[Hints] Voices from the Blätterwald - 2019-04-26

  1. English Videos
    1. China Uncensored
    2. On Contact: Russiagate & Mueller Report w/ Aaron Mate
  2. English News and Articles
    1. Decades of laissez-faire in Europe or the destruction of the middle class
    2. Brunei
    3. Iran Oil
    4. Saudi prisoner 'executed and crucified'
    5. "I Was The CIA Director - We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole"
    6. "Erdogan and the IS
    7. "Jeremy Corbyn's BROTHER brands 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg an 'ignorant brainwashed child' who is being 'abused by manipulative adults'
    8. "EXCLUSIVE - Details of EU Brexit talks with Blair and Soros kept secret
    9. "Polish MPs to consider plan for more child benefits
    10. "Several Countries Halt Oil Imports From Russia
    11. "Asylum decisions in the EU - EU Member States granted protection to more than 300 000 asylum seekers in 2018 - Almost 30% of the beneficiaries were Syrians
    12. "Mueller report contains claim Russia ...
  3. Other News in English
    1. EPP top candidate Weber wants to stop Nord Stream 2
    2. Amberg
    3. Hartz IV (minimum welfare subsidy) recipients: Almost two thirds in relation to over four years
    4. Afghanistan - Number of civilians killed increased by Afghan and US troops
    5. Who Stops Deportations
    6. Hambach Forest: Shoplifting is worth it - steal your life back
    7. WikiLeaks: The US is indeed investigating Assange for publishing secret information, DOJ letter suggests lies to the Parliament
    8. YUGOSLAV WAR - Chronicle of an attack (Part 24), 24.4.1999: Former Chancellor Schmidt criticizes NATO, Fischer lies to the Parliament

I. English Videos


How China Manufactured a “Dangerous Enemy” | Falun Gong | China Uncensored

China Pumps Up Economy—But at a Cost | US China Trade and Business News | China Uncensored


On Contact: Russiagate & Mueller Report w/ Aaron Mate

II. English News and Articles


Decades of laissez-faire in Europe or the destruction of the middle class
The EU elites pay homage to the laissez-faire of liberalism. They have been deregulating and “liberating” the market for 30 years. The Western governments also follow the philosophy and hardly intervene in the market. There is only one authority that can intervene effectively in the EU: the ECB. Globalisation since the 1980s, as well as the liberation of trade and human traffic, has enabled a violent increase in world GDP and the enrichment of corporations. For emerging economies such as India or China, this was an opportunity to get out of poverty. The liberals, however, who had a global village and human happiness on their banner, were basically interested in opening up the large Asian markets for their products. The tools of these elites, the World Trade Organization and the IMF, ensured that the middle class grew in emerging countries and thus the sales markets for European corporations. Their bosses would probably say: it is a pity that India and China are not allowed to join the EU.
source: gefira


Brunei defends death by stoning for gay sex in letter to EU
Kingdom’s mission to bloc calls for tolerance and understanding over penal code
source: the guardian
Checkmate with their own arguments.


Iran oil: US to end sanctions exemptions for major importers
US President Donald Trump has decided to end exemptions from sanctions for countries still buying oil from Iran.
source: bbc

BUSINESS - Defiant China to soften blow of Trump's Iran oil decision
The Trump administration has said it would no longer grant waivers to some of the major importers of Iranian oil. DW takes a look at the impact of this decision on major stakeholders.
source: dw
source: international business times

Iran Sanctions
November 4, 2018 marked the final day of the 180-day wind-down period following the President’s May 8, 2018 announcement to cease the United States’ participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). On November 5, 2018, the United States fully re-imposed the sanctions on Iran that had been lifted or waived under the JCPOA. These are the toughest U.S. sanctions ever imposed on Iran, and will target critical sectors of Iran’s economy, such as the energy, shipping and shipbuilding, and financial sectors. The United States is engaged in a campaign of maximum financial pressure on the Iranian regime and intends to enforce aggressively these sanctions that have come back into effect.
source: us gov

