on their side with their proposal. While the approval rate for the SPD and the Greens increases with decreasing age groups the approval rate for the AfD decreases with decreasing age groups. So the SPD and the Greens would gain percentages while the AfD would lose percentages. [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
The Useful Quota
During the same time parity laws are being worked on extensively for the parliaments. The first parity law was passed in the state of Brandenburg which requires that parties in the future should set up as many women and men as candidates for parliamentary elections. CDU and AfD consider the law unconstitutional and voted against it. [20] [21] [22]And Claudia Roth (The Greens) and the chairman of the SPD parliamentary group Andrea Nahles now want a parity law for the Bundestag. For the SPD is certain: [23] [24]
Unser Ziel ist die Parität. Denn die Hälfte der Welt gehört den Frauen – und damit auch die Hälfte der Parlamentssitze.The idea of a parity law is fundamentally questionable. Since it already interferes in the first approximation with the electoral law principles of Article 38 of the Basic Law. [25] [26]
Our goal is parity. Because half of the world belongs to women - and thus half of the seats in parliament.
Andrea Nahles (SPD) [24]
Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Art 38In 2018 the AfD commissioned a report from the Parliamentary Advisory Service about initiative of the Greens party. And this classifies the project as incompatible with the Basic Law. According to this a parity law is incompatible and prohibits the discrimination on basis of ones sex. Moreover it violates the electoral principles of freedom and equality of choice and the principle of democracy. And it is incompatible with the constitutional status of the political parties since the freedom of establishment is restricted. Thus while a parity law is not compatible with the Basic Law it nevertheless does play into the hands of the supporting parties. Although the SPD and the Greens have a proportion of women of about 30 % and 40 % the AfD has only 16 % and with that the lowest proportion of women. [27] [28,S.8] [28,S.41] [28,S.56] [29]
(1) Die Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages werden in allgemeiner, unmittelbarer, freier, gleicher und geheimer Wahl gewählt. Sie sind Vertreter des ganzen Volkes, an Aufträge und Weisungen nicht gebunden und nur ihrem Gewissen unterworfen. ...
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany Art. 38
(1) The members of the German Bundestag are elected in general, direct, free, equal and secret elections. They are representatives of all people, not bound by orders and instructions and only subject to their conscience. ... [26]
The Useless Quota
Faced with such measures, the question arises why then there is not a quota for migrants. Such a quota is nowhere mentioned. A possible reason for this could be that the AfD does not occupy the last place here. In an evaluation of names which are typical for migrants and then compared with their own biographical information, interviews and media reports or checked by direct inquiries, the AfD reaches 12.6 %.CDU/CSU | 32,9 % |
SPD | 20,5 % |
AfD | 12,6 % |
FDP | 10,7 % |
Linke | 9,2 % |
Grüne | 8,9 % |
The Test-Case Case
The domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) has announced on January 15, 2019 that the AfD will be considered as a whole party as a test case. On 12 February 2019 the scientific service of the Bundestag then announced that the publication of the classification interferse with the equal opportunities of the parties. Although The domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) may observe the object in question on the basis of open sources, publication of the classification as a test case is not for general public. [31] [32] [33]Bei Prüffällen ist – bis zum Abschluss der Prüfung – unklar, ob „tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte“ für verfassungsfeindliche Bestrebungen vorliegen (§ 4 Abs. 1 Satz 3 BVerfSchG). Bei Verdachtsfällen hat sich bestätigt, dass „tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte“ vorliegen. In diesem Fall kann das BfV das betreffende Objekt auf Grundlage offener Quellen beobachten. Sind die tatsächlichen Anhaltspunkte „hinreichend gewichtig“, kann das BfV darüber hinaus die Öffentlichkeit informieren. Insgesamt spricht daher viel dagegen, dass § 16 BVerfSchG eine ausreichende gesetzliche Grundlage dafür bietet, die Öffentlichkeit über „Prüffälle“ zu informieren.
