[Commentary] The #Left, #Sweden and #Migration - An unambiguouse Warning 2019-12-09

Sweden was once considered an enviable utopia and for many leftists was a role model to emulate. And no political party has influenced Swedish politics as much as the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti). Under the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) Sweden has a very generous asylum policy for a long time and received more refugees per capita since the migration crisis than other countries. Now Sweden is at a turning point as the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) are in a poll only on par with the immigration critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna). And reasons for this are to be found even with the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) themselves.
  1. The Poll
  2. The Migration
  3. The Coalition

The Poll

From 1932 to 1976 the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) ruled almost without interruption. An extensive social system was built up. And while in Sweden just over 10 million people live that small country has received more than over 200,000 people. That's 20% more per capita than Germany has received. Later the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) often entered into a coalition with the Greens (Miljöpartiet de gröna) or were even in opposition. In addition the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) were at or above 40% until 2010 but since 1994 the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) are in a downward trend. [1] [2] [3]

Now a poll has been published in which the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) are only on par with the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna). It is only a survey, no election result and a permanent change has yet to be confirmed. However the result continues the downward trend of the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) and the upward trend of the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna). The Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) reach 24.4% and the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) reach 23.0%. In third place are the moderate party (Moderaterna) with 17.0% and the official coalition partner the Greens (Miljöpartiet de gröna) reach only to 4.7%. [4] [5]

For the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) this is a positive and for the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) this is a negative record. Henrik Vinge (Sverigedemokraterna) already said that the result makes them proud and thankful. According to the electoral system in Sweden however it is not enough to be the largest party. For a government participation the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) still have to enter a coalition with other parties. But in the current trend the right-wing conservative parties will overtake the left parties before the next parliamentary elections. [4] [5]

The Migration

At least two factors for the trend in the surveys can be proven. With immigration under the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) Sweden has imported major social and economic problems. In crime immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are dramatically over-represented, even if socio-economic conditions are taken into account. Half of all rapes are committed by immigrants. [6] The Swedish government lists and the police warns of so-called vulnerable areas where crime is above average and where African and Middle Eastern immigrants are dramatically over-represented. [7] [8] Only 320,000 people live in Malmö and in 2019 there were already 29 explosions by November. [9] And in Sweden in 2018 there were a total of 162 explosions in which otherwise uninvolved civilians were also injured or killed. Thus the spread of explosions is already greater than it is usual in a country that is not at war. [10] [11] In addition, there were a total of 45 deadly shootings in Sweden in 2018 which also injured or killed otherwise uninvolved civilians. Neighboring Norway had only 3 in 2018. [12] [13]

Not least because of this the mood is now tilted. 49% of Swedes believe that immigration is the EU's main problem outnumbering only by Denmark with 53%. And 44% of Swedes believe that immigration is Sweden's most important problem and here they are not surpassed by any polled country. [13] Politicians and the police have promised to solve the problems. However a survey shows the massive loss of confidence among the own population. For the next six months only 8% believe that the security situation will improve, 31% believe that the situation will remain the same and 57% believe that the situation will worsen. [14]

However according to the prevailing narrative all these things should not happen. According to this crime should be regarded as a socio-economic phenomenon and the Swedish social system should have prevented precisely this escalation. But if not even Sweden can solve the problems then other states will probably be able to an even lesser degree. [15] However this policy bears little fruit as according to the OECD Sweden has the largest gap in the employment rate between native Swedes and immigrants. With increasing automation the demand on employees will increase, so the gap will increase rather than decrease in the future. And the failure of this policy is the fertile soil on which the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) thrive. [16]

The Coalition

In addition the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) work alongside their coalition unofficially with parties from the opposite end of the political spectrum. From the beginning of September 2018 to the middle of January 2019 Sweden remained without a new government for 131 days, until an agreement was reached allowing the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) and the Greens (Miljöpartiet de gröna) to continue governing. For this they had to make concessions. These concessions however go against the party program of the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti). [17] [18]

The agreement reached involves cooperation with the Center Party (Centerpartiet) and the Liberals (Liberalerna) to have at least 167 out of 349 seats in parliament. In addition the 28 members of the Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) either had to vote in favor of the agreement or abstain from the election in order to achieve the necessary majority in parliament. If the third election to the Prime Minister had failed again the fourth attempt would be the last before new elections would have been triggered. The agreement that allows the Social Democrats (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti) and the Greens (Miljöpartiet de gröna) to continue governing also includes liberal economic reforms such as the abolition of rent controls for newly built apartments and that household services can be tax deducted even more, which are benefit by the wealthy. [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]

The result is also caused because most of the parties have openly stated that they want to prevent the Swedish Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) from entering the government. And in order to keep the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) away from the government the old and new government had to sacrifice their policies in part. The profiteers of this constellation are obviously the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna). Meanwhile they can claim to be neither part of the official nor the informal coalition. In addition the electoral program of the Sweden Democrats is a promise to solve the current problems. It shows again that problems do not disappear, if they are kept secret. And the electorate in Sweden proves again that their interests are more important to them than political wings. [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]

[1] Population statistics 2018-12-07
[2] Bevölkerung in Deutschland zum Jahresende 2016 auf 82,5 Millionen Personen gewachsen 2018-01-16
[3] Asylum and first time asylum applicants by citizenship, age and sex Annual aggregated data (rounded)
[4] Ny mätning: SD och S jämnstora 2019-11-15
[5] Far-right Sweden Democrats reach record high in opinion polls 2019-12-04
[6] Svensk politi skulle ta tilbake kontrollen over utsatte bydeler fra kriminelle. To år senere er situasjonen blitt enda verre. 2017-08-09
[7] Svensk politi: – Vi er i ferd med å miste kontrollen 2016-05-08
[8] Masked youths set dozens of cars alight in Sweden 2018-08-14
[9] Malmo attacks: Boy killed after gunmen open fire in busy city square 2019-11-10
[10] "Svenska attacker med granater sticker ut i världen" 2017-02-27
[11] Sweden's 100 explosions this year: What's going on? 2019-11-12
[12] Därför skjuter de kriminella: ”En oerhörd rädsla” 2019-02-12
[13] Why Sweden has more fatal shootings per capita than Norway and Germany 2019 2017-09-05
[13] https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/6qz917s9ky/EUIResults_Europe_April2018_Toplines_FINAL_180430_w.pdf
[14] Väljarnas dom: Våldet kommer inte minska 2019-11-20 https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/valjarnas-dom-valdet-kommer-inte-minska/
[15] OECD Factbook 2015-2016
[16] Ny kartläggning av våldtäktsdomar: 58 procent av de dömda födda utomlands 2018-08-22
[17] Swedish parties strike deal to end political deadlock 2019-01-11
[18] Stefan Löfven defends deal with Sweden's centre-liberal parties 2019-01-14
[19] Om V fäller Löfven får M och SD en ny chans 2019-01-13
[20] Vänsterpartiet är de enda som tar ansvar 2019-01-14
[21] Sweden to end months without a government 2019-01-16
[22] Stefan Löfven's new cabinet: Who's in and who's out? 2019-01-21
[23] Sweden's Centre Party leader abandons bid to break political deadlock 2019-01-22