REPORT - Trump’s Big Iran Oil Gamble
By seeking to cut Iranian exports to zero, the U.S. president is taking a major economic and political risk.
source: foreign policy
... Time and again, politicians from EU Member States claim to want to secure trade with Iran. And again and again it is promised to maintain the trade and to break away from the dictates of the US government, most recently with Instex. In fact EU member states' dealings with Iran are under the supervision and control of the US government starting with SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). In 2006 SWIFT itself admitted that for years secret information had been provided to US authorities. According to the US government this was done only in the search for terrorists. And in October 2006 it was announced that the management of the allegedly independent external consultants Booz Allen Hamilton consists among others of ex-CIA chief James Woolsey and ex-NSA Director John Michael McConnel. [27] [28] [29] [30] ... , ... Immer wieder beteuern Politiker von EU-Mitgliedsstaaten den Handel mit dem Iran sichern zu wollen. Und immer wieder wird versprochen den Handel aufrecht zu erhalten und sich vom Diktat der US-Regierung lösen zu wollen, zuletzt mit Instex. Tatsächlich steht der Handel der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten mit dem Iran unter der Aufsicht und Kontrolle der US-Regierung angefangen bei SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). In 2006 gab SWIFT selbst zu dass über Jahre hinweg und geheim US-Behörden mit Informationen versorgt wurden. Nach Angaben der US-Regierung diente dies einzig der Fahndung nach Terroristen. Und im Oktober 2006 wurde dann bekannt dass die Geschäftsführung der angeblich unabhängigen externen Beraterfirma Booz Allen Hamilton unter anderen aus dem Ex-CIA-Chef James Woolsey und dem Ex-NSA-Direktor John Michael McConnel besteht. [27] [28] [29] [30] ...


Saudi prisoner 'executed and crucified'
A Saudi prisoner has been executed and crucified, according to a statement by the country's state media.
source: bbc
[Commentary] The campaign against Islam- and migration-criticism can strengthen anti-Islam- and anti-foreigner-hatred , [Kommentar] Die Kampagne gegen Islam- und Migrationskritik kann Islam- und Fremdenhass stärken


"I Was The CIA Director - We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole"
Former CIA director and now Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has long accused WikiLeaks of being a “non-state hostile intelligence agency”, usually manipulated by Russia. Since Pompeo first made this claim as CIA Director in April 2017, countless major US news sources from NPR to CNN to the Washington Post have uncritically repeated the line, smearing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as "Russian agents," and more broadly using the narrative to stifle independent journalism and government whistleblowers.
source: zero hedge


“ISIS ambassador to Turkey” cooperated with high-level officials in Ankara - Homeland Sec Today
A Moroccan engineer who joined the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria in 2013 says he essentially served as the terrorist organisation’s ambassador to Turkey as he met with high-level officials in all the security branches of the government, Homeland Security Today magazine reported on Monday.
source: ahval news

The ISIS Ambassador to Turkey
In the complicated relationship between the government of Turkey and ISIS, it’s unclear how much of the relationship was direct and formal, as opposed to support coming from private individuals and entities in Turkey, or in response to the vast amounts of money ISIS had to spend on a network it deployed inside Turkey to receive and funnel foreign fighters, weapons, and medical supplies into its huge state apparatus. In any case, it’s clear that every state needs diplomats to negotiate political deals with the countries near its borders. ISIS, it seems, was no exception to this rule, as ICSVE researchers learned in a February 2019 five-hour interview with an ISIS emir, Abu Mansour al Maghrebi, who claims he essentially served as the ISIS ambassador to Turkey.
source: homeland security today

OPINION - Turkey's terror sponsorship is worse than imagined
I have written much over the years about Turkey’s complicity with terrorism over the past decade. Interviews with a captured Islamic State prisoner, however, make clear that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s terror complicity is worse than many imagined, and not just because his son-in-law was dealing in Islamic State oil. Consider this piece from Homeland Security Today based on prison interviews with Abu Mansour al Maghrebi, the Islamic State’s liaison with Turkey’s intelligence service:
source: washington examiner


