[Commentary] The campaign against Islam- and migration-criticism can strengthen anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred 2019-03-04
In large parts of Europe and especially in Germany a campaign against alleged hatred of Islam and xenophobia is running.
This campaign also runs against people who have never said or done anything that is hostile towards islam or foreigners.
This campaign goes against Islam criticism that does not attack Muslims, but aims for protection from his inhumane outrages, which are directed against women, homosexuals, against self-thinkers and so-called infidels, including millions of Muslims.
At the same time they are threatened that their political activity will be restricted and now they will be physically attacked.
They are also targeted if they are immigrants or Muslims themselves.
In Bremen the MP of AfD Frank Magnitz was attacked by unknown persons on January 7, 2019 and hospitalized with severe injuries. The police assumes that the perpetrators have attacked Magnitz because of his political views. The incident took place in the evening in the area of the theatre at the Goetheplatz after the 66-year-old Magnitz left the New Year's reception of the WESER-KURIER newspaper. The first time a public scandal occured. [1] [2] [3]
The domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) has announced on January 15, 2019 that the AfD will be considered as a whole party as a test case. On 12 February 2019 the scientific service of the Bundestag then announced that the publication of the classification interferse with the equal opportunities of the parties. Although The domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) may observe the object in question on the basis of open sources, publication of the classification as a test case is not for general public. [4] [5] [6]
The AfD has then issued an urgent application against the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution). And the Administrative Court of Cologne then prohibited the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) from calling the AfD a test case. [7] [8] [9] [10]
Shortly thereafter the Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced that it will examine what consequences a membership in a radical organization may have for civil servants. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) promised that this decision would apply equally to right- and left-wing radicals and has nothing to do with the classification of the AfD as a test case. But the timing of the two decisions couldn't fit together better to keep civil servants and with them the appropriate competence off the AfD. [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
The liberal Muslim Seyran Ates is co-founder of the Ibn Rushd Goethe Mosque in Berlin in which men, women as well as homosexuals and transsexuals are equal. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is even said to have pushed for the closure of the liberal mosque. As a result of the founding of the Ibn Rushd Goethe Mosque Ates received several death threats. Ates is therefore guarded day and night by the police. [16] [17] [18]
Hamed Abdel-Samad became known to the public through his autobiography "My Farewell to Heaven/Mein Abschied vom Himmel" (2009). Abdel-Samad makes serious allegations against Islam and radical Muslims, such as wide spread hatred of Jews. Today the former Jew-hater researches at the Institute of Jewish History and Culture at the Munich University on anti-Semitism in the Arab world. After the publication of his autobiography in Egypt a group proclaimed a fatwa against Abdel-Samad. Abdel-Samad is therefore guarded day and night by the police. [19] [20]
Most recently Abdel-Samad criticized Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) for having sent a telegram congratulating Iran on the anniversary of the Islamic revolution. Abdel-Samad accused Steinmeier (SPD) of having sent the wrong signals to the regime to Iran. According to Abdel-Samad he sent the signal "keep it up" to the government, to the opposition "I do not care about your troubles" and to the German people "We do not really take our own values seriously". [21] [22] [23]
On the one hand there is the danger that people will no longer take seriously the accusation of anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred as a result of the inflationary use. If this accusation is mistakenly and inflationally abused, then it will eventually be ignored. The abuse of the accusation does not at last benefits the hatred of anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred. There is even the danger that legitimate criticism will eventually disappear and then anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred will take its place and be much larger.
But this might be the goal. Maybe legitimate criticism towards Islam and migration is supposed to disappear so that anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred serves as the sole reference. So that all criticism can easily be labeled as anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred and thus illegitimate.
