We can do that with the integration.
This said the president of the Federal Association of German Employers' Associations Ingo Kramer.
In an interview on December 14, 2018 Kramer was optimistic.
Angela Merkel had been right with her statement from the outset.
Why he said this remains his secret.
But he has good reason to praise immigration in general.
For employers immigrants are potential workers at low wages.
For employers' organizations immigrants serve to increase the supply of workers until the equilibrium price for work that are the wages decreases.
And in fact immigration continues. From January to November the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) registered 174,040 asylum applications. [2,S.4] A quarter of them came from Syria, two-thirds from the Middle East and internationally there is no end in sight. [2,8] 630 million people worldwide desire to migrate permanently, 48 million planning to migrate within the next 12 months and 19 million are actively making preparations. Striking is that among those who are already preparing to migrate the the majority is already employed. Of those who are already preparing, 46 % are in employment. And of those who are already preparing to migrate only 28 % are unemployed. [3]
The authorities have long felt the pressure of immigration. As in many ministries the consulting firm McKinsey was also hired for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge). However McKinsey was thrown out after a scandal in which Yazidi asylum seeker were deliberately handed over to the authorities in Bremen. [4] This was certainly caused because even terror suspects were recognized as legitimate asylum seekers. [5] The pressure on the authority seems to have not changed. In the future the review of recognized asylum seekers will in only be repeated after five years instead of three years. This reduces the regular work for the authority. [6]
However it takes time and money for people to work and be integrated into society. And the level of education in the countries of origin is significantly lower than in Germany. The illiteracy rate in Syria is at 15 %, in Afghanistan at 62 %, in Eritrea at 35 % and in Iran at 13 %. The school enrollment rate is at 97 % in Syria, at 72 % in Afghanistan, at 39 % in Eritrea and at 99 % in Iran. [7,S.15,19,23,27,31] And the motivation to learn German at all is reported to be low. Former Middle East reporter Jasna Zajcek tells the newspaper die Welt of people who do not want to learn German. According to her especially men believe that they will never need German language skills. [8] According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) more than 80 % do not even have basic German language skills after a course in German. Thus they are not qualified for a helper profession or a further education. And about 20 % remain illiterate. [9] The result of such immigration can be expected. In Germany 4.10 million people receive social benefits in accordance to the SGB II. Of them 609,000 people or 15 % are recognized refugees. Recognized refugees are thus massively over-represented. [10,4] If these refugees and immigrants do not meet the wishes of the workers' organizations then they will simply call for new ones. And the workers' organizations will call for new refugees and immigrants over and over again.
The public opinion will continue to be tarnished by this development. Today 58 % in Germany desire less or no immigration at all. Thus Germany is above the European average of 51. Only 10 % want more immigration while 30 % cope with the current situation. So the silent majority is against more immigration. [11]
[1] Arbeitgeber-Präsident: "Wir schaffen das mit der Integration" 2018-12-14
[2] Aktuelle Zahlen zu Asyl (11/2018)
[3] Nearly 50 Million Worldwide Planning to Migrate Soon 2018-01-01
[4] Bamf-Skandal Seehofer schmeißt McKinsey raus 2018-06-18
[5] Bamf-Skandal weitet sich aus - Auch Terrorverdächtige bekamen in Bremen Schutzstatus 2018-05-14
[6] Überraschende Pläne des Bamf: Flüchtlinge sollen seltener überprüft werden 2018-10-05
[7] Bildung und Ausbildung in den Hauptherkunftsländern 2017-12-21
[8] Wenn Deutschlernen als Zeitverschwendung erscheint 2017-08-22
[9] Viele Analphabeten unter Flüchtlingen haben Probleme Deutsch zu lernen 2018-01-07
[10] Fluchtmigration 2018
[11] Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries 2018-01-01
And in fact immigration continues. From January to November the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) registered 174,040 asylum applications. [2,S.4] A quarter of them came from Syria, two-thirds from the Middle East and internationally there is no end in sight. [2,8] 630 million people worldwide desire to migrate permanently, 48 million planning to migrate within the next 12 months and 19 million are actively making preparations. Striking is that among those who are already preparing to migrate the the majority is already employed. Of those who are already preparing, 46 % are in employment. And of those who are already preparing to migrate only 28 % are unemployed. [3]
The authorities have long felt the pressure of immigration. As in many ministries the consulting firm McKinsey was also hired for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge). However McKinsey was thrown out after a scandal in which Yazidi asylum seeker were deliberately handed over to the authorities in Bremen. [4] This was certainly caused because even terror suspects were recognized as legitimate asylum seekers. [5] The pressure on the authority seems to have not changed. In the future the review of recognized asylum seekers will in only be repeated after five years instead of three years. This reduces the regular work for the authority. [6]
However it takes time and money for people to work and be integrated into society. And the level of education in the countries of origin is significantly lower than in Germany. The illiteracy rate in Syria is at 15 %, in Afghanistan at 62 %, in Eritrea at 35 % and in Iran at 13 %. The school enrollment rate is at 97 % in Syria, at 72 % in Afghanistan, at 39 % in Eritrea and at 99 % in Iran. [7,S.15,19,23,27,31] And the motivation to learn German at all is reported to be low. Former Middle East reporter Jasna Zajcek tells the newspaper die Welt of people who do not want to learn German. According to her especially men believe that they will never need German language skills. [8] According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) more than 80 % do not even have basic German language skills after a course in German. Thus they are not qualified for a helper profession or a further education. And about 20 % remain illiterate. [9] The result of such immigration can be expected. In Germany 4.10 million people receive social benefits in accordance to the SGB II. Of them 609,000 people or 15 % are recognized refugees. Recognized refugees are thus massively over-represented. [10,4] If these refugees and immigrants do not meet the wishes of the workers' organizations then they will simply call for new ones. And the workers' organizations will call for new refugees and immigrants over and over again.
The public opinion will continue to be tarnished by this development. Today 58 % in Germany desire less or no immigration at all. Thus Germany is above the European average of 51. Only 10 % want more immigration while 30 % cope with the current situation. So the silent majority is against more immigration. [11]
[1] Arbeitgeber-Präsident: "Wir schaffen das mit der Integration" 2018-12-14
[2] Aktuelle Zahlen zu Asyl (11/2018)
[3] Nearly 50 Million Worldwide Planning to Migrate Soon 2018-01-01
[4] Bamf-Skandal Seehofer schmeißt McKinsey raus 2018-06-18
[5] Bamf-Skandal weitet sich aus - Auch Terrorverdächtige bekamen in Bremen Schutzstatus 2018-05-14
[6] Überraschende Pläne des Bamf: Flüchtlinge sollen seltener überprüft werden 2018-10-05
[7] Bildung und Ausbildung in den Hauptherkunftsländern 2017-12-21
[8] Wenn Deutschlernen als Zeitverschwendung erscheint 2017-08-22
[9] Viele Analphabeten unter Flüchtlingen haben Probleme Deutsch zu lernen 2018-01-07
[10] Fluchtmigration 2018
[11] Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries 2018-01-01
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