[Domestic Policy] Me Ne Frego - The violence against those who think differently escalates 2019-01-19

The fascists in Italy of the 20th century did not enforce their goals by democratic means but by force. Under Benito Mussolini the black shirts not only spread fear and terror but also murdered political opponents. The rise of the fascists in Italy with violence against those who think differently is thus a valuable lesson from history. If a society does not protect the rights of individuals who think differently, then it paves the way to go against all those who think differently. Over several years the population has become accustomed to the violence of the Blackshirts and now provide a valuable lesson from history along with their motto:
Me ne frego
I don't give a damn
In Bremen the MP of the AfD Frank Magnitz was almost beaten to death. The attack triggered a moderate scandal. However it was not an isolated case.

Götz Kubitschek is the director of the Antaios publishing house. The Antaios publishing house is considered as a supplier of ideas or of the ideology of the new right or eurosceptic parties. On October 14, 2018 the writer and publisher Kubitschek was assaulted at the side of the book fair in Frankfurt together with his wife and colleagues. A public scandal did not happen. [1]

On December 08, 2018 the AfD MP Stefan Räpple was attacked on the way back from a demonstration. Counter-demonstrators first stopped Räpples car before someone threw a bench against the windshield of his car. A public scandal did not happen. [2] [3]

On January 4, 2019 a heavy explosion occurred in front of the AfD office in Döbeln Saxony. The office of the AfD was devastated and even neighboring buildings as well as cars parked in front of the office were damaged. Luckily nobody was injured. A public scandal did not happen. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Immediately after the explosion in front of the AfD office three suspects at the age of 29, 32 and 50 years were arrested. However the prosecutors office of Chemnitz said that it would not make any application for detention because there are no sufficient grounds for detention and released of the three suspects. Although the attackers on the office of the AfD were willing to damage people. This is particularly explosive since the the perpetrator of an attack on a mosque in 2016 received nine years and eight months in prison. At that time the damage to people was also deliberately accepted by an explosion. [9] [10] [11] [12]

In Bremen the MP of AfD Frank Magnitz was attacked by unknown persons on January 7, 2019 and hospitalized with severe injuries. The police assumes that the perpetrators have attacked Magnitz because of his political views. The incident took place in the evening in the area of the theatre at the Goetheplatz after the 66-year-old Magnitz left the New Year's reception of the WESER-KURIER newspaper. The first time a public scandal occured. [13] [14] [15]
This is Frank #Magnitz, MdB #AfD. He was beaten half dead earlier by several attackers in Bremen.
At the moment, I'm so shaken that I feel unable to comment on it. I will comment on this cowardly and disgusting attack tomorrow.
Members of the Left Party used the event to make fun of the incident and Magnitz. The Left Party saw it necessary to publish the saying nazis out. And the youth organization from Saxony made fun of the attack with the word wegholzen (wood away) since Magnitz was hit with a piece of square wood. [15] [16]
Good Morning. Due to recent events we are posting one of our poster classics:
On Saturday off to #Riesa, to the # AfDAdé rally! Joint arrivals:
#Dresden: Bhf Neustadt, (side Hansastr.) RE 50, departure 12:24 o'clock / departure from the main station 12:14 o'clock
#Leipzig: Meeting: 11:45 am, track 21, main station, departure: 12:00
#Chemnitz: Meeting: 11:45 clock entrance Hbf
Magnitz had initially stated masked attackers had knocked him unconscious with a square wood and then kicked his head. Thereupon a debate arose over whether the camera shots from the crime scene show a squared wood as described by Magnitz or not. Meanwhile the surveillance video has been published showing that no square wood was used. However for those who are unfamiliar with the German penal law it should be mentioned here that no square wood must be used to fulfill the offenses of assault or manslaughter. [17] [18] [19]