[1] Bundestagsabgeordneter der AfD - Erste Ermittlungsergebnisse nach Angriff auf Frank Magnitz 2019-01-07
[2] Angriff auf AfD-Politiker - Polizei setzt Sonderkommission ein 2019-01-08
[3] Das ist Frank #Magnitz, MdB der #AfD. Er wurde vorhin von mehreren Angreifern in Bremen halbtot geschlagen. 2019-01-07
[4] Fachinformation zur Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD)
[5] Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) gibt das Prüfergebnis zu der Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD) bekannt 2019-01-15
[6] Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Verfassungsschutzes: „Prüffälle“ 2019-02-12
[7] Debatte um Beobachtung - AfD verklagt Verfassungsschutz 2019-02-06
[8] Gutachten zur AfD - Kritik am Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz 2019-02-21
[9] AfD und Verfassungsschutz Der Prozess um den "Prüffall" ist für die Galerie 2019-02-25
[10] Gerichtsentscheidung - Verfassungsschutz darf AfD nicht "Prüffall" nennen 2019-02-26
[11] Seehofer prüft Konsequenzen - Wie radikal dürfen Beamte sein? 2019-02-12
[12] AfD unter Beobachtung - Seehofer prüft Konsequenzen einer Partei-Mitgliedschaft für Beamte 2019-02-12
[13] Horst Seehofer: Innenministerium prüft Konsequenzen für Beamte mit Parteizugehörigkeit 2019-02-12
[14] BeamtInnen in der AfD - Dienstrecht ist geduldig 2019-02-15
[15] Verfassungsschützern drohen Konsequenzen bei AfD-Kontakten 2019-03-01
[16] Politiker und Anwälte wollen Seyran Ates helfen 2006-09-05
[17] Anwältin Seyran Ates - "Ich wollte nicht enden wie Hirsi Ali" 2006-09-06
[18] 100 Morddrohungen gegen liberale Moschee-Gründerin 2017-07-01
[19] Erster Muslim schreibt über Missbrauch - "Ich bin zum Wissen konvertiert" 2009-09-08
[20] Islamkritiker Hamed Abdel-Samad - „Der Koran wird zu ernst genommen“ 2016-10-06
[21] Abdel-Samad stellt Steinmeier in Schloss Bellevue zur Rede 2019-02-26
[22] Hamed Abdel-Samad 2019-02-26
[23] Hamed Abdel-Samad kritisiert Steinmeier (SPD), die Staatskirchen und falsche Islam-Toleranz 2019-02-27
In Bremen the MP of AfD Frank Magnitz was attacked by unknown persons on January 7, 2019 and hospitalized with severe injuries. The police assumes that the perpetrators have attacked Magnitz because of his political views. The incident took place in the evening in the area of the theatre at the Goetheplatz after the 66-year-old Magnitz left the New Year's reception of the WESER-KURIER newspaper. The first time a public scandal occured. [1] [2] [3]
The domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) has announced on January 15, 2019 that the AfD will be considered as a whole party as a test case. On 12 February 2019 the scientific service of the Bundestag then announced that the publication of the classification interferse with the equal opportunities of the parties. Although The domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) may observe the object in question on the basis of open sources, publication of the classification as a test case is not for general public. [4] [5] [6]
The AfD has then issued an urgent application against the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution). And the Administrative Court of Cologne then prohibited the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) from calling the AfD a test case. [7] [8] [9] [10]
Shortly thereafter the Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced that it will examine what consequences a membership in a radical organization may have for civil servants. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) promised that this decision would apply equally to right- and left-wing radicals and has nothing to do with the classification of the AfD as a test case. But the timing of the two decisions couldn't fit together better to keep civil servants and with them the appropriate competence off the AfD. [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
The liberal Muslim Seyran Ates is co-founder of the Ibn Rushd Goethe Mosque in Berlin in which men, women as well as homosexuals and transsexuals are equal. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is even said to have pushed for the closure of the liberal mosque. As a result of the founding of the Ibn Rushd Goethe Mosque Ates received several death threats. Ates is therefore guarded day and night by the police. [16] [17] [18]
