[Domestic Policy] The Domestic Slant in Germanys New Migration Laws 2019-06-13

On June 7, 2018 the Bundestag passed or debated seven new asylum and migration policy regulations. Three of these have an economic and four domestic orientation. The sum of the new regulations was criticized on the one hand for the fact that for some regulations there was hardly any time to deal with them in detail. On the other hand Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) who is responsible for several of these regulations has drawn criticism. Seehofer (CSU) said in an interview that one receives easier approval for controversial laws if one makes them complicated so they attract less attention. [1] [2]
  1. Orderly return law (Geordnete Rückkehr Gesetz)
  2. Delimitation of the Integration Act (Entfristung des Integrationsgesetzes)
  3. Data exchange Improvement Act (Datenaustauschverbesserungsgesetz)
  4. Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz)
  5. Conclusion

Orderly return law (Geordnete Rückkehr Gesetz)

The most comprehensive new regulations with an internal political orientation according to scope and effect is the orderly return law. This should help that people leaving the country really leave Germany. In many cases this fails because the persons either evade the authorities or a possible deportation of the people required to leave the country must be stopped due to misconduct. For this purpose and in the absence of detention prisons it is intended to be able to use correctional facilities for people who do not cooperate in clarifying their identity. [3]
  • Essential regulations of the orderly return law (Geordnete Rückkehr Gesetz):
    1. Individuals convicted of social fraud or narcotics abuses are more likely to be expelled.
    2. Disengagement persons are to be differentiated according to whether they are prevented from leaving the country through no fault of their own or due to their own negligence. For this tolerance for persons with unexplained identity is granted.
    3. State permits and services that depend on the status of asylum are additionally linked to the duty of the person concerned to a reasonable extent to provide even for a passport or passport replacement papers.
    4. For departure custody flight risk or similar criteria no longer exist.
    5. For a transitional period and limited to up to 1,000 places detainees in remand should be able to be accommodated in all prisons in the absence of special detention centers. Separate placement of prisoners and remand prisoners within these detention centers are still required.
    6. The expulsion protection for offenders is lowered. Monitoring measures against offenders who can not be deported are being extended.
    7. In order to make the repatriation process more effective, the task of procuring passport replacement papers is transferred from the Federal Police (Bundespolizei) to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge/BAMF).
    8. The obligation to cooperate for the asylum procedure whose disregard can lead to restrictions is extended. Asylum seekers for which the Federal Republic of Germany is not responsible should only be entitled to limited benefits. And asylum seekers who have already been granted protection status under EU law in another EU Member State should only be entitled to bridging benefits.
[3,p.56] However the penal committee of the federal states spoke out against the planned regulation of deportation detention in prisons as they violate European law and encumber the prison in an unacceptable manner. [4] [5] [6,p.8,Art.16.1] The Federal Ministry of the Interior defends the amendment that Germany is in dire straits because of the many people required to leave the country and European law provides for an exception for this. [6,p.8,Art.18.1] [7] And the Minister of Interior Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Lorenz Caffier (CDU) however supports the change as there is a lack of special detention centers or the possibility of deportation detention. [8] Currently there are 480 detention places nationwide for people required to leave the country which are to be extended by about 500 new places. [9]

However the orderly return law was already defused in advance. Originally people who are required to leave the country where also eligable for deportation if they are tolerated. Three quarters of the approximately 240,000 persons required to leave the country are tolerated because deportation is impossible for factual or legal reasons and no residence permit is issued. Persons who prevent their deportation even by the fact that they deceive the authorities about identity or nationality or not sufficiently participate in the procurement of passports should not be tolerated any more. Instead these persons now receive the status of residence permit for persons with unexplained identity. An exclusion from the toleration is no longer provided and immigration authorities may continue to grant a residence permit after 18 months for those who are tolerated. [3] [10] [11]

In addition people who are required to leave the country should be prevented from vanishing. In 2018 31,000 deportations failed mainly because people who left the country were not found at the registration address. Originally people who are required to leave the country should be able to be detained without a court order up to ten days before the departure. This was abandoned for the orderly return law. [3] [10]

Delimitation of the Integration Act (Entfristung des Integrationsgesetzes)

The release of the Integration Act (Integrationsgesetzes) is mainly about the residence requirement for asylum seekers. In 2016 recognized asylum seekers were required to remain in the state in which their asylum procedure runs for three years. With the temporary release of the Integration Act (Integrationsgesetzes) the condition remains permanent and the federal states can assign a residence or prohibit the move to certain municipalities. There is an exceotuib in cases when a job is found. [2] [12]