Jeremy Corbyn's BROTHER brands 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg an 'ignorant brainwashed child' who is being 'abused by manipulative adults'
- Piers Corbyn, 72, is a climate change denier who runs forecaster WeatherAction
- He says activist visiting from HER native Sweden is 'wrong' about climate change
- Jeremy Corbyn met with Greta who is backing the Extinction Rebellion protests
source: daily mail


EXCLUSIVE - Details of EU Brexit talks with Blair and Soros kept secret
The European Commission is keeping secret details of talks between EU commissioner Pierre Moscovici, former UK prime minister Tony Blair and Hungarian-US billionaire George Soros, about a second Brexit referendum.
source: eu observer
source: pdf
Hey Brits can you remember when you voted George Soros into office? Because I thought that he is just an unelected banker.


Polish MPs to consider plan for more child benefits
Polish MPs were on Thursday set to consider a plan by the country’s governing conservatives to offer benefits to all families with children.
source: eu observer
source: the news pl
A special role is played by the threat that demographic change endangers prosperity. On the one hand it is peculiar to complain that the increased standard of living in a country allows people to grow older than in previous generations. And complaints about a supposedly low birth rate only make sense if shown that they are not compensated by the steadily rising labor productivity. Because constant modernization requires fewer and fewer employees to provide the same amount of goods and services. ... , Eine besondere Rolle kommt der Drohung zu gute dass der demographische Wandel den Wohlstand gefährde. Einerseits ist es sonderbar sich darüber zu beschweren dass der gewachsene Lebensstandard in einem Land es Menschen erlaubt älter zu werden als in vorigen Generationen. Und Beschwerden über vermeintlich zu niedrige Geburtenrate machen nur dann Sinn wenn sie aufzeigen dass diese nicht durch die stetig steigende Arbeitsproduktivität kompensiert werden. Denn durch stetige Modernisierungen braucht es immer weniger Arbeitnehmer um die gleiche Menge an Gütern und Dienstleistungen zu erbringen. ...


Germany, Poland Halt Oil Imports From Russia Over Quality Concerns
Poland and Germany have suspended imports of Russian oil via a major pipeline, citing poor quality, triggering a rare crisis over supply from the world's second-largest crude exporter.
source: the moscow times
source: the news pl

Belarus suspends exports of light oil products to Ukraine, Poland, Baltic countries
Minsk earlier announced a sharp deterioration in the quality of oil coming from Russia through the section of the trunk oil pipeline Gomeltransneft Druzhba
source: tass

Russia to supply quality crude oil to Belarus on April 29
Trilateral negotiations with participation of Poland will be held tomorrow
source: tass


Asylum decisions in the EU - EU Member States granted protection to more than 300 000 asylum seekers in 2018 - Almost 30% of the beneficiaries were Syrians
The 28 Member States of the European Union (EU) granted protection status to nearly 333 400 asylum seekers in 2018, down by almost 40% from 2017 (533 000). In addition to these, the EU Member States received over 24 800 resettled refugees.
source: europa eu
source: pdf
Migration en , Migration de


Mueller report contains claim Russia taped Bill Clinton having phone sex with Monica Lewinsky beneficiaries were Syrians
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report mentions a claim that Russians recorded President Bill Clinton having phone sex with White House intern Monica Lewinsky — but the reference was redacted from the version released to the public.
source: washington examiner

III. Other News in English


EPP top candidate Weber wants to stop Nord Stream 2
The leading candidate of the European People's Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, wants to prevent the construction of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 between Russia and Germany. Thus, the CSU politician represents a different position than the federal government.
source: br translate
source: br
source: nzz