Hamed Abdel-Samad became known to the public through his autobiography "My Farewell to Heaven/Mein Abschied vom Himmel" (2009). Abdel-Samad makes serious allegations against Islam and radical Muslims, such as wide spread hatred of Jews. Today the former Jew-hater researches at the Institute of Jewish History and Culture at the Munich University on anti-Semitism in the Arab world. After the publication of his autobiography in Egypt a group proclaimed a fatwa against Abdel-Samad. Abdel-Samad is therefore guarded day and night by the police. [19] [20]
Most recently Abdel-Samad criticized Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) for having sent a telegram congratulating Iran on the anniversary of the Islamic revolution. Abdel-Samad accused Steinmeier (SPD) of having sent the wrong signals to the regime to Iran. According to Abdel-Samad he sent the signal "keep it up" to the government, to the opposition "I do not care about your troubles" and to the German people "We do not really take our own values seriously". [21] [22] [23]
On the one hand there is the danger that people will no longer take seriously the accusation of anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred as a result of the inflationary use. If this accusation is mistakenly and inflationally abused, then it will eventually be ignored. The abuse of the accusation does not at last benefits the hatred of anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred. There is even the danger that legitimate criticism will eventually disappear and then anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred will take its place and be much larger.
But this might be the goal. Maybe legitimate criticism towards Islam and migration is supposed to disappear so that anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred serves as the sole reference. So that all criticism can easily be labeled as anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred and thus illegitimate.
[1] Bundestagsabgeordneter der AfD - Erste Ermittlungsergebnisse nach Angriff auf Frank Magnitz 2019-01-07
[2] Angriff auf AfD-Politiker - Polizei setzt Sonderkommission ein 2019-01-08
[3] Das ist Frank #Magnitz, MdB der #AfD. Er wurde vorhin von mehreren Angreifern in Bremen halbtot geschlagen. 2019-01-07
[4] Fachinformation zur Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD)
[5] Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) gibt das Prüfergebnis zu der Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD) bekannt 2019-01-15
[6] Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Verfassungsschutzes: „Prüffälle“ 2019-02-12
[7] Debatte um Beobachtung - AfD verklagt Verfassungsschutz 2019-02-06
[8] Gutachten zur AfD - Kritik am Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz 2019-02-21
[9] AfD und Verfassungsschutz Der Prozess um den "Prüffall" ist für die Galerie 2019-02-25
[10] Gerichtsentscheidung - Verfassungsschutz darf AfD nicht "Prüffall" nennen 2019-02-26
[11] Seehofer prüft Konsequenzen - Wie radikal dürfen Beamte sein? 2019-02-12
[12] AfD unter Beobachtung - Seehofer prüft Konsequenzen einer Partei-Mitgliedschaft für Beamte 2019-02-12
[13] Horst Seehofer: Innenministerium prüft Konsequenzen für Beamte mit Parteizugehörigkeit 2019-02-12
[14] BeamtInnen in der AfD - Dienstrecht ist geduldig 2019-02-15
[15] Verfassungsschützern drohen Konsequenzen bei AfD-Kontakten 2019-03-01
[16] Politiker und Anwälte wollen Seyran Ates helfen 2006-09-05
[17] Anwältin Seyran Ates - "Ich wollte nicht enden wie Hirsi Ali" 2006-09-06
[18] 100 Morddrohungen gegen liberale Moschee-Gründerin 2017-07-01
[19] Erster Muslim schreibt über Missbrauch - "Ich bin zum Wissen konvertiert" 2009-09-08
[20] Islamkritiker Hamed Abdel-Samad - „Der Koran wird zu ernst genommen“ 2016-10-06
[21] Abdel-Samad stellt Steinmeier in Schloss Bellevue zur Rede 2019-02-26
[22] Hamed Abdel-Samad 2019-02-26
[23] Hamed Abdel-Samad kritisiert Steinmeier (SPD), die Staatskirchen und falsche Islam-Toleranz 2019-02-27