[Domestic Policy] #Coup against #Morales or #Democracy in #Bolivia - The Process 2019-11-1

On November 10, 2019 the President of Bolivia Juan Evo Morales Ayma resigned from the Movement for Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS). Morales (MAS) resignation followed in part heavy demonstrations and riots. But on closer inspection questionable arguments and evidence are revealed.
  1. The Process
  2. The Riots

The process

According to current reports, the riots in Bolivia started after and because of the announcement of the official results of the presidential elections of October 20, 2019. Morales (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS) emerged victorious from this presidential election and his rival Carlos Mesa from the Left Party (Frente Revolucionario de Izquierda/FRI) as second. Morales (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS) gained 45.3% and Mesa (Frente Revolucionario de Izquierda/FRI) 38.2% after 83.8% of the votes were counted using the quick count (Transmision de Resultados Electorales Preliminares / TREP). But if the lead is less than 10% a runoff is required in Bolivia. [1] [2] However Morales (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS) was 47.08% and Mesa (Frente Revolucionario de Izquierda/FRI) 36.51% after the full count. A runoff election was thus unnecessary. [3] [4] [5] On November 9, Morales (MAS) called on opposition politicians but Carlos Mesa of the Left Party (Frente Revolucionario de Izquierda/FRI), Oscar Ortiz Antelo of the Social Democrats (Movimiento Democrata Social) and Luis Fernando Camacho refused the offer. [6] [7]

Following the election the accusation of fraud gained support. In addition the election observers of the Organization of American States (OAS) questioned the election on November 10, in a report. In some cases all proceedings in the same center were completed by the same person and occasionally this person was a member of the party of Morales (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS). And in some cases the party of Morales (Movimiento al Socialismo/MAS) received 100% and occasionally the turnout was 100% as well. According to the OAS 23% of the samples are affected by such irregularities. The fact that the publications of the OAS correlate with the riots and the change of government make them suspicious. Whether the OAS has intended this or whether it has been exploited by a third party is open. [8,p.7]

On November 10, Morales (MAS) announced new elections to calm the situation in the country. [9] [10] [11] However Camacho, the chief commanding officer of the Bolivian armed forces William Kaiman and the chief commanding officer of the Bolivian police Yuri Calderon demanded the resignation of Morales (MAS). [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] Then Morales (MAS) announced his resignation and was followed by all the ministers and the chairmen of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. [17] [18] [19] [17] Bolivia’s Evo Morales resigns amid fraud allegations, growing protests 2019-11-10 https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/article237227304.html [18] Bolivian President Evo Morales Resigns After Army Tells Him to Go 2019-11-10 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-10/bolivia-president-evo-morales-resigns-after-army-tells-him-to-go [19] Bolivian President Evo Morales resigns amid election protests 2019-11-11 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-50370013 On November 12, 2019 Morales (MAS) was evacuated to Mexico after being granted asylum by the local government. [20] [21] [22]

On November 13, 2019 Camacho laid a Bible on the floor in the government palace and kneeled down to a symbolic prayer. Camacho promised Gods return to the government palace. And on the same day the opposition Senator Jeanine Anez Chavez of the Social Democrats (Movimiento Democrata Social) has appointed herself Interim President without a lawful vote. [23] [24] [25] [26] In addition the Bolivian forces have declared that they recognize Anez (Movimiento Democrata Social) as interim president. [27] [28] [29]

The Riots

On November 12, before Anez (Movimiento Democrata Social) appointed herself Interim President Supreme Commanding Officer of the Bolivian Armed Forces Kaiman declared together with the police to carry out joint operations to end the riots in the country. [30] Meanwhile there were reports of gunfire on protesting miners. [31] When the inhabitants of El Alto (La Paz) protested against the change of government they were attacked by the police and a little girl was killed. [32] And coca growers in Cochabamba (Sacaba) protested against the change of government and collided with security forces killing five people. [33]