Does Germany’s LNG Strategy Make Sense?
Europe’s largest economy is going through a monumental change due to the energy transition or ‘Energiewende’ as it’s called in Germany. Over the years significant amounts of private sector money and government subsidies have gone into renewables. Approximately 200 billion US-Dollarhas been invested in wind turbines and photovoltaic cells to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. Despite the growing share of renewables, coal is still a significant part of the energy mix. Also, since the disaster at Fukushima, nuclear energy has fallen out of grace with the German public. The phasing out of coal and nuclear-fired power plants by 2038 will require additional sources to supplement intermittent wind and solar power.
source: oilprice
... On the grounds that the EU Member States import particularly large quantities of oil (about 30 %) and natural gas (about 40 %) from Russia the US government regularly demands these to be replaced by LNG (liquefied natural gas) from the USA or even the banning the partially completed Nord-Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia. And if the German government reaches a compromise after wich Nord-Stream 2 can be continued on the condition that the operator of the pipeline and the gas supplier must be disconnected then one is inclined to believe that the German government achieved their interests here. However Europe's supply of gas from Russia can not be replaced with liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US yet as there is no infrastructure for such supply. But an alternative supply infrastructure is worked upon in the same way as NATO's 2 % target. [42] [43,p.4] ... , ... That's why it was suggested to boycott the Football World Cup as well as Putin officials, to exclude Russia from the SWIFT payment system and to prevent the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The dismissal of Russian diplomats and the disturbance of the Russian stations RT and Sputnik are also included in the narrative and are already been carried out. ...


Amberg: Asylum seekers confess to beating attacks on passers-by
In Amberg, four young refugees are on trial for assault. After confessions of the accused threatens probably only the suspected main culprit a prison sentence.
source: zeit translate
source: zeit
source: faz translate
source: faz
[Domestic Policy] Amberg, Bottrop and the double standards


Hartz IV (minimum welfare subsidy) recipients: Almost two thirds in relation to over four years
64 percent of the Hartz IV recipients were in December 2018 already two years or more in relation. Although a total of fewer people received Hartz IV benefits, the consolidated benefits have increased compared to 2017.
source: o-ton-arbeitsmarkt translate
source: o-ton-arbeitsmarkt


Afghanistan - Number of civilians killed increased by Afghan and US troops
More than 500 uninvolved people were killed in military operations in Afghanistan during the first three months of 2019. Much of the deaths occurred in air and ground operations of the US and its allies.
source: spiegel translate
source: spiegel
source: tagesspiegel


There is currently a #deportation in #Leipzig: Brockhausstraße 6 in #Schleussig. Who is nearby: #Solidarity!

Jule Nagel (The Left) MP in Saxony.
source: https://jule-nagel.org/


Shoplifting is worth it - steal your life back
In a world where everything has long since changed, where I am expected to sell my life for work so that I can get money to pay for my survival, in power structures beyond my control or mine Being surrounded by capacities that obviously are not for my own good or my needs, shoplifting creates the opportunity to take me a little bit of the world or influence a world that affects me so much.
The workshop consists of three parts whose scope may vary depending on your interest. The first is an open discussion of whether and for which purposes shoplifting makes sense from a political point of view, the second is about the possible legal consequences and the third is about a practical exchange.
source: hambacher forst translate
source: hambacher forst
"Eco-Activist" who want to protect the Hambach Forest advocate for shoplifting.


WikiLeaks: The US is indeed investigating Assange for publishing secret information, DOJ letter suggests
The United States is officially charging Julian Assange for hacking, a crime seemingly perfect for extradition. However, the US Attorney’s Office is also investigating him for „obtaining and disseminating secret information“, punishable by death. That is what the Department of Justice wrote in a letter we now publish.
source: netzpolitik en
source: netzpolitik de


YUGOSLAV WAR - Chronicle of an attack (Part 24), 24.4.1999: Former Chancellor Schmidt criticizes NATO, Fischer lies to the Parliament
It was the SPD and the Greens who sent German soldiers into the first war of aggression since 1945 20 years ago. In a diary, JW reminds those responsible and opponents of war in that era. (jw)
source: junge welt translate
source: junge welt