For test cases, it is unclear until the end of the test whether "factual indications" exist for anti-constitutional endeavors (§ 4 (1) sentence 3 BVerfSchG). In cases of suspicion, it has been confirmed that there are "factual indications". In this case, the BfV (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) can observe the object in question based on open sources. If the actual evidence is "sufficiently important", the BfV (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) can also inform the public. Overall, therefore, much speaks against the fact that § 16 BVerfSchG provides a sufficient legal basis for informing the public about "test cases". [33,S.5]
The Court Verdict
The AfD has then issued an urgent application against the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution). And the Administrative Court of Cologne then prohibited the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) from calling the AfD a test case. [34] [35] [36] [37]Der Eingriff in die Chancengleichheit der Parteien lässt sich nur durch ein Verfassungsgut rechtfertigen. Fraglich ist, welchem Verfassungsgut die Einstufung als „Prüffall“ dient. ... [33,S.7]
The interference in the equal opportunities of the parties can only be justified by a constitutional good. It is questionable which constitutional material serves the classification as a "test case". ...
Bei der Einstufung als „Prüffall“ geht es hingegen nicht um allgemeine Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. ... Allerdings geht es bei allgemeiner Öffentlichkeitsarbeit darum, den Bürger über Rechtsgrundlagen und die grundsätzliche Arbeitsweise der Behörden zu informieren. Die Einstufung einer konkreten Partei als Prüffall geht darüber deutlich hinaus. [33,S.8]
By contrast, classification as a "test case" is not about general public relations. ... However general public relations are about informing the citizen about legal bases and the basic functioning of the authorities. The classification of a specific party as a test case goes beyond this clearly.
Dabei ist der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit zu wahren. Der Eingriff muss einem legitimen Ziel dienen, geeignet und erforderlich sein, und das angestrebte Ziel darf nicht außer Verhältnis zum Eingriff stehen.
The principle of proportionality must be respected. The intervention must serve a legitimate aim, be appropriate and necessary, and the objective pursued must not be disproportionate to the intervention. [33,S.8]
The Consequences
Shortly thereafter the Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced that it will examine what consequences a membership in a radical organization may have for civil servants. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) promised that this decision would apply equally to right- and left-wing radicals and has nothing to do with the classification of the AfD as a test case. But the timing of the two decisions couldn't fit together better to keep civil servants and with them the appropriate competence off the AfD. [38] [39] [40] [41] [42]Although civil servants are obliged to self-restrain about political affairs, they are allowed to join parties. The the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) which is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of the Interior has even gone one step further. In a letter the more than 3,000 employees were asked to report any membership in the AfD to the security department. In case of conflicts of interest offers of a transfer to other areas of the house are offered. However it is questionable why such treatment only applies for the AfD. [43] [44] [45]
It is obvious that the federal government and various parties have decided to fight the AfD. And this fight is fought with unfair or according to the Parliamentary Advisory Service of Brandenburg is fought with unconstitutional means. Regardless of ones own attitude towards the AfD this should be cause for concern. Once such behavior is established it can quickly be turned against any other opposition.[1] Die nächsten Wahlen in Deutschland