In addition the mayoress Patricia Arce (MAS) was abducted from her building in Vinto. Then they cut off her hair, doused her with red paint, drove her through the streets and burned down the mayor's office. [34] [35] [36] And there are reports that police officers have sided with the protesters. In addition protesters have occupied and partially attacked press facilities. [37] [38] [39]

[1] Bolivia elections: Concern as results transmission pauses 2019-10-21
[2] Bolivia election: Anger mounts over result confusion 2019-10-22
[3] Morales confirmed winner of Bolivia election despite opposition accusations of fraud 2019-10-25
[4] Bolivia's Morales declares victory despite claims of vote rigging 2019-10-25
[5] Bolivia election: EU calls for runoff vote as Morales dubbed victor 2019-10-25
[6] Mesa: "No tengo nada que negociar con Evo Morales" 2019-11-09
[7] Mesa, Ortiz y el Conade rechazan el diálogo convocado por Morales 2019-11-09
[8] Comunicado del Grupo de Auditores Proceso Electoral en Bolivia 2019-11-10
[9] Bolivia: Morales calls for new elections, pressure to resign mounts 2019-11-10
[10] Bolivian President Morales calls for new elections after OAS audit 2019-11-10
[11] Presidente convoca a nuevas elecciones en Bolivia y anuncia renovación del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (Amplía) 2019-11-10
[12] Luis Fernando Camacho: “Evo Morales debe renunciar y conformarse una Junta de Gobierno transitoria” 2019-10-10
[13] FF.AA. sugieren renuncia a Evo Morales 2019-10-10
[14] Military Calls on President to Step Down After Election Dispute in Bolivia 2019-11-10
[15] Bolivian army chief urges Morales to step down 2019-11-10
[16] Williams Kaliman, el militar que “sugirió” renunciar a Evo Morales 2019-11-12
[20] Evo Morales Arrives in Mexico, as US Applauds His Resignation as Bolivian President 2019-11-12
[21] Bolivia crisis: Evo Morales arrives in Mexico for political asylum 2019-11-12
[22] Bolivia's Morales leaves for Mexico as protests rage in La Paz 2019-11-12
[23] Bolivia’s Interim Leader Pledges to ‘Reconstruct Democracy’ 2019-11-13
[24] Bolivia crisis: Jeanine Áñez assumes interim presidency 2019-11-13
[25] Bolivian Senator Anez declares herself interim president 2019-11-13
[26] Jeanine Añez sworn in as interim president of Bolivia 2019-11-14
[27] Bolivian senator Jeanine Anez declares herself interim president, which ousted Evo Morales condemns as a 'sneaky coup' 2019-11-13
[28] Senator Brandishing Giant Bible Assumes Bolivia Presidency 2019-11-13
[29] Bolivian armed forces recognize Senator Anez as interim president 2019-11-13
[30] Los militares coordinarán con la Policía para frenar el vandalismo en Bolivia 2019-11-12
[31] Pumari denuncia ataque a caravana de mineros y tres heridos de bala 2019-11-10
[32] Policía reprime protestas contra golpe de Estado en Bolivia 2019-11-11
[33] La violencia en Sacaba deja 6 cocaleros muertos y dos en estado crítico 2019-11-16
[34] Bolivia. Grupos de choque opositores desatan violencia, golpean y humillan a ciudadanos en Cochabamba 2019-11-06
[35] Alcaldesa en Bolivia termina pintada, trasquilada y arrastrada por la calle 2019-11-07
[36] Bolivian opposition carries out racist, misogynist attacks against government supporters 2019-11-07
[37] Motín de policías en Bolivia: agentes de varias ciudades se declaran en rebeldía contra el gobierno de Morales, quien denuncia un "golpe de Estado" 2019-11-09
[38] Medios oficiales sufrieron hostigamientos de los manifestantes en Bolivia 2019-11-09
[39] Bolivia: persisten disturbios e incertidumbre tras renuncia de Evo Morales 2019-11-10