In addition an unconfirmed letter of confession has been published. In it Magnitz is moved into the far-right and fascist scene. It is also announced that further attacks should follow. [20]
Der Antifaschistische Frühling Bremen gibt bekannt, dass wir den AfD-Politiker F. Magnitz am Montag gegen 18.00 Uhr Ortszeit von seinem faschistischen Gedankengut befreien wollten. Magnitz, der gute Kontakte in die rechtsextreme und faschistische Szene hält und des öfteren mit rassischtischen Äußerungen in Erscheinung tritt, darf in Bremen und anderswo keinen Fuß mehr fassen und gehört wie jeder andere Nazi mundtot gemacht.
Wir dulden keinen Nazi-Abschaum in unserer Gegend! Der Antifaschistische Frühling wird kommen! Macht euch bereit!
Antifaschistischer Frühling Bremen

The anti-fascist spring Bremen announces that we wanted to free the AfD politician F. Magnitz on Monday against 18.00 clock local time of his fascist ideas. Magnitz, who keeps good contacts in the right-wing extremist and fascist scene and frequently appears with racist expressions can not take a foothold in Bremen and elsewhere and hears like any other Nazi muzzled.
We do not tolerate any Nazi scum in our area! The anti-fascist spring will come! Get ready!
Anti-Fascist Spring Bremen [20]
Imagine all this would have happened to politicians of another or even leftist party. The entire press had shown their solidarity and had spoken of a danger to democracy at the first incident. However for the AfD it took the Magnitz case. And some even openly show malicious joy. Those who find it inappropriate to tolerate dissenters are thus closer to fascist traditions. And those who attack the AfD today will attack all others who think differently tomorrow.
Me ne frego
I don't give a damn
The Left also accused the AfD for years to force xenophobic violence with their rhetoric. To blame someone else for offenses of others without direct infringement is questionable. But by the standards of the left itself guilty for inciting violence against the AfD for a long time. So if the left does not immediately changes its rhetoric then it is at least hypocritical and guilty by its own standards.

[1] Götz Kubitschek in Frankfurt überfallen 2018-10-14
[2] Sitzbank-Wurf gegen Auto von AfD-Abgeordneten: Polizei ermittelt 2018-12-11
[3] Angriff auf Stefan Räpple (AfD) nach Veranstaltung in Stuttgart 2018-12-09
[4] Explosion vor AfD-Büro in Döbeln - drei Festnahmen 2019-01-04
[5] Schneller Fahndungserfolg - Festnahmen nach Anschlag auf AfD-Büro in Döbeln 2019-01-04
[6] Anschlag auf AfD-Büro in Sachsen - Drei Verdächtige festgenommen 2019-01-04
[7] DÖBELN: Drei Festnahmen nach Explosion vor AfD-Büro 2019-01-04
[8] LKA vermutet politisch motivierte Tat hinter Explosion vor AfD-Büro 2019-01-04
[9] Sachsen - Explosion vor AfD-Büro im sächsischen Döbeln 2019-01-04
[10] Döbeln: Tatverdächtige wieder frei 2019-01-05
[11] Staatsschutz ermittelt - Anschlag auf AfD-Büro in Döbeln: Verdächtige wieder frei 2019-01-05
[12] Knapp zehn Jahre Haft für Moschee-Bomber in Dresden 2018-08-31
[13] Bundestagsabgeordneter der AfD - Erste Ermittlungsergebnisse nach Angriff auf Frank Magnitz 2019-01-07
[14] Angriff auf AfD-Politiker - Polizei setzt Sonderkommission ein 2019-01-08
[15] Das ist Frank #Magnitz, MdB der #AfD. Er wurde vorhin von mehreren Angreifern in Bremen halbtot geschlagen. 2019-01-07
[15] Guten Morgen. Aus aktuellem Anlass posten wir einen unserer Plakat-Klassiker: #NazisRaus 2019-01-07
[16] Am Samstag ab nach #Riesa, zur #AfDAdé Kundgebung! 2019-01-11
[17] Bremer AfD-Politiker - Was über den Angriff auf Frank Magnitz bekannt ist 2019-01-09
[18] Angriff auf AfD-Abgeordneten - Fall Magnitz: Polizei Bremen veröffentlicht Video von Tathergang 2019-01-11
[19] Angriff auf Frank Magnitz (AfD): Überwachungsvideo zeigt Tathergang 2019-01-11
[20] Wer Hass sät, wird Gewalt ernten 2019-01-09