[2] Wahl zum 9. Europäischen Parlament
[3] Fachinformation zur Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD)
[4] Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) gibt das Prüfergebnis zu der Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD) bekannt 2019-01-15
[5] Sonntagsfrage - Umfragen zu Bundestags- und Landtagswahlen 2019-03-07
[6] DOPPELINTERVIEW AKK UND KGE - Klar sind wir Quotenfrauen, aber das stört uns auch nicht 2019-02-23
[7] Gemeinsames Interview - Kramp-Karrenbauer und Göring-Eckardt offen für Schwarz-Grün 2019-02-24
[8] EU-Kommissar unter Druck - Oettingers Knieschuss 2016-11-02
[9] Rede von EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger am 26. Oktober 2016 in Hamburg. 2016-10-28
[10] German MEP Brok cut out of EU elections 2019-01-08
[11] "Wird in absehbarer Zeit nicht kommen" - Kurz vor der Wahl gibt die EU ihre umfassende Asylreform auf 2019-03-07
[12] Katarina Barley (SPD) spricht sich für Wahlrecht ab 16 Jahren aus 2019-03-02
[13] Lob für Klimaschutz-Proteste - Justizministerin Barley für Herabsetzung des Wahlalters 2019-03-02
[14] BUNDESJUSTIZMINISTERIN - Barley will Wahlalter auf 16 herabsetzen 2019-03-02
[15] Wählen mit 16 - Mehrheit ist gegen Absenkung des Wahlalters 2019-03-07
[16] Landtagswahl in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Der AfD-Wähler ist männlich und ungebildet? So einfach ist es nicht 2016-09-04
[17] Soziale Milieus - Wie Gehalt, Beruf und Wohnort die Wahlentscheidung prägen 2017-07-19
[18] Bundestagswahl - Wer sind die Wähler der AfD? 2017-09-25
[19] Bundestagswahl - 2017 Deutschland - Wahl Umfragen Wähler nach Altersgruppen
[20] LANDTAGSWAHLEN - Brandenburg stellt Männer und Frauen paritätisch auf 2019-01-31
[21] Brandenburg: Landtag beschließt Gleichstellungsgesetz für Wahlen 2019-01-31
[22] German region tells parties: put equal numbers of men and women up for election 2019-01-31
[23] Wahlrechtsreform - Nahles: „Unser Ziel ist die Parität“ 2019-02-18
[24] Roth für Frauenquote - "Der Bundestag ist kein Bierzelt" 2019-03-03
[25] Erstes Paritätsgesetz in Deutschland - Wahlrechtliche Irrwege in Brandenburg 2019-02-04
[26] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Art 38
[27] Verfassungsbeschwerden bereits angekündigt - Brandenburg beschließt Paritätsgesetz 2019-01-31
[28] Geschlechterparität bei Landtagswahlen 2018-10-18
[29] Die soziale Zusammensetzung der Parteimitgliederschaften 2017-10-07
[30] Diese Fraktionen haben den höchsten Anteil an Migranten 2017-09-28
[31] Fachinformation zur Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD)
[32] Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) gibt das Prüfergebnis zu der Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD) bekannt 2019-01-15
[33] Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Verfassungsschutzes: „Prüffälle“ 2019-02-12
[34] Debatte um Beobachtung - AfD verklagt Verfassungsschutz 2019-02-06
[35] Gutachten zur AfD - Kritik am Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz 2019-02-21
[36] AfD und Verfassungsschutz Der Prozess um den "Prüffall" ist für die Galerie 2019-02-25
[37] Gerichtsentscheidung - Verfassungsschutz darf AfD nicht "Prüffall" nennen 2019-02-26
[38] Seehofer prüft Konsequenzen - Wie radikal dürfen Beamte sein? 2019-02-12
[39] AfD unter Beobachtung - Seehofer prüft Konsequenzen einer Partei-Mitgliedschaft für Beamte 2019-02-12
[40] Horst Seehofer: Innenministerium prüft Konsequenzen für Beamte mit Parteizugehörigkeit 2019-02-12
[41] BeamtInnen in der AfD - Dienstrecht ist geduldig 2019-02-15
[42] Verfassungsschützern drohen Konsequenzen bei AfD-Kontakten 2019-03-01
[43] Gesetz zur Regelung des Statusrechts der Beamtinnen und Beamten in den Ländern (Beamtenstatusgesetz - BeamtStG) - § 33 Grundpflichten
[44] Bundesbeamtengesetz (BBG) - § 60 Grundpflichten
[45] Schreiben sorgt intern für heftige Kritik - Verfassungsschutz fordert alle Mitarbeiter auf, Kontakte zur AfD offenzulegen 2019-03-08