Data exchange Improvement Act (Datenaustauschverbesserungsgesetz)

Above all, the Data exchange Improvement Act (Datenaustauschverbesserungsgesetz) is intended to expand the scope and accessibility of the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister/AZR). The Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister/AZR) contains information on the asylum procedure. This is to give youth welfare offices and other authorities access to the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister/AZR). [13]

Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz)

With the new Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz) terrorists with dual nationality are to be deprived of German nationality. However nothing is planned against re-entry and asylum applications. In addition people living in polygamy should be excluded from naturalization. But retroactive punishment is generally excluded. The effectiveness of the new Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz) are therefore questionable. [2] [14]


What is interesting about the new regulations on asylum and migration policy is that the Federal Government acts alone and has not sought any EU-wide regulation as it otherwise considers it to be without alternative. In this area an EU-wide regulation would be worthwhile. According to samples between outside the EU one third and inside the EU half of the deported persons re-enter. And there is no reason to believe that this dynamic changes with the new regulations. [15] [16] In addition the federal government offers rejected asylum seekers money to return to their homeland. And from the 102,761 rejected asylum seekers from 2017 to 2019 who voluntarily left the country this way 2,506 people filed another asylum application. [17] [18] [19]

Furthermore there are still no deportations of rejected asylum seekers to Syria for supposedly humanitarian reasons. Criminals will continue to be not deported to Syria. [20] [21] This practice is extended again and again. [22] See:
[Foreign Policy] The Migration Business - Denying them their own Population

The public opinion will continue to be tarnished by this development. Today 58% in Germany desire less or no immigration at all. Thus Germany is above the European average of 51%. Only 10% want more immigration while 30% cope with the current situation. So the silent majority is against more immigration. [23] [24]

[1] Bericht aus Berlin: "Man muss Gesetze kompliziert machen." Bundesinnenminister @der_Seehofer erklärt, wie man bei Gesetzen Widerspruch umgeht. Im Bundestag wird morgen mit dem #Migrationspaket auch über sein Datenaustauschgesetz abgestimmt. #KongressWehrhafteDemokratie 2019-06-06
[2] Gesetze im Überblick - Was sich mit dem Migrationspaket ändert 2019-06-07
[3] Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung - Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur besseren Durchsetzung der Ausreisepflicht 2019-05-10
[4] Abschiebehaft für Flüchtlinge - Länder kritisieren Seehofers Abschiebepläne 2019-04-12
[5] Abschiebehaft: Peter Biesenbach gegen Unterbringung im Gefängnis 2019-04-18
[7] "Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz" - Seehofer weist Kritik an strengeren Abschieberegeln zurück 2019-04-17
[8] IM-MV: Unterbringung von Abschiebehäftlingen in JVA erleichtert Rückführungen/Innenminister Caffier: Abschiebehaft und Strafhaft bleiben trotzdem zwei unterschiedliche Dinge 2019-03-14
[9] Kabinett beschließt schärfere Abschiebung und Integrationshilfen 2019-04-17
[10] Was im „Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz“ entschärft wurde 2019-04-18
[11] Duldung: Was ist eine Duldung und mit welchen Rechten ist sie verbunden? 2016-09-13
[12] Entfristung des Integrationsgesetzes 2019-02-27
[13] Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung - Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur Verbesserung der Registrierung und des Datenaustausches zu aufenthalts- und asylrechtlichen Zwecken (Zweites Datenaustauschverbesserungsgesetz – 2. DAVG) 2019-03-27
[14] Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung - Entwurf eines Dritten Gesetzes zur Änderung des Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetzes 2019-04-29
[15] Jeder dritte Abgeschobene reist wieder nach Deutschland ein 2019-02-17
[16] Kritik aus der CDU - Alarmierende Schätzung: Jeder dritte Abgeschobene kehrt nach Deutschland zurück 2019-02-17
[17] Mehr als 2500 Asylbewerber kehrten trotz Ausreise-Geld zurück 2019-06-06
[18] Asylpolitik : Tausende Asylsuchende stellen Folgeanträge trotz Ausreisegeld 2019-06-06
[19] Migration - Über 2500 Ausländer reisten trotz Ausreise-Geld wieder ein 2019-06-06
[20] Seehofer gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien 2018-11-23
[21] Deutsche Botschaft Damaskus
[22] Abschiebestopp nach Syrien soll verlängert werden 2019-06-09
[23] Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries 2018-01-01
[24] What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration? 2017-02-07